Qore oracle Module Documentation 
Qore oracle Module Documentation 
YourName, 25 December 2010 (created 20 August 2008)
  • not tagging
  • no tags
The oracle module provides an Oracle driver to Qore's DBI system, allowing Qore programs to take access Oracle databases through the Qore's Datasource, DatasourcePool, and SQLStatement classes.

This module is released under the LGPL 2.1 and is tagged as such in the module's header (meaning it can be loaded unconditionally regardless of how the Qore library was initialized).

Note that this documentation is based on TittldyWiki, a wiki entirely contained in a single web page.

Example of creating an Oracle Datasource (note that db_encoding, host, and port are optional - using the hostname and port allows connections to be established without TNS, without these parameters TNS is used):

$db = new Datasource(SQL::DSOracle, $user, $pass, $db, $db_encoding, $host, $port);


The Datasource::getServerVersion() and Datasource::getClientVersion() methods are implemented for this driver. Datasource::getServerVersion() returns a string giving server information similar to the following:

Oracle Database 10g Release - 64bit Production

The Datasource::getClientVersion() returns a hash giving version information in the following keys: major, minor, update, patch, port_update.

Note: There seems to be a bug in Oracle 9i and earlier in the streaming OCILobRead() function, where the LOB buffer must be at least twice as big as the LOB data to be read. This bug does not affect versions of the Qore oracle module linked with Oracle 10g libraries.

Note: Object (Oracle named type) and collection support is supplied courtesy of ocilib (, note that ocilib was highly modified to be usable in this module, mostly due to the fact that we use a separate environment data structure for each connection to ensure maximum thread scalability - the Oracle docs say that all operations on an environment handle or any handle derived from an environment handle (i.e. statement handles, etc) must be either wrapped in a mutex (when initialized with OCI_NO_MUTEX) or will be wrapped in a mutex by oracle (with OCI_THREADED and without OCI_NO_MUTEX).
Binding and Types
DavidNichols, 7 September 2008 (created 6 September 2008)
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  • no tags
When retrieving Oracle data, Oracle types are converted to Qore types as per Default Oracle to Qore Type Mappings.

Binding by value is supported for any statement executed through this driver; Oracle types are converted to Qore types as per Binding By Value.

Binding by placeholder is required to retrieve values from a procedure or function call. The oracle driver assumes that any placeholder values are string values unless a placeholder buffer specification is passed in the argument position corresponding to the placeholder specification in the string. For placeholder buffer specification values, see Placeholder Type Mappings.

Oracle TIMESTAMP data supports time resolution to the microsecond, however Qore's date/time value only supports a millisecond resolution. Any Oracle TIMESTAMP values are rounded to millisecond resolution when converted to Qore data types.

PL/SQL code and stored procedure and function execution is supported; the following is an example of a stored procedure call using bind by value and bind by placeholder (the %v characters represent the positions for binding the arguments following the SQL string by value, and the placeholder names are prefixed by a colon):

$result = $db.exec("begin h3g_psft_order_import.insert_h3g_psft_customers(%v, %v, :status_code, :error_code, :error_description); end;",
                   "Customer Name", "Customer-ID", Type::Int, Type::Int);
printf("%N\n", $result);

This will bind the "Customer Name" and "Customer-ID" strings by value (as per Binding By Value these will be bound with Oracle type SQLT_STRING), and the output variables will be bound by placeholder (the first two will be bound as per Placeholder Type Mappings with buffers of Oracle type SQLT_INT, and the last placeholder buffer will get the default buffer type of SQLT_STRING), resulting in a hash giving the values of the output variables:

hash: (3 members)
  status_code : 0
  error_code : 0
  error_description : <NULL>
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StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
This StyleSheet can be used directly by languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean which need larger font sizes.
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To get started with this blank [[TiddlyWiki]], you'll need to modify the following tiddlers:
* [[SiteTitle]] & [[SiteSubtitle]]: The title and subtitle of the site, as shown above (after saving, they will also appear in the browser title bar)
* [[MainMenu]]: The menu (usually on the left)
* [[DefaultTiddlers]]: Contains the names of the tiddlers that you want to appear when the TiddlyWiki is opened
You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits: <<option txtUserName>>
These [[InterfaceOptions]] for customising [[TiddlyWiki]] are saved in your browser

Your username for signing your edits. Write it as a [[WikiWord]] (eg [[JoeBloggs]])

<<option txtUserName>>
<<option chkSaveBackups>> [[SaveBackups]]
<<option chkAutoSave>> [[AutoSave]]
<<option chkRegExpSearch>> [[RegExpSearch]]
<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>> [[CaseSensitiveSearch]]
<<option chkAnimate>> [[EnableAnimations]]

Also see [[AdvancedOptions]]
|!Argument|!OCI Type|!Description|h
|{{{Type::Binary}}}|{{{SQLT_BIN}}}|For use with {{{BLOB}}} columns, for example.|
|{{{Type::String}}}|{{{SQLT_STR}}}|For use with string data, {{{VARCHAR}}}, {{{CHAR}}}, {{{CLOB}}} columns, etc|
|{{{Type::Int}}}|{{{SQLT_INT}}} or {{{SQLT_STR}}}|if the int > 32-bits = {{{SQLT_STR}}}, <= 32-bit int = {{{SQLT_INT}}}|
|{{{Type::Boolean}}}|{{{SQLT_INT}}}|True is bound as 1, False as 0|
|{{{Type::Float}}}|{{{SQLT_BDOUBLE}}}|For use with {{{FLOAT}}}, {{{BINARY_FLOAT}}}, {{{BINARY_DOUBLE}}} columns, etc|
|{{{Type::Date}}}|{{{SQLT_TIMESTAMP}}}|For use with {{{DATE}}}, {{{TIMESTAMP}}}, etc columns|
When retrieving Oracle data, Oracle types are converted to Qore types as per [[Default Oracle to Qore Type Mappings]].

Binding by value is supported for any statement executed through this driver; Oracle types are converted to Qore types as per [[Binding By Value]].

Binding by placeholder is required to retrieve values from a procedure or function call.  The oracle driver assumes that any placeholder values are string values unless a placeholder buffer specification is passed in the argument position corresponding to the placeholder specification in the string.  For placeholder buffer specification values, see [[Placeholder Type Mappings]].

Oracle {{{TIMESTAMP}}} data supports time resolution to the microsecond, however Qore's date/time value only supports a millisecond resolution. Any Oracle {{{TIMESTAMP}}} values are rounded to millisecond resolution when converted to Qore data types.

PL/SQL code and stored procedure and function execution is supported; the following is an example of a stored procedure call using bind by value and bind by placeholder (the {{{%v}}} characters represent the positions for binding the arguments following the SQL string by value, and the placeholder names are prefixed by a colon):

$result = $db.exec("begin h3g_psft_order_import.insert_h3g_psft_customers(%v, %v, :status_code, :error_code, :error_description); end;",
                   "Customer Name", "Customer-ID", Type::Int, Type::Int);
printf("%N\n", $result);

This will bind the {{{"Customer Name"}}} and {{{"Customer-ID"}}} strings by value (as per [[Binding By Value]] these will be bound with Oracle type {{{SQLT_STRING}}}), and the output variables will be bound by placeholder (the first two will be bound as per [[Placeholder Type Mappings]] with buffers of Oracle type {{{SQLT_INT}}}, and the last placeholder buffer will get the default buffer type of {{{SQLT_STRING}}}), resulting in a hash giving the values of the output variables:

hash: (3 members)
  status_code : 0
  error_code : 0
  error_description : <NULL>
Background: #fff
Foreground: #000
PrimaryPale: #5a0
PrimaryLight: #4a0
PrimaryMid: #020
PrimaryDark: #390
SecondaryPale: #ffc
SecondaryLight: #af0
SecondaryMid: #340
SecondaryDark: #841
TertiaryPale: #eee
TertiaryLight: #ccc
TertiaryMid: #999
TertiaryDark: #666
Error: #f88
David Nichols is the author of the [[Qore programming language|]] and of this xmlsec module.
You can reach me at:
''Default Oracle to Qore Type Mappings''
|!Oracle Column Type|!Qore Type|!Notes|h
|{{{REAL, FLOAT, DOUBLE PRECISION, BINARY_FLOAT, BINARY_DOUBLE}}}|{{{Type::Float}}}|direct conversion|
|{{{DATE}}}|{{{Type::Date}}}|direct conversion|
|{{{TIMESTAMP}}}|{{{Type::Date}}} (absolute)|when compiled with qore 0.8.0+, microseconds are maintained|
|{{{TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE}}}|{{{Type::Date}}} (absolute)|when compiled with qore 0.8.0+, time zone information and microseconds are maintained|
|{{{TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE}}}|{{{Type::Date}}} (absolute)|when compiled with qore 0.8.0+, time zone information and microseconds are maintained|
|{{{INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH}}}|{{{Type::Date}}} (relative)|direct conversion to a relative date|
|{{{INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND}}}|{{{Type::Date}}} (relative)|direct conversion to a relative date|
|{{{SMALLINT, INTEGER}}}|{{{Type::Int}}}|direct conversion|
|{{{NUMBER, NUMERIC, DECIMAL}}}|{{{Type::String}}}|conversion to a string to avoid loss of precision|
|{{{CLOB}}}|{{{Type::String}}}|the LOB handle is used to read the entire CLOB content into a string|
|{{{RAW, LONG RAW}}}|{{{Type::Binary}}}|direct conversion|
|{{{BLOB}}}|{{{Type::Binary}}}|the LOB handle is used to read the entire BLOB content into a binary object|
|{{{CURSOR}}} (result set)|{{{Type::Hash}}}|the result set is returned as a hash of lists|
[[Binding and Types]]
The oracle module provides an Oracle driver to Qore's DBI system, allowing Qore programs to take access Oracle databases through the Qore's {{{Datasource}}}, {{{DatasourcePool}}}, and {{{SQLStatement}}} classes.

This module is released under the [[LGPL 2.1|]] and is tagged as such in the module's header (meaning it can be loaded unconditionally regardless of how the Qore library was initialized).

Note that this documentation is based on [[TittldyWiki|]], a wiki entirely contained in a single web page.

Example of creating an Oracle Datasource (note that db_encoding, host, and port are optional - using the hostname and port allows connections to be established without TNS, without these parameters TNS is used):

$db = new Datasource(SQL::DSOracle, $user, $pass, $db, $db_encoding, $host, $port);


The {{{Datasource::getServerVersion()}}} and {{{Datasource::getClientVersion()}}} methods are implemented for this driver. {{{Datasource::getServerVersion()}}} returns a string giving server information similar to the following:

Oracle Database 10g Release - 64bit Production

The {{{Datasource::getClientVersion()}}} returns a hash giving version information in the following keys: {{{major}}}, {{{minor}}}, {{{update}}}, {{{patch}}}, {{{port_update}}}.

Note: There seems to be a bug in Oracle 9i and earlier in the streaming {{{OCILobRead()}}} function, where the LOB buffer must be at least twice as big as the LOB data to be read. This bug does not affect versions of the Qore oracle module linked with Oracle 10g libraries.

Note: Object (Oracle named type) and collection support is supplied courtesy of {{{ocilib}}} (, note that {{{ocilib}}} was highly modified to be usable in this module, mostly due to the fact that we use a separate environment data structure for each connection to ensure maximum thread scalability - the Oracle docs say that all operations on an environment handle or any handle derived from an environment handle (i.e. statement handles, etc) must be either wrapped in a mutex (when initialized with {{{OCI_NO_MUTEX}}}) or will be wrapped in a mutex by oracle (with {{{OCI_THREADED}}} and without {{{OCI_NO_MUTEX}}}).
[[Binding and Types]]
[[Binding By Value]]
[[Default Oracle to Qore Type Mappings]]
[[Placeholder Type Mappings]]
[[Named Types]]
Qore Oracle driver supports Oracle objects and collections (NTY in the following text).

Special initialization of the driver is mandatory to use NTY in Qore scripts:

%requires oracle

This statement imports additional functions for NTY binding and fetching and therefore is required in Qore code that wants to use these functions - the automatic loading of DBI drivers on reference happens at run-time, therefore any references to the functions provided by this module can only be resolved at parse time if the module is explicitly required as above..

|{{{hash bindOracleObject(string $typename, hash $value)}}}|Binds a Qore [[value]] as a Object type [[value]]. Hash keys are object attributes|
|{{{hash placeholderOracleObject(string $typename)}}}|Allows fetching Object type [[typename]]. The returned hash is a plain Qore hash with keys set as the object's attributes|
|{{{hash bindOracleCollection(string $typename, list $value)}}}|Binds [[value]] as a Collection [[typename]]|
|{{{list placeholderOracleCollection(string $typename )}}}|Allows fetching a Collection [[typename]]. The returned list is a plain Qore list of values with the collection's type|

Type names ([[strings]]) are case insensitive.

Key names in [[value]] hashes are case sensitive and should follow Oracle uppercase naming convention.  Keys which are not found in the keys-attribute mappings are silently ignored. If there is a missing key for any attribute, an exception is thrown.

Functions can be nested so there can be for example list (collection) of objects and vice versa:

Sample named types defined in the DB:
    AUTHID current_user AS OBJECT
    attr_num number,
    attr_varchar varchar2(20)
CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE test_collection IS TABLE OF test_object;

Example of binding NTY:
my hash $obj1 = ( "ATTR_NUM" : 1, "ATTR_VARCHAR" : "lorem ipsum" );
my hash $obj2 = ( "ATTR_NUM" : 2, "ATTR_VARCHAR" : "dolor sir amet" );
my list $l = ( bindOracleObject('test_object', $obj1),
               bindOracleObject('test_object', $obj2) );
$db.exec("begin; end;", bindOracleCollection('test_collection', $l));

Example of fetching NTY:
my $res = $db.exec("begin test_pkg.get_obj(:retval); end;",
printf("%N\n", $res);

# will print out
hash: (
    "ATTR_NUM" : 5,
    "ATTR_VARCHAR" : "foobar!"

''Known Issues''

Oracle Metalink Bug #3604465 - bind named type by placeholder can cause ORA-21525 (attribute number or (collection element at index) %s violated its constraints) if the object contains numbers with size constraint. An example:
TYPE a_object AS OBJECT (
  my_num1 number(3), -- it will cause ORA-21525
  my_num2 number     -- it will work

Unfortunately it cannot be fixed in the Qore driver, it's a bug in the underlying Oracle C Interface (OCI) library.
"Placeholder Type Mappings"
|!Argument|OCI Type|Description|h
|{{{Type::Binary}}}|{{{SQLT_BIN}}}|For retrieving {{{RAW}}} data up to 65531 bytes in size.|
|{{{SQL::BLOB}}}|{{{SQLT_BLOB}}}|For retrieving {{{BLOB}}} data. The {{{LOB}}} handle is used to read the entire {{{BLOB}}} content into a binary object.|
|{{{SQL::CLOB}}}|{{{SQLT_CLOB}}}|For retrieving {{{CLOB}}} data. The {{{LOB}}} handle is used to read the entire {{{CLOB}}} content into a Qore string.|
|{{{SQL::VARCHAR}}}|{{{SQLT_STR}}}|For retrieving character data ({{{VARCHAR}}}, etc). To specify a buffer size larger than 512 bytes, simply use the size in bytes as the argument.|
|{{{Type::Int}}}|{{{SQLT_INT}}}|For retrieving integer numeric data up to 32 bits (for larger numbers or for non-integer numbers use {{{SQL::VARCHAR}}} or {{{Type::Float}}}.|
|{{{Type::Float}}}|{{{SQLT_BDOUBLE}}}|For retrieving data in 64-bit floating point format.|
|{{{Type::Date}}}|{{{SQLT_TIMESTAMP}}}|For retrieving dates and times.|
|{{{Type::Hash}}}|{{{SQLT_RSET}}}|For retrieving result sets from a stored procedure that returns a cursor.|

Qore oracle Module Documentation