Qore SewioRestClient Module Reference  1.2

SewioRestClient Introduction

The SewioRestClient module provides an API for calling REST services with Sewio.net's RTLS Studio servers.

To use this module, use "%requires SewioRestClient" in your code.

All the public symbols in the module are defined in the SewioRestClient namespace.

The main classes are:

#!/usr/bin/env qore
%requires SewioRestClient
hash opts = (
"apikey": ENV.SEWIO_API_KEY,
SewioRestClient rest(opts);
hash ans = rest.get("api/anchors");
printf("%N\n", ans.body);

Release Notes

SewioRestClient v1.2

  • all connection clases have unified constructor

SewioRestClient v1.1

SewioRestClient v1.0

  • the initial version of the SewioRestClient module