Qore ElasticSearchDataProvider Module Reference 1.0
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ElasticSearchDataProvider::ElasticSearchIndexReadAllDataProvider Class Reference

The ElasticSearch read all indices API data provider. More...

#include <ElasticSearchIndexReadAllDataProvider.qc.dox.h>

Inheritance diagram for ElasticSearchDataProvider::ElasticSearchIndexReadAllDataProvider:

Public Member Methods

 constructor (*hash< auto > options)
 Creates the object from constructor options.
 constructor (RestClient::RestClient rest)
 Creates the object from a REST connection.
*string getDesc ()
 Returns the data provider description.
string getName ()
 Returns the data provider name.
hash< DataProvider::DataProviderInfogetStaticInfoImpl ()
 Returns data provider static info.
- Public Member Methods inherited from ElasticSearchDataProvider::ElasticSearchDataProviderBase
 constructor ()
 Creates the object.
 constructor (RestClient rest)
 Creates the object from a REST connection.
 setLogger (*LoggerInterface logger)
 Accepts a LoggerInterface object for logging (or clears it)

Public Attributes

const ProviderInfo
 Provider info.
const ProviderSummaryInfo
 Provider summary info.
const QueryArgs = ElasticSearchIndexReadDataProvider::QueryArgs
 Query args.
const RequestType = new ElasticSearchIndexReadAllRequestDataType()
 Request type.
const ResponseType = new ElasticSearchIndexReadResponseDataType()
 Response type.

Private Member Methods

auto doRequestImpl (auto req, *hash< auto > request_options)
 Makes a request and returns the response. More...
*DataProvider::AbstractDataProviderType getRequestTypeImpl ()
 Returns the description of a successful request message, if any. More...
*DataProvider::AbstractDataProviderType getResponseTypeImpl ()
 Returns the description of a response message, if this object represents a response message. More...

Detailed Description

The ElasticSearch read all indices API data provider.

This class implements an API that return the descriptions of all known indices in the ElasticSearch server.

Member Function Documentation

◆ doRequestImpl()

auto ElasticSearchDataProvider::ElasticSearchIndexReadAllDataProvider::doRequestImpl ( auto  req,
*hash< auto >  request_options 

Makes a request and returns the response.

reqthe request to serialize and make according to the request type
request_optionsthe request options; will be processed by validateRequestOptions()
the response to the request

◆ getRequestTypeImpl()

*DataProvider::AbstractDataProviderType ElasticSearchDataProvider::ElasticSearchIndexReadAllDataProvider::getRequestTypeImpl ( )

Returns the description of a successful request message, if any.

the request type for this provider

◆ getResponseTypeImpl()

*DataProvider::AbstractDataProviderType ElasticSearchDataProvider::ElasticSearchIndexReadAllDataProvider::getResponseTypeImpl ( )

Returns the description of a response message, if this object represents a response message.

the response type for this response message