Qore FreetdsSqlUtil Module Reference  1.3
FreetdsSqlUtil::FreetdsUniqueConstraintCommon Class Referenceabstract

common base class for unique constraints More...

Inheritance diagram for FreetdsSqlUtil::FreetdsUniqueConstraintCommon:

Public Member Methods

 clearIndex ()
 clears any index base for the constraint
 constructor (*string ts)
 creates the constraint with an optional filegroup name
 getIndexSql (reference< string > sql, string name, *hash opts)
 adds index options onto the sql creation string
*string getTablespace ()
 returns the filegroup name used for this constraint, if known
abstract AbstractIterator keyIterator ()
 returns an iterator for keys iterating a list of string key names
bool setIndexBase (string ix)
 sets the supporting index name
 setTablespace (*string ts)
 sets or clears the filegroup name

Private Member Methods

 constructor ()
 empty constructor for subclasses

Private Attributes

*string filegroup
 any filegroup for the unique key index

Detailed Description

common base class for unique constraints