Introduction to the VscDebugAdapter Module
The VscDebugAdapter module provides common functionality for implementing Visual Studio Adapter
Only subset of features is supported in Visual Studio Code IDE and in this module.
Module limitations:
- breakpoint server side hitcount not supported
- breakpoint logpoints
- VSC event is not raised when breakpoint is changed, e.g. via another debugger client
- conditional breakpoints, e.g. for particular thread
- structured variables, e.g. classes/objects
- for functional breakpoint the function must be provided with arguments types even a user variant does not exist
- values for top-level local variables are not provided as thread vars for each thread
- cannot provide program exit value
Visual Studio Code known issues:
- evaluate "watch" request is not executed every step so watch value might be out of date
- no module support in IDE
- display own data type and custom data editor
- exception info is asked but the value is not displayed
- some capabilities are not implemented