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Qore ZeyosRestClient Module Reference
This is the complete list of members for ZeyosRestClient::ZeyosRestClient, including all inherited members.
accept() | Qore::Socket | |
accept(timeout timeout_ms) | Qore::Socket | |
Accept | RestClient::RestClient | |
acceptAllCertificates(bool accept_all=True) | Qore::Socket | |
AcceptList | RestClient::RestClient | |
AcceptMap | RestClient::RestClient | |
acceptSSL() | Qore::Socket | |
acceptSSL(timeout timeout_ms) | Qore::Socket | |
addDefaultHeaders(hash< auto > hdr) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
bind(string str, softbool reuseaddr=False) | Qore::Socket | |
bind(int port, softbool reuseaddr=False) | Qore::Socket | |
bindINET(*string iface, *softstring service, softbool reuseaddr=False, softint family=AF_UNSPEC, softint socktype=SOCK_STREAM, softint protocol=0) | Qore::Socket | |
bindUNIX(string path, softint socktype=SOCK_STREAM, softint protocol=0) | Qore::Socket | |
captureRemoteCertificates(bool set=True) | Qore::Socket | |
clearProxyURL() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
clearProxyUserPassword() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
clearStats() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
clearUserPassword() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
clearWarningQueue() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
close() | Qore::Socket | |
CompressionThreshold | RestClient::RestClient | |
connect() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
Qore::Socket::connect(string target, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
connectINET(string host, softstring service, timeout timeout_ms=-1, softint family=AF_UNSPEC, softint socktype=SOCK_STREAM, softint protocol=0) | Qore::Socket | |
connectINETSSL(string host, softstring service, timeout timeout_ms=-1, softint family=AF_UNSPEC, softint socktype=SOCK_STREAM, softint protocol=0) | Qore::Socket | |
connectSSL(string target, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
connectUNIX(string path, softint socktype=SOCK_STREAM, softint protocol=0) | Qore::Socket | |
connectUNIXSSL(string path, softint socktype=SOCK_STREAM, softint protocol=0) | Qore::Socket | |
constructor(hash< auto > options, *softbool do_not_connect) | ZeyosRestClient::ZeyosRestClient | |
RestClient::RestClient::constructor(hash< auto > opts) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
RestClient::RestClient::constructor() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
copy() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
DataSerializationOptions | RestClient::RestClient | |
DataSerializationSupport | RestClient::RestClient | |
DefaultHeaders | RestClient::RestClient | |
destructor() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
disconnect() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
EncodingSupport | RestClient::RestClient | |
get(string path, *hash< auto > headers, *reference< hash< auto >> info) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
getAcceptAllCertificates() | Qore::Socket | |
getAssumedEncoding() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
getCharset() | Qore::Socket | |
getConnectionId() | Qore::Socket | |
getConnectionPath() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
getConnectTimeout() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
getDefaultHeaders() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
getDefaultPath() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
getEncoding() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
getEncodingPassthru() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
getErrorPassthru() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
getHostHeaderValue() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
getHTTPVersion() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
getMaxRedirects() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
getNoDelay() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
getOptions(hash< auto > options) | ZeyosRestClient::ZeyosRestClient | static |
getPeerInfo(bool host_lookup=True) | Qore::Socket | |
getPollableDescriptor() | Qore::AbstractPollableIoObjectBase | virtual |
getPort() | Qore::Socket | |
getProxyURL() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
getRecvTimeout() | Qore::Socket | |
getRedirectPassthru() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
getRemoteCertificate() | Qore::Socket | |
getSafeProxyURL() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
getSafeURL() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
getSendTimeout() | Qore::Socket | |
getSocket() | Qore::Socket | |
getSocketInfo(bool host_lookup=True) | Qore::Socket | |
getSSLCipherName() | Qore::Socket | |
getSSLCipherVersion() | Qore::Socket | |
getSslVerifyMode() | Qore::Socket | |
getTimeout() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
getToken(*reference< hash > info) | ZeyosRestClient::ZeyosRestClient | private |
getURL() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
getUsageInfo() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
head(string path, *hash< auto > headers, *reference< hash< auto >> info) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
isConnected() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
isDataAvailable(timeout timeout_ms=0) | Qore::Socket | |
isOpen() | Qore::Socket | |
isProxySecure() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
isSecure() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
isWriteFinished(timeout timeout_ms=0) | Qore::Socket | |
listen(int backlog=20) | Qore::Socket | |
pendingHttpChunkedBody() | Qore::Socket | |
poll(list< hash< SocketPollInfo >> items, timeout timeout_ms) | Qore::Socket | static |
post(string path, string body, *hash< auto > headers, *reference< hash< auto >> info) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
post(string path, *binary body, *hash< auto > headers, *reference< hash< auto >> info) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
readHTTPChunkedBody(timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
readHTTPChunkedBodyBinary(timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
readHTTPChunkedBodyBinaryWithCallback(code rcb, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
readHTTPChunkedBodyToOutputStream(Qore::OutputStream os, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
readHTTPChunkedBodyWithCallback(code rcb, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
readHTTPHeader(timeout timeout_ms=-1, *reference< hash< auto >> info) | Qore::Socket | |
readHTTPHeaderString(timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
recv(softint size=0, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
recvBinary(softint size=0, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
recvi1(timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
recvi2(timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
recvi2LSB(timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
recvi4(timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
recvi4LSB(timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
recvi8(timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
recvi8LSB(timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
recvToOutputStream(Qore::OutputStream os, softint size=-1, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
recvu1(timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
recvu2(timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
recvu2LSB(timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
recvu4(timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
recvu4LSB(timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
send(string body, string method, *string path, *hash< auto > headers, softbool getbody=False, *reference< hash< auto >> info) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
send(*binary body, string method, *string path, *hash< auto > headers, softbool getbody=False, *reference< hash< auto >> info) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
send(Qore::OutputStream os, *data body, string method, *string path, *hash< auto > headers, timeout timeout_ms=0, softbool getbody=False, *reference< hash< auto >> info, *code rcb) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
Qore::Socket::send(binary bin, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
Qore::Socket::send(string str, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
send2(binary bin, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
send2(string str, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
sendBinary(string str, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
sendBinary(binary bin, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
sendBinary2(string str, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
sendBinary2(binary bin, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
sendChunked(Qore::OutputStream os, Qore::InputStream is, string method, int max_chunk_size=4096, *string path, *hash< auto > headers, timeout timeout_ms=0, softbool getbody=False, *reference< hash< auto >> info, *code rcb, *code tcb) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
sendFromInputStream(Qore::InputStream input_stream, softint size=-1, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
sendHTTPChunkedBodyFromInputStream(Qore::InputStream input_stream, int max_chunk_size=4096, timeout timeout_ms=-1, *code tcb) | Qore::Socket | |
sendHTTPChunkedBodyTrailer(*hash< auto > trailer, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
sendHTTPMessage(string method, string path, string http_version, hash< auto > headers, string body, *reference< hash > info, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
sendHTTPMessage(string method, string path, string http_version, hash< auto > headers, *binary body, *reference< hash< auto >> info, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
sendHTTPMessageWithCallback(code scb, string method, string path, string http_version, hash< auto > headers, *reference< hash< auto >> info, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
sendHTTPResponse(softint status_code, string status_desc, string http_version, hash< auto > headers, string body, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
sendHTTPResponse(softint status_code, string status_desc, string http_version, hash< auto > headers, string body, *reference< hash< auto >> info, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
sendHTTPResponse(softint status_code, string status_desc, string http_version, hash< auto > headers, *binary body, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
sendHTTPResponse(softint status_code, string status_desc, string http_version, hash< auto > headers, *binary body, *reference< hash< auto >> info, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
sendHTTPResponse(softint status_code, string status_desc, string http_version, hash< auto > headers, Qore::InputStream input_stream, int max_chunk_size=4096, *reference< hash< auto >> info, timeout timeout_ms=-1, *code tcb) | Qore::Socket | |
sendHTTPResponseWithCallback(code scb, softint status_code, string status_desc, string http_version, hash< auto > headers, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
sendHTTPResponseWithCallback(code scb, softint status_code, string status_desc, string http_version, hash< auto > headers, *reference< hash< auto >> info, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
sendi1(softint i=0, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
sendi2(softint i=0, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
sendi2LSB(softint i=0, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
sendi4(softint i=0, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
sendi4LSB(softint i=0, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
sendi8(softint i=0, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
sendi8LSB(softint i=0, timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
sendWithCallbacks(code scb, code rcb, string method, *string path, *hash< auto > headers, timeout timeout_ms=0, softbool getbody=False, *reference< hash< auto >> info) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
sendWithRecvCallback(code rcb, string body, string method, *string path, *hash< auto > headers, timeout timeout_ms=0, softbool getbody=False, *reference< hash< auto >> info) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
sendWithRecvCallback(code rcb, *binary body, string method, *string path, *hash< auto > headers, timeout timeout_ms=0, softbool getbody=False, *reference< hash< auto >> info) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
sendWithSendCallback(code scb, string method, *string path, *hash< auto > headers, timeout timeout_ms=0, softbool getbody=False, *reference< hash > info) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
setAssumedEncoding(*string encoding) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
setCertificate(SSLCertificate cert) | Qore::Socket | |
setCertificate(string cert_pem) | Qore::Socket | |
setCertificate(binary cert_der) | Qore::Socket | |
setCertificateAndPrivateKey(SSLCertificate cert, SSLPrivateKey key) | Qore::Socket | |
setCharset(string encoding) | Qore::Socket | |
setConnectionPath(*string uri_path) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
setConnectTimeout(timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
setDefaultPath(*string path) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
setEncoding(string encoding) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
setEncodingPassthru(bool set=True) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
setErrorPassthru(bool set=True) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
setEventQueue() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
setEventQueue(Qore::Thread::Queue queue, auto arg, *bool with_data) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
setHTTPVersion(string ver) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
setMaxRedirects(softint mr=0) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
setNoDelay(softbool b=True) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
Qore::Socket::setNoDelay(bool nd=True) | Qore::Socket | |
setPersistent() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
setPrivateKey(SSLPrivateKey key) | Qore::Socket | |
setPrivateKey(string key_pem, *string pass) | Qore::Socket | |
setPrivateKey(binary key_der) | Qore::Socket | |
setProxySecure(softbool b=True) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
setProxyURL() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
setProxyURL(string url) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
setProxyUserPassword(string user, string pass) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
setProxyUserPassword() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
setRecvTimeout(timeout timeout_ms) | Qore::Socket | |
setRedirectPassthru(bool set=True) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
setSecure(softbool secure=True) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
setSendTimeout(timeout timeout_ms) | Qore::Socket | |
setSslVerifyMode(int mode) | Qore::Socket | |
setTimeout(timeout timeout_ms=0) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
setURL(string url) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
setUserPassword(string user, string pass) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
setUserPassword() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
setWarningQueue(int warning_ms, int warning_bs, Queue queue, auto arg, timeout min_ms=1s) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
shutdown() | Qore::Socket | |
shutdownSSL() | Qore::Socket | |
startPollConnect() | Qore::HTTPClient | |
Qore::Socket::startPollConnect(string target) | Qore::Socket | |
startPollConnectSsl(string target) | Qore::Socket | |
startPollRecvBinary(int size) | Qore::Socket | |
startPollRecvString(int size) | Qore::Socket | |
startPollRecvUntilBytesBinary(string pattern) | Qore::Socket | |
startPollRecvUntilBytesString(string pattern) | Qore::Socket | |
startPollSend(string data) | Qore::Socket | |
startPollSend(binary data) | Qore::Socket | |
startPollSendRecv(string method, *string path, string body, *hash< auto > headers) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
startPollSendRecv(string method, *string path, *binary body, *hash< auto > headers) | Qore::HTTPClient | |
startPollUpgradeClientToSSL() | Qore::Socket | |
upgradeClientToSSL(timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
upgradeServerToSSL(timeout timeout_ms=-1) | Qore::Socket | |
verifyPeerCertificate() | Qore::Socket | |
Version | RestClient::RestClient | |
VersionString | RestClient::RestClient |