Qore WSDL Module Reference  0.3.6
WSDL Namespace Reference

main WSDL namespace More...


hashdecl  ArgInfo
 message argument hash description More...
class  Binding
 class for WSDL bindings More...
class  BindingContentDescription
 describes MIME content information for SOAP operational binding message descriptions More...
class  BindingMessageBodyDescription
 describes the message body for a SOAP operational binding message description More...
class  BindingMessageDescription
 describes an input or output message in a SOAP operational binding More...
class  BindingMessageHeaderDescription
 describes a SOAP message header for a SOAP operational binding message description More...
hashdecl  ChoiceInfo
 complex type choice hash More...
class  MimeXmlMessageDescription
 describes a mimeXml payload for a SOAP operational binding message description More...
class  Namespaces
 namespace container class More...
class  OperationalBinding
 class for WSDL bindings associated with a SOAP operation More...
hashdecl  OperationInfo
 WSDL operation info. More...
hashdecl  PortTypeInfo
 WSDL port type hash. More...
hashdecl  ServiceInfo
 WSDL service info hash. More...
class  WebService
 main class representing a parsed WSDL file More...
class  WSDLLib
 contains helper methods for retrieving WSDLs from a URL More...
class  WSMessage
 web service message class More...
class  WSMessageHelper
 helper class implementing sample message generation More...
class  WSOperation
 web service operation class More...
class  XsdArrayType
 class for XSD array types; currently only supports "binary"; used, for example with HTTP MultiPart messages More...
class  XsdAttribute
 XSD attribute class. More...
class  XsdBase
 base class with helper methods for XSD data processing More...
class  XsdBaseType
 class for XSD base types More...
class  XsdComplexType
 XSD complex type class. More...
class  XsdData
 base class for XSD data classes More...
class  XsdElement
 XSD element class. More...
class  XsdNamedData
 base class for XSD classes with a "name" attribute More...
class  XsdSimpleType
 XSD simple type class. More...
class  XsdTypedData
 XSD typed data class. More...


 wsdl_set_global_compat_empty_string_is_nothing (softbool val)
 sets the global_compat_empty_string_is_nothing variable to the given value to force the WSDL module to return a blank value for a required string field when the associated XML element is present as no value instead of an empty string for backwards compatibility with xml module 1.3
 wsdl_set_global_compat_allow_any_header (softbool val)
 sets the global_compat_allow_any_header variable to the given value to force the WSDL module to allow any SOAP header to be sent in SOAP messages for backwards compatibility with xml module 1.3


const version = "0.3.6"
 this WSDL implementation version
const SOAP_11_ENV = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
 SOAP 1.1 envelope URI.
const SOAP_12_ENV = "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"
 SOAP 1.2 envelope URI.
const SOAP_11_NS = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/"
 SOAP 1.1 namespace URI.
const SOAP_12_NS = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/"
 SOAP 1.2 namespace URI.
const XSD_NS = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
 XSD namespace URI.
const XSI_NS = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
 XSI namespace URI.
const HTTP_NS = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/http/"
 HTTP namespace URI.
const MIME_NS = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/mime/"
 MIME namespace URI.
const ENVELOPE_11_NS
 soap 1.1 envelope namespaces
const ENVELOPE_12_NS
 soap 1.2 envelope namespaces
const SoapUseMap
 SOAP "use" to "encoded" mappings.
const SoapStyleMap
 SOAP "style" to "document" mappings.
const SOAP_ENCODING = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
 soap encoding URI
const any_type_map
 mapping from Qore types to xsd types for xsd type "anyType"
const SOAP_TRANSPORT_HTTP = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"
 SOAP HTTP transport URI.
 known/supported transports
const RANGE_SHORT = (-32768, 32767)
 range of "short" values (16 bits)
const RANGE_INT = (-2147483648, 2147483647)
 range of "int" values (32 bits)

Detailed Description

main WSDL namespace