Qore Util Module Reference  1.6.1
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Util Namespace Reference

the Util namespace contains all the objects in the Util module More...


hashdecl  UriQueryInfo
 the return value of the parse_uri_query() function More...
hashdecl  UrlRetrievalOptions
 URL retrieval options for get_file_from_url() More...


bool absolute_path (string path)
 returns True if the argument is an absolute path, False if not More...
bool absolute_path_unix (string path)
 returns True if the argument is a UNIX absolute path, False if not More...
bool absolute_path_windows (string path)
 returns True if the argument is a Windows absolute path, False if not More...
bool check_ip_address (string ip, bool exception=False)
 verifies if a string is an IPv4 or IPv6 address More...
int compare_version (string lv, string rv)
 compares complex versions by breaking down strings into component parts More...
list< auto > flatten (softlist< auto > arg)
 Flattens a nested list (the nesting can be to any depth). More...
string get_byte_size (softnumber n, int decimals=2)
 returns a string giving a user-friendly real storage size (ie based on 1KiB = 1024 bytes) in KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB, etc for the given byte size More...
string get_exception_string (hash< auto > ex)
 returns a multi-line string from the exception hash argument suitable for logging or output on the console More...
data get_file_from_ftp (string url, string path, *hash< UrlRetrievalOptions > options)
 Retrieves file data from an FTP URL and a path. More...
data get_file_from_http (string url, *string path, *hash< UrlRetrievalOptions > options)
 Retrieves file data from an HTTP URL. More...
data get_file_from_sftp (string url, string path, *hash< UrlRetrievalOptions > options)
 Retrieves file data from an SFTP URL and a path. More...
data get_file_from_url (string url, *hash< UrlRetrievalOptions > options)
 Retrieves file data from the given URL. More...
data get_local_file (string path, *hash< UrlRetrievalOptions > options)
 Retrieves file data from a local file path. More...
string get_marketing_byte_size (softnumber n, int decimals=2)
 returns a string giving a user-friendly "marketing storage" size (ie based on 1KB = 1000 bytes) in KB, MB, GB, TB, etc for the given byte size More...
string get_random_string (softint len=15, int level=3)
 function that returns a random string More...
string glob_to_regex (string pat)
 Translates a shell pattern to a regular expression. More...
bool is_float (string text, bool pure=False)
 Checks whether string represents a (true) float value. More...
bool is_int (string text, bool pure=False)
 Checks whether string represents a (true) integer value. More...
bool is_number (string text, bool pure=False)
 Checks whether string represents a (true) number value. More...
string lpad (softstring text, int length, string padding=' ')
 Returns a string left-padded to a specified length with the specified characters. More...
string make_uri_query (hash< UriQueryInfo > h, string arg_separator=';')
 returns a serialized string for a UriQueryInfo hash More...
string normalize_dir (string dir, string cwd=getcwd())
 returns a platform-specific normalized path name (starting from /, eliminates ".", "..", and "//") More...
string normalize_dir_unix (string dir, string cwd=getcwd())
 returns a normalized UNIX path name (starting from /, eliminates ".", "..", and "//") More...
string normalize_dir_windows (string dir, string cwd=getcwd())
 returns a normalized Windows path name (eliminates ".", "..", and "//") More...
string ordinal (int i)
 Returns string with partially textual representation of ordinal integer value. More...
int parse_memory_size (string str, *bool use_binary)
 Returns a size in bytes from a string where "1M" = 1048576 and so forth. More...
list< intparse_ranges (string text)
 Parses a string and returns a list of integers. More...
auto parse_to_qore_value (string arg)
 tries to convert a string (such as an argument given from the command-line) to a Qore value More...
hash< UriQueryInfoparse_uri_query (string path)
 parses a URI path for a arguments and a method; where the method is the part of the path before the first "?" character, and arguments are after More...
string plural (int count, string base, string singular='', string plural='s')
 Returns string with number and proper singular/plural form of noun. More...
string regex_escape (string text)
 Escapes (backslashes) all non-alphanumeric characters in a string. More...
string rpad (softstring text, int length, string padding=' ')
 Returns a string right-padded to a specified length with the specified characters. More...
bool same (list< auto > l)
 checks whether given list has only unique elements More...
list< auto > slice (list< auto > l, softlist< auto > indices)
 list slice implementation More...
bool string_ends_with (string str, string substr)
 Verifies whether a string ends with specific substring. More...
bool string_starts_with (string str, string substr)
 Verifies whether a string begins with specific substring. More...
string substitute_env_vars (string str)
 Substitutes environment variables in a string and returns the string. More...
string tmp_location ()
 Returns a path for temporary files. More...
list< auto > uniq (softlist< auto > arg)
 Returns a duplicate-free version of the list. More...
list< auto > zip ()
 Returns a list of lists, where the i-th list contains the i-th element from each of the argument lists. More...


const StorageAbbr = map {$1[0].lwr(): $#}
 hash of single-letter storage name abbreviations
const StorageNames = ("Kilo", "Mega", "Giga", "Tera", "Peta", "Exa", "Zetta", "Yotta", "Bronto")
 storage names (Geop, which would normally follow Bronto, is excluded as the abbreviation would be GB/GiB)

Detailed Description

the Util namespace contains all the objects in the Util module

Function Documentation

◆ absolute_path()

bool Util::absolute_path ( string  path)

returns True if the argument is an absolute path, False if not

bool abs = absolute_path(path);
paththe path to check
True if the argument is an absolute path, False if not
See also
this function has been moved to the Qore library and is reexported here for backwards-compatibility

◆ absolute_path_unix()

bool Util::absolute_path_unix ( string  path)

returns True if the argument is a UNIX absolute path, False if not

bool abs = absolute_path_unix(path);
paththe path to check
True if the argument is a UNIX absolute path, False if not
See also
this function has been moved to the Qore library and is reexported here for backwards-compatibility

◆ absolute_path_windows()

bool Util::absolute_path_windows ( string  path)

returns True if the argument is a Windows absolute path, False if not

bool abs = absolute_path_windows(path);
paththe path to check
True if the argument is a Windows absolute path, False if not
See also
this function has been moved to the Qore library and is reexported here for backwards-compatibility

◆ check_ip_address()

bool Util::check_ip_address ( string  ip,
bool  exception = False 

verifies if a string is an IPv4 or IPv6 address

check_ip_address(str, True);
ipthe string in dot-notation (for IPv4 addresses) or colon notation (for IPv6 addresses) to check; the string should not contain any network component which would cause the comparison to fail; note that IPv4 address components must be in the range of 0 - 255 and must not have leading zeros
exceptionif True an exception will be thrown if the string is not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address, if False the return value of the function indicates the string's validation status
True if the string is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address, False if not (note that if exception is True then an INVALID-IP-ADDRESS exception is thrown if the string is invalid)
INVALID-IP-ADDRESSthis exception is thrown if ip is not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address and exception is True
Util 1.4

◆ compare_version()

int Util::compare_version ( string  lv,
string  rv 

compares complex versions by breaking down strings into component parts

int result = compare_version("2.11.1", "2.2");

Each element is compared separately, so that compare_version("2.11.1", "2.2") returns 1 (a regular string comparison would give the opposite result)

lvleft-hand version
rvright-hand version
-1 if lv < rv, 0 if equal, and 1 if lv > rv

◆ flatten()

list<auto> Util::flatten ( softlist< auto >  arg)

Flattens a nested list (the nesting can be to any depth).

arga list to flatten
a flattened list
list<int> f = flatten(((1, 2), (3, 4), 5)); # returns (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Util 1.3

◆ get_byte_size()

string Util::get_byte_size ( softnumber  n,
int  decimals = 2 

returns a string giving a user-friendly real storage size (ie based on 1KiB = 1024 bytes) in KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB, etc for the given byte size

string str = get_byte_size(n);
nthe number to display
decimalsthe number of digits after the decimal point

◆ get_exception_string()

string Util::get_exception_string ( hash< auto >  ex)

returns a multi-line string from the exception hash argument suitable for logging or output on the console

exthe exception hash to process
a multi-line string from the exception hash argument suitable for logging or output on the console

◆ get_file_from_ftp()

data Util::get_file_from_ftp ( string  url,
string  path,
*hash< UrlRetrievalOptions options 

Retrieves file data from an FTP URL and a path.

urlthe FTP URL
paththe path to the file on the FTP server
optionsconnection options
GET-FILE-FROM-URL-ERRORempty path string
Util 1.5

◆ get_file_from_http()

data Util::get_file_from_http ( string  url,
*string  path,
*hash< UrlRetrievalOptions options 

Retrieves file data from an HTTP URL.

urlthe HTTP URL including the path to the resource to retrieve
pathan optional path to append to the URL
optionsconnection options
Util 1.5

◆ get_file_from_sftp()

data Util::get_file_from_sftp ( string  url,
string  path,
*hash< UrlRetrievalOptions options 

Retrieves file data from an SFTP URL and a path.

urlthe SFTP URL
paththe path to the file on the SFTP server
optionsconnection options
GET-FILE-FROM-URL-ERRORempty path string
Util 1.5

◆ get_file_from_url()

data Util::get_file_from_url ( string  url,
*hash< UrlRetrievalOptions options 

Retrieves file data from the given URL.

urlthe URL for the file
optionsretrieval options
GET-FILE-FROM-URL-ERRORunknown or unsupported scheme in URL or other error retrieving the file
Util 1.5

◆ get_local_file()

data Util::get_local_file ( string  path,
*hash< UrlRetrievalOptions options 

Retrieves file data from a local file path.

paththe path to the file data on the local filesystem
optionsconnection options
Util 1.5

◆ get_marketing_byte_size()

string Util::get_marketing_byte_size ( softnumber  n,
int  decimals = 2 

returns a string giving a user-friendly "marketing storage" size (ie based on 1KB = 1000 bytes) in KB, MB, GB, TB, etc for the given byte size

string str = get_marketing_byte_size(n);
nthe number to display
decimalsthe number of digits after the decimal point

◆ get_random_string()

string Util::get_random_string ( softint  len = 15,
int  level = 3 

function that returns a random string

string pass = get_random_string();
lenthe length fo the string returned
levela value from 1 - 4 inclusive giving the range of printable ASCII characters included in the output (values out of the range result in the nearest value in the range being used):
  • 1: only upper case
  • 2: +lower case
  • 3: +numbers
  • 4: +symbols but not including any quote characters
a random string of the given length containing only printable ASCII characters according to the level argument
See also

◆ glob_to_regex()

string Util::glob_to_regex ( string  pat)

Translates a shell pattern to a regular expression.

Returns the shell-style pattern converted to a regular expression.

patthe pattern to convert
a converted pattern
string s = glob_to_regex ("*.*"); # returns ".*\\..*"
Util 1.2

◆ is_float()

bool Util::is_float ( string  text,
bool  pure = False 

Checks whether string represents a (true) float value.

texta string to check
pureif True then only floats match, otherwise include integers.
True if input represents a float value, False otherwise.
bool match = is_float("1.2");
# returns True, while any of the following returns False:
match = is_float("12", True);
match = is_float("1.2x");
The function only checks whether a string represents a float value, but it does not validate size / precision restrictions (whether it would fit Qore's native float type).
Util 1.2

◆ is_int()

bool Util::is_int ( string  text,
bool  pure = False 

Checks whether string represents a (true) integer value.

texta string to check
pureif True then only integers match, otherwise check floats too.
True if input represents an integer value, False otherwise.
bool match = is_int("123");
# returns True, while any of the following returns False:
match = is_int("1.0", True);
match = is_int("12x");
The function only checks whether a string represents an integer value, but it does not validate size restrictions (that is whether it would fit Qore's native int type) etc.
Util 1.2

◆ is_number()

bool Util::is_number ( string  text,
bool  pure = False 

Checks whether string represents a (true) number value.

texta string to check
pureif True then only numbers match, otherwise include floats and integers.
True if input represents a number value, False otherwise.
bool match = is_number("1.2n");
# returns True, while any of the following returns False:
match = is_number("12", True);
match = is_number("1.2", True);
match = is_number("1.2x");
The function only checks whether a string represents an arbitrary precision number value, but it does not validate any restrictions (whether it would fit Qore's native number type).
Util 1.2

◆ lpad()

string Util::lpad ( softstring  text,
int  length,
string  padding = ' ' 

Returns a string left-padded to a specified length with the specified characters.

Returns a string, left-padded to a specified length with the specified characters; or, when the string to be padded is longer than the length specified after padding, only that portion of the string that fits into the specified length.

textinput string that you want to pad
lengthtotal length of output string (in characters)
paddingpadding character(s); default value is a single blank
a string left-padded to the specified length
string s = lpad ("123", 5); # returns " 123"
string s = lpad ("ABC", 9, "-"); # returns "------ABC"
Util 1.2

◆ make_uri_query()

string Util::make_uri_query ( hash< UriQueryInfo h,
string  arg_separator = ';' 

returns a serialized string for a UriQueryInfo hash

hthe UriQueryInfo hash to serialize
arg_separatorthe character to use to separate URI query arguments
Util 1.3

◆ normalize_dir()

string Util::normalize_dir ( string  dir,
string  cwd = getcwd() 

returns a platform-specific normalized path name (starting from /, eliminates ".", "..", and "//")

string dir = normalize_dir(dir);

Currently only Windows and UNIX-style directories are supported; this function calls either:

dirthe directory name to normalize
cwdthe current working directory for normalizing relative paths
a normalized path name for the current platform
See also

◆ normalize_dir_unix()

string Util::normalize_dir_unix ( string  dir,
string  cwd = getcwd() 

returns a normalized UNIX path name (starting from /, eliminates ".", "..", and "//")

string dir = normalize_dir_unix(dir, "/var/tmp");

For example, calling:


from current directory "/opt/qorus/sub/dir" returns:

dirthe directory name to normalize
cwdthe current working directory
a normalized path name (starting from /, eliminates ".", "..", and "//")

◆ normalize_dir_windows()

string Util::normalize_dir_windows ( string  dir,
string  cwd = getcwd() 

returns a normalized Windows path name (eliminates ".", "..", and "//")

string dir = normalize_dir_windows(dir, "c:\\qore"));

For example, calling:


from current directory "c:\\lang\\qore\\prog1" returns:

dirthe directory name to normalize
cwdthe current working directory
a normalized path name; eliminates ".", "..", and "\\" (except at the beginning of a UNC path)

◆ ordinal()

string Util::ordinal ( int  i)

Returns string with partially textual representation of ordinal integer value.

printf("%s grade", ordinal(1));
# would print "1st grade"
iinteger value to convert to textual representation
a string representation of ordinal value of the argument
Util 1.2

◆ parse_memory_size()

int Util::parse_memory_size ( string  str,
*bool  use_binary 

Returns a size in bytes from a string where "1M" = 1048576 and so forth.

strthe input string to parse
use_binaryif True then base-2-based values are always assumed (i.e. "1 KB" = 1024 bytes and so forth)
the size in bytes

Known suffixes:

  • K, KiB = one Kibibyte (1024 bytes)
  • M, MiB = one Mebibyte (1024 * 1024 bytes)
  • G, GiB = one Gibibyte (1024 * 1024 * 1024 bytes)
  • KB = 1,000 bytes (i.e. a "marketing kilobyte")
  • MB = 1,000,000 bytes (i.e. a "marketing megabyte")
  • GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes (i.e. a "marketing gigabyte") . and so on
MEMORY-SIZE-ERRORcannot parse string

◆ parse_ranges()

list<int> Util::parse_ranges ( string  text)

Parses a string and returns a list of integers.

textthe string to parse
a list of integer numbers
list<int> ints = parse_ranges("3,5, 7-9"); # returns (3, 5, 7, 8, 9)
Util 1.4

◆ parse_to_qore_value()

auto Util::parse_to_qore_value ( string  arg)

tries to convert a string (such as an argument given from the command-line) to a Qore value

This function recognizes two special prefixes in the string:

  • STR= this prefix indicates that the rest of the string should be passed literally and not parsed
  • EVAL= this prefix indicates that the rest of the string should be taken as a Qore expression and executed and the value returned

Strings are interpreted as in the following table.

String Parsing

Format Description
key_string = value[, ...] a hash
value, [...] a list
integers an integer
floats a float
arbitrary-numeric value a number
True, true, False, false a bool
YYYY-MM-DD[[-T ]HH:mm[:SS[.uu]]] a date
a Qore expression the value evaluated
a quoted string a string
prompt% qore -l Util -X 'parse_to_qore_value("(a=(b=(c=x, 2, 3)))")'
hash: (1 member)
  a : hash: (1 member)
    b : list: (3 elements)
      [0]=hash: (1 member)
        c : "x"
arga string to convert to a Qore value according to the rules documented above
the Qore value corresponding to the input string
PARSE-ERRORcannot parse the string given

◆ parse_uri_query()

hash<UriQueryInfo> Util::parse_uri_query ( string  path)

parses a URI path for a arguments and a method; where the method is the part of the path before the first "?" character, and arguments are after

paththe URI path to parse
a UriQueryInfo hash
the params output key value is always returned as a hash
Util 1.3

◆ plural()

string Util::plural ( int  count,
string  base,
string  singular = '',
string  plural = 's' 

Returns string with number and proper singular/plural form of noun.

countinteger value to convert
basebase word or possibly nothing
singularsingular form suffix or whole word
pluralplural form suffix or whole word
a string representation of number plus noun
printf (plural(1, "beer"));
# would print "1 beer"
printf (plural(1, "lad", "y", "ies"));
# would print "1 lady"
printf (plural(32, "", "tooth", "teeth"));
# would print "32 teeth"
Util 1.2

◆ regex_escape()

string Util::regex_escape ( string  text)

Escapes (backslashes) all non-alphanumeric characters in a string.

Returns string with all non-alphanumerics backslashed; this is useful if you want to match an arbitrary literal string that may have regular expression metacharacters in it.

textstring to escape / backslash
a string escaped / backslashed
string s = regex_escape ("Gain: $100"); # returns "Gain\\:\\ \\$100"
Util 1.2

◆ rpad()

string Util::rpad ( softstring  text,
int  length,
string  padding = ' ' 

Returns a string right-padded to a specified length with the specified characters.

Returns a string, right-padded to a specified length with the specified characters; or, when the string to be padded is longer than the length specified after padding, only that portion of the string that fits into the specified length.

textinput string that you want to pad
lengthtotal length of output string (in characters)
paddingpadding character(s); default value is a single blank
a string right-padded to the specified length
string s = rpad ("123", 5); # returns "123 "
string s = rpad ("ABC", 9, "-"); # returns "ABC------"
Util 1.2

◆ same()

bool Util::same ( list< auto >  l)

checks whether given list has only unique elements

if (same((1, 1, 1)) {
printf("only unique elements");
lsome list
Util 1.2

◆ slice()

list<auto> Util::slice ( list< auto >  l,
softlist< auto >  indices 

list slice implementation

list<string> l = slice(("a", "b", "c", "d"), (1, 3)); # returns ("b", "d")
lsome list
indicesindices that should be sliced from the original list
Util 1.2

◆ string_ends_with()

bool Util::string_ends_with ( string  str,
string  substr 

Verifies whether a string ends with specific substring.

strstring to be checked
substrsubstring to look for at str's end
True if str ends with substr, False otherwise

◆ string_starts_with()

bool Util::string_starts_with ( string  str,
string  substr 

Verifies whether a string begins with specific substring.

strstring to be checked
substrsubstring to look for at str's start
True if str starts with substr, False otherwise

◆ substitute_env_vars()

string Util::substitute_env_vars ( string  str)

Substitutes environment variables in a string and returns the string.

strthe string to process
the string with environment variables substituted
Util 1.5.1

◆ tmp_location()

string Util::tmp_location ( )

Returns a path for temporary files.

string testfile = tmp_location() + '/test.txt';
# some processing

Environment variables are searched in the following order (the first with a value is used):

  • TMP
  • TEMP

If none of these are present, then "/tmp" (UNIX) or "c:\temp" (Windows) is checked.

TMP-ERRORunable to find the location of the temporary directory; temporary directory is not writable
Util 1.2

◆ uniq()

list<auto> Util::uniq ( softlist< auto >  arg)

Returns a duplicate-free version of the list.

arga list of values to filter out
a list of unique values
list<auto> u = uniq((1,2,1,3,2,1)); # returns (1,2,3)
Since the implementation of this function uses a hash to keep track of the list values, it cannot process values that cannot be coverted to strings or for which implicit string representation collide (e.g. float values that differ outside implicit toString() precision).
UNIQ-ERRORif two different values from the list share the same implicit string representation
Util 1.3

◆ zip()

list<auto> Util::zip ( )

Returns a list of lists, where the i-th list contains the i-th element from each of the argument lists.

...lists to 'zip'
a list of lists
list z = zip ((1, 2, 3), (4, 5)); # returns ((1,4), (2,5), (3,NOTHING))
Util 1.2
string printf(string fmt,...)