| constructor (string name, string version, *list< auto > p_argv, *hash< auto > opts) |
| creates the injected test object
| constructor (string name, string version, reference< list< string > > p_argv, *hash< auto > opts) |
| creates the injected test object
Program | createInjectedProgram (string path) |
| creates the Program object subject to injection
| createProgram () |
| creates the main child Program object subject to injection
int | getParseOptions () |
| override this method to affect the parse options that Program objects subject to injection will get
string | getScriptPath () |
| Returns the path to the script to be tested.
abstract string | getScriptPathImpl () |
| implement this in subclasses to perform all injections
| injectClass (string class_name, *string new_name) |
| injects a class
| injectFunction (string func_name, *string new_name) |
| injects a function
| injectUserModule (string module, *code custom_setup, *code custom_parsing) |
| performs all injections into the given user module
int | main () |
| creates the injected program, reloads the source into it, and executes the test
| performCommonInjections (Program p) |
| override this method to perform injections common to the primary child logic container and all user module logic containers
| performInjections () |
| performs injections
abstract | performInjectionsImpl () |
| implement this in subclasses to perform all injections
| reloadAndCommitProgram () |
| reloads the test source and finalizes and commits the injected child Program object
| reloadSelf () |
| override to supply the source to the current test in case it's not available on the filesystem
| setReloadedParseOptions (Program p, string file_data) |
| override to optionally set parse options on the reloaded source
| addTestCase (QUnit::TestCase tc) |
| adds a test case to run More...
| addTestCase (string name, code call, *softlist< auto > args) |
| adds a test case to run More...
| assertEq (auto expected, auto actual, *string name) |
| Tests a value for equality to an expected value with hard comparisons (types and values must be identical) More...
| assertEqSoft (auto expected, auto actual, *string name) |
| Tests a value for equality to an expected value with soft comparisons (types may differ) More...
| assertFalse (auto actual, *string name) |
| Tests a boolean value. More...
| assertFloatEq (float expected, float actual, float epsilon=DEFAULT_EPSILON, *string name) |
| Tests a float value for equality to an expected value with an allowed error. More...
| assertGe (auto expected, auto actual, *string name) |
| Tests that a value is greater than or equal to an expected value with hard comparisons (types may not differ) More...
| assertGeSoft (auto expected, auto actual, *string name) |
| Tests that a value is greater than or equal to than an expected value with soft comparisons (types may differ) More...
| assertGt (auto expected, auto actual, *string name) |
| Tests that a value is greater than an expected value with hard comparisons (types may not differ) More...
| assertGtSoft (auto expected, auto actual, *string name) |
| Tests that a value is greater than an expected value with soft comparisons (types may differ) More...
| assertionOk (*string name) |
| process an ok assertion
| assertLe (auto expected, auto actual, *string name) |
| Tests that a value is less than or equal to an expected value with hard comparisons (types may not differ) More...
| assertLeSoft (auto expected, auto actual, *string name) |
| Tests that a value is less than or equal to than an expected value with soft comparisons (types may differ) More...
| assertLt (auto expected, auto actual, *string name) |
| Tests that a value is less than an expected value with hard comparisons (types may not differ) More...
| assertLtSoft (auto expected, auto actual, *string name) |
| Tests that a value is less than an expected value with soft comparisons (types may differ) More...
| assertNeq (auto expected, auto actual, *string name) |
| Tests a value for inequality to an expected value with hard comparisons (types and values must be identical) More...
| assertNeqSoft (auto expected, auto actual, *string name) |
| Tests a value for inequality to an expected value with soft comparisons (types may differ) More...
| assertNothing (auto actual, *string name) |
| Tests for no value. More...
| assertNRegex (string regex_pattern, string actual, *string name) |
| Tests that a test value does not pass a regular expression match. More...
| assertNumberEq (number expected, number actual, number epsilon=DEFAULT_EPSILON, *string name) |
| Tests a number value for equality to an expected value with an allowed error. More...
| assertRegex (string regex_pattern, string actual, *string name) |
| Tests that a test value passes a regular expression match. More...
| assertSkip (*string name) |
| Skips assertion on purpose. More...
| assertThrows (string expectedErr, *string expectedDesc, *hash< auto > arg, code theCode, *softlist< auto > args, *string name) |
| Tests that a piece of code throws an exception with given description and exception arg keys. More...
| assertThrows (string expectedErr, *string expectedDesc, code theCode, *softlist< auto > args, *string name) |
| Tests that a piece of code throws an exception with given description. More...
| assertThrows (string expectedErr, code theCode, *softlist< auto > args, *string name) |
| Tests that a piece of code throws an exception. More...
| assertTrue (auto actual, *string name) |
| Tests a boolean value. More...
| constructor (string name, string version, *list< auto > p_argv, *hash< auto > opts) |
| creates the object and sets the name of the test
| constructor (string name, string version, reference< list< string > > p_argv, *hash< auto > opts) |
| creates the object and sets the name of the test
bool | equals (auto a, auto b) |
| Compare two values for equality. More...
bool | equalsIterated (AbstractIterator a, AbstractIterator b) |
| Compare two iterables, item by item, for equality of each index. More...
| fail (*string msg) |
| Fails the test unconditionally. More...
*string | getEnv (string key, *string def) |
| facade for the system environment variables
TestCase | getTestCase (string meth) |
| returns the current test case
| globalSetUp () |
| global setup; will be called once before tests are run
| globalTearDown () |
| global tear down; will be called once after all tests are run
int | main () |
| Run the whole suite, report results.
bool | notEquals (auto a, auto b) |
| Compare two values for inequality. More...
string | printUnexpectedData (auto exp, auto act, *bool neg, *bool soft_comparisons, *string comparitor) |
| Helper function for printing out human-readable comparison of two values.
bool | regexpMatches (string s, string regexp) |
| Compare a string for match against a regexp. More...
| setUp () |
| Prototype function for setting up test environment. It will be called for each test individually.
| tearDown () |
| Prototype function for cleaning up test environemnt. It will be called after each test has executed.
auto | testAssertion (string name, code condition, *softlist< auto > args, binary expectedResultValue) |
| Tests for a single assertion for a call returning a binary value and returns the value generated. More...
auto | testAssertion (string name, code condition, *softlist< auto > args, bool expectedResultValue) |
| Tests for a single assertion for a call returning a boolean value and returns the value generated. More...
auto | testAssertion (string name, code condition, *softlist< auto > args, date expectedResultValue) |
| Tests for a single assertion for a call returning a date value and returns the value generated. More...
auto | testAssertion (string name, code condition, *softlist< auto > args, float expectedResultValue) |
| Tests for a single assertion for a call returning a floating-point value and returns the value generated. More...
auto | testAssertion (string name, code condition, *softlist< auto > args, hash< auto > expectedResultValue) |
| Tests for a single assertion for a call returning a hash value and returns the value generated. More...
auto | testAssertion (string name, code condition, *softlist< auto > args, int expectedResultValue) |
| Tests for a single assertion for a call returning an integer value and returns the value generated. More...
auto | testAssertion (string name, code condition, *softlist< auto > args, list< auto > expectedResultValue) |
| Tests for a single assertion for a call returning a list value and returns the value generated. More...
auto | testAssertion (string name, code condition, *softlist< auto > args, number expectedResultValue) |
| Tests for a single assertion for a call returning an arbitrary-precision numeric value and returns the value generated. More...
auto | testAssertion (string name, code condition, *softlist< auto > args, QUnit::AbstractTestResult expectedResult=new QUnit::TestResultSuccess()) |
| Tests for a single assertion and returns the value generated. More...
auto | testAssertion (string name, code condition, *softlist< auto > args, string expectedResultValue) |
| Tests for a single assertion for a call returning a string value and returns the value generated. More...
auto | testAssertionValue (*string name, auto actual, auto expected) |
| Tests a value for equality to an expected value. More...
auto | testAssertionValue (*string name, float actual, float expected, float epsilon=DEFAULT_EPSILON) |
| Tests a value for equality to an expected value of float type. More...
auto | testAssertionValue (*string name, number actual, number expected, number epsilon=DEFAULT_EPSILON) |
| Tests a value for equality to an expected value of number type. More...
| testNullAssertion (string name, code condition, *softlist< auto > args) |
| Tests for a single assertion for a call returning no value (for example, to ensure that the call does not throw an exception) More...
| testSkip (string reason) |
| Skips a given test, eg. because it may be missing some dependencies. More...
| constructor (string name, string version, *list< auto > p_argv, hash< auto > opts=Opts) |
| creates the object from the arguments More...
| constructor (string name, string version, reference< list< string > > p_argv, hash< auto > opts=Opts) |
| creates the object from the arguments More...