Qore ElasticSearchDataProvider Module Reference 1.0
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ElasticSearchDataProvider::ElasticSearchDocumentCreateDataProvider Class Reference

The ElasticSearch document create API data provider. More...

#include <ElasticSearchDocumentCreateDataProvider.qc.dox.h>

Inheritance diagram for ElasticSearchDataProvider::ElasticSearchDocumentCreateDataProvider:

Public Member Methods

 constructor (*hash< auto > options)
 Creates the object from constructor options.
 constructor (RestClient::RestClient rest)
 Creates the object from a REST connection.
*string getDesc ()
 Returns the data provider description.
string getName ()
 Returns the data provider name.
hash< DataProvider::DataProviderInfogetStaticInfoImpl ()
 Returns data provider static info.
- Public Member Methods inherited from ElasticSearchDataProvider::ElasticSearchDataProviderBase
 constructor ()
 Creates the object.
 constructor (RestClient rest)
 Creates the object from a REST connection.
 setLogger (*LoggerInterface logger)
 Accepts a LoggerInterface object for logging (or clears it)

Public Attributes

const ProviderInfo
 Provider info.
const ProviderSummaryInfo
 Provider summary info.
const QueryArgs = ...
 Query args.
const RequestType = new ElasticSearchDocumentCreateRequestDataType()
 Request type.
const ResponseType = new ElasticSearchDocumentCreateResponseDataType()
 Response type.

Private Member Methods

auto doRequestImpl (auto req, *hash< auto > request_options)
 Makes a request and returns the response. More...
*DataProvider::AbstractDataProviderType getRequestTypeImpl ()
 Returns the description of a successful request message, if any. More...
*DataProvider::AbstractDataProviderType getResponseTypeImpl ()
 Returns the description of a response message, if this object represents a response message. More...

Detailed Description

The ElasticSearch document create API data provider.

This API allows the caller to create an ElasticSearch document

A pipeline can be specified as an argument as well to perform transformations on the ingested document data

Member Function Documentation

◆ doRequestImpl()

auto ElasticSearchDataProvider::ElasticSearchDocumentCreateDataProvider::doRequestImpl ( auto  req,
*hash< auto >  request_options 

Makes a request and returns the response.

reqthe request to serialize and make according to the request type
request_optionsthe request options; will be processed by validateRequestOptions()
the response to the request

◆ getRequestTypeImpl()

*DataProvider::AbstractDataProviderType ElasticSearchDataProvider::ElasticSearchDocumentCreateDataProvider::getRequestTypeImpl ( )

Returns the description of a successful request message, if any.

the request type for this provider

◆ getResponseTypeImpl()

*DataProvider::AbstractDataProviderType ElasticSearchDataProvider::ElasticSearchDocumentCreateDataProvider::getResponseTypeImpl ( )

Returns the description of a response message, if this object represents a response message.

the response type for this response message