Qore Programming Language Reference Manual  1.12.2
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Bug List
Module date_and_time_functions

the "u" and "uu" format codes work with milliseconds and not microseconds since they were implemented before qore supported microsecond time resolution; this cannot be changed without breaking backwards-compatibility

currently only English month abbreviations are accepted in the date/time mask

Member Qore::format_date (string format, date dt)
there is no locale support; day and month names and abbreviations are only returned in English
Member Qore::rtrim (string str, *string chars)
it is not possible to trim multi-byte characters from strings using this function; each byte is treated as a character. No encoding conversions are done even if the chars argument has a different character encoding than the str argument.
Member Qore::rtrim (reference< string > str, *string chars)
it is not possible to trim multi-byte characters from strings using this function; each byte is treated as a character. No encoding conversions are done even if the chars argument has a different character encoding than the str argument.
Member <date>::format (string format)
there is no locale support; day and month names and abbreviations are only returned in English
Page Signal Handling
it seems that SIGWINCH and SIGINFO cannot be handled on Darwin in Qore's dedicated signal-handling thread; the signals are never delivered to Qore's signal handling thread for some reason despite setting the internal signal masks appropriately. These signals can be handled normally in the main thread on Darwin (in other programs using traditional non-threading signal APIs), but do not work with Qore (on Darwin only when using the pthread_sigmask() and a dedicated signal-handling thread), possibly due to a bug related to signal handling and threading on Darwin.
Page Strings and Character Encoding
With the exception of the classes above that explicitly support UTF-16 data, BOMs are ignored and all UTF-16 data is assumed to be big-endian; little-endian UTF-16-encoded data, even with a correct BOM, will not be processed correctly in Qore (in this case use the UTF-16LE encoding specifically)