217 hash<string, PipelineQueue>
Defines an abstract class for accepting data and outputting optionally transformed or filtered data.
Definition: AbstractDataProcessor.qc.dox.h:33
Defines the abstract class for data provider iterators; the destructor releases the iterator.
Definition: AbstractDataProviderBulkRecordInterface.qc.dox.h:33
Defines the abstract class for data provider iterators; the destructor releases the iterator.
Definition: AbstractDataProviderRecordIterator.qc.dox.h:339
Defines a class for passing data through record processors.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:207
string getName()
Returns the pipeline name.
*code error_log
Error log closure; takes a single format string and then arguments for format placeholders.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:246
Counter cnt()
Thread counter.
*code thread_callback
a closure or call reference for setting thread-local data in new pipeline queue threads
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:254
int record_count
Record count.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:240
bool hasQueue(int id)
Returns True if the given queue exists, False if not.
bool stop_flag
Stop flag.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:260
hash< string, PipelineQueue > pmap
Hash of queues keyed by queue ID.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:217
abort(*bool ignore_exceptions)
Aborts execution of a pipeline in progress.
Sequence seq(1)
Pipeline ID sequence generator.
submitBulkIntern(AbstractDataProviderBulkRecordInterface i)
Submits bulk data for processing.
logError(string fmt)
Logs to the error log, if set.
Copy constructor; creates an empty pipeline with the same configuration as the original.
bool stopping()
Returns True if the object is stopping.
registerThread(PipelineQueue queue)
Registers a new thread.
Throws an exception if errors occured in background pipeline processing.
Resets the pipeline.
submitIntern(auto _data)
Submits data for processing.
list< hash< ExceptionInfo > > error_list
list of exceptions in pipelines
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:231
bool aborting()
Returns True if the object is aborting.
bool isProcessing()
Returns True if the pipeline is processing data.
PipelineQueue copyPipeline(PipelineQueue old_queue)
Called by the copy constructor to copy the queues.
int appendQueue(int id)
Appends a new queue to an existing pipeline and returns the new queue ID.
*code debug_log
Debug log closure; takes a single format string and then arguments for format placeholders.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:249
reportError(PipelineQueue queue, hash< ExceptionInfo > ex)
Called from a pipeline queue object to report a fatal error durring processing.
*code info_log
Info log closure; takes a single format string and then arguments for format placeholders.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:243
string name
A descriptive name for logging purposes.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:214
append(int id, AbstractDataProcessor processor)
Appends a data processor to a queue.
date stop_time
run stop time (set in waitDone())
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:237
submit(auto _data)
Submits data for processing.
logInfo(string fmt)
Logs to the info log, if set.
submit(AbstractDataProviderBulkRecordInterface i)
Submits data for processing.
hash< PipelineInfo > getInfo()
Returns pipeline info.
Waits for all queues to have processed remaining data.
date start_time
run start time
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:234
bool locked
Locked flag.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:225
logDebug(string fmt)
Logs to the debug log, if set.
submit(AbstractDataProviderRecordIterator i)
Submits data for processing.
Destroys the object.
submitData(AbstractIterator i)
Submits data for processing.
bool abort_flag
Abort flag.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:263
checkUpdatePipelineIntern(int id)
Check if the given queue exists.
Stops all background pipeline queues; lock must be held.
Throws an exception if the pipeline cannot be used; locks the pipeline for changes otherwise.
bool do_bulk
Bulk flag.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:222
Throws an exception if the pipeline is locked.
append(AbstractDataProcessor processor)
Appends a data processor to the default queue.
Resets the pipeline.
submitDataIntern(auto _data)
Submits a single record for processing.
constructor(*hash< PipelineOptionInfo > opts)
Creates the object with the given options.
Stops all background pipeline queues.
Pipeline element.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:110
bool do_flush
Flush pipeline flag.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:154
Mutex lck
Parent lock.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:117
list< auto > queue
Data queue.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:138
int getId()
Returns the pipeline ID.
Wait for the queue to be empty, then wait for all terminating pipelines to be empty.
int data_waiting
Number of threads waiting on data.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:132
int id
Queue ID.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:114
Condition cond()
Queue condition variable.
submit(auto qdata)
Submits data for processing.
Condition flush_cond()
Flush condition variable.
int tid
TID of the background thread.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:144
constructor(DataProviderPipeline parent, Mutex lck, Counter cnt, int id, int size)
Creates the object.
bool data_flushed
Data flushed confirmation.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:157
list< auto > elems()
Pipeline elements.
int size
Maximum queue size.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:141
int queue_waiting
Number of threads waiting data to be removed from the queue.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:129
run(Counter run_cnt)
Processing thread.
Counter cnt
Parent counter.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:120
int flush_waiting
Number of threads waiting on the flush cond.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:135
DataProviderPipeline parent
Parent object.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:160
const PS_IDLE
Pipeline status: IDLE.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:43
Pipeline status: RUNNING.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:40
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:37
Qore AbstractDataField class definition.
Definition: AbstractDataField.qc.dox.h:27
Pipeline info.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:47
date duration
Total time processing end to end.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:74
*date stop_time
Stop time for processing.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:55
float recs_per_sec
Records processed per second end to end.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:80
*date start_time
Start of processing.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:52
bool bulk
Flag that indicates if the pipeline is capable of bulk record processing.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:71
int num_queues
Number of pipeline queues.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:66
int record_count
Number of input records submitted.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:63
string status
Pipeline status.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:60
float duration_secs
Total time processing end to end as a floating-point value in durationSecondsFloat.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:77
string name
The name of the pipeline.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:49
Pipeline option info.
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:84
*string name
the name of the pipeline for logging purposes; if this key is not included, a generic name will be ge...
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:106
*code info_log
a closure or call reference for info logging
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:98
*code error_log
a closure or call reference for error logging
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:93
*code thread_callback
a closure or call reference for setting thread-local data in new pipeline queue threads
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:103
*code debug_log
a closure or call reference for debug logging
Definition: DataProviderPipeline.qc.dox.h:88