Qore Logger Module Reference  0.1.1
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CLogger::LoggerImplements main logger class whose instance will be used by user code when logging
 CLogger::LoggerRootImplements the root class for loggers; does not allow a parent logger to be set
 CLogger::LoggerAppenderImplements passing LoggerEvent to target destination
 CLogger::LoggerAppenderNullImplements appender which does nothing
 CLogger::LoggerAppenderWithLayoutImplements an appender with a layout
 CLogger::LoggerAppenderFileImplements appender writing to a file
 CLogger::AbstractLoggerAppenderFileRotateAbstract class for file appenders with rotation support
 CLogger::LoggerAppenderFileRingImplemants appender writing to a file with file circular rotation support
 CLogger::LoggerAppenderFileRotateImplements appender writing to a file with file rotation support
 CLogger::LoggerAppenderFileArchiveImplements appender writing to a file with archive support
 CLogger::LoggerAppenderStdErrImplements appender writing to a stderr file
 CLogger::LoggerAppenderStdOutImplements appender writing to a stdout file
 CLogger::LoggerAppenderStreamImplements appender writing to an output stream via StreamWriter
 CLogger::LoggerAppenderQueueImplements queue serializing async appender events
 CLogger::LoggerAppenderQueueThreadPoolHandles the processing for asynchronous appender events in multiple threads
 CLogger::LoggerEventImplements an event to be logged
 CLogger::LoggerEventParameterImplements callable parameter which is evaluated in run-time when event is rendered
 CLogger::LoggerFilterImplements a general event filtering class
 CLogger::LoggerFilterLevelImplements the filter according event LoggerLevel
 CLogger::LoggerFilterRegexImplements filtering according to a regular expression on the event message
 CLogger::LoggerLayoutAbstract class that defines the interface for logger layouts
 CLogger::LoggerLayoutPatternImplements the formatting of LoggerEvent objects with a pattern
 CLogger::LoggerLevelDefines the minimum set of levels recognized by the system
 CLogger::LoggerPatternImplements pattern parsing and substitution
 CLogger::LoggerAppenderFileArchiveImplements appender writing to a file with archive support
 CLogger::LoggerAppenderFileRingImplemants appender writing to a file with file circular rotation support
 CLogger::LoggerAppenderFileRotateImplements appender writing to a file with file rotation support
 CLogger::LoggerLayoutPatternImplements the formatting of LoggerEvent objects with a pattern