41 #ifdef _QORE_LIB_INTERN
42 #include "qore/intern/config.h"
49 #include <qore/QoreCounter.h>
55 #include <qore/ReferenceHolder.h>
56 #include <qore/QoreValue.h>
57 #include <qore/AbstractQoreNode.h>
58 #include <qore/QoreListNode.h>
59 #include <qore/TypedHashDecl.h>
60 #include <qore/QoreHashNode.h>
61 #include <qore/AbstractPrivateData.h>
62 #include <qore/QoreIteratorBase.h>
63 #include <qore/QoreObject.h>
64 #include <qore/QoreProgram.h>
65 #include <qore/QoreDebugProgram.h>
68 #include <qore/QoreStringNode.h>
69 #include <qore/DateTimeNode.h>
70 #include <qore/QoreNumberNode.h>
73 #include <qore/QoreNet.h>
74 #include <qore/QoreURL.h>
75 #include <qore/QoreFile.h>
76 #include <qore/QoreQueueHelper.h>
77 #include <qore/QoreRWLock.h>
78 #include <qore/QoreNamespace.h>
79 #include <qore/ExceptionSink.h>
80 #include <qore/BinaryNode.h>
81 #include <qore/QoreString.h>
82 #include <qore/DateTime.h>
83 #include <qore/QoreType.h>
85 #include <qore/QoreThreadLock.h>
86 #include <qore/QoreThreadLocalStorage.h>
87 #include <qore/QoreCondition.h>
88 #include <qore/QoreQueue.h>
90 #include <qore/Datasource.h>
91 #include <qore/SQLStatement.h>
92 #include <qore/QoreClass.h>
94 #include <qore/ScopeGuard.h>
95 #include <qore/SystemEnvironment.h>
96 #include <qore/AutoVLock.h>
97 #include <qore/CallReferenceNode.h>
98 #include <qore/ReferenceNode.h>
100 #include <qore/QoreTypeSafeReferenceHelper.h>
101 #include <qore/QoreEvents.h>
102 #include <qore/UnicodeCharacterIterator.h>
103 #include <qore/qore-version.h>
extern const QoreStringMaker
179 #define QLO_DISABLE_SIGNAL_HANDLING (1 << 0)
180 #define QLO_DISABLE_OPENSSL_INIT (1 << 1)
181 #define QLO_DISABLE_OPENSSL_CLEANUP (1 << 2)
183 #define QLO_DO_NOT_SEED_RNG (1 << 4)
184 #define QLO_DISABLE_TLS_13 (1 << 5)
238 #include <qore/support.h>
241 #ifdef _QORE_LIB_INTERN
242 #include "qore/intern/QoreLibIntern.h"
describes Qore's DBI interface for writing database drivers
DLLEXPORT int qore_target_bits
the build target machine word size in bits (32 or 64 normally)
DLLEXPORT const char * qore_git_hash
the git hash of the sources
DLLEXPORT bool qore_has_debug()
if the qore library includes debugging or not
DLLEXPORT const char * qore_target_os
the build target Operating System name
DLLEXPORT const char * qore_module_ver_dir
the qore version-specific module directory
DLLEXPORT const char * qore_build_host
information about the build host
DLLEXPORT QoreCounter thread_counter
global background thread counter (for threads started explicitly by Qore)
DLLEXPORT const char * qore_user_module_dir
the qore user module directory
DLLEXPORT int qore_build_number
the build number of the qore library
DLLEXPORT const char * qore_ldflags
the linker flags used to link qore
DLLEXPORT int qore_get_library_init_options()
returns the current library options
DLLEXPORT int qore_version_major
the major version number of the qore library
DLLEXPORT const char * qore_target_arch
the build target machine architecture name
DLLEXPORT const char * qore_user_module_ver_dir
the qore version-specific user module directory
DLLEXPORT const QoreStringMaker mpfrInfo
a string giving information about the MPFR library used by the qore library
DLLEXPORT const char * qore_cflags
the compiler flags used to build qore
DLLEXPORT const char * qore_cplusplus_compiler
the c++ compiler used to build qore
DLLEXPORT int qore_min_mod_api_minor
the recommended minimum module api minor number to use
DLLEXPORT const char * qore_version_string
the complete version string of the qore library
DLLEXPORT int qore_get_library_options()
returns library options
#define QLO_NONE
no options (default)
Definition: Qore.h:178
DLLEXPORT void qore_cleanup()
frees all memory allocated by the library
DLLEXPORT int qore_min_mod_api_major
the recommended minimum module api major number to use
DLLEXPORT int qore_version_sub
the version number below the minor version number of the qore library
DLLEXPORT int qore_set_library_cleanup_options(int options)
the given options will be combined with binary or to the library init options; only options that affe...
DLLEXPORT bool qore_check_option(int opt)
returns true if all the bits set in the argument are also set in the qore library init option variabl...
DLLEXPORT int qore_set_library_options(int opts)
set library options at runtime
DLLEXPORT const char * qore_module_dir
the qore module directory
DLLEXPORT const char * qore_mpfr_info
information about the MPFR library used by the qore library
DLLEXPORT int qore_version_patch
the version number below the sub version number of the qore library
DLLEXPORT int qore_version_minor
the minor version number of the qore library
DLLEXPORT void qore_init(qore_license_t license=QL_GPL, const char *default_encoding=0, bool show_module_errors=false, int init_options=QLO_NONE)
initializes the Qore library
a simple thread-safe counter object; objects can block on it until the counter reaches zero
Definition: QoreCounter.h:40
qore library and module license type identifiers
Definition: common.h:85
code to be used under the GPL license
Definition: common.h:86