Qore Programming Language  1.12.1
QoreURL Member List

This is the complete list of members for QoreURL, including all inherited members.

getHost() constQoreURL
getPassword() constQoreURL
getPath() constQoreURL
getPort() constQoreURL
getProtocol() constQoreURL
getUserName() constQoreURL
isValid() constQoreURL
parse(const char *url)QoreURL
parse(const QoreString *url)QoreURL
parse(const char *url, bool keep_brackets)QoreURL
parse(const QoreString *url, bool keep_brackets)QoreURL
parse(const QoreString *url, bool keep_brackets, ExceptionSink *xsink)QoreURL
parse(const char *url, int options)QoreURL
parse(const QoreString &url, int options=0)QoreURL
parse(const std::string &url, int options=0)QoreURL
parse(ExceptionSink *xsink, const char *url, int options=0)QoreURL
parse(ExceptionSink *xsink, const QoreString &url, int options=0)QoreURL
parse(ExceptionSink *xsink, const std::string &url, int options=0)QoreURL
QoreURL(const char *url)QoreURL
QoreURL(const QoreString *url)QoreURL
QoreURL(const char *url, bool keep_brackets)QoreURL
QoreURL(const QoreString *url, bool keep_brackets)QoreURL
QoreURL(const QoreString *url, bool keep_brackets, ExceptionSink *xsink)QoreURL
QoreURL(const char *url, int options)QoreURL
QoreURL(const QoreString &url, int options=0)QoreURL
QoreURL(const std::string &url, int options=0)QoreURL
QoreURL(ExceptionSink *xsink, const char *url, int options)QoreURL
QoreURL(ExceptionSink *xsink, const QoreString &url, int options=0)QoreURL
QoreURL(ExceptionSink *xsink, const std::string &url, int options=0)QoreURL