Qore FreetdsSqlUtil Module Reference  1.3
FreetdsSqlUtil::FreetdsNumericColumn Class Reference

represents a FreeTDS-specific numeric column More...

Inheritance diagram for FreetdsSqlUtil::FreetdsNumericColumn:

Public Member Methods

 constructor (string n, string nt, *string qt, int sz, bool nul, *string dv, *string cm, softint bs, softint n_scale)
 creates the column from the supplied arguments
string getNativeTypeString ()
 returns a string giving the native type of the column
- Public Member Methods inherited from FreetdsSqlUtil::FreetdsColumn
 constructor (string n, string nt, *string qt, int sz, bool nul, *string dv, *string cm, softint bs)
 creates the column from the supplied arguments
softlist getAddColumnSql (AbstractTable t)
 returns a list of sql strings that can be used to add the column to an existing table More...
list getModifySqlImpl (AbstractTable t, AbstractColumn col, *hash opt)
 returns a list of sql strings that can be used to modify the column to the new definition; if the column definitions are identical then an empty list is returned More...
string getNativeTypeString ()
 returns a string giving the native type of the column
string getRenameSql (AbstractTable t, string new_name)
 returns a string that can be used to rename the column More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from FreetdsSqlUtil::FreetdsColumn
int byte_size
 byte size of the column
- Private Member Methods inherited from FreetdsSqlUtil::FreetdsColumn
 constructor ()
 empty constructor for subclasses
bool equalImpl (AbstractColumn c)
 returns True if the argument is equal to the current object, False if not

Detailed Description

represents a FreeTDS-specific numeric column