42 "native_case": Type::Boolean,
43 "table_cache":
53 "index_tablespace": Type::String,
54 "replace": Type::Boolean,
64 "table_cache":
73 "table_cache":
86 "alias": Type::String,
87 "comment": Type::String,
89 "columns": Type::NothingType,
91 "orderby":
92 "desc": Type::Boolean,
96 "groupby":
98 "superquery": Type::Hash,
99 "forupdate": Type::Boolean,
105 "foreign_constraints": True,
114 "omit":
127 "column_map": Type::Hash,
128 "index_map": Type::Hash,
129 "constraint_map": Type::Hash,
130 "trigger_map": Type::Hash,
131 "db_table_cache":
132 "force": Type::Boolean,
148 "columns": Type::Hash,
149 "primary_key": Type::Hash,
150 "indexes": Type::Hash,
151 "triggers": Type::Hash,
152 "foreign_constraints": Type::Hash,
153 "unique_constraints": Type::Hash,
155 "table_cache":
172 "qore_type": Type::String,
173 "native_type": Type::String,
176 "default_value": Type::NothingType,
177 "default_value_native": Type::Boolean,
178 "comment": Type::String,
179 "notnull": Type::Boolean,
180 "driver": Type::Hash,
188 "notnull": Type::Boolean,
200 "sqlarg_callback":
215 "returning":
226 "info_callback":
227 "commit_block": Type::Int,
228 "delete_others": Type::Boolean,
229 "omit_update":
238 "info_callback":
239 "commit_block": Type::Int,
401 hash m_customCopMap = {};
439 doTableOptions(*hash<auto> nopts);
683 doRenameIntern(
string new_name, *
Tables table_cache);
716 bool emptyUnlocked();
790 list<auto>
string cname, hash<auto> copt,
bool nullable = True, *hash<auto> opt);
794 AbstractColumn addColumnUnlocked(
string cname, hash<auto> opt,
bool nullable = True, *reference lsql,
bool do_exec = True,
bool modify_table = True);
912 validateOptionsIntern(
string err, hash<auto> ropt, reference<hash<auto>> opt);
917 validateOptionsIntern(
string err, hash<auto> ropt, reference<hash<auto>> opt,
string tag);
922 execSql(softlist lsql);
982 AbstractPrimaryKey addPrimaryKeyUnlocked(
string pkname, softlist cols, *hash<auto> opt, *reference<string> sql);
987 AbstractPrimaryKey addPrimaryKeyUnlockedIntern(
string pkname, softlist cols, *hash<auto> opt, *reference<string> sql);
1012 list<auto> getDropAllConstraintsAndIndexesOnColumnSqlUnlocked(
string cname, *hash<auto> opt);
1111 AbstractUniqueConstraint addUniqueConstraintUnlocked(
string cname, softlist cols, *hash<auto> opt, *reference<string> sql);
1116 AbstractUniqueConstraint addUniqueConstraintUnlockedIntern(
string cname, softlist cols, *hash<auto> opt, *reference<string> sql);
1167 string getAddIndexSql(
string iname,
bool unique, softlist cols, *hash<auto> ixopt, *hash<auto> opt);
1171 AbstractIndex addIndexUnlocked(
string iname,
bool unique, softlist cols, *hash<auto> opt, *reference<string> sql);
1176 AbstractIndex addIndexUnlockedIntern(
string iname,
bool unique, softlist cols, *hash<auto> opt, *reference<string> sql);
1294 Columns getReferencedTableColumnsUnlocked(
string table, *
Tables cache,
string err =
1299 AbstractForeignConstraint addForeignConstraintUnlocked(
string cname, softlist cols,
string table, *softlist tcols, *hash<auto> opt, *reference<string> sql);
1304 AbstractForeignConstraint addForeignConstraintUnlockedIntern(
string cname, softlist cols,
string table, *softlist tcols, *hash<auto> opt, *reference<string> sql);
1400 AbstractCheckConstraint addCheckConstraintUnlocked(
string cname,
string src, *hash<auto> opt, *reference<string> sql);
1405 AbstractCheckConstraint addCheckConstraintUnlockedIntern(
string cname,
string src, *hash<auto> opt, *reference<string> sql);
1549 AbstractTrigger addTriggerUnlocked(
string tname,
string src, *hash<auto> opt, *reference lsql);
1554 AbstractTrigger addTriggerUnlockedIntern(
string tname,
string src, *hash<auto> opt, *reference lsql);
1604 getAllConstraintsUnlocked(*hash<auto> opt);
1609 checkUniqueConstraintName(
string err,
string cname);
1614 checkUniqueConstraintNameValidateOptions(
string err,
string cname, hash<auto> ropt, reference<hash> opt);
1706 *hash<auto>
insertCommit(hash<auto> row, reference<string> sql, hash<auto> opt);
1730 *hash<auto>
insert(hash<auto> row, reference<string> sql);
1738 *hash<auto>
insert(hash<auto> row, hash<auto> opt);
1747 *hash<auto>
insert(hash<auto> row, reference<string> sql, hash<auto> opt);
1764 deprecated *hash<auto>
insertNoCommit(hash<auto> row, *reference<string> sql, *hash<auto> opt);
1770 *hash<auto> insertIntern(hash<auto> row, *reference<string> sql, *hash<auto> opt, *reference<softlist<auto>> args);
1775 hash<auto> getPlaceholdersAndValues(hash<auto> row);
1885 int insertFromSelectIntern(list cols,
AbstractTable source, *hash<auto> sh, *reference<string> sql, *hash<auto> opt, *reference<softlist<auto>> args);
2146 *hash<string, int> doDeleteOthersIntern(hash<auto> pkh, *hash<auto> opt);
2535 Qore::SQL::AbstractSQLStatement getStatementIntern(*hash<auto> sh, *reference<string> sql, *hash<auto> opt, *
bool no_exec, *reference<softlist<auto>> args);
2561 *hash<auto>
selectRow(*hash<auto> sh, *reference<string> sql, *hash<auto> opt);
2565 *hash<auto> selectRowIntern(*hash<auto> sh, *reference<string> sql, *hash<auto> opt, *reference<softlist<auto>> args);
2620 *list<auto>
selectRows(*hash<auto> sh, *reference<string> sql, *hash<auto> opt);
2624 *list<auto> selectRowsIntern(*hash<auto> sh, *reference<string> sql, *hash<auto> opt, *reference<softlist<auto>> args);
2677 *hash<auto>
select(*hash<auto> sh, *reference<string> sql, *hash<auto> opt);
2681 *hash<auto> selectIntern(*hash<auto> sh, *reference<string> sql, *hash<auto> opt, *reference<softlist<auto>> args);
2775 *hash<auto>
select(*hash<auto> sh, *hash<auto> opt);
2803 string getSelectSqlIntern(*hash<auto> qh, reference<list<auto>> args, *hash<auto> opt);
2806 string getSelectSqlUnlocked(*hash<auto> qh, reference<list<auto>> args, *hash<auto> opt);
2810 string getSelectSqlUnlockedIntern(*hash<auto> qh,
string from, reference<list<auto>> args, *hash<string, bool> subquery_column_map, *hash<auto> opt, *hash<auto> pseudo_column_map);
2817 string getExpressionArg(reference<hash<QueryInfo>> info,
int role,
auto arg, AbstractDataProviderType expected_type);
2821 string getFromIntern(
string from, *hash<auto> qh);
2826 list<auto> getGroupByListUnlocked(hash<QueryInfo> info, list<auto> coll);
2831 list<auto> getOrderByListUnlocked(hash<QueryInfo> info, list<auto> coll);
2836 list<auto> getGroupOrderByListUnlocked(hash<QueryInfo> info,
string key, list<auto> coll);
2841 doForUpdate(reference<string> sql);
2846 string getSelectSqlName(*hash<auto> qh);
2851 string getColumnExpressionIntern(reference<hash<QueryInfo>> info,
auto cvc);
2856 string doColumnOperatorIntern(reference<hash<QueryInfo>> info, hash<auto> cvc);
2861 string doColumnOperatorIntern(reference<hash<QueryInfo>> info,
auto cop,
auto arg, *
string cve);
2866 string getColumnNameIntern(hash<QueryInfo> info,
string column_name);
2877 getSelectWhereSqlUnlocked(reference<hash<QueryInfo>> info, reference<string> sql);
2882 *
string getWhereClause(*hash<auto> cond, reference<list<auto>> args, *
string cprefix, *hash<string, AbstractTable> join_map);
2887 *
string getWhereExpressionUnlocked(reference<hash<QueryInfo>> info, hash<DataProviderExpression> cond, *
string cprefix);
2892 *
string getExpressionUnlockedIntern(reference<hash<QueryInfo>> info,
int role, hash<DataProviderExpression> cond, AbstractDataProviderType expected_type);
2897 *
string getWhereClauseUnlocked(reference<hash<QueryInfo>> info, *hash<auto> cond, *
string cprefix);
2902 *list<string> getWhereClauseIntern(reference<hash<QueryInfo>> info, *hash<auto> cond, *
string cprefix);
2907 string doWhereExpressionIntern(reference<hash<QueryInfo>> info,
string cn,
auto we);
2911 string getOrClause(reference<hash<QueryInfo>> info, list<auto> arglist);
2914 string getOrClause(reference<hash<QueryInfo>> info, hash<auto> arg);
2918 doSelectOrderBySqlUnlocked(hash<QueryInfo> info, reference<string> sql, list<auto> coll);
2939 int delCommit(hash<auto> cond, reference<string> sql, hash<auto> opt);
2974 int del(hash<auto> cond, reference<string> sql, hash<auto> opt);
2978 int del(hash<auto> cond, hash<auto> opt);
2982 int del(hash<auto> cond, reference<string> sql);
3015 int delIntern(*hash<auto> cond, *reference<string> sql, *hash<auto> opt, *reference<softlist<auto>> args);
3037 int updateCommit(hash<auto> set, hash<auto> cond, reference<string> sql, hash<auto> opt);
3074 int update(hash<auto> set, hash<auto> cond, reference<string> sql, hash<auto> opt);
3078 int update(hash<auto> set, hash<auto> cond, reference<string> sql);
3082 int update(hash<auto> set, hash<auto> cond, hash<auto> opt);
3112 hash<SqlResultInfo>
updateWithInfo(hash<auto> set, hash<auto> cond, *hash<auto> opt);
3132 deprecated
int updateNoCommit(hash<auto> set, *hash<auto> cond, *reference<string> sql);
3138 int updateIntern(hash<auto> set, *hash<auto> cond, *reference<string> sql, *hash<auto> opt, *reference<softlist<auto>> args);
3143 string getUpdateExpression(
string col, hash<UpdateOperatorInfo> uh);
3148 bool emptyDataIntern();
3153 Columns checkUpsertRow(hash<auto> row, reference<int> upsert_strategy);
3158 code getUpsertInsertFirst(
Columns cols, hash<auto> example_row, *hash<auto> opt);
3163 code getUpsertUpdateFirst(
Columns cols, hash<auto> example_row, *hash<auto> opt);
3168 code getUpsertSelectFirst(
Columns cols, hash<auto> example_row, *hash<auto> opt);
3173 code getUpsertInsertOnly(
Columns cols, hash<auto> example_row, *hash<auto> opt);
3178 code getUpsertUpdateOnly(
Columns cols, hash<auto> example_row, *hash<auto> opt);
3183 Columns getUpsertColumns(reference<string> csrc);
3202 bool matchUniqueColumns(
Columns cols, hash<auto> row);
3207 string getUpsertSelectSql(hash<auto> row,
Columns cols, reference<list<string>> updc);
3212 string getUpsertInsertSql(hash<auto> row);
3217 string getUpsertUpdateSql(hash<auto> row,
Columns cols, reference updc, *hash<auto> opt);
3222 softbool tryUpdate(
string sql, hash<auto> row,
Columns cols, list updc);
3227 checkValue(
string cname,
string argname, reference val,
string type);
3446 *hash<string, bool> getCheckOmissionOptions(*softlist<softstring> ol,
string err);
3477 list<auto> getAlignSqlUnlocked(
AbstractTable t, *hash<auto> opt);
3487 *list<AbstractColumnConstraint> getAllSupportingConstraints(
string ixname);
3640 string getPrimaryKeyColumn();
3767 AbstractDataProviderType
string column_name, *hash<SqlUtilDataTypeOptionInfo> options);
3779 AbstractDataProviderType
string native_type, *
string qore_type,
bool nullable,
int max_size = -1, *hash<SqlUtilDataTypeOptionInfo> options);
3785 AbstractDataProviderType
string type_name,
bool nullable, *hash<auto> options);
4042 string getCreateTableSqlUnlocked(*hash<auto> opt);
4047 *list<auto> getCreateIndexesSqlUnlocked(*hash<auto> opt,
bool cache = True);
4052 *
string getCreatePrimaryKeySqlUnlocked(*hash<auto> opt,
bool cache = True);
4057 *list<auto> getCreateConstraintsSqlUnlocked(*hash<auto> opt,
bool cache = True);
4062 *list<auto> getCreateForeignConstraintsSqlUnlocked(*hash<auto> opt,
bool cache = True);
4067 *list<auto> getCreateMiscSqlUnlocked(*hash<auto> opt,
bool cache = True);
4072 *list<auto> getCreateTriggersSqlUnlocked(*hash<auto> opt,
bool cache = True);
4077 list<auto> getCreateSqlUnlocked(*hash<auto> opt,
bool cache = True);
4082 cacheUnlocked(*hash<auto> opt);
4087 auto execData(*hash<auto> opt,
string sql, *list<auto> args);
4092 execData(AbstractSQLStatement stmt, *hash<auto> opt, *list<auto> args);
4096 static AbstractTable getTable(AbstractDatasource nds,
string nname, *hash<auto>
4103 getColumnsUnlocked();
4108 getPrimaryKeyUnlocked();
4114 getIndexesUnlocked();
4119 getForeignConstraintsUnlocked(*hash<auto> opt);
4129 getConstraintsUnlocked();
4134 getTriggersUnlocked();
4145 softlist<auto> getDropSqlImpl();
4150 string getTruncateSqlImpl();
4173 preSetupTableImpl(reference desc, *hash<auto> opt);
4181 abstract AbstractDataProviderType
string type_name,
bool nullable, *hash<auto> options);
4185 abstract *hash<auto> doReturningImpl(hash<auto> opt, reference<string> sql, list<auto> args);
4189 abstract
bool emptyImpl();
4221 abstract setupTableImpl(hash<auto> desc, *hash<auto> opt);
4225 abstract
Columns describeImpl();
4231 abstract
Indexes getIndexesImpl();
4240 abstract
Triggers getTriggersImpl();
4244 abstract
string getCreateTableSqlImpl(*hash<auto> opt);
4247 abstract *list<auto> getCreateMiscSqlImpl(*hash<auto> opt,
bool cache);
4250 abstract
string getCreateSqlImpl(list<auto>
4253 abstract
string getRenameSqlImpl(
string new_name);
4256 abstract *list<auto> getAlignSqlImpl(
AbstractTable t, *hash<auto> opt);
4260 abstract
AbstractColumn addColumnImpl(
string cname, hash<auto> opt,
bool nullable = True);
4263 abstract
AbstractPrimaryKey addPrimaryKeyImpl(
string cname, hash<auto> ch, *hash<auto> opt);
4266 abstract
AbstractIndex addIndexImpl(
string iname,
bool enabled, hash<auto> ch, *hash<auto> opt);
4269 abstract
AbstractForeignConstraint addForeignConstraintImpl(
string cname, hash<auto> ch,
string table, hash<auto> tch, *hash<auto> opt);
4279 abstract
AbstractTrigger addTriggerImpl(
string tname,
string src, *hash<auto> opt);
abstract class for check constraints
Definition: SqlUtil.qm.dox.h:6734
the base class for column information
Definition: SqlUtil.qm.dox.h:6364
the API for a constraint with columns
Definition: SqlUtil.qm.dox.h:6787
abstract base class for constraints
Definition: SqlUtil.qm.dox.h:6672
const CreationOptions
default generic creation options
Definition: AbstractDatabase.qc.dox.h:118
the base class for foreign key constraint information
Definition: SqlUtil.qm.dox.h:6947
the abstract base class for index information
Definition: SqlUtil.qm.dox.h:6542
represents a primary key
Definition: SqlUtil.qm.dox.h:6870
Abstract base class for savepoint helpers for epheremal transaction support.
Definition: AbstractSavepointHelper.qc.dox.h:33
base class for abstract SqlUtil classes
Definition: AbstractSqlUtilBase.qc.dox.h:28
transient Mutex l()
mutex for atomic actions
*hash< auto > opts
option hash
Definition: AbstractSqlUtilBase.qc.dox.h:35
the base abstract class for the table implementation
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:30
list< auto > getDropColumnSql(string cname, *hash< auto > opt)
returns the SQL that can be used to drop a column from the table
abstract bool constraintsLinkedToIndexesImpl()
returns True if the database links constraints to indexes (ie dropping the constraint drops the index...
*hash< auto > insertCommit(hash< auto > row, reference< string > sql)
SqlUtil::AbstractTable::insertCommit() variant
const TableOptions
table options
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:41
dropCommit(*hash< auto > opt)
drops the table from the database; releases the transaction lock after dropping the table
bool isDuplicateRowError(hash< ExceptionInfo > ex)
Returns True if the exception was raised because of a duplicate row / key error.
auto tryExecRawImpl(string sql)
tries to execute a command so that if an error occurs the current transaction status is not lost
int del(hash< auto > cond, reference< string > sql)
SqlUtil::AbstractTable::del() variant
*hash< auto > find(hash< auto > row)
finds a row in the table with the given primary key value given as a hash; if no row matches the prim...
*hash< auto > insertCommit(hash< auto > row)
inserts a row into the table; the transaction is committed if successful, if an error occurs,...
AbstractColumn modifyColumn(string cname, hash< auto > opt, bool nullable=True, *reference lsql)
modifies an existing column in the table; if the table is already known to be in the database,...
constructor(AbstractDatasource nds, string nname, *hash nopts)
creates the object; private constructor
AbstractPrimaryKey dropPrimaryKey(*reference lsql)
drops the primary key from the table; if the table is known to be in the database already,...
*hash< string, int > upsertFromSelect(AbstractTable t, *hash< auto > sh, int upsert_strategy=AbstractTable::UpsertAuto, *hash< auto > opt)
this method upserts or merges data from the given foreign table and select option hash into the curre...
abstract AbstractDataProviderType getNumericTypeImpl(string type_name, bool nullable, *hash< auto > options)
returns the type for number / numeric columns for the database so that data conversions can be handle...
softint rowCount()
returns the number of rows in the table
abstract *string getSqlValueImpl(auto v)
returns a string for use in SQL queries representing the DB-specific value of the argument; returns N...
const ColumnOptions
Column options; this is currently empty and can be extended in database-specific modules.
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:192
abstract hash< auto > getQoreTypeMapImpl()
returns the qore type -> column type map
deprecated *hash< string, int > upsertFromSelectNoCommit(AbstractTable t, *hash< auto > sh, int upsert_strategy=AbstractTable::UpsertAuto, *hash< auto > opt)
A legacy SqlUtil::AbstractTable::upsertFromSelect() wrapper.
hash< auto > getTableOptions()
returns the table options for this driver
*list< auto > getCreateConstraintsSql(*hash< auto > opt, bool cache=True)
returns a list of SQL strings that could be used to create non-foreign constraints on the table or NO...
hash< SqlResultInfo > selectRowWithInfo(*hash< auto > select_hash, *hash< auto > opt)
returns a hash with a result representing the row in the table that matches the argument hash; if mor...
Columns describe()
returns an object of class Columns describing the table
const TableOmissionOptions
alignment omission options
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:103
addCustomCopOperator(string name, hash< auto > operator)
register custom user column operator for this table object
int insertFromSelectCommit(list cols, AbstractTable source, hash< auto > sh, hash< auto > opt)
SqlUtil::AbstractTable::insertFromSelectCommit() variant
list< auto > getDropPrimaryKeySql(*hash< auto > opt)
gets a list of SQL strings that can be used to drop the primary key from the table
bool hasReturningImpl()
returns True if the current database driver supports the "returning" clause in insert statements,...
abstract bool checkExistenceImpl()
returns True if the table exists in the DB, False if not
hash< SqlCommandInfo > getUpdateSql(hash< auto > set, *hash< auto > cond)
Returns the SQL for the given update parameters.
*hash< auto > getPseudoColumnHash()
returns a hash of valid pseudocolumns
AbstractConstraint renameConstraint(string old_name, string new_name, reference lsql)
renames an existing constraint; this can be any constraint on the table, a primary key,...
hash< auto > getDescriptionHash()
Returns a description hash of the table.
rename(string new_name, *reference< string > sql, *Tables table_cache)
renames the table
deprecated *hash< string, int > upsertFromIteratorNoCommit(Qore::AbstractIterator i, int upsert_strategy=AbstractTable::UpsertAuto, *hash< auto > opt)
A legacy SqlUtik::AbstractTable::upsertFromIterator() wrapper.
setupTable(hash< auto > desc, *hash< auto > opt)
creates the object from a table description hash
AbstractDataField getColumnDataField(string column_name, *hash< auto > options, *string append_desc)
returns a field object for the given column
*hash< auto > insert(hash< auto > row, reference< string > sql, hash< auto > opt)
SqlUtil::AbstractTable::insert() variant
copy(AbstractTable old)
copies the object
abstract doSelectOrderByWithOffsetSqlUnlockedImpl(reference< hash< QueryInfo > > info, reference< string > sql, list< auto > coll)
processes a string for use in SQL select statements when there is an "order by" and "offset" argument
list< auto > getDropAllConstraintsAndIndexesOnColumnSql(string cname, *hash< auto > opt)
gets a list of SQL strings to drop all constraints and indexes with the given column name; if the col...
int del(hash< auto > cond)
SqlUtil::AbstractTable::del() variant
int upsertCommit(hash< auto > row, int upsert_strategy=UpsertAuto, *hash< auto > opt)
update or insert the data in the table according to the hash argument; the table must have a unique k...
AbstractColumn dropColumn(string cname, *reference lsql)
drops a column from the table
string getDropIndexSql(string iname, *hash< auto > opt)
gets the SQL that can be used to drop an index from the table
hash< auto > getTableCreationOptions()
returns the table creation options for this driver
deprecated dropNoCommit(*hash< auto > opt)
A legacy wrapper for drop()
Constraints constraints
constraint descriptions
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:391
deprecated createNoCommit(*hash< auto > opt)
A legacy wrapper for create()
Qore::SQL::AbstractSQLStatement getStatement(*hash< auto > sh, *reference< string > sql, *hash< auto > opt)
returns an AbstractSQLStatement object that will iterate the results of a select statement matching t...
int insertFromSelect(list cols, AbstractTable source)
SqlUtil::AbstractTable::insertFromSelectCommit() variant
string getDesc()
returns a descriptive string of the datasource (without the password) and the table name (with a poss...
const UpsertResultLetterMap
maps upsert result codes to single letter symbols
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:371
AbstractPrimaryKey getPrimaryKey()
returns an object of class AbstractPrimaryKey describing the primary key of the table
int insertFromSelectCommit(list cols, AbstractTable source)
SqlUtil::AbstractTable::insertFromSelectCommit() variant
const UpsertOptions
default upsert option keys
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:225
int update(hash< auto > set, hash< auto > cond)
A SqlUtil::AbstractTable::update() variant.
auto tryExecArgs(string sql, *softlist< auto > args)
executes some SQL with optional arguments so that if an error occurs the current transaction state is...
list< auto > getColumnSqlNames(softlist cols)
returns a list of column names for use in SQL strings; subclasses can process the argument list in ca...
list< auto > getDropTriggerSql(string tname, *hash< auto > opt)
returns SQL that can be used to drop the given trigger from the table
int delCommit()
SqlUtil::AbstractTable::delCommit() variant
Qore::SQL::AbstractSQLStatement getStatementNoExec(*hash< auto > sh, *reference< string > sql, *hash< auto > opt)
returns an AbstractSQLStatement object that will iterate the results of a select statement matching t...
*hash< string, int > upsertFromSelectCommit(AbstractTable t, *hash< auto > sh, int upsert_strategy=AbstractTable::UpsertAuto, *hash< auto > opt)
Upserts or merges data from the given foreign table and select option hash into the current table.
AbstractUniqueConstraint addUniqueConstraint(string cname, softlist cols, *hash< auto > opt, *reference< string > sql)
adds a unique constraint to the table; if the table is known to be in the database already,...
hash< SqlResultInfo > insertWithInfo(hash< auto > row, *hash< auto > opt)
Inserts a row and returns the result and also the SQL used.
*hash< string, AbstractDataField > getRecordType()
returns a record description for the table
list< auto > getAddColumnSql(string cname, hash< auto > copt, bool nullable=True, *hash< auto > opt)
returns a list of SQL strings that can be use to add a column to the table
AbstractColumn addColumn(string cname, hash< auto > opt, bool nullable=True, *reference lsql)
adds a column to the table; if the table is already known to be in the database, then it is added in ...
int update(hash< auto > set, hash< auto > cond, reference< string > sql, hash< auto > opt)
updates rows in the table matching an optional condition and returns the count of rows updated; no tr...
string getSqlName()
returns the name of the table to be used in SQL (with a possible qualifier for schema,...
const ColumnDescOptions
Column description options.
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:171
string getAddUniqueConstraintSql(string cname, softlist cols, *hash ukopt, *hash< auto > opt)
returns an SQL string that can be used to add a unique constraint to the table
hash< auto > getInsertFromIteratorOptions()
returns the insert from iterator options for this driver
Qore::SQL::AbstractSQLStatement getStatementNoExec(*hash< auto > sh, *hash< auto > opt)
returns an AbstractSQLStatement object that will iterate the results of a select statement matching t...
bool inDb
in database
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:397
list< auto > getAlignSql(AbstractTable t, *hash< auto > opt)
returns a list of SQL strings required to align the table to the table given as an argument
*hash< auto > insert(hash< auto > row, reference< string > sql)
SqlUtil::AbstractTable::insert() variant
int update(hash< auto > set, hash< auto > cond, reference< string > sql)
A SqlUtil::AbstractTable::update() variant.
string name
the table's name
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:381
*list< auto > getCreateTriggersSql(*hash< auto > opt, bool cache=True)
returns a list of SQL strings that could be used to create triggers on the table or NOTHING if there ...
const IndexOptions
default index options
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:52
string getCreateTableSql(*hash< auto > opt)
returns an SQL string that could be used to create the basic table structure without indexes and cons...
*hash find(auto id)
finds a row in the table with the given primary key value; if no row matches the primary key value pa...
string getAddCheckConstraintSql(string cname, string src, *hash copt, *hash< auto > opt)
returns an SQL string that can be used to add a check constraint to the table
*hash< auto > insert(hash< auto > row, hash< auto > opt)
SqlUtil::AbstractTable::insert() variant
hash< auto > getCacheOptions()
returns the cache options for this driver
string getColumnSqlName(string col)
returns the column name for use in SQL strings; subclasses can return a special string in case the co...
*list< auto > selectRows(*hash< auto > sh, *reference< string > sql, *hash< auto > opt)
returns a list of hashes representing the rows in the table that match the argument hash
*hash< string, int > upsertFromSelectCommit(Table t, *hash< auto > sh, int upsert_strategy=AbstractTable::UpsertAuto, *hash< auto > opt)
SqlUtil::AbstractTable::upsertFromSelectCommit() variant
AbstractIndex addIndex(string iname, bool unique, softlist cols, *hash< auto > opt, *reference< string > sql)
adds an index to the table; if the table is already known to be in the database, then it is added in ...
bool hasReturning()
returns True if the current database driver supports the "returning" clause in insert statements,...
code getUpsertClosureWithValidation(hash< auto > example_row, int upsert_strategy=UpsertAuto, *hash< auto > opt)
returns a closure that can be executed given a hash argument representing a single row that will be u...
string getDropConstraintSql(string cname, *hash< auto > opt)
gets the SQL that can be used to drop a constraint from the table; this can be any constraint on the ...
deprecated int upsertNoCommit(hash< auto > row, int upsert_strategy=UpsertAuto)
A legacy SqlUtil::AbstractTable::upsert() wrapper.
bool bindEmptyStringsAsNull()
returns True if the DB treats empty strings as NULL, False if not; by default this method returns Fal...
list< auto > getAddTriggerSql(string tname, string src, *hash topt, *hash< auto > opt)
returns a list of SQL strings that can be used to add a trigger to the table
hash< auto > getColumnDescOptions()
returns the column description options for this driver
AbstractDataProviderType getDbType(string native_type, *string qore_type, bool nullable, int max_size=-1, *hash< SqlUtilDataTypeOptionInfo > options)
returns the DB type for the given column type
*list< auto > getCreateMiscSql(*hash< auto > opt, bool cache=True)
returns a list of SQL strings that could be used to create other table attributes (such as comments,...
const SqlDataCallbackOptions
generic SQL data operation callbacks
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:199
auto tryExec(string sql)
executes some SQL with optional arguments so that if an error occurs the current transaction state is...
const InsertOptions
generic SQL insert options
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:214
AbstractDataField getColumnDataField(AbstractColumn column, *hash< SqlUtilDataTypeOptionInfo > options, *string append_desc)
returns a field object for the given column
deprecated int insertFromIteratorNoCommit(Qore::AbstractIterator i, *hash< auto > opt)
A legacy SqlUtil::AbstractTable::insertFromIterator() wrapper.
abstract bool isDuplicateRowErrorImpl(hash< ExceptionInfo > ex)
Returns True if the exception was raised because of a duplicate row / key error.
AbstractIndex renameIndex(string old_name, string new_name, reference< string > sql)
renames an existing index; if the table is already known to be in the database, then the changes are ...
int delCommit(hash< auto > cond, reference< string > sql, hash< auto > opt)
deletes rows in the table matching the condition and returns the count of rows deleted; the transacti...
hash< auto > getSelectOptions()
returns the select options for this driver
int delCommit(hash< auto > cond, hash< auto > opt)
SqlUtil::AbstractTable::delCommit() variant
list< auto > getCreateSql(*hash< auto > opt)
returns a list of SQL strings that could be used to create the table and all known properties of the ...
abstract copyImpl(AbstractTable old)
db-specific copy actions
deprecated *hash< auto > insertNoCommit(hash< auto > row, *reference< string > sql, *hash< auto > opt)
A legacy wrapper for SqlUtil::AbstractTable::insert()
AbstractConstraint dropConstraint(string cname, *reference< string > sql)
drops a constraint from the table; this can be any constraint on the table, a primary key,...
string getRenameSql(string new_name, *hash< auto > opt)
returns an SQL string that could be used to rename the table in the database
int delCommit(hash< auto > cond)
SqlUtil::AbstractTable::delCommit() variant
hash< auto > getTriggerOptions()
returns the trigger options for this driver
hash< auto > getUpsertOptions()
returns the upsert options for this driver
hash< auto > getRawUpdateOperatorMap()
returns the raw (default) update operator map for this object
auto tryExecArgsImpl(string sql, *softlist< auto > args)
tries to execute a command so that if an error occurs the current transaction status is not lost
hash< string, Columns > getAllUpsertColumns(*hash< auto > row)
returns a hash with a single value\
AbstractForeignConstraint removeForeignConstraint(string cname)
removes the named foreign constraint from the table; no SQL is executed in any case,...
const CacheOptions
default cache options
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:63
*hash< auto > insertCommit(hash< auto > row, reference< string > sql, hash< auto > opt)
SqlUtil::AbstractTable::insertCommit() variant
*hash< auto > findSingle(*hash< auto > cond)
finds a single row in the table that match the row condition passed; multiple rows may match,...
string getAddIndexSql(string iname, bool unique, softlist cols, *hash< auto > ixopt, *hash< auto > opt)
returns an SQL string that can be used to add an index to the table
bool native_case
native case option
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:395
int insertFromIterator(Qore::AbstractIterator i, *hash< auto > opt)
this method inserts data from the given iterator argument (whose getValue() method must return a hash...
hash< SqlResultInfo > delWithInfo(hash< auto > cond, *hash< auto > opt)
deletes rows in the table matching the condition and returns the count of rows deleted; no transactio...
code getUpsertClosure(hash< auto > row, int upsert_strategy=UpsertAuto, *hash< auto > opt)
returns a closure that can be executed given a hash argument representing a single row that will be u...
*hash< auto > insert(hash< auto > row)
inserts a row into the table without any transaction management; a transaction will be in progress af...
hash< auto > getColumnOptions()
returns the column options for this driver
int insertFromSelectCommit(list cols, AbstractTable source, hash< auto > sh, reference< string > sql)
SqlUtil::AbstractTable::insertFromSelectCommit() variant
bool asteriskRequiresPrefix()
returns True if the database requires a wildcard "*" to be prefixed with the table name when it appea...
bool emptyData()
returns True if the table has no data rows, False if not
*hash< auto > select(*hash< auto > sh, *reference< string > sql, *hash< auto > opt)
returns a hash of lists representing the columns and rows in the table that match the argument hash
int updateCommit(hash< auto > set, hash< auto > cond, hash< auto > opt)
A SqlUtil::AbstractTable::updateCommit() variant.
drop(*hash< auto > opt)
drops the table from the database without any transaction management
AbstractDataProviderType getNumericType(string type_name, bool nullable, *hash< auto > options)
returns the type for number / numeric columns for the database so that data conversions can be handle...
deprecated int insertFromSelectNoCommit(list cols, AbstractTable source, *hash< auto > sh, *reference< string > sql, *hash< auto > opt)
A legacy SqlUtil::AbstractTable::insertFromSelect() wrapper.
*hash< string, int > upsertFromIteratorCommit(Qore::AbstractIterator i, int upsert_strategy=AbstractTable::UpsertAuto, *hash< auto > opt)
this method upserts or merges data from the given iterator argument (whose getValue() method must ret...
abstract bool uniqueIndexCreatesConstraintImpl()
returns True if the database automatically creates a unique constraint when a unique index is created...
int updateCommit(hash< auto > set, hash< auto > cond)
A SqlUtil::AbstractTable::updateCommit() variant.
int insertFromSelectCommit(list cols, AbstractTable source, hash< auto > sh, reference< string > sql, hash< auto > opt)
inserts rows into a table based on a select statement from another table (which must be using the sam...
hash< auto > getTableDescriptionHashOptions()
returns the table description hash<auto> options for this driver
deprecated int updateNoCommit(hash< auto > set, *hash< auto > cond, *hash< auto > opt)
A legacy SqlUtil::AbstractTable::update() wrapper.
Columns columns
column description object
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:383
Indexes getIndexes()
returns an object of class Indexes describing the indexes on the table
*string getCreatePrimaryKeySql(*hash< auto > opt, bool cache=True)
returns an SQL string that could be used to create the primary key on the table
string getName()
returns the name of the table
AbstractForeignConstraint dropForeignConstraint(string cname, *reference< string > sql)
drops a foreign constraint from the table; if the table is known to be in the database already,...
hash< auto > getInsertOptions()
returns the insert options for this driver
*hash< auto > selectRow(*hash< auto > sh, *reference< string > sql, *hash< auto > opt)
returns a hash representing the row in the table that matches the argument hash
*list< auto > selectRows(*hash< auto > sh, *hash< auto > opt)
returns a list of hashes representing the rows in the table that match the argument hash
Triggers getTriggers()
returns an object of class Triggers describing the triggers on the table
Qore::SQL::AbstractSQLStatement getStatement(*hash< auto > sh, *hash< auto > opt)
returns an AbstractSQLStatement object that will iterate the results of a select statement matching t...
ForeignConstraints foreignConstraints
foreign constraints description
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:389
clears any driver-specific table information
const SelectOptions
default possible select options; can be extended by driver-specific modules
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:85
*hash< auto > getColumnOperatorMapImpl()
Reimplement in subclasses to provide driver specific column operators.
int upsert(hash< auto > row, int upsert_strategy=UpsertAuto, *hash< auto > opt)
update or insert the data in the table according to the hash argument; the table must have a unique k...
int del(hash< auto > cond, hash< auto > opt)
SqlUtil::AbstractTable::del() variant
setDatasource(AbstractDatasource nds)
changes the datasource for the table; if the inDb flag is True, then it is set to False by calling th...
Qore::SQL::SQLStatement getRowIterator(*hash< auto > sh, *reference< string > sql, *hash< auto > opt)
returns an SQLStatement object that will iterate the results of a select statement matching the argum...
cache(*hash< auto > opts)
reads in all attributes of the table from the database
truncates all the table data; releases the transaction lock after executing
deprecated int updateNoCommit(hash< auto > set, *hash< auto > cond, *reference< string > sql)
A legacy SqlUtil::AbstractTable::update() wrapper.
int insertFromIteratorCommit(Qore::AbstractIterator i, *hash< auto > opt)
this method inserts data from the given iterator argument (whose getValue() method must return a hash...
int del(hash< auto > cond, reference< string > sql, hash< auto > opt)
deletes rows in the table matching the condition and returns the count of rows deleted; no transactio...
const ConstraintOptions
default constraint options
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:60
hash< SqlResultInfo > selectRowsWithInfo(*hash< auto > select_hash, *hash< auto > opt)
returns a hash with a result key assigned to a list of hashes representing the rows in the table that...
hash< auto > getUpdateOperatorMap()
returns the update operator map for this object
hash< auto > getIndexOptions()
returns the index options for this driver
createCommit(*hash< auto > opt)
creates the table in the database; releases the transaction lock after creating the table
*list< auto > getCreateForeignConstraintsSql(*hash< auto > opt, bool cache=True)
returns a list of SQL strings that could be used to create foreign constraints on the table or NOTHIN...
deprecated *hash< string, int > upsertFromSelect(Table t, *hash< auto > sh, int upsert_strategy=AbstractTable::UpsertAuto, *hash< auto > opt)
SqlUtil::AbstractTable::upsertFromSelect() variant
string getBaseType()
returns the base type of the underlying object (normally "table", some DB-specific implementations ma...
hash< SqlResultInfo > updateWithInfo(hash< auto > set, hash< auto > cond, *hash< auto > opt)
updates rows in the table matching an optional condition and returns an info hash with the count of r...
hash< SqlResultInfo > getStatementNoExecWithInfo(*hash< auto > select_hash, *hash< auto > opt)
returns a result hash including an AbstractSQLStatement object that will iterate the results of a sel...
const TableDescriptionHashOptions
Table description options.
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:147
hash< auto > getTableColumnDescOptions()
returns the table column description options for this driver
int update(hash< auto > set)
A SqlUtil::AbstractTable::update() variant.
int update(hash< auto > set, hash< auto > cond, hash< auto > opt)
A SqlUtil::AbstractTable::update() variant.
purges the current table definition
hash< SqlResultInfo > getStatementWithInfo(*hash< auto > select_hash, *hash< auto > opt)
returns a result hash including an AbstractSQLStatement object that will iterate the results of a sel...
const UpsertResultDescriptionMap
hash mapping upsert descriptions to codes
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:362
int updateCommit(hash< auto > set, hash< auto > cond, reference< string > sql)
A SqlUtil::AbstractTable::updateCommit() variant.
deprecated *hash< auto > insertNoCommit(hash< auto > row, hash< auto > opt)
A legacy wrapper for SqlUtil::AbstractTable::insert()
hash< auto > getConstraintOptions()
returns the constraint options for this driver
string getAddPrimaryKeySql(string pkname, softlist cols, *hash pkopt, *hash< auto > opt)
returns the SQL that can be used to add a primary key to the table
*hash< string, int > upsertFromIterator(Qore::AbstractIterator i, int upsert_strategy=AbstractTable::UpsertAuto, *hash< auto > opt)
this method upserts or merges data from the given iterator argument (whose getValue() method must ret...
int updateCommit(hash< auto > set, hash< auto > cond, reference< string > sql, hash< auto > opt)
updates rows in the table matching an optional condition and returns the count of rows updated; the t...
hash< auto > getAlignTableOptions()
returns the align table options for this driver
Constraints getConstraints()
returns a Constraints object describing the non-foreign constraints on the table
abstract bool hasArrayBind()
returns True if the underlying DB driver supports bulk DML operations
validateColumnOptions(string cname, reference< hash > opt, bool nullable)
validates column options
deprecated truncateNoCommit()
A legacy warpper for truncate()
commits the current transaction on the underlying Qore::SQL::AbstractDatasource
bool checkExistence()
returns True if the table exists in the database, False if not
softlist< auto > getDropSql(*hash< auto > opt)
returns the sql required to drop the table; reimplement in subclasses if necessary
int insertFromSelectCommit(list cols, AbstractTable source, hash< auto > sh)
SqlUtil::AbstractTable::insertFromSelectCommit() variant
string getSelectSql(*hash< auto > sh, *reference< list< auto > > args)
returns the SQL string to be executed corresponding to the argument hash with an output parameter for...
AbstractTable getSubtableFromString(string table, *hash< auto > opt)
Returns the given table from the argument, using any "tablecode" option if present.
const TableCreationOptions
table creation options
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:113
int delCommit(hash< auto > cond, reference< string > sql)
SqlUtil::AbstractTable::delCommit() variant
int insertFromSelect(list cols, AbstractTable source, hash< auto > sh, reference< string > sql, hash< auto > opt)
inserts rows into a table based on a select statement from another table (which must be using the sam...
Triggers triggers
trigger descriptions
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:393
AbstractColumn renameColumn(string old_name, string new_name, reference< string > sql)
renames an existing column; if the table is already known to be in the database, then the changes are...
abstract AbstractSavepointHelper getSavepointHelperImpl(*string savepoint)
get DB-specific savepoint helper
int updateCommit(hash< auto > set)
A SqlUtil::AbstractTable::updateCommit() variant.
AbstractDataProviderType getColumnDataType(string column_name, *hash< SqlUtilDataTypeOptionInfo > options)
returns the data type for the given column
hash< auto > getInsertOperatorMap()
returns the insert operator map for this object
AbstractPrimaryKey primaryKey
primary key description
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:385
bool inDb()
returns True if the table has been read from or created in the database, False if not
Qore::SQL::SQLStatement getRowIterator(*hash< auto > sh, *hash< auto > opt)
returns an SQLStatement object that will iterate the results of a select statement matching the argum...
int insertFromSelect(list cols, AbstractTable source, hash< auto > sh, reference< string > sql)
SqlUtil::AbstractTable::insertFromSelectCommit() variant
AbstractIndex dropIndex(string iname, *reference< string > sql)
drops the given index from the table; if the table is known to be in the database already,...
AbstractForeignConstraint addForeignConstraint(string cname, softlist cols, string table, *softlist tcols, *hash< auto > opt, *reference< string > sql)
adds a foreign constraint to the table; if the table is already known to be in the database,...
hash< SqlResultInfo > selectWithInfo(*hash< auto > select_hash, *hash< auto > opt)
returns a hash with a result key assigned to a hash of lists representing the columns and rows in the...
AbstractPrimaryKey addPrimaryKey(string pkname, softlist cols, *hash< auto > opt, *reference< string > sql)
adds a primary key to the table; if the table is already known to be in the database,...
abstract hash< auto > getTypeMapImpl()
returns the type name -> type description hash
begins a transaction on the underlying Qore::SQL::AbstractDatasource
abstract bool supportsTablespacesImpl()
returns True if the database support tablespaces
hash< auto > getColumnOperatorMap()
returns the column operator map for this object
rolls back the current transaction on the underlying Qore::SQL::AbstractDatasource
string getTruncateSql(*hash< auto > opt)
gets the SQL that can be used to truncate the table
*hash< auto > insertCommit(hash< auto > row, hash< auto > opt)
SqlUtil::AbstractTable::insertCommit() variant
string getSqlFromList(list< auto > l)
returns an SQL string corresponding to the list of commands in the argument
string getRenameColumnSql(string old_name, string new_name, *hash< auto > opt)
gets an SQL string that can be used to rename an existing column in the table
AbstractCheckConstraint addCheckConstraint(string cname, string src, *hash< auto > opt, *reference< string > sql)
adds a check constraint to the table; if the table is already known to be in the database,...
ForeignConstraints getForeignConstraints(*hash< auto > opt)
returns a ForeignConstraints object describing the foreign constraints that the table has on other ta...
string getSqlValue(auto v)
returns a string for use in SQL queries representing the DB-specific value of the argument
const TriggerOptions
default trigger options
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:79
const AlignTableOptions
table alignment options
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:126
int insertFromSelect(list cols, AbstractTable source, hash< auto > sh, hash< auto > opt)
SqlUtil::AbstractTable::insertFromSelectCommit() variant
code getBulkUpsertClosure(hash< auto > example_row, int upsert_strategy=AbstractTable::UpsertAuto, *hash< auto > opt)
returns a closure that can be executed given a hash argument representing either a single row or a se...
auto tryExecRaw(string sql)
executes some SQL so that if an error occurs the current transaction state is not lost
*AbstractUniqueConstraint findUniqueConstraint(string name)
returns the given AbstractUniqueConstraint object if defined for the table (also includes the primary...
string getCreateSqlString(*hash< auto > opt)
returns an SQL string that could be used to create the table and all known properties of the table
int del()
SqlUtil::AbstractTable::del() variant
const UpsertResultMap
hash mapping upsert results to a description
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:351
AbstractSavepointHelper getSavepointHelper(*string savepoint)
get DB-specific savepoint helper
hash< auto > getSqlDataCallbackOptions()
returns the sql data operation callback options for this driver
truncates all the table data without any transaction management
AbstractTrigger dropTrigger(string tname, *reference< string > sql)
drops the given trigger from the table; if the table is known to be in the database already,...
AbstractDataProviderType getDbType(AbstractColumn column, *hash< SqlUtilDataTypeOptionInfo > options)
returns the DB type for the given column type
*string getDropConstraintIfExistsSql(string cname, *hash< auto > opt, *reference< AbstractConstraint > cref)
gets the SQL that can be used to drop a constraint from the table if it exists, otherwise returns NOT...
string getAlignSqlString(AbstractTable t, *hash< auto > opt)
accepts an AbstractTable argument and returns an SQL string that could be executed to align the struc...
AbstractTrigger addTrigger(string tname, string src, *hash< auto > opt, *reference lsql)
adds a trigger to the table; if the table is already known to be in the database, then it is added in...
*list< auto > findAll(*hash< auto > cond)
finds all rows in the table with the given column values; a list of hashes is returned representing t...
Qore::SQL::SQLStatement getRowIteratorNoExec(*hash< auto > sh, *reference< string > sql, *hash< auto > opt)
returns an SQLStatement object that will iterate the results of a select statement matching the argum...
bool manual
manual edits
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:399
*list find(list< auto > ids)
finds rows in the table with the given primary key values; if no row matches any primary key value pa...
deprecated *hash< string, int > upsertFromSelectNoCommit(Table t, *hash< auto > sh, int upsert_strategy=AbstractTable::UpsertAuto, *hash< auto > opt)
A legacy SqlUtil::AbstractTable::upsertFromSelect() wrapper.
hash< auto > getForeignConstraintOptions()
return the foreign constraint options for this driver
const ForeignConstraintOptions
default foreign constraint options
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:72
const AdditionalColumnDescOptions
additional column description keys valid when describing columns in a table description hash
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:187
const InsertFromIteratorOptions
default insert option keys
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:237
string getAddForeignConstraintSql(string cname, softlist cols, string table, *softlist tcols, *hash fkopt, *hash< auto > opt)
returns an SQL string that can be used to add a foreign constraint to the table
bool empty()
returns True if the table has no definitions, False if not
deprecated int delNoCommit(*hash< auto > cond, *reference< string > sql)
A legacy SqlUtil::AbstractTable::del() wrapper.
Qore::AbstractIterator getUniqueConstraintIterator()
returns an iterator for all unique constraints on the table (including the primary key if any)
hash< auto > getExpressionMap()
Returns the expression map for this database server.
*hash< auto > select(*hash< auto > sh, *hash< auto > opt)
returns a hash of lists representing the columns and rows in the table that match the argument hash
Indexes indexes
index descriptions
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:387
*list< auto > getCreateIndexesSql(*hash< auto > opt, bool cache=True)
returns a list of SQL strings that could be used to create indexes on the table or NOTHING if there a...
int insertFromSelect(list cols, AbstractTable source, hash< auto > sh)
SqlUtil::AbstractTable::insertFromSelectCommit() variant
hash< SqlResultInfo > insertFromSelectWithInfo(list< auto > cols, AbstractTable source, hash< auto > select_hash, *hash< auto > opt)
inserts rows into a table based on a select statement from another table (which must be using the sam...
hash< auto > getWhereOperatorMap()
returns the "where" operator map for this object
abstract doSelectLimitOnlyUnlockedImpl(reference< hash< QueryInfo > > info, reference< string > sql)
processes a string for use in SQL select statements when there is a "limit" argument,...
abstract bool tryInsertImpl(string sql, hash< auto > row)
tries to insert a row, if there is a duplicate key, then it returns False, if successful,...
create(*hash< auto > opt)
creates the table with all associated properties (indexes, constraints, etc) without any transaction ...
*hash< auto > selectRow(*hash< auto > sh, *hash< auto > opt)
returns a hash representing the row in the table that matches the argument hash; if more than one row...
list< auto > getModifyColumnSql(string cname, hash< auto > copt, bool nullable=True, *hash< auto > opt)
gets a list of SQL strings that can be used to modify an existing column in the table
the base class for triggers
Definition: SqlUtil.qm.dox.h:7145
represents a unique column constraint
Definition: SqlUtil.qm.dox.h:6861
column container class that throws an exception if an unknown column is accessed
Definition: SqlUtil.qm.dox.h:6282
constraint container class that throws an exception if an unknown constraint is accessed
Definition: SqlUtil.qm.dox.h:6630
foreign constraint container class that throws an exception if an unknown constraint is accessed
Definition: SqlUtil.qm.dox.h:6881
index container class that throws an exception if an unknown index is accessed
Definition: SqlUtil.qm.dox.h:6496
represents a database table; this class embeds an AbstractTable object that is created automatically ...
Definition: Table.qc.dox.h:44
the table container class stores a collection of tables in a schema
Definition: SqlUtil.qm.dox.h:6094
trigger container class that throws an exception if an unknown trigger is accessed
Definition: SqlUtil.qm.dox.h:7163
const UpsertUpdateFirst
Upsert option: update first, if the update fails, then insert.
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:271
const UpsertStrategyMap
hash mapping upsert strategy codes to a text description
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:306
const UpsertInsertOnly
Upsert option: insert if the row does not exist, otherwise ignore.
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:294
const UpsertInsertFirst
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:263
const UpsertUpdateOnly
Upsert option: update if the row exists, otherwise ignore.
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:301
const UpsertAuto
Upsert option: if the target table is empty, use UpsertInsertFirst, otherwise use UpsertUpdateFirst.
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:287
const UpsertStrategyDescriptionMap
hash mapping upsert strategy descriptions to upsert strategy codes
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:318
const UpsertSelectFirst
Upsert option: select first, if the row is unchanged, do nothing, if it doesn't exist,...
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:280
const UR_Updated
row was updated because it was different (only possible with UpsertSelectFirst)
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:339
const UR_Verified
row was updated unconditionally (not returned with UpsertSelectFirst)
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:336
const UR_Deleted
row was deleted (only possible with batch upsert methods such as AbstractTable::upsertFromIterator() ...
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:345
const UR_Inserted
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:333
const UR_Unchanged
row was unchanged (only possible with UpsertSelectFirst, UpsertInsertOnly, and UpsertUpdateOnly)
Definition: AbstractTable.qc.dox.h:342
Qore AbstractDatabase class definition.
Definition: AbstractDatabase.qc.dox.h:26