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Qore Programming Language Reference Manual
Qore::Thread namespace. More...
Namespaces | |
Qore | |
Qore::SQL namespace. | |
Classes | |
class | AbstractBidirectionalIterator |
This class defines an abstract interface for bidirectional iterators. More... | |
class | AbstractIterator |
This class defines an abstract interface for iterators. More... | |
class | AbstractLineIterator |
This class defines an abstract interface for line iterators. More... | |
class | AbstractQuantifiedBidirectionalIterator |
This class defines an abstract interface for bidirectional iterators where the size of the object is known in advance. More... | |
class | AbstractQuantifiedIterator |
This class defines an abstract interface for iterators where the size of the object being iterated is known in advance. More... | |
class | BinaryInputStream |
This class implements the InputStream interface for reading bytes from a Binary variable. More... | |
class | BinaryOutputStream |
This class implements the OutputStream interface for writing bytes to a Binary buffer. More... | |
class | Breakpoint |
Breakpoint class supports breakpoint setting for particular Qore ProgramControl when debugging. More... | |
class | BufferedStreamReader |
This class defines a buffered stream reader for input streams. More... | |
hashdecl | CallStackInfo |
call stack hash description More... | |
class | DataLineIterator |
This class defines a line iterator for string data. More... | |
hashdecl | DateTimeInfo |
date/time information hash as returned by date_info() and <date>::info() More... | |
class | DebugProgram |
DebugProgram class supports Qore Program debugging via ProgramControl. More... | |
class | Dir |
This class implements directory handling, file listing, creating/removing subdirectories, etc. More... | |
hashdecl | DirStatInfo |
file status information hash as returned by Dir::list(), Dir::listFiles(), and Dir::listDirs() if the appropriate arguments are used More... | |
class | EncodingConversionInputStream |
An InputStream implementation that performs on-the-fly conversion between two character encodings. More... | |
class | EncodingConversionOutputStream |
An OutputStream implementation that performs on-the-fly conversion between two character encodings. More... | |
hashdecl | ExceptionInfo |
exception information hash More... | |
class | File |
The File class allows Qore programs to read, write, and create files. More... | |
class | FileInputStream |
This class implements the InputStream interface for reading bytes from a file. More... | |
class | FileLineIterator |
This class defines a line iterator for text files. More... | |
class | FileOutputStream |
This class implements the OutputStream interface for writing bytes to a file. More... | |
hashdecl | FilesystemInfo |
Filesystem info hash as returned by statvfs, Dir::statvfs, and ReadOnlyFile::statvfs()". More... | |
class | FtpClient |
The FtpClient class allows Qore code to communicate with FTP servers with the FTP and FTPS protocols. More... | |
class | GetOpt |
The GetOpt class provides an easy way to process POSIX-style command-line options in Qore scripts/programs. More... | |
class | HashIterator |
This class an iterator class for hashes. More... | |
class | HashKeyIterator |
This class an iterator class for hashes. More... | |
class | HashKeyReverseIterator |
This class an iterator class for hashes. More... | |
class | HashListIterator |
This class an iterator class for hashes of lists as returned by Qore::SQL::Datasource::select() and Qore::SQL::DatasourcePool::select(), both of which return hashes with keys giving column names where the key values are lists of column values. More... | |
class | HashListReverseIterator |
This class a reverse iterator class for hashes of lists as returned by Qore::SQL::Datasource::select() and Qore::SQL::DatasourcePool::select(), both of which return hashes with keys giving column names where the key values are lists of column values. More... | |
class | HashPairIterator |
This class an iterator class for hashes. More... | |
class | HashPairReverseIterator |
This class an iterator class for hashes. More... | |
class | HashReverseIterator |
This class an iterator class for hashes. More... | |
hashdecl | HashSerializationInfo |
hash serialization information for typed hashes or untyped hashes More... | |
class | HTTPClient |
The HTTPClient class can be used to communicate with HTTP servers with and without TLS/SSL encryption. More... | |
hashdecl | IndexedObjectSerializationInfo |
object serialization information for an indexed object More... | |
class | InputStream |
This class defines an abstract interface for input streams. More... | |
class | InputStreamLineIterator |
This class defines a line iterator for input streams. More... | |
hashdecl | IsoWeekInfo |
ISO week information as returned by get_iso_week_hash() and <date>::isoWeekHash() More... | |
class | ListHashIterator |
This class an iterator class for lists of hashes as returned by Qore::SQL::Datasource::selectRows() and Qore::SQL::DatasourcePool::selectRows(), both of which return lists of columns where each list entry is a hash of the current column values. More... | |
class | ListHashReverseIterator |
This class a reverse iterator class for lists of hashes as returned by Qore::SQL::Datasource::selectRows() and Qore::SQL::DatasourcePool::selectRows(), both of which return hashes with keys giving column names where the key values are lists of column values. More... | |
class | ListIterator |
This class an iterator class for lists. More... | |
class | ListReverseIterator |
This class an iterator class for lists. More... | |
hashdecl | ListSerializationInfo |
list serialization information More... | |
hashdecl | NetIfInfo |
network interface info hash More... | |
class | ObjectIterator |
This class a basic iterator class for objects. More... | |
class | ObjectKeyIterator |
This class an iterator class for objectes. More... | |
class | ObjectKeyReverseIterator |
This class an iterator class for objects. More... | |
class | ObjectPairIterator |
This class an iterator class for objects. More... | |
class | ObjectPairReverseIterator |
This class an iterator class for objects. More... | |
class | ObjectReverseIterator |
This class an iterator class for objects. More... | |
hashdecl | ObjectSerializationInfo |
object serialization information More... | |
class | OutputStream |
This class defines an abstract interface for output streams. More... | |
class | PipeInputStream |
This class is not intended to be instantiated directly, please see StreamPipe. More... | |
class | PipeOutputStream |
This class is not intended to be instantiated directly, please see StreamPipe. More... | |
class | Program |
Program objects allow Qore programs to support subprograms with the option to restrict capabilities, for example, to support user-defined logic for application actions. More... | |
class | ProgramControl |
The ProgramControl class provides safe information about a Qore program. More... | |
class | RangeIterator |
This class defines a range-like iterator to be used to iterate numerical sequences. More... | |
class | ReadOnlyFile |
The ReadOnlyFile class allows Qore programs to read existing files. More... | |
class | Serializable |
The Serializable class can be used to mark a class as being serializable. More... | |
hashdecl | SerializationInfo |
serialization information More... | |
class | SingleValueIterator |
This class defines a simple iterator to be used to iterate single values (or complex objects where no iterator has been implemented yet) More... | |
class | Socket |
The Socket class allows Qore programs safe access to network sockets. More... | |
hashdecl | SourceLocationInfo |
source location information More... | |
class | SSLCertificate |
SSLCertificate objects allow Qore code to work with X.509 certificate data. More... | |
class | SSLPrivateKey |
This class implements a container for private key data. More... | |
hashdecl | StatementInfo |
statement information hash as returned by ProgramControl::getStatementIdInfo() More... | |
hashdecl | StatInfo |
file status information hash as returned from hstat(), hlstat(), Dir::hstat(), FileLineIterator::hstat(), ReadOnlyFile::hstat(), and ReadOnlyFile::hlstat() More... | |
class | StderrOutputStream |
This class implements the OutputStream interface for writing bytes to the standard output stream stderr . More... | |
class | StdoutOutputStream |
This class implements the OutputStream interface for writing bytes to the standard output stream stdout . More... | |
class | StreamBase |
This class defines the API for single thread streams. More... | |
class | StreamPipe |
This class provides a pair of streams connected through a buffer. More... | |
class | StreamReader |
This class defines a stream reader for input streams. More... | |
class | StreamWriter |
This class defines a stream writer for output streams. More... | |
class | StringInputStream |
This class implements the InputStream interface for reading bytes from a String variable. More... | |
class | StringOutputStream |
This class implements the OutputStream interface for writing bytes to a String buffer. More... | |
class | TermIOS |
This class allows Qore scripts to get or set terminal settings on UNIX platforms. More... | |
class | TimeZone |
The TimeZone class provides access to time zone functionality. More... | |
class | Transform |
Marker interface for transformations usable in TransformOutputStream and TransformInputStream. More... | |
class | TransformInputStream |
This class implements the InputStream interface for reading bytes from another InputStream while applying a transformation. More... | |
class | TransformOutputStream |
This class implements the OutputStream interface for writing bytes to another OutputStream while applying a transformation. More... | |
class | TreeMap |
A container for efficient path prefix lookup. More... | |
hashdecl | UrlInfo |
a hash describing a parsed URL More... | |
class | <binary> |
Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on binary values. More... | |
class | <bool> |
Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on booling-point values. More... | |
class | <callref> |
Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on call references. More... | |
class | <closure> |
Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on closures. More... | |
class | <date> |
Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on date/time value types. More... | |
class | <float> |
Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on floating-point values. More... | |
class | <hash> |
Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on hash values. More... | |
class | <int> |
Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on integer values. More... | |
class | <list> |
Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on lists. More... | |
class | <nothing> |
Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on NOTHING. More... | |
class | <number> |
Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on arbitrary precision number values. More... | |
class | <object> |
Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on objects. More... | |
class | <string> |
Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on strings. More... | |
class | <value> |
Methods in this pseudo-class are available to be executed on any value type (even NOTHING); this is the root class for all pseudo-classes. More... | |
Functions | |
RangeIterator | xrange (int start, int stop, int step=1, auto val) |
Returns a RangeIterator containing an arithmetic progression of integers. More... | |
RangeIterator | xrange (int stop) |
Returns a RangeIterator containing an arithmetic progression of integers with start = 0 and step = 1. More... | |
nothing | remove_signal_handler (softint signal) |
Removes a signal handler and returns the signal handling state to the default. More... | |
nothing | set_signal_handler (softint signal, code f) |
Sets or replaces a signal handler according to the signal number and closure or call reference (function or object method reference) passed. More... | |
string | backquote (string cmd, *reference< int > rc) |
Executes a process and returns a string of the output (stdout only) More... | |
nothing | backquote () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
auto | call_builtin_function (string name,...) |
Calls a function and returns the return value, passing the remaining arguments after the function name to the builtin function. More... | |
auto | call_builtin_function_args (string name, *softlist< auto > vargs) |
Calls a function and returns the return value, using the optional second argument as a list of arguments for the function. More... | |
auto | call_function (string name,...) |
Calls a function and returns the return value, passing the remaining arguments after the function name to the function. More... | |
auto | call_function (code f,...) |
Calls the given call reference or closure and returns the result, passing the remaining arguments to the call reference or closure. More... | |
auto | call_function_args (string name, *softlist< auto > vargs) |
Calls a function and returns the return value, using the optional second argument as a list of arguments for the function. More... | |
auto | call_function_args (code f, *softlist< auto > vargs) |
Calls the given call reference or closure and returns the result, using the optional second argument as a list of arguments to the call reference or closure. More... | |
string | decode_uri_request (string uri) |
Decodes percent-encoded codes in a URI path and converts "+" signs in the query component to spaces and returns the decoded string in UTF-8 encoding. More... | |
string | decode_url (string url) |
Decodes percent numeric codes in a URL string and returns the decoded string in UTF-8 encoding. More... | |
nothing | decode_url () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | encode_uri_request (string url) |
Encodes URI requests by substituting special characters in the path with percent-encoded equivalents and substituting spaces with "+" and "+" with the percent-encoded equivalent in the URI query component. More... | |
string | encode_url (string url, softbool encode_all=False) |
Encodes URLs by substituting '%' characters with '%25' , spaces (' ') with '%20' , and non-ascii characters by percent-encoded representations. More... | |
bool | exists (...) |
A function performing the same role as the exists operator. More... | |
bool | existsFunction (string name) |
Returns True if the function exists in the current program's function name space. More... | |
bool | existsFunction (code c) |
Always returns True. More... | |
nothing | existsFunction () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
bool | exists_function (string name) |
Returns True if the function exists in the current program's function name space. More... | |
bool | exists_function (code c) |
Always returns True. More... | |
*string | functionType (string name) |
Returns "builtin" (for a builtin function), "user" (for a user function), or NOTHING (if the function cannot be found) according to the function name passed. More... | |
nothing | functionType () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
*string | function_type (string name) |
Returns "builtin" (for a builtin function), "user" (for a user function), or NOTHING (if the function cannot be found) according to the function name passed. More... | |
*int | getByte (string str, softint offset=0) |
Returns the byte value at the given byte offset (the first value is at offset 0) or NOTHING if the offset is not legal for the given data. More... | |
nothing | getByte () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
*int | getByte (binary b, softint offset=0) |
Returns the byte value at the given byte offset (the first value is at offset 0) or NOTHING if the offset is not legal for the given data. More... | |
string | getClassName (object obj) |
Returns the class name of the object passed. More... | |
nothing | getClassName () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
list< string > | getFeatureList () |
Returns a list of strings of the builtin and module-supplied features of Qore. More... | |
hash< string, hash< auto > > | getModuleHash () |
Returns a hash of hashes describing the currently-loaded Qore modules; the top-level hash keys are the module names. More... | |
list< hash< auto > > | getModuleList () |
Returns a list of hashes describing the currently-loaded Qore modules. More... | |
*int | getWord32 (string str, softint offset=0) |
Returns the 32-bit integer value at the given 4-byte offset (the first value is at offset 0) or NOTHING if the offset is not legal for the given data. More... | |
*int | getWord32 (binary b, softint offset=0) |
Returns the 32-bit integer value at the given 4-byte offset (the first value is at offset 0) or NOTHING if the offset is not legal for the given data. More... | |
nothing | getWord32 () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
*int | get_byte (string str, softint offset=0) |
Returns the byte value at the given byte offset (the first value is at offset 0) or NOTHING if the offset is not legal for the given data. More... | |
*int | get_byte (binary b, softint offset=0) |
Returns the byte value at the given byte offset (the first value is at offset 0) or NOTHING if the offset is not legal for the given data. More... | |
string | get_class_name (object obj) |
Returns the class name of the object passed. More... | |
string | get_default_encoding () |
Returns the name of the default character encoding. More... | |
string | get_ex_pos (hash< auto > ex) |
returns a descriptive string for an exception location; the source and offset information will also be included in the string returned if present in the ExceptionInfo hash argument More... | |
list< string > | get_feature_list () |
Returns a list of strings of the builtin and module-supplied features of Qore. More... | |
hash< auto > | get_global_vars () |
returns a hash of global variables More... | |
hash< auto > | get_local_vars (int frame) |
retrieves a hash of local variables for the given stack frame More... | |
hash< string, hash< auto > > | get_module_hash () |
Returns a hash of hashes describing the currently-loaded Qore modules; the top-level hash keys are the module names. More... | |
list< hash< auto > > | get_module_list () |
Returns a list of hashes describing the currently-loaded Qore modules. More... | |
auto | get_module_option (string module, string option) |
returns the given global module option More... | |
int | get_parse_options () |
returns the current parse options for the current Program object More... | |
hash< auto > | get_qore_library_info () |
Returns a hash of library build and version info. More... | |
hash< string, hash< auto > > | get_qore_option_hash () |
Returns a hash of hashes giving information about Qore library options for the current build. More... | |
list< hash< auto > > | get_qore_option_list () |
Returns a list of hashes giving information about Qore library options for the current build. More... | |
*string | get_script_dir () |
Returns the name of the directory from which the current script was executed or NOTHING if unknown (i.e. no parent script, script read from stdin, etc) More... | |
*string | get_script_name () |
Returns the filename of the current script if known or NOTHING if unknown (i.e. no parent script, script read from stdin, etc) More... | |
*string | get_script_path () |
Returns the path (directory and filename) of the current script or NOTHING if unknown (i.e. no parent script, script read from stdin, etc) More... | |
*int | get_word_16 (string str, softint offset=0) |
Returns the 16-bit integer value at the given 2-byte offset (the first value is at offset 0) or NOTHING if the offset is not legal for the given data. More... | |
*int | get_word_16 (binary b, softint offset=0) |
Returns the 16-bit integer value at the given 2-byte offset (the first value is at offset 0) or NOTHING if the offset is not legal for the given data. More... | |
*int | get_word_16_lsb (string str, softint offset=0) |
Returns the 16-bit integer value at the given 2-byte offset (the first value is at offset 0) or NOTHING if the offset is not legal for the given data. More... | |
*int | get_word_16_lsb (binary b, softint offset=0) |
Returns the 16-bit integer value at the given 2-byte offset (the first value is at offset 0) or NOTHING if the offset is not legal for the given data. More... | |
*int | get_word_32 (string str, softint offset=0) |
Returns the 32-bit integer value at the given 4-byte offset (the first value is at offset 0) or NOTHING if the offset is not legal for the given data. More... | |
*int | get_word_32 (binary b, softint offset=0) |
Returns the 32-bit integer value at the given 4-byte offset (the first value is at offset 0) or NOTHING if the offset is not legal for the given data. More... | |
*int | get_word_32_lsb (string str, softint offset=0) |
Returns the 32-bit integer value at the given 4-byte offset (the first value is at offset 0) or NOTHING if the offset is not legal for the given data. More... | |
*int | get_word_32_lsb (binary b, softint offset=0) |
Returns the 32-bit integer value at the given 4-byte offset (the first value is at offset 0) or NOTHING if the offset is not legal for the given data. More... | |
*int | get_word_64 (string str, softint offset=0) |
Returns the 64-bit integer value at the given 8-byte offset (the first value is at offset 0) or NOTHING if the offset is not legal for the given data. More... | |
*int | get_word_64 (binary b, softint offset=0) |
Returns the 64-bit integer value at the given 8-byte offset (the first value is at offset 0) or NOTHING if the offset is not legal for the given data. More... | |
*int | get_word_64_lsb (string str, softint offset=0) |
Returns the 64-bit integer value at the given 8-byte offset (the first value is at offset 0) or NOTHING if the offset is not legal for the given data. More... | |
*int | get_word_64_lsb (binary b, softint offset=0) |
Returns the 64-bit integer value at the given 8-byte offset (the first value is at offset 0) or NOTHING if the offset is not legal for the given data. More... | |
bool | has_key (hash< auto > h, string key) |
Returns True if the given key exists in the hash (does not necessarily have to have a value assigned); exceptions are only raised if string encoding errors are encountered. More... | |
bool | has_key (object obj, string key) |
Returns True if the given key exists in the object (does not necessarily have to have a value assigned); exceptions are only raised if string encoding errors are encountered or in case of object access errors. More... | |
list< auto > | hash_values (hash< auto > h) |
Returns a list of all the values in the hash argument passed. More... | |
nothing | hash_values () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | hextoint (string str) |
Returns an integer for a hexadecimal string value; throws an exception if non-hex digits are found. More... | |
nothing | hextoint () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | html_decode (string str) |
Returns a string with any HTML escape codes translated to the original characters. More... | |
nothing | html_decode () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | html_encode (string str) |
Returns a string with characters needing HTML escaping translated to HTML escape codes. More... | |
nothing | html_encode () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
nothing | load_module (string name, int warning_mask=WARN_MODULES) |
Loads in a Qore module at run-time. More... | |
nothing | load_module () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
*hash< ExceptionInfo > | load_module_warn (string name, int warning_mask=WARN_MODULES) |
Loads in a Qore module at run-time. More... | |
nothing | load_user_module_with_program (string name, Qore::Program pgm) |
Loads in a Qore user module at run-time with using the given Program object as the container for the user module code. More... | |
string | makeBase64String (string str, softint maxlinelen=-1) |
Returns a base64-encoded representation of a string. More... | |
string | makeBase64String (binary bin, softint maxlinelen=-1) |
Returns a base64-encoded representation of a binary object. More... | |
nothing | makeBase64String () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | makeHexString (string str) |
Returns a hex-encoded representation of a string. More... | |
string | makeHexString (binary bin) |
Returns a hex-encoded representation of a binary object. More... | |
nothing | makeHexString () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | make_base64_string (string str, softint maxlinelen=-1) |
Returns a base64-encoded representation of a string. More... | |
string | make_base64_string (binary bin, softint maxlinelen=-1) |
Returns a base64-encoded representation of a binary object. More... | |
string | make_hex_string (string str) |
Returns a hex-encoded representation of a string. More... | |
string | make_hex_string (binary bin) |
Returns a hex-encoded representation of a binary object. More... | |
*hash< auto > | parse (string code, string label, *softint warning_mask, *string source, *softint offset, softbool format_label=True) |
Adds the text passed to the current program's code, tagged with the given label. More... | |
nothing | parse () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
binary | parseBase64String (string str) |
Parses a base64 encoded string and returns a binary object of the decoded data. More... | |
nothing | parseBase64String () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | parseBase64StringToString (string str, *string encoding) |
Parses a base64 encoded string and returns a string of the decoded data. More... | |
nothing | parseBase64StringToString () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
binary | parseHexString (string hexstr) |
Parses a hex-encoded string and returns the binary object. More... | |
nothing | parseHexString () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
*hash< UrlInfo > | parseURL (string url, bool keep_brackets=False) |
Parses a URL string and returns a hash of the components; if the URL cannot be parsed then NOTHING is returned. More... | |
nothing | parseURL () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
binary | parse_base64_string (string str) |
Parses a base64 encoded string and returns a binary object of the decoded data. More... | |
string | parse_base64_string_to_string (string str, *string encoding) |
Parses a base64 encoded string and returns a string of the decoded data. More... | |
binary | parse_hex_string (string hexstr) |
Parses a hex-encoded string and returns the binary object. More... | |
hash< UrlInfo > | parse_url (string url, bool keep_brackets=False) |
Parses a URL string and returns a hash of the components; throws an exception if the string cannot be parsed as a URL. More... | |
nothing | reload_module (string name) |
Reloads an already-loaded Qore module subject to code injection at run-time into Qore; the module's code is not imported into the current Program object. More... | |
nothing | set_global_var_value (string name, auto value) |
set the value of a global variable More... | |
nothing | set_local_var_value (int frame, string var, auto value) |
sets the value of the given local variable; if the variable cannot be found an exception is raised More... | |
nothing | set_module_option (string module, string option, auto value) |
set the given module option More... | |
set_return_value (auto val) | |
sets the return value for a Program object when running with %exec-class More... | |
string | splice (string str) |
This function always returns an empty string "" . More... | |
string | splice (string str, softint start) |
Returns a string based on the argument string but with characters removed from a certain character index. More... | |
string | splice (string str, softint start, softint len, *string nstr) |
Returns a string based on the argument string but optionally with characters removed and/or added from a certain character index. More... | |
list< auto > | splice (list< auto > l, softint start) |
Returns a list based on the argument list but with elements removed from the given index to the end of the list. More... | |
list< auto > | splice (list< auto > l, softint start, softint len) |
Returns a list based on the argument list but optionally with elements removed and/or added from a certain index. More... | |
list< auto > | splice (list< auto > l, softint start, softint len, softlist< auto > nlist) |
Returns a list based on the argument list but optionally with elements removed and/or added from a certain index. More... | |
nothing | splice () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | strtoint (string num, softint base=10) |
parses a string representing a number in a configurable base and returns the integer More... | |
nothing | strtoint () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
binary | bunzip2_to_binary (binary bin) |
Uncompresses the given data with the bzip2 algorithm and returns the uncompressed data as a binary object. More... | |
nothing | bunzip2_to_binary () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | bunzip2_to_string (binary bin, *string encoding) |
Uncompresses the given data with the bzip2 algorithm and returns the uncompressed data as a string. More... | |
nothing | bunzip2_to_string () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
binary | bzip2 (binary bin, softint level=BZ2_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION) |
Compresses the given data with the bzip2 algorithm and returns the compressed data as a binary. More... | |
binary | bzip2 (string str, softint level=BZ2_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION) |
Compresses the given data with the bzip2 algorithm and returns the compressed data as a binary. More... | |
nothing | bzip2 () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
binary | compress (string str, int level=Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION) |
Performs zlib-based "deflate" data compression (RFC 1951) and returns a binary object of the compressed data. More... | |
binary | compress (binary bin, int level=Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION) |
Performs zlib-based "deflate" data compression (RFC 1951) and returns a binary object of the compressed data. More... | |
nothing | compress () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
Transform | get_compressor (string alg, int level=COMPRESSION_LEVEL_DEFAULT) |
Returns a Transform object for compressing data using the given algorithm for use with TransformInputStream and TransformOutputStream. More... | |
Transform | get_decompressor (string alg) |
Returns a Transform object for decompressing data using the given algorithm for use with TransformInputStream and TransformOutputStream. More... | |
binary | gunzip_to_binary (binary bin) |
Performs zlib-based decompression of data compressed with the "gzip" algorithm (RFC 1952) and returns a binary object of the uncompressed data. More... | |
nothing | gunzip_to_binary () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | gunzip_to_string (binary bin, *string encoding) |
Performs zlib-based decompression of data compressed with the "gzip" algorithm (RFC 1952) and returns a string of the uncompressed datas. More... | |
nothing | gunzip_to_string () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
binary | gzip (string str, int level=Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION) |
Performs zlib-based "gzip" data compression (RFC 1952) and returns a binary object of the compressed data. More... | |
binary | gzip (binary bin, int level=Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION) |
Performs zlib-based "gzip" data compression (RFC 1952) and returns a binary object of the compressed data. More... | |
nothing | gzip () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
binary | uncompress_to_binary (binary bin) |
Performs zlib-based decompression of data compressed by the "deflate" algorithm (RFC 1951) and returns a binary object of the decompressed data. More... | |
nothing | uncompress_to_binary () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | uncompress_to_string (binary bin, *string encoding) |
Performs zlib-based decompression of data compressed by the "deflate" algorithm (RFC 1951) and returns a string of the decompressed data. More... | |
nothing | uncompress_to_string () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
nothing | delete_all_thread_data () |
Deletes all keys in the thread-local data hash. More... | |
nothing | delete_thread_data (...) |
Deletes the data associated to one or more keys in the thread-local data hash; if the data is an object, then it is destroyed. More... | |
nothing | delete_thread_data (list< softstring > l) |
Deletes the data associated to one or more keys in the thread-local data hash; if the data is an object, then it is destroyed. More... | |
hash< string, list< hash< CallStackInfo > > > | getAllThreadCallStacks () |
Returns a hash of lists of CallStackInfo hashes keyed by TID (thread ID) More... | |
hash< string, list< hash< CallStackInfo > > > | get_all_thread_call_stacks () |
Returns a hash of lists of CallStackInfo hashes keyed by TID (thread ID) More... | |
hash< auto > | get_all_thread_data () |
Returns the entire thread-local data hash. More... | |
int | get_default_thread_stack_size () |
returns the default thread stack size More... | |
int | get_stack_size () |
returns the current thread's stack size More... | |
list< hash< CallStackInfo > > | get_thread_call_stack () |
Returns a list of CallStackInfo hashes for the current TID (thread ID); because it is always from the same thread being read, no locking is applied as in get_all_thread_call_stacks() More... | |
auto | get_thread_data (string key) |
Returns the value of the thread-local data attached to the key passed. More... | |
nothing | get_thread_data () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
*string | get_thread_name () |
returns the current thread's descriptive name if set or NOTHING if not More... | |
*TimeZone | get_thread_tz () |
Returns any TimeZone set for the current thread, NOTHING if none is set. More... | |
int | gettid () |
Returns the Qore thread ID (TID) of the current thread. More... | |
nothing | mark_thread_resources () |
Marks thread resources so that any thread resources left allocated after this call will be cleaned up when throw_thread_resource_exceptions_to_mark() is called. More... | |
int | num_threads () |
Returns the current number of threads in the process (not including the special signal handling thread) More... | |
*hash< auto > | remove_thread_data (...) |
Removes the data associated to one or more keys in the thread-local data hash and returns the data removed. More... | |
hash< auto > | remove_thread_data (list< softstring > l) |
Removes the data associated to one or more keys in the thread-local data hash from a literal list passed as the first argument and returns the data removed. More... | |
bool | remove_thread_resource (AbstractThreadResource resource) |
removes a thread resource from the current thread More... | |
bool | remove_thread_resource (code resource) |
removes a callable thread resource from the current thread More... | |
nothing | save_thread_data (hash< auto > h) |
Saves the data passed in the thread-local hash; all keys are merged into the thread-local hash, overwriting any information that may have been there before. More... | |
nothing | save_thread_data (string key, auto value) |
Saves the data passed against the key passed as an argument in thread-local storage. More... | |
nothing | save_thread_data () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | set_default_thread_stack_size (int size) |
sets the default thread stack size for new threads created after this call and returns the stack size actually set More... | |
bool | set_thread_init (*code init) |
Sets a call reference or closure to run every time a new thread is started. More... | |
nothing | set_thread_name (string name) |
sets the current thread's descriptive name More... | |
nothing | set_thread_resource (AbstractThreadResource resource) |
sets a thread resource for the current thread More... | |
nothing | set_thread_resource (code resource, auto arg) |
sets a callable thread resource for the current thread with an optional argument More... | |
nothing | set_thread_tz (TimeZone zone) |
Sets the default time zone for the current thread. More... | |
nothing | set_thread_tz () |
Clears the thread-local time zone for the current thread; after this call TimeZone::get() will return the value set for the current Program. More... | |
list< int > | thread_list () |
Returns a list of all current thread IDs. More... | |
nothing | thread_yield () |
yields the current thread so other threads can be scheduled and run More... | |
nothing | throwThreadResourceExceptions () |
Immediately runs all thread resource cleanup routines for the current thread and throws all associated exceptions. More... | |
nothing | throw_thread_resource_exceptions () |
Immediately runs all thread resource cleanup routines for the current thread and throws all associated exceptions. More... | |
bool | throw_thread_resource_exceptions_to_mark () |
Immediately runs all thread resource cleanup routines for the current thread for thread resources created since the last call to mark_thread_resources() and throws all associated exceptions. More... | |
binary | blowfish_decrypt_cbc (binary data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV) |
Decrypts data using the Cipher Block Chaining function for the blowfish algorithm and returns a binary value of the decrypted data. More... | |
string | blowfish_decrypt_cbc_to_string (binary data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV, *string encoding) |
Decrypts data using the Cipher Block Chaining function for the blowfish algorithm and returns a string of the decrypted data. More... | |
binary | blowfish_encrypt_cbc (data data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV) |
Encrypts data using the Cipher Block Chaining function for the blowfish algorithm More... | |
binary | cast5_decrypt_cbc (binary data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV) |
Decrypts data using the Cipher Block Chaining function for the CAST5 algorithm using a variable-length key and an optional 8-byte initialization vector. More... | |
string | cast5_decrypt_cbc_to_string (binary data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV, *string encoding) |
Decrypts data using the Cipher Block Chaining function for the CAST5 algorithm using a variable-length key and an optional 8-byte initialization vector. More... | |
binary | cast5_encrypt_cbc (data data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV) |
Encrypts data using the Cipher Block Chaining function for the CAST5 algorithm using a variable-length key and an optional 8-byte initialization vector. More... | |
binary | des_decrypt_cbc (binary data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV) |
Decrypts data using the Cipher Block Chaining function for the DES algorithm using an 8-byte key. More... | |
string | des_decrypt_cbc_to_string (binary data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV, *string encoding) |
Decrypts data using the Cipher Block Chaining function for the DES algorithm using an 8-byte key. More... | |
binary | des_ede3_decrypt_cbc (data data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV) |
Decrypts data using the Cipher Block Chaining function for the three-key triple DES algorithm using three 8-byte keys (set by a single 24-byte key argument) and an optional 8-byte initialization vector. More... | |
string | des_ede3_decrypt_cbc_to_string (binary data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV, *string encoding) |
Decrypts data using the Cipher Block Chaining function for the three-key triple DES algorithm using three 8-byte keys (set by a single 24-byte key argument) and an optional 8-byte initialization vector. More... | |
binary | des_ede3_encrypt_cbc (data data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV) |
Encrypts data using the Cipher Block Chaining function for the three-key triple DES algorithm using three 8-byte keys (set by a single 24-byte key argument) and an optional 8-byte initialization vector. More... | |
binary | des_ede_decrypt_cbc (binary data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV) |
Decrypts data using the Cipher Block Chaining function for the two-key triple DES algorithm using two eight-byte keys (set by a single 16-byte key argument) More... | |
string | des_ede_decrypt_cbc_to_string (binary data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV, *string encoding) |
Decrypts data using the Cipher Block Chaining function for the two-key triple DES algorithm using two eight-byte keys (set by a single 16-byte key argument) More... | |
binary | des_ede_encrypt_cbc (data data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV) |
Encrypts data using the Cipher Block Chaining function for the two-key triple DES algorithm using two eight-byte keys (set by a single 16-byte key argument) More... | |
binary | des_encrypt_cbc (data data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV) |
Encrypts data using the Cipher Block Chaining function for the DES algorithm using an 8-byte key. More... | |
binary | des_random_key () |
Returns a binary value of a random key for the DES algorithm More... | |
binary | desx_decrypt_cbc (binary data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV) |
Decrypts data using the Cipher Block Chaining function for RSA's DESX algorithm using a 24-byte key and an optional 8-byte initialization vector. More... | |
string | desx_decrypt_cbc_to_string (binary data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV, *string encoding) |
Decrypts data using the Cipher Block Chaining function for RSA's DESX algorithm using a 24-byte key and an optional 8-byte initialization vector. More... | |
binary | desx_encrypt_cbc (data data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV) |
Encrypts data using the Cipher Block Chaining function for RSA's DESX algorithm using a 24-byte key and an optional 8-byte initialization vector. More... | |
binary | rc2_decrypt_cbc (binary data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV) |
Decrypts data using the Cipher Block Chaining function for RSA's RC2(tm) algorithm using a variable-length key and an optional 8-byte initialization vector. More... | |
string | rc2_decrypt_cbc_to_string (binary data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV, *string encoding) |
Decrypts data using the Cipher Block Chaining function for RSA's RC2(tm) algorithm using a variable-length key and an optional 8-byte initialization vector. More... | |
binary | rc2_encrypt_cbc (data data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV) |
Encrypts data using the Cipher Block Chaining function for RSA's RC2(tm) algorithm using a variable-length key and an optional 8-byte initialization vector. More... | |
binary | rc4_decrypt (binary data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV) |
Decrypts data using the Alleged RC4 cipher algorithm, which should be compatible with RSA's RC4(tm) algorithm using a variable-length key and an optional 8-byte initialization vector. More... | |
string | rc4_decrypt_to_string (binary data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV, *string encoding) |
Decrypts data using the Alleged RC4 cipher algorithm, which should be compatible with RSA's RC4(tm) algorithm using a variable-length key and an optional 8-byte initialization vector. More... | |
binary | rc4_encrypt (data data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV) |
Encrypts data using the Alleged RC4 cipher algorithm, which should be compatible with RSA's RC4(tm) algorithm using a variable-length key and an optional 8-byte initialization vector. More... | |
binary | rc5_decrypt_cbc (binary data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV) |
Decrypts data using the Cipher Block Chaining function for RSA's RC5(tm) algorithm using a variable-length key and an optional 8-byte initialization vector. More... | |
string | rc5_decrypt_cbc_to_string (binary data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV, *string encoding) |
Decrypts data using the Cipher Block Chaining function for RSA's RC5(tm) algorithm using a variable-length key and an optional 8-byte initialization vector. More... | |
binary | rc5_encrypt_cbc (data data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV) |
Encrypts data using the Cipher Block Chaining function for RSA's RC5(tm) algorithm using a variable-length key and an optional 8-byte initialization vector. More... | |
string | DSS (data data) |
Returns the DSS message digest (based on SHA-0 and DSA) of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
string | DSS1 (data data) |
Returns the DSS1 message digest (based on SHA1 and DSA) of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
binary | DSS1_bin (data data) |
Returns the DSS1 message digest (based on SHA-0 and DSA) of the supplied argument as a binary value. More... | |
binary | DSS_bin (data data) |
Returns the DSS message digest (based on SHA-0 and DSA) of the supplied argument as a binary value. More... | |
string | MD2 (data data) |
Returns the MD2 message digest of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
binary | MD2_bin (data data) |
Returns the MD2 message digest of the supplied argument as binary value. More... | |
string | MD4 (data data) |
Returns the MD4 message digest of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
binary | MD4_bin (data data) |
Returns the MD4 message digest of the supplied argument as a binary value. More... | |
string | MD5 (data data) |
Returns the MD5 message digest of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
binary | MD5_bin (data data) |
Returns the MD5 message digest of the supplied argument as a binary value. More... | |
string | MDC2 (data data) |
Returns the MDC2 message digest of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
binary | MDC2_bin (data data) |
Returns the MDC2 message digest of the supplied argument as a binary value. More... | |
string | RIPEMD160 (data data) |
Returns the RIPEMD message digest of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
binary | RIPEMD160_binary (data data) |
Returns the RIPEMD message digest of the supplied argument as a binary value. More... | |
string | SHA (data data) |
Returns the SHA (outdated SHA-0) message digest of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
string | SHA1 (data data) |
Returns the SHA1 message digest of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
binary | SHA1_bin (data data) |
Returns the SHA1 message digest of the supplied argument as a binary value. More... | |
string | SHA224 (data data) |
Returns the SHA-224 message digest (a variant of SHA-2) of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
binary | SHA224_bin (data data) |
Returns the SHA-224 message digest (a variant of SHA-2) of the supplied argument as a binary value. More... | |
string | SHA256 (data data) |
Returns the SHA-256 message digest (a variant of SHA-2) of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
binary | SHA256_bin (data data) |
Returns the SHA-256 message digest (a variant of SHA-2) of the supplied argument as a binary value. More... | |
string | SHA384 (data data) |
Returns the SHA-384 message digest (a variant of SHA-2) of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
binary | SHA384_bin (data data) |
Returns the SHA-384 message digest (a variant of SHA-2) of the supplied argument as a binary value. More... | |
string | SHA512 (data data) |
Returns the SHA-512 message digest (a variant of SHA-2) of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
binary | SHA512_bin (data data) |
Returns the SHA-512 message digest (a variant of SHA-2) of the supplied argument as a binary value. More... | |
binary | SHA_bin (data data) |
Returns the SHA (outdated SHA-0) message digest of the supplied argument as a binary value. More... | |
string | DSS1_hmac (data data, data key) |
Returns the DSS1 (SHA-1 and DSA) based HMAC of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
string | DSS_hmac (data data, data key) |
Returns the DSS (SHA-0 and DSA) based HMAC of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
string | MD2_hmac (data data, data key) |
Returns the MD2 based HMAC of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
string | MD4_hmac (data data, data key) |
Returns the MD4 based HMAC of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
string | MD5_hmac (data data, data key) |
Returns the MD5 based HMAC of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
string | MDC2_hmac (data data, data key) |
Returns the MDC2 based HMAC of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
string | RIPEMD160_hmac (data data, data key) |
Returns the RIPEMD based HMAC of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
string | SHA1_hmac (data data, data key) |
Returns the SHA1 based HMAC of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
string | SHA224_hmac (data data, data key) |
Returns the SHA224 based HMAC of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
string | SHA256_hmac (data data, data key) |
Returns the SHA256 based HMAC of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
string | SHA384_hmac (data data, data key) |
Returns the SHA384 based HMAC of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
string | SHA512_hmac (data data, data key) |
Returns the SHA512 based HMAC of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
string | SHA_hmac (data data, data key) |
Returns the SHA based HMAC of the supplied argument as a hex string. More... | |
binary | decrypt_to_binary (string alg, data data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV, *data mac, *data aad) |
Returns a binary value of decrypted data corresponding to the input arguments inluding the given algorithm. More... | |
string | decrypt_to_string (string alg, data data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV, *data mac, *data aad, *string encoding) |
Returns a string of decrypted data corresponding to the input arguments inluding the given algorithm. More... | |
binary | digest (string digest, data data) |
Returns the digest of the supplied arguments as a binary value. More... | |
binary | encrypt (string alg, data data, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV, *reference< binary > mac, *int mac_size, *data aad) |
Returns a binary value of encrypted data corresponding to the input arguments inluding the given algorithm. More... | |
hash | get_crypto_info () |
Returns a hash of information about each cryptographic algorithmn supported by the current build of Qore. More... | |
Transform | get_decryptor (string alg, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV, *data mac, *data aad) |
Returns a Transform object for decrypting data using the given algorithm for use with TransformInputStream and TransformOutputStream. More... | |
list< string > | get_digests () |
Returns a list of supported digest algorithms for hmac() More... | |
Transform | get_encryptor (string alg, data key, data iv=Qore::DefaultIV, *reference< binary > mac, *int mac_size, *data aad) |
Returns a Transform object for encrypting data using the given algorithm for use with TransformInputStream and TransformOutputStream. More... | |
binary | get_random_bytes (int size) |
returns a binary value of random bytes using openssl More... | |
binary | hmac (string digest, data data, data key) |
Returns the digest-based HMAC of the supplied arguments as a binary value. More... | |
nothing | abort () |
Aborts the current program (this function does not return) More... | |
string | basename (string path) |
Returns a string giving the last element of a file path (meant to be the filename) More... | |
nothing | basename () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
nothing | close_all_fd (*softbool strd) |
closes all possible file descriptors; useful in "daemon" processes that may have inherited open file descriptors More... | |
string | dirname (string path) |
Returns a string giving the path up to a file but not the filename itself. More... | |
nothing | dirname () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | errno () |
Returns the error code of the last error that occurred in the current thread. More... | |
nothing | exec (string command) |
Replaces the current process image with another; this function does not return. More... | |
nothing | exit (softint rc=0) |
Exits the program with the return code passed (this function does not return) More... | |
int | fork () |
Creates a copy of the current process with a new PID; returns 0 in the child process; returns the child's PID in the parent process. More... | |
list< hash< NetIfInfo > > | get_netif_list () |
returns a list of network interfaces More... | |
list< hash< auto > > | getaddrinfo (*string node, *softstring service, softint family=AF_UNSPEC, softint flags=0) |
Returns a list of Address Information Hash for the given node name or string address; if no lookup can be performed then an exception is thrown. More... | |
int | getegid () |
Returns the effective group ID of the current process. More... | |
int | geteuid () |
Returns the effective user ID of the current process. More... | |
int | getgid () |
Returns the real group ID of the current process. More... | |
list< int > | getgroups () |
returns a list of group IDs that the user is a member of More... | |
*string | gethostbyaddr (string addr, softint type=AF_INET) |
Returns the official hostname corresponding to the network address passed as an argument. More... | |
nothing | gethostbyaddr () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
*hash | gethostbyaddr_long (string addr, softint type=AF_INET) |
Returns a hash representing all host and address information corresponding to the address and address type passed as arguments. More... | |
nothing | gethostbyaddr_long () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
*string | gethostbyname (string name) |
Returns the first address corresponding to the hostname passed as an argument or NOTHING if the lookup fails. More... | |
nothing | gethostbyname () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
*hash | gethostbyname_long (string name) |
Returns a hash representing all host and address information corresponding to the hostname passed as an argument. More... | |
nothing | gethostbyname_long () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | gethostname () |
Returns the hostname of the system. More... | |
int | getpid () |
Returns the PID (process ID) of the current process. More... | |
int | getppid () |
Returns the PID (process ID) of the parent process of the current process. More... | |
int | getuid () |
Returns the real user ID of the current process. More... | |
int | kill (softint pid, softint sig=SIGHUP) |
Sends a signal to a process, if no signal number is given, then Qore::SIGHUP is sent by default. More... | |
nothing | kill () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | rand () |
Returns a random non-negative 64-bit integer number. More... | |
int | setegid (softint gid) |
Changes the process effective group ID according to the argument passed. More... | |
int | seteuid (softint uid) |
Changes the effective process user ID according to the argument passed. More... | |
int | setgid (softint gid) |
Changes the process group ID according to the argument passed. More... | |
nothing | setgroups (softlist< softint > gids) |
sets the list of supplementary group IDs for the current process More... | |
int | setsid () |
Creates a new session lead by the calling process. More... | |
int | setuid (softint uid) |
Changes the process user ID according to the argument passed. More... | |
int | sleep (softint seconds) |
Causes the current thread to sleep for a certain number of seconds. More... | |
nothing | sleep () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
nothing | srand (softint seed) |
Seeds the random number generator with the integer passed. More... | |
nothing | srand () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | strerror (softint err) |
Returns the string corresponding to the error code passed (generally retrieved with errno()) More... | |
string | strerror () |
Returns the string corresponding to the last error that occurred in the current thread. More... | |
int | system (string command) |
executes a command and returns the exit code of the process More... | |
nothing | system () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | usleep (softint usecs) |
Causes the current thread to sleep for a certain number of microseconds. More... | |
int | usleep (date d) |
Causes the current thread to sleep for a certain number of microseconds. More... | |
nothing | usleep () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
bool | absolute_path (string path) |
returns True if the argument is an absolute path on the current platform, False if not More... | |
bool | absolute_path_unix (string path) |
returns True if the argument is a UNIX absolute path, False if not More... | |
bool | absolute_path_windows (string path) |
returns True if the argument is a Windows absolute path, False if not More... | |
int | chdir (string path) |
Changes the current working directory for the current process. More... | |
int | chmod (string path, softint mode) |
Changes the mode of a file or directory. More... | |
int | chown (string path, softint owner=-1, softint group=-1) |
Changes the user and group owners of a file, if the current user has permission to do so (normally only the superuser can change the user owner), follows symbolic links. More... | |
*string | getcwd () |
Returns a string giving the current working directory or NOTHING if the current working directory could not be read. More... | |
string | getcwd2 () |
Returns a string giving the current working directory; throws an exception if the current directory cannot be read. More... | |
*list< string > | glob (string glob_str) |
Returns a list of files matching the string argument or NOTHING if the call to glob() fails. More... | |
nothing | glob () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
*hash< StatInfo > | hlstat (string path) |
Returns a StatInfo hash for the path argument and does not follow symbolic links; if any errors occur, NOTHING is returned and errno() can be used to retrieve the error number. More... | |
nothing | hlstat () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
*hash< StatInfo > | hstat (string path) |
Returns a StatInfo hash for the path argument, following any symbolic links; if any errors occur, NOTHING is returned and errno() can be used to retrieve the error number. More... | |
nothing | hstat () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
bool | is_bdev (string path) |
Returns True if the string passed identifies a block device on the filesystem, False if not. More... | |
bool | is_cdev (string path) |
Returns True if the string passed identifies a character device on the filesystem, False if not. More... | |
bool | is_dev (string path) |
Returns True if the string passed identifies a device (either block or character) on the filesystem, False if not. More... | |
bool | is_dir (string path) |
Returns True if the string passed identifies a directory on the filesystem, False if not. More... | |
bool | is_executable (string path) |
Returns True if the string passed identifies an executable on the filesystem, False if not. More... | |
bool | is_file (string path) |
Returns True if the string passed identifies a regular file on the filesystem, False if not. More... | |
bool | is_link (string path) |
Returns True if the string passed identifies a symbolic link on the filesystem, False if not. More... | |
bool | is_pipe (string path) |
Returns True if the string passed identifies a pipe (FIFO) on the filesystem, False if not. More... | |
bool | is_readable (string path) |
Returns True if the string passed identifies a file or a directory readable by the current user, False if not. More... | |
bool | is_socket (string path) |
Returns True if the string passed identifies a socket on the filesystem, False if not. More... | |
bool | is_writable (string path) |
Returns True if the string passed identifies a file or a directory writable by the current user, False if not. More... | |
bool | is_writeable (string path) |
Returns True if the string passed identifies a file or a directory writable by the current user (backwards-compatible misspelling of is_writable()) More... | |
int | lchown (string path, softint uid=-1, softint gid=-1) |
Changes the user and group owners of a file, if the current user has permission to do so (normally only the superuser can change the user owner), does not follow symbolic links but rather operates on the symbolic link itself. More... | |
*list< auto > | lstat (string path) |
Returns a list of file status values for the path argument and does not follow symbolic links; if any errors occur, NOTHING is returned and errno() can be used to retrieve the error number. More... | |
nothing | lstat () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | mkdir (string path, softint mode=0777, bool parents=False) |
Creates a directory, optionally specifying the mode. More... | |
int | mkfifo (string path, softint mode=0600) |
Creates a named pipe file with an optional file mode. More... | |
string | readlink (string path) |
Returns the target of a symbolic link; throws an exception if an error occurs (ex: file does not exist or is not a symbolic link) More... | |
string | realpath (string path) |
Returns the canonicalized absolute pathname from the given path. More... | |
nothing | rename (string old_path, string new_path) |
Renames (or moves) files or directories. Note that for this call to function properly, the Qore process must have sufficient permissions and access to the given filesystem objects or paths to execute the rename operation. More... | |
int | rmdir (string path) |
Removes a directory. More... | |
*list< auto > | stat (string path) |
Returns a list of file status values for the path argument, following any symbolic links; if any errors occur, NOTHING is returned and errno() can be used to retrieve the error number. More... | |
nothing | stat () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
*hash< FilesystemInfo > | statvfs (string path) |
Returns a hash of filesystem status values for the file or directory path passed. More... | |
nothing | symlink (string old_path, string new_path) |
Creates a symbolic link to a directory path. Note that for this call to function properly, the Qore process must have sufficient permissions and access to the given filesystem path to create the symbolic link. More... | |
int | umask (softint mask) |
Sets the file creation mode mask for the process and returns the previous value of the file creation mode mask. More... | |
nothing | umask () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | unlink (string path) |
Deletes a file and returns 0 for success, -1 for error (in which case errno() can be used to get the error) More... | |
nothing | unlink () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | bindex (softstring str, softstring substr, softint pos=0) |
Retrieves the byte position of a substring within a string. More... | |
int | bindex () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | brindex (softstring str, softstring substr, softint pos=-1) |
Retrieves the byte position of a substring within a string, starting the search from the end of the string. More... | |
int | brindex () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | chomp (string str) |
Removes the trailing end-of-line indicator ("\n" or "\r\n" ) from a string and returns the new string (also see the chomp operator) More... | |
*string | chomp (reference< string > str) |
Removes the trailing end-of-line indicator ("\n" or "\r\n" ) from a reference to a string and returns the new string (also see the chomp operator) More... | |
nothing | chomp () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | chr (softint val, *string encoding) |
Returns a string containing a single ASCII character represented by the numeric value passed. More... | |
string | chr (auto arg) |
This function variant returns a string with a single ASCII NULL ('\0'); it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
nothing | chr () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | convert_encoding (string str, string encoding) |
Performs explicit string character encoding conversions. More... | |
nothing | convert_encoding () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | f_printf (string fmt,...) |
Outputs the string passed to standard output, using the first argument as a format string; enforces field widths on arguments larger than the given field width. More... | |
string | f_printf () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | f_sprintf (string fmt,...) |
Returns a formatted string based on a format string and other arguments; enforces field widths on arguments larger than the given field width. More... | |
string | f_sprintf () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | f_vprintf (string fmt, auto varg) |
Outputs the string passed to standard output, using the first argument as a format string and a second argument giving a list or a single argument to the format string; enforces field widths on arguments larger than the given field width. More... | |
string | f_vsprintf (string fmt, auto varg) |
Returns a formatted string based on a format string and other arguments given as a list after the format string; enforces field widths on arguments larger than the given field width. More... | |
nothing | flush () |
Flushes output to the console output with print(), printf(), etc. More... | |
string | force_encoding (string str, string encoding) |
Returns the first string argument tagged with the character encoding given as the second argument; does not actually change the string data. More... | |
nothing | force_encoding () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | format_number (string fmt, softfloat num) |
Returns a string of a formatted number according to a number argument and a format string. More... | |
nothing | format_number () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | get_encoding (string str) |
Returns a string describing the character encoding of the string argument passed. More... | |
nothing | get_encoding () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | index (softstring str, softstring substr, softint pos=0) |
Retrieves the character position of a substring within a string. More... | |
int | index () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | join (string str,...) |
Creates a string from separator string and a list of arguments. More... | |
string | join (string str, list< auto > l) |
Creates a string from separator string and a list of arguments. More... | |
nothing | join () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | length (softstring str) |
Returns the length in characters for the string passed. More... | |
int | length (binary bin) |
Returns the number of bytes in the binary object passed as an argument. More... | |
nothing | length () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | length (auto arg) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | ltrim (string str, *string chars) |
Removes byte characters from the start of a string and returns the new string. More... | |
*string | ltrim (reference< string > str, *string chars) |
Removes byte characters from the start of a reference to an lvalue containing a string and returns string after processing. More... | |
int | ord (softstring str, softint offset=0) |
Gives the positive numeric value of the given byte in the string passed; if no string is passed or the offset is after the end of the string, -1 is returned. More... | |
int | ord () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
bool | parse_boolean (string str) |
tries to parse a string value as a boolean More... | |
bool | parse_boolean (any val) |
returns the first value passed as a boolean More... | |
float | parse_float (string str, string fmt) |
returns a floating-point value corresponding to a string representing the number and an argument giving the format More... | |
int | parse_int (string str, string fmt) |
returns an integer corresponding to a string representing the number and an argument giving the format More... | |
number | parse_number (string str, string fmt) |
returns a number corresponding to the string and the argument, giving the format More... | |
nothing | print (...) |
Outputs a string to standard output with no formatting. More... | |
string | printf (string fmt,...) |
Outputs the string passed to standard output, using the first argument as a format string; does not enforce field widths on arguments larger than the given field width. More... | |
string | printf () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
bool | regex (string str, string regex, int options=0) |
Returns True if the regular expression matches the string passed, otherwise returns False. More... | |
nothing | regex () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
*list< *string > | regex_extract (string str, string regex, int options=0) |
Returns a list of substrings in a string based on matching patterns defined by a regular expression. More... | |
nothing | regex_extract () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | regex_subst (string str, string regex, string subst, int options=0) |
Returns a string with patterns substituted according to the arguments passed. More... | |
nothing | regex_subst () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | replace (string str, string source, string target, int start=0, int end=-1) |
Replaces all occurrences of a substring in a string with another string. More... | |
nothing | replace () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | reverse (softstring str) |
Reverses a string and returns the new string. More... | |
int | rindex (softstring str, softstring substr, softint pos=-1) |
Retrieves the character position of a substring within a string, starting the search from the end of the string. More... | |
int | rindex () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | rtrim (string str, *string chars) |
Removes byte characters from the end of a string and returns the new string. More... | |
*string | rtrim (reference< string > str, *string chars) |
Removes byte characters from the end of a reference to an lvalue containing a string and returns string after processing. More... | |
list< string > | split (string sep, string str, bool with_separator=False) |
Splits a string into a list of components based on a separator string. More... | |
list< string > | split (string sep, string str, string quote, bool trim_unquoted=False) |
Splits a string into a list of components based on a separator string and a quote character. More... | |
list< binary > | split (data sep, binary data) |
Returns a list of binary objects representing each component of the binary object separated by the bytes identified by the separator argument, with the separator removed. More... | |
list< string > | split () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | sprintf (string fmt,...) |
Returns a formatted string based on a format string and other arguments; does not enforce field widths on arguments larger than the given field width. More... | |
string | sprintf () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | strlen (softstring str) |
Returns the length in bytes of the string argument. More... | |
nothing | strlen () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | strlen (auto arg) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | strmul (softstring str, softint smul, *softint offset) |
Returns a new string with a repeated string element and optionally removing trailing characters. More... | |
string | substr (softstring str, softint start) |
Returns a portion of a string starting from an integer offset. More... | |
string | substr (softstring str, softint start, softint len) |
Returns a portion of a string starting from an integer offset, with a length parameter. More... | |
binary | substr (binary b, softint start) |
Returns a portion of a binary object starting from an integer offset. More... | |
binary | substr (binary b, softint start, softint len) |
Returns a portion of a binary object starting from an integer offset, with a length parameter. More... | |
nothing | substr () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | tolower (string str) |
Returns a string in all lower-case characters based on the argument passed. More... | |
nothing | tolower () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | toupper (string str) |
Returns a string in all upper-case characters based on the argument passed. More... | |
nothing | toupper () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | trim (string str, *string chars) |
Removes byte characters from the start and end of a string and returns the new string (also see the trim operator) More... | |
*string | trim (reference< string > str, *string chars) |
Removes byte characters from the start and end of a reference to an lvalue containing a string and returns string after processing (also see the trim operator) More... | |
nothing | trim () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | trunc_str (softstring str, softint len, *string encoding) |
Returns a truncated string with no more than the given number of bytes and optionally converted to a specific character encoding. More... | |
string | vprintf (string fmt, auto varg) |
Outputs the string passed to standard output, using the first argument as a format string and a second argument giving a list or a single argument to the format string; does not enforce field widths on arguments larger than the given field width. More... | |
string | vprintf () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | vsprintf (string fmt, auto varg) |
Returns a formatted string based on a format string and other arguments given as a list after the format string; does not enforce field widths on arguments larger than the given field width. More... | |
string | vsprintf () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | clock_getmicros () |
Returns an integer representing the system time in microseconds (1/1000000 second intervals) since Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00Z. More... | |
int | clock_getmillis () |
Returns an integer representing the system time in milliseconds (1/1000 second intervals since Jan 1, 1970 00:00) More... | |
int | clock_getnanos () |
Returns an integer representing the system time in nanoseconds (1/1000000000 second intervals) since Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00Z. More... | |
date | date (date dt) |
Returns the date passed. More... | |
date | date (string dtstr) |
Converts the argument to a date and returns the date. More... | |
date | date (softfloat f) |
The argument is assumed to be the number of seconds and fractions of a second. More... | |
date | date (int i) |
The argument is assumed to be the number of seconds. More... | |
date | date () |
This function just returns 1970-01-01Z. More... | |
date | date (null null) |
This function just returns 1970-01-01Z. More... | |
date | date (string dtstr, string mask) |
Returns the date/time value corresponding to parsing a string argument according to a format mask. More... | |
hash< DateTimeInfo > | date_info (date dt) |
Returns a DateTimeInfo hash for the given date argument (can be either a relative or absolute date) More... | |
hash< DateTimeInfo > | date_info () |
Returns a DateTimeInfo hash for the current date and time. More... | |
date | date_ms (softint ms) |
Converts an integer argument representing the offset in milliseconds from January 1, 1970 in the local time zone to a date in the local time zone. More... | |
nothing | date_ms () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
date | date_us (softint us) |
Converts an integer argument representing the offset in microseconds from January 1, 1970 in the local time zone to a date in the local time zone. More... | |
date | days (softint days) |
Returns a relative date/time value in days based on the integer argument passed to be used in date arithmetic. More... | |
nothing | days () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | format_date (string format, date dt) |
Returns a formatted string for a date argument passed. More... | |
nothing | format_date () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
date | getDateFromISOWeek (softint year, softint week, softint day=1) |
Retuns an absolute date value for the ISO-8601 calendar week information passed (year, week number, optional: weekday, where 1=Monday, 7=Sunday) in the current time zone. More... | |
int | getDayNumber (date dt) |
Returns an integer representing the ordinal day number in the year (corresponding to the ISO-8601 day number) for the absolute date value passed. More... | |
nothing | getDayNumber () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | getDayOfWeek (date dt) |
Returns an integer representing the day of the week for the absolute date value passed (0=Sunday, 6=Saturday) More... | |
nothing | getDayOfWeek () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | getISODayOfWeek (date dt) |
Returns an integer representing the ISO-8601 day of the week for the absolute date value passed (1=Monday, 7=Sunday) More... | |
nothing | getISODayOfWeek () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
hash< IsoWeekInfo > | getISOWeekHash (date dt) |
Returns an IsoWeekInfo hash representing the ISO-8601 calendar week information for the absolute date passed (hash keys: "year" , "week" , "day" ) More... | |
nothing | getISOWeekHash () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | getISOWeekString (date dt) |
Returns a string representing the ISO-8601 calendar week information for the absolute date passed (ex: 2006-01-01 = "2005-W52-7") More... | |
nothing | getISOWeekString () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
date | get_date_from_iso_week (softint year, softint week, softint day=1) |
Retuns an absolute date value for the ISO-8601 calendar week information passed (year, week number, optional: weekday, where 1=Monday, 7=Sunday) in the current time zone. More... | |
int | get_day_number (date dt) |
Returns an integer representing the ordinal day number in the year (corresponding to the ISO-8601 day number) for the absolute date value passed. More... | |
int | get_day_of_week (date dt) |
Returns an integer representing the day of the week for the absolute date value passed (0=Sunday, 6=Saturday) More... | |
int | get_days (date dt) |
Returns an integer corresponding to the literal day value in the date (does not calculate a duration) More... | |
nothing | get_days () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | get_duration_microseconds (date dt) |
Returns an integer value representing the the number of microseconds of duration in the value of the date passed (can be either a relative or absolute date) More... | |
int | get_duration_milliseconds (date dt) |
Returns an integer value representing the the number of milliseconds of duration in the value of the date passed (can be either a relative or absolute date) More... | |
int | get_duration_seconds (date dt) |
Returns an integer value representing the the number of seconds of duration in the value of the date passed (can be either a relative or absolute date) More... | |
float | get_duration_seconds_f (date dt) |
Returns a floating-point value representing the the number of seconds of duration in the value of the date passed (can be either a relative or absolute date) More... | |
int | get_epoch_seconds (date dt) |
Returns the number of seconds of the date and time in local time passed since Jan 1, 1970, 00:00:00 Z (UTC); negative values are returned for dates before the epoch. More... | |
nothing | get_epoch_seconds () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | get_hours (date dt) |
Returns an integer corresponding to the literal hour value in the date (does not calculate a duration) More... | |
nothing | get_hours () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | get_iso_day_of_week (date dt) |
Returns an integer representing the ISO-8601 day of the week for the absolute date value passed (1=Monday, 7=Sunday) More... | |
hash< IsoWeekInfo > | get_iso_week_hash (date dt) |
Returns an IsoWeekInfo hash representing the ISO-8601 calendar week information for the absolute date passed (hash keys: "year" , "week" , "day" ) More... | |
string | get_iso_week_string (date dt) |
Returns a string representing the ISO-8601 calendar week information for the absolute date passed (ex: 2006-01-01 = "2005-W52-7") More... | |
int | get_microseconds (date dt) |
Returns an integer corresponding to the literal microsecond value in the date (does not calculate a duration) More... | |
date | get_midnight (date dt) |
Returns midnight on the date passed (strips the time component on the new value) More... | |
nothing | get_midnight () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | get_milliseconds (date dt) |
Returns an integer corresponding to the literal millisecond value in the date (does not calculate a duration) More... | |
nothing | get_milliseconds () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | get_minutes (date dt) |
Returns an integer corresponding to the literal minute value in the date (does not calculate a duration) More... | |
nothing | get_minutes () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | get_months (date dt) |
Returns an integer corresponding to the literal month value in the date (does not calculate a duration) More... | |
nothing | get_months () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | get_seconds (date dt) |
Returns an integer corresponding to the literal second value in the date (does not calculate a duration) More... | |
nothing | get_seconds () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | get_years (date dt) |
Returns an integer corresponding to the literal year value in the date (does not calculate a duration) More... | |
nothing | get_years () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
date | gmtime () |
Returns the current UTC (GMT) time with a resolution of a second. More... | |
date | gmtime (softint secs, softint us=0) |
Returns a date/time value in UTC (GMT) from arguments giving the number of seconds and microseconds since Jan 1, 1970, 00:00:00 Z (UTC) More... | |
date | gmtime (date dt) |
Returns the date and time in UTC (GMT) corresponding to the date argument passed. More... | |
date | hours (softint hours) |
Returns a relative date/time value in hours based on the integer argument passed to be used in date arithmetic. More... | |
nothing | hours () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
bool | is_date_absolute (date dt) |
Returns True if the argument is an absolute date/time value, False if not. More... | |
bool | is_date_absolute () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
bool | is_date_relative (date dt) |
Returns True if the argument is an relative date/time value, False if not. More... | |
bool | is_date_relative () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
date | localtime () |
Returns the current date and time with a resolution to the second. More... | |
date | localtime (softint secs, softint us=0) |
Returns the date and time in the local time zone corresponding to the integer arguments passed, which are interpreted as the number of seconds and microseconds since Jan 1, 1970, 00:00:00 Z (UTC) More... | |
date | localtime (date dt) |
Returns the date and time in the local time zone corresponding to the date argument passed. More... | |
date | microseconds (softint us) |
Returns a relative date/time value in microseconds based on the integer argument passed to be used in date arithmetic. More... | |
date | milliseconds (softint ms) |
Returns a relative date/time value in milliseconds based on the integer argument passed to be used in date arithmetic. More... | |
nothing | milliseconds () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
date | minutes (softint minutes) |
Returns a relative date/time value in minutes based on the integer argument passed to be used in date arithmetic. More... | |
nothing | minutes () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | mktime (date dt) |
Returns the number of seconds of the date and time in local time passed since Jan 1, 1970, 00:00:00 Z (UTC); negative values are returned for dates before the epoch. More... | |
nothing | mktime () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
date | months (softint months) |
Returns a relative date/time value in months based on the integer argument passed to be used in date arithmetic. More... | |
nothing | months () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
date | now () |
Returns the current date and time with a resolution to the second. More... | |
date | now_ms () |
Returns the current date and time with a resolution to the millisecond. More... | |
date | now_us () |
Returns the current date and time with a resolution to the microsecond. More... | |
date | now_utc () |
Returns the current UTC date and time with a resolution to the microsecond. More... | |
date | seconds (softint seconds) |
Returns a relative date/time value in seconds based on the integer argument passed to be used in date arithmetic. More... | |
nothing | seconds () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | timegm (date dt) |
Returns the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 in the local time zone for the given date. More... | |
nothing | timegm () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
date | years (softint years) |
Returns a relative date/time value in years based on the integer argument passed to be used in date arithmetic. More... | |
nothing | years () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | abs (int i) |
Returns the absolute value of the argument passed. More... | |
number | abs (number n) |
Returns the absolute value of the argument passed. More... | |
float | abs (softfloat f) |
Returns the absolute value of the argument passed. More... | |
float | abs () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
number | acos (number n) |
Returns the value in radians of the arc cosine of the given value. More... | |
float | acos (softfloat f) |
Returns the value in radians of the arc cosine of the given value. More... | |
number | asin (number n) |
Returns the value in radians of the arc sine of the given value. More... | |
float | asin (softfloat f) |
Returns the value in radians of the arc sine of the given value. More... | |
float | asin () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
number | atan (number n) |
Returns the value in radians of the arc tangent of the given value. More... | |
float | atan (softfloat f) |
Returns the value in radians of the arc tangent of the given value. More... | |
float | atan () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
number | atan2 (number y, number x) |
Returns the principal value of the arc tangent of y/x, using the signs of the two arguments to determine the quadrant of the result. More... | |
float | atan2 (softfloat y, softfloat x) |
Returns the principal value of the arc tangent of y/x, using the signs of the two arguments to determine the quadrant of the result. More... | |
float | atan2 () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
number | cbrt (number n) |
Returns the cube root of the number passed. More... | |
float | cbrt (softfloat f) |
Returns the cube root of the number passed. More... | |
float | cbrt () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | ceil (int num, int prec=0) |
Returns the smallest multiple of -prec-th power of 10 that is greater than or equal to num. (Thus, for non-negative prec just returns num). More... | |
float | ceil (softfloat num, int prec=0) |
Returns the smallest multiple of -prec-th power of 10 that is greater than or equal to num. More... | |
number | ceil (number num, int prec=0) |
Returns the smallest multiple of -prec-th power of 10 that is greater than or equal to num. More... | |
float | ceil () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
number | cos (number n) |
Returns the cosine of the number in radians passed. More... | |
float | cos (float f) |
Returns the cosine of the number in radians passed. More... | |
float | cos () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
number | cosh (number n) |
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the given value. More... | |
float | cosh (softfloat f) |
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the given value. More... | |
float | cosh () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
number | exp (number n) |
Returns the value of e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the power of the given number. More... | |
float | exp (softfloat f) |
Returns the value of e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the power of the given number. More... | |
float | exp () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
number | exp2 (number n) |
Returns the value of 2 raised to the power of the given number. More... | |
float | exp2 (softfloat f) |
Returns the value of 2 raised to the power of the given number. More... | |
float | exp2 () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
number | expm1 (number n) |
Returns the value of e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the power of the given number - 1. More... | |
float | expm1 (softfloat f) |
Returns the value of e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the power of the given number - 1. More... | |
float | expm1 () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | floor (int num, int prec=0) |
Returns the largest multiple of -prec-th power of 10 that is less than or equal to num. (Thus, for non-negative prec just returns num). More... | |
float | floor (softfloat f, int prec=0) |
Returns the largest multiple of -prec-th power of 10 that is less than or equal to num. More... | |
number | floor (number num, int prec=0) |
Returns the largest multiple of -prec-th power of 10 that is less than or equal to num. More... | |
float | floor () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
number | hypot (number x, number y) |
Returns the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle with sides given as the two arguments. More... | |
float | hypot (softfloat x, softfloat y) |
Returns the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle with sides given as the two arguments. More... | |
float | hypot () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
number | log10 (number n) |
Returns the base 10 logarithm of the given number. More... | |
float | log10 (softfloat f) |
Returns the base 10 logarithm of the given number. More... | |
float | log10 () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
number | log1p (number n) |
Returns the natural logarithm of 1 + the given number. More... | |
float | log1p (softfloat f) |
Returns the natural logarithm of 1 + the given number. More... | |
float | log1p () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
float | logb (softfloat f) |
Returns the exponent of the given number. More... | |
float | logb () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
number | nlog (number n) |
Returns the natural logarithm of the given value. More... | |
float | nlog (softfloat f) |
Returns the natural logarithm of the given value. More... | |
float | nlog () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
number | pow (number x, number y) |
Returns a number raised to the power of another number. More... | |
float | pow (softfloat x=0.0, softfloat y=0.0) |
Returns a number raised to the power of another number. More... | |
int | round (softint num, int prec=0) |
Returns the multiple of -prec-th power of 10 that is closest to num (numbers halfway between two such powers of 10 are rounded away from zero). (So, for non-negative prec just returns num). More... | |
float | round (softfloat num, int prec=0) |
Returns the multiple of -prec-th power of 10 that is closest to num (numbers halfway between two such powers of 10 are rounded away from zero). More... | |
number | round (number num, int prec=0) |
Returns the multiple of -prec-th power of 10 that is closest to num (numbers halfway between two such powers of 10 are rounded away from zero). More... | |
float | round () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
number | sin (number n) |
Returns the sine of the number in radians passed. More... | |
float | sin (softfloat f) |
Returns the sine of the number in radians passed. More... | |
float | sin () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
number | sinh (number n) |
Returns the hyperbolic sine of the given value. More... | |
float | sinh (softfloat f) |
Returns the hyperbolic sine of the given value. More... | |
float | sinh () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
number | sqrt (number n) |
Returns the square root of the number passed. More... | |
float | sqrt (softfloat f) |
Returns the square root of the number passed. More... | |
float | sqrt () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
number | tan (number n) |
Returns the tangent of the number in radians passed. More... | |
float | tan (softfloat f) |
Returns the tangent of the number in radians passed. More... | |
float | tan () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
number | tanh (number n) |
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the given value. More... | |
float | tanh (softfloat f) |
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the given value. More... | |
float | tanh () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
bool | inlist () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
bool | inlist (any arg, nothing x) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
bool | inlist (auto arg, softlist< auto > l) |
Returns True if the first argument is a member of the second argument list using soft comparisons (with implicit type conversions), False if not. More... | |
bool | inlist_hard () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
bool | inlist_hard (any arg, nothing x) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
bool | inlist_hard (auto arg, softlist< auto > l) |
Returns True if the first argument is a member of the second argument list using hard comparisons (without any implicit type conversions), False if not. More... | |
auto | max (list< auto > l) |
Returns the maximum value in a list. More... | |
auto | max (list< auto > l, string func) |
Returns the maximum value in a list; accepts the name of a function to use to compare complex data types or to give a special sort order. More... | |
auto | max (list< auto > l, code f) |
Returns the maximum value in a list; accepts a call reference or a closure to use to compare complex data types or to give a special sort order. More... | |
auto | max (...) |
Returns the maximum value of the arguments passed to the function. More... | |
auto | min (list< auto > l) |
Returns the minumum value in a list. More... | |
auto | min (list< auto > l, string func) |
Returns the minumum value in a list; accepts the name of a function to use to compare complex data types or to give a special sort order. More... | |
auto | min (list< auto > l, code f) |
Returns the minumum value in a list; accepts a call reference or a closure to use to compare complex data types or to give a special sort order. More... | |
auto | min (...) |
Returns the minumum value of the arguments passed to the function. More... | |
list< int > | range (int start, int stop, int step=1) |
Returns a list containing an arithmetic progression of integers. More... | |
list< int > | range (int stop) |
Returns a list containing an arithmetic progression of integers with start = 0 and step = 1. More... | |
nothing | reverse () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
list< auto > | reverse (list< auto > l) |
Reverses a list and returns the new list. More... | |
auto | sort (auto arg) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
list< auto > | sort (list< auto > l) |
Performs an unstable sort in ascending order and returns the new list. More... | |
list< auto > | sort (list< auto > l, string func) |
Performs an unstable sort in ascending order and returns the new list; accepts the name of a function to use to sort complex data types or to give a special sort order. More... | |
list< auto > | sort (list< auto > l, code f) |
Performs an unstable sort in ascending order and returns the new list; accepts a call reference or a closure to use to sort complex data types or to give a special sort order. More... | |
auto | sortDescending (auto arg) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
list< auto > | sortDescending (list< auto > l) |
Performs an unstable sort in descending order and returns the new list. More... | |
list< auto > | sortDescending (list< auto > l, string func) |
Performs an unstable sort in descending order and returns the new list; accepts the name of a function to use to sort complex data types or to give a special sort order. More... | |
list< auto > | sortDescending (list< auto > l, code f) |
Performs an unstable sort in descending order and returns the new list; accepts a call reference or a closure to use to sort complex data types or to give a special sort order. More... | |
auto | sortDescendingStable (auto arg) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
list< auto > | sortDescendingStable (list< auto > l) |
Performs a stable sort in descending order and returns the new list. More... | |
list< auto > | sortDescendingStable (list< auto > l, string func) |
Performs a stable sort in descending order and returns the new list; accepts the name of a function to use to sort complex data types or to give a special sort order. More... | |
list< auto > | sortDescendingStable (list< auto > l, code f) |
Performs a stable sort in descending order and returns the new list; accepts a call reference or a closure to use to sort complex data types or to give a special sort order. More... | |
auto | sortStable (auto arg) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
list< auto > | sortStable (list< auto > l) |
Performs a stable sort in ascending order and returns the new list. More... | |
list< auto > | sortStable (list< auto > l, string func) |
Performs a stable sort in ascending order and returns the new list; accepts the name of a function to use to sort complex data types or to give a special sort order. More... | |
list< auto > | sortStable (list< auto > l, code f) |
Performs a stable sort in ascending order and returns the new list; accepts a call reference or a closure to use to sort complex data types or to give a special sort order. More... | |
auto | sort_descending (auto arg) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
list< auto > | sort_descending (list< auto > l) |
Performs an unstable sort in descending order and returns the new list. More... | |
list< auto > | sort_descending (list< auto > l, string func) |
Performs an unstable sort in descending order and returns the new list; accepts the name of a function to use to sort complex data types or to give a special sort order. More... | |
list< auto > | sort_descending (list< auto > l, code f) |
Performs an unstable sort in descending order and returns the new list; accepts a call reference or a closure to use to sort complex data types or to give a special sort order. More... | |
auto | sort_descending_stable (auto arg) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
list< auto > | sort_descending_stable (list< auto > l) |
Performs a stable sort in descending order and returns the new list. More... | |
list< auto > | sort_descending_stable (list< auto > l, string func) |
Performs a stable sort in descending order and returns the new list; accepts the name of a function to use to sort complex data types or to give a special sort order. More... | |
list< auto > | sort_descending_stable (list< auto > l, code f) |
Performs a stable sort in descending order and returns the new list; accepts a call reference or a closure to use to sort complex data types or to give a special sort order. More... | |
auto | sort_stable (auto arg) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
list< auto > | sort_stable (list< auto > l) |
Performs a stable sort in ascending order and returns the new list. More... | |
list< auto > | sort_stable (list< auto > l, string func) |
Performs a stable sort in ascending order and returns the new list; accepts the name of a function to use to sort complex data types or to give a special sort order. More... | |
list< auto > | sort_stable (list< auto > l, code f) |
Performs a stable sort in ascending order and returns the new list; accepts a call reference or a closure to use to sort complex data types or to give a special sort order. More... | |
auto | auto_cast (auto v) |
Returns complex types converted to the most specific types possible using internal type folding. More... | |
binary | binary () |
Always returns an empty binary object (of zero length) More... | |
binary | binary (null x) |
Always returns an empty binary object (of zero length) More... | |
binary | binary (softstring str) |
Returns a binary data type of the string passed; data types other than string will first be converted to a string and then returned as binary data. More... | |
binary | binary (binary bin) |
Always returns the same binary object passed. More... | |
string | binary_to_string (binary b, *string encoding) |
Returns a string created from the binary data passed, taking an optional second argument giving the string encoding; if no second argument is passed then the default character encoding is assumed. More... | |
bool | boolean (any arg) |
Converts the argument to a boolean value. More... | |
float | float (softfloat f) |
Converts the argument to a floating-point (float) value. More... | |
float | float () |
Always returns 0.0. More... | |
hash< auto > | hash (object obj) |
Returns a hash of an object's members. More... | |
hash< auto > | hash (list< auto > l) |
Returns a hash by taking even numbered list elements (starting with 0) and converting them to strings for the hash keys, and the odd numbered elements following the keys as the key value. More... | |
hash< auto > | hash (list< softstring > keys, list< auto > values) |
Returns a hash by taking the first list as a list of keys, and the second list as a list of values. More... | |
hash | hash (hash h) |
Returns the same hash with all complex types stripped. More... | |
hash< auto > | hash () |
Always returns the same hash passed. More... | |
int | int (string str, int base=10) |
Converts the string to an integer value with respect to the base. More... | |
int | int (softint i) |
Converts the argument to an integer value. More... | |
int | int () |
Always returns 0. More... | |
list< auto > | list (...) |
Returns a list of the arguments passed at the top level. More... | |
number | number (softnumber n) |
Converts the argument to a number value. More... | |
number | number () |
Always returns 0.0. More... | |
string | string (softstring str, *string enc) |
Converts the argument to a string. More... | |
string | string () |
Always returns an empty string. More... | |
string | type (auto arg) |
Returns a string giving the data type of the argument passed; see String Type Constants for the values returned by this function. More... | |
string | typename (auto arg) |
Returns a string giving the data type of the argument passed; see String Type Constants for the values returned by this function. More... | |
*hash | getgrgid (softint gid) |
Returns a group information hash representing the group information for the group ID passed, or, if the group ID does not exist NOTHING is returned. More... | |
hash | getgrgid2 (softint gid) |
Returns a group information hash representing the group information for the group ID passed, or, if the group ID does not exist, a GETGRGID2-ERROR exception is thrown. More... | |
*hash | getgrnam (string name) |
Returns a group information hash representing the group information for the group name passed, or, if the group does not exist NOTHING is returned. More... | |
hash | getgrnam2 (string name) |
Returns a group information hash representing the group information for the group name passed, or, if the group does not exist, a GETGRNAM2-ERROR exception is thrown. More... | |
hash | getpwnam (string name) |
Returns a password information hash representing the user information for the user name passed, or, if the user does not exist NOTHING is returned. More... | |
hash | getpwnam2 (string name) |
Returns a password information hash representing the user information for the user name passed, or, if the user does not exist, a GETPWNAM2-ERROR exception is thrown. More... | |
nothing | getpwuid () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
*hash | getpwuid (softint uid) |
Returns a password information hash representing the user information for the user ID passed, or, if the user ID does not exist NOTHING is returned. More... | |
hash | getpwuid2 (softint uid) |
Returns a password information hash representing the user information for the user ID passed, or, if the user ID does not exist, a GETPWUID2-ERROR exception is thrown. More... | |
string | getusername () |
returns the current username More... | |
auto | callObjectMethod (object obj, string method,...) |
Calls a method of an object, passing the remainder of the arguments to the function as arguments to the method. More... | |
nothing | callObjectMethod () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
auto | callObjectMethodArgs (object obj, string method, *softlist< auto > varg) |
Calls a method of an object, using the optional third argument as the argument list to the method. More... | |
nothing | callObjectMethodArgs () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
auto | call_object_method (object obj, string method,...) |
Calls a method of an object, passing the remainder of the arguments to the function as arguments to the method. More... | |
auto | call_object_method_args (object obj, string method, *softlist< auto > varg) |
Calls a method of an object, using the optional third argument as the argument list to the method. More... | |
auto | call_pseudo (any val, string meth,...) |
calls a pseudo-method on the given value More... | |
auto | call_pseudo_args (any val, string meth, *softlist< auto > argv) |
calls a pseudo-method on the given value with arguments given as a list More... | |
auto | call_static_method (string class_name, string method,...) |
Calls a static method of an object, passing the arguments to the function as arguments to the method. More... | |
auto | call_static_method_args (string class_name, string method, *softlist< auto > call_args) |
Calls a static method of an object, passing the arguments to the function as arguments to the method. More... | |
object | create_object (string class_name,...) |
creates an object from the class name (which can include a namespace path) and optionally any arguments for the constructor More... | |
object | create_object_args (string class_name, *softlist< auto > argv) |
creates an object from the class name (which can include a namespace path) and optionally any arguments for the constructor More... | |
list | getMethodList (object obj) |
Returns a list of strings of the names of the methods of the class of the object passed as a parameter. More... | |
nothing | getMethodList () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
list< string > | get_method_list (object obj) |
Returns a list of strings of the names of the methods of the class of the object passed as a parameter. More... | |
*string | getenv (string var) |
Retrieves the value of an environment variable or NOTHING if the variable is not set. More... | |
nothing | getenv () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | setenv (string env, softstring val) |
Sets an environment variable to a value. More... | |
nothing | setenv () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | unsetenv (string env) |
Unsets an environment variable. More... | |
nothing | unsetenv () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
bool | cx_first () |
Returns True if currently iterating the first element in a context statement, False if not. More... | |
bool | cx_last () |
Returns True if currently iterating the last element in a context statement, False if not. More... | |
int | cx_pos () |
Returns the current row number within the active context statement (starting from 0) More... | |
int | cx_total () |
Returns the total number of rows within the active context statement. More... | |
auto | cx_value (string key) |
Returns the current value of the given column while iterating a context statement. More... | |
Variables | |
const | S_IFBLK = S_IFBLK |
Bitmask signifying if the file is a block special (device) file. | |
const | S_IFCHR = S_IFCHR |
Bit signifying if the file is a character special (device) file. | |
const | S_IFDIR = S_IFDIR |
Bit signifying if the entry is a directory. | |
const | S_IFLNK = S_IFLNK |
Bitmask signifying if the file is a symbolic link; equal to 0 on native Windows ports. | |
const | S_IFMT = S_IFMT |
File type bitmask | |
const | S_IFREG = S_IFREG |
Bit signifying if the file is a regular file. | |
const | S_IFSOCK = S_IFSOCK |
Bitmask signifying if the file is a socket file; equal to 0 on native Windows ports. | |
const | S_IFWHT = S_IFWHT |
Bitmask signifying if the file is a whiteout file; equal to 0 on native Windows ports. | |
const | S_IRGRP = S_IRGRP |
Bit signifying if the file's group has read permissions; equal to 0 on native Windows ports. | |
const | S_IROTH = S_IROTH |
Bit signifying if other has read permissions; equal to 0 on native Windows ports. | |
const | S_IRUSR = S_IRUSR |
Bit signifying if the file's owner has read permissions. | |
const | S_IRWXG = S_IRWXG |
Bitmask giving the RWX mask for the group; equal to 0 on native Windows ports. | |
const | S_IRWXO = S_IRWXO |
Bitmask giving the RWX mask for other; equal to 0 on native Windows ports. | |
const | S_IRWXU = S_IRWXU |
Bitmask giving the RWX mask for the owner. | |
const | S_ISGID = S_ISGID |
Bit signifying set group id on execution; equal to 0 on native Windows ports. | |
const | S_ISUID = S_ISUID |
Bit signifying set user id on execution; equal to 0 on native Windows ports. | |
const | S_ISVTX = S_ISVTX |
Bit signifying restricted deletes for directories; equal to 0 on native Windows ports. | |
const | S_IWGRP = S_IWGRP |
Bit signifying if the file's group has write permissions; equal to 0 on native Windows ports. | |
const | S_IWOTH = S_IWOTH |
Bit signifying if other has write permissions; equal to 0 on native Windows ports. | |
const | S_IWUSR = S_IWUSR |
Bit signifying if the file's owner has write permissions. | |
const | S_IXGRP = S_IXGRP |
Bit signifying if the file's group has execute permissions; equal to 0 on native Windows ports. | |
const | S_IXOTH = S_IXOTH |
Bit signifying if other has execute permissions; equal to 0 on native Windows ports. | |
const | S_IXUSR = S_IXUSR |
Bit signifying if the file's owner has execute permissions. | |
Mask for access modes (O_RDONLY|O_WRONLY|O_RDWR) | |
const | O_APPEND = O_APPEND |
Open the file in append mode (append on each write) | |
const | O_CREAT = O_CREAT |
Create the file if it doesn't exist. | |
const | O_DIRECT = O_DIRECT |
direct disk access hint (0 on platforms where this is not available) | |
must be a directory (0 on platforms where this is not available) | |
const | O_EXCL = O_EXCL |
Raise an error if used with O_CREAT and the file exists. | |
const | O_NDELAY = O_NDELAY |
synonym for O_NONBLOCK (untested with Qore; 0 on platforms where this is not available) | |
const | O_NOCTTY = O_NOCTTY |
don't allocate controlling tty (0 on platforms where this is not available) | |
don't follow links (0 on platforms where this is not available) | |
non-blocking I/O (untested with Qore; 0 on platforms where this is not available) | |
const | O_RDONLY = O_RDONLY |
Open the file read-only. | |
const | O_RDWR = O_RDWR |
Open for reading and writing. | |
const | O_SYNC = O_SYNC |
synchronized file update option (0 on platforms where this is not available) | |
const | O_TRUNC = O_TRUNC |
Truncate the size to zero. | |
const | O_WRONLY = O_WRONLY |
Open the file write-only. | |
const | F_RDLCK = F_RDLCK |
Use for read-only locking. | |
const | F_UNLCK = F_UNLCK |
Use for unlocking a lock. | |
const | F_WRLCK = F_WRLCK |
Use for exclusive write locking. | |
const | SEEK_CUR = SEEK_CUR |
Indicates that the offset is from the current position in the file. | |
const | SEEK_END = SEEK_END |
Indicates that the offset is from the end of the file. | |
const | SEEK_SET = SEEK_SET |
Indicates that the offset is from the start of the file. | |
Imports the object with private visibility. | |
Imports the object with public visibility. | |
Imports the object with the same module visibility. | |
provides access to databases More... | |
provides debugging functionality More... | |
provides dynamic parsing functionality More... | |
provides access to external information (ex: hostname, pid, process uid, etc) More... | |
provides external process control functionality (can affect) start) or stop external processes) More... | |
provides access to the filesystem More... | |
const | DOM_GUI = QDOM_GUI |
provides GUI functionality More... | |
provides functionality related to code / dependency injection More... | |
provides access to functionality that changes locale information More... | |
provides access to external modules More... | |
provides network functionality More... | |
provides process control functionality (can affect or stop the current process) More... | |
provides reflection functionality More... | |
provides terminal I/O functionality More... | |
provides thread control functionality More... | |
provides the ability to check or manipulate threads (including starting new threads) More... | |
provides access to information regarding threading (tid, active threads, etc) More... | |
provides unchecked access to system functionality that could bypass Qore's sandboxing controls More... | |
const | DomainCodeMap = qore(pomaps.getDomainToStringMap()) |
Maps from functional domain bitfield code values (as string keys) to functional domain names. More... | |
const | DomainStringMap = qore(pomaps.getStringToDomainMap()) |
Maps from functional domain strings to functional domain bitfield integer codes. More... | |
Prohibits the use of the '$' character in variable names, method calls, and object member references. More... | |
Allows the use of functionality required to implement a debugger, mainly via DebugProgram. More... | |
Allows code/dependency injections in the contained Program object. More... | |
Allows for old pre-Qore 0.9 top-level statements having no effect. More... | |
Allows the use of the weak assignment operator (:=). More... | |
Assume local variable scope when variables are first referenced if no my or our is present. More... | |
allows for old pre-Qore 0.8.12 broken runtime int assignments where runtime type errors were ignored More... | |
allows for old pre-Qore 0.8.12 broken list rewriting in the parser More... | |
allows for old pre-Qore 0.8.12 precedence of logical and bitwise operators More... | |
allows for old pre-Qore 0.8.13 handling of break and continue More... | |
allows for old pre-Qore 0.8.12 broken runtime parsing of multi-character operators with spaces More... | |
allows for old pre-Qore 0.8.13 handling of reference and *reference More... | |
Enables broken sprintf() handling where no argument is treated diffferently than NOTHING. More... | |
This option is the empty option, meaning no options are set. | |
mask of options that have no effect on code access or code safety but just affect programming style More... | |
Only set by the system when in a user module Program. More... | |
Sets very restrictive access; this restriction is designed to allow code to only execute logic, no I/O, no threading, no external access. More... | |
Disallows changes to the warning mask. More... | |
Set a more C++ or Java type programming style; prohibits usage of the "$" character and also assumes local variable scope without my. More... | |
const | PO_NO_API = PO_NO_API |
Prohibits any code from being inherited into the Program object, including the system API. More... | |
Allows child program objects to have fewer parse restrictions (i.e. more capabilies) than the parent object. More... | |
Disallows class definitions. More... | |
Disallows constant definitions. More... | |
Disallows access to database functionality. More... | |
Forbids debugging of the current Program object; when this option is set, debuggers cannot attach to the Program object. More... | |
Prohibits embedded logic from being used. | |
Prohibits any external access. More... | |
Disallows access to functionality that provides information about the computing environment. More... | |
Disallows any access to external processes (with system(), backquote(), exec(), etc) More... | |
Disallows access to the filesystem. More... | |
Disallows the use of global variables. More... | |
const | PO_NO_GUI = PO_NO_GUI |
Disallows access to functionality that draws graphics to the display. More... | |
Precludes global variables from being inherited into the new Program object. | |
Prohibits system classes from being imported into the new Program object. More... | |
Prohibits system constants from being imported into the new Program object. More... | |
Prohibits builtin/system function variants from being imported into the new Program object. More... | |
Prohibits system hashdecls from being imported into the new Program object. More... | |
Prohibits user classes from being imported into the new Program object. More... | |
Prohibits user constants from being imported into the new Program object. More... | |
Precludes public user function variants from being inherited into the new Program object. | |
Prohibits user hashdecls from being imported into the new Program object. More... | |
const | PO_NO_IO = PO_NO_IO |
Prohibits all terminal and file I/O and GUI operations. More... | |
Disallows access to functionality that can change locale parameters. More... | |
Disallows loading modules with the %requires directive or at runtime with load_module() More... | |
Disallows new namespace definitions. More... | |
Disallows access to network functionality. More... | |
const | PO_NO_NEW = PO_NO_NEW |
Disallows use of the new operator. More... | |
Disallows access to functions that would affect the current process (exit(), exec(), fork(), etc) More... | |
Disallows access to reflection. More... | |
Disallows subroutine (function) definitions. More... | |
Prohibits any code from being inherited into the Program object, including the system API. More... | |
Prohibits system classes from being imported into the new Program object. More... | |
Prohibits builtin/system function variants from being imported into the new Program object. More... | |
Disallows access to reading from and/or writing to the terminal. More... | |
Prohibits access to all threading information. More... | |
Disallows access to any thread classes. More... | |
Disallows access to any thread-control functions and thread-relevant statements and operators (for example the background operator and the thread_exit statement) More... | |
Disallows access to functionality that provides information about threading. More... | |
Disallows top level code. More... | |
Disallows the transient. More... | |
disallow access to "uncontrolled APIs" like external language bindings or direct generic system call APIs that could bypass Qore's sandboxing controls More... | |
Prohibits any user code from being inherited into the Program object. More... | |
Prohibits user classes from being imported into the new Program object. More... | |
mask of all parse options allowing for more freedom (instead of less) More... | |
Requires global variables to be declared with our before use. More... | |
Requires all function and method parameters and return types to have type declarations. More... | |
Requires all function and method parameters, return types, variables, and object members to have type declarations. More... | |
Prohibits access to builtin functions and methods flagged with RT_NOOP and also causes errors to be raised if excess arguments are given to functions that do not access excess arguments. More... | |
Sets strict mathematical boolean evaluation runtime mode (the qore default prior to v0.8.6) More... | |
disallows out-of-line class and namespace declarations More... | |
const | ParseOptionCmdCodeMap = qore(ParseOptionMap::getCodeToStringMap()) |
Maps from parse option code values (as string keys) to parse option names. Names are in form used in script or on command line, e.g. new-style. More... | |
const | ParseOptionCmdStringMap = qore(ParseOptionMap::getStringToCodeMap()) |
Maps from parse option strings to parse option integer codes. Names are in form used in script or on command line, e.g. new-style. More... | |
const | ParseOptionCodeMap = qore(pomaps.getCodeToStringMap()) |
Maps from parse option code values (as string keys) to parse option names. More... | |
const | ParseOptionStringMap = qore(pomaps.getStringToCodeMap()) |
Maps from parse option strings to parse option bitfield integer codes. More... | |
const | WARN_ALL = QP_WARN_ALL |
Enables all warnings. | |
This warns before expressions affected by %broken-logic-precedence. More... | |
Enables warnings when the parser determines that the argument types of a function or method call are such that the operation is guaranteed to produce a constant value. More... | |
The default warning mask. More... | |
Enables a warning when deprecated code is used. More... | |
Enables a warning when a program declares a local variable more than once in the same block; note that this is not a warning but rather an error when assume-local or new-style parse options are set. More... | |
Indicates that the embedded code has declared the same global variable more than once. More... | |
Enables a warning when an immediate hash is declared and at least one of the keys is repeated. More... | |
Enables a warning when a local variable with the same name is declared in a subblock (ie another local variable with the same name is reachable in the same lexical scope); note that this warning can raise false positives if the programmer is used to redeclaring the same variable names in subblocks. More... | |
Enables a warning when a function or method call is made with more arguments than are used by the function or method. More... | |
Indicates that the embedded code performs some operation that is guaranteed to produce no result (for example, using the [] operator on an integer value) More... | |
The default warning mask for user modules. More... | |
Represents no warning. | |
Indicates that the embedded code is calling an unknown method in a class. More... | |
Enables a warning when a function or method call is made with no side effects and the return value is ignored. More... | |
Indicates that the embedded code referenced an undeclared variable that will be assumed to be a global variable. More... | |
Indicates that the embedded code tried to enable or disable an unknown warning. More... | |
Indicates that code cannot be reached (for example; code in the same local block after an unconditional return or thread_exit statement) More... | |
This warning is raised when a variable is declared in a block but never referenced. More... | |
This warning means that the embedded code tried to change the warning mask, but it was locked, so the warning mask was actually unchanged. More... | |
const | DebugDetach = DBG_RS_DETACH |
Detach program from debugging, it is not normally used from script. | |
const | DebugRun = DBG_RS_RUN |
Run program, avoid stepping. | |
const | DebugStep = DBG_RS_STEP |
Run one step in program, in case of function call stepping goes on in function. | |
const | DebugStepOver = DBG_RS_STEP_OVER |
Run one step in program, in case of function call stepping does not go to function. | |
const | DebugUntilReturn = DBG_RS_UNTIL_RETURN |
Run program till function is exited. | |
const | DebugFlowBreak = RC_BREAK |
force break Statements command | |
const | DebugFlowContinue = RC_CONTINUE |
force continue Statements command | |
const | DebugFlowReturn = RC_RETURN |
force return Statements command | |
const | BreakpointPolicyAccept = BKP_PO_ACCEPT |
Consider only threads enumerated in thread list. | |
const | BreakpointPolicyNone = BKP_PO_NONE |
Thread list is ignored. | |
const | BreakpointPolicyReject = BKP_PO_REJECT |
Consider all thread except those enumerated in thread list. | |
Only request a client certificate once in server mode. More... | |
Require a client certificate in server mode. More... | |
Do not verify the peer's certificate. More... | |
Verify the peer's certificate. More... | |
Issuer name and serial number of candidate certificate do not match the authority key identifier of the current certificate. | |
The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its subject key identifier was present and did not match the authority key identifier of the current certificate. | |
Verification failure. | |
Certificate chain too long. | |
Certificate has expired. | |
Certificate is not yet valid. | |
Root CA is marked to reject the specified purpose. | |
Certificate has been revoked. | |
Certificate signature failure; the signature of the certificate is invalid. | |
Root CA is not marked as trusted for the specified purpose. | |
CRL has expired. | |
CRL is not yet valid. | |
CRL signature failure; the signature of the certificate is invalid. | |
Certificate is self-signed and cannot be found in the trusted list. | |
Format error in certificate's notAfter field (invalid time) | |
Format error in certificate's notBefore field (invalid time) | |
Format error in CRL's lastUpdate field (invalid time) | |
Format error in CRL's nextUpdate field (invalid time) | |
const | X509_V_ERR_INVALID_CA = "X509_V_ERR_INVALID_CA" |
Invalid CA certificate. | |
The certificate cannot be used for the specified purpose. | |
The keyUsage extension does not permit certificate signing. | |
const | X509_V_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM = "X509_V_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM" |
Out of memory error. | |
The basicConstraints pathlength parameter has been exceeded. | |
Self signed certificate in certificate chain. | |
The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its subject name did not match the issuer name of the current certificate. | |
Unable to decode issuer public key (SubjectPublicKeyInfo) | |
Unable to decrypt certificate's signature. This means that the actual signature value could not be determined rather than it not matching the expected value; this is only meaningful for RSA. | |
Unable to decrypt CRL's signature. | |
Unable to get certificate CRL. | |
Unable to get issuer certificate. | |
Unable to get local issuer certificate. This normally means the list of trusted certificates is not complete. | |
Unable to verify the first certificate. | |
const | X509_V_OK = "X509_V_OK" |
Verification OK. | |
const | X509_VerificationReasons |
maps from varification strings to verification code descriptions | |
const | AFMap = qore(get_network_address_family_map()) |
mapping from Network Address Family Constants to string codes | |
const | AFStrMap |
mapping from network address family string codes to Network Address Family Constants | |
const | AF_INET = AF_INET |
IPv4 address family. | |
const | AF_INET6 = AF_INET6 |
IPv6 address family. | |
const | AF_LOCAL = AF_LOCAL |
POSIX synonym for AF_UNIX. | |
const | AF_UNIX = AF_UNIX |
UNIX domain address family (UNIX socket files) | |
unspecified address family | |
if this bit is set, addresses of each family are returned only if they are configured on the system | |
const | AI_ALL = AI_ALL |
If this bit is set along with AI_V4MAPPED then all matching IPv6 and IPv4 addresses are returned. | |
If this bit is set, then getaddrinfo() will return the canonical name of the hostname in the "canonname" key of the first element returned. | |
If this bit is set, then the host is assumed to be an address and no hostname lookup will be preformed. | |
If this bit is set, then the service is assumed to be a numeric port string, and no service lookup will be performed. More... | |
If this bit is set, then the returned information should be usable for a call to Socket::bind() More... | |
If this bit is set, getaddrinfo() will return IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses on finding no matching IPv6 addresses/. More... | |
for the TCP protocol | |
for the UDP protocol | |
for datagrams (connectionless, unreliable messages of a fixed (typically small) maximum length | |
const | SOCK_RAW = SOCK_RAW |
raw socket interface, only available to the superuser, untested | |
for sequenced, reliable, two-way connection-based byte streams (the default) | |
use alternate WERASE algorithm | |
const | ECHO = ECHO |
enable echoing | |
echo control chars as ^(Char) | |
const | ECHOE = ECHOE |
visually erase chars | |
const | ECHOKE = ECHOKE |
visual erase for line kill | |
const | ECHONL = ECHONL |
echo NL even if ECHO is off | |
visual erase mode for hardcopy | |
external processing | |
const | FLUSHO = FLUSHO |
output being flushed (state) | |
const | ICANON = ICANON |
canonicalize input lines | |
const | IEXTEN = IEXTEN |
enable DISCARD and LNEXT | |
const | ISIG = ISIG |
enable signals INTR, QUIT, [D]SUSP | |
const | NOFLSH = NOFLSH |
don't flush after interrupt | |
no kernel output from VSTATUS | |
const | PENDIN = PENDIN |
retype pending input (state) | |
const | TOSTOP = TOSTOP |
stop background jobs from output | |
DCD flow control of output. | |
CTS flow control of output. | |
DSR flow control of output. | |
const | CLOCAL = CLOCAL |
ignore modem status lines | |
const | CREAD = CREAD |
enable receiver | |
CTS flow control of output and RTS flow control of input. | |
RTS flow control of input. | |
const | CS5 = CS5 |
character size mask: 5 bits | |
const | CS6 = CS6 |
character size mask: 6 bits | |
const | CS7 = CS7 |
character size mask: 7 bits | |
const | CS8 = CS8 |
character size mask: 8 bits | |
const | CSIZE = CSIZE |
character size mask | |
const | CSTOPB = CSTOPB |
send 2 stop bits | |
const | HUPCL = HUPCL |
hang up on last close | |
const | MDMBUF = MDMBUF |
old name for CCAR_OFLOW | |
const | PARENB = PARENB |
parity enable | |
const | PARODD = PARODD |
odd parity, else even | |
const | OCRNL = OCRNL |
map CR to NL on output | |
const | ONLCR = ONLCR |
map NL to CR-NL (ala CRMOD) | |
const | ONLRET = ONLRET |
NL performs CR function. | |
const | ONOCR = ONOCR |
no CR output at column 0 | |
const | ONOEOT = ONOEOT |
discard EOT's (^D) on output | |
const | OPOST = OPOST |
enable following output processing | |
const | OXTABS = OXTABS |
expand tabs to spaces | |
const | BRKINT = BRKINT |
map BREAK to SIGINTR | |
const | ICRNL = ICRNL |
map CR to NL (ala CRMOD) | |
const | IGNBRK = IGNBRK |
ignore BREAK condition | |
const | IGNCR = IGNCR |
ignore CR | |
const | IGNPAR = IGNPAR |
ignore (discard) parity errors | |
ring bell on input queue full | |
const | INLCR = INLCR |
map NL into CR | |
const | INPCK = INPCK |
enable checking of parity errors | |
const | ISTRIP = ISTRIP |
strip 8th bit off chars | |
const | IXANY = IXANY |
any char will restart after stop | |
const | IXOFF = IXOFF |
enable input flow control | |
const | IXON = IXON |
enable output flow control | |
const | PARMRK = PARMRK |
mark parity and framing errors | |
subscript for the VDISCARD character | |
const | VDSUSP = VDSUSP |
subscript for the VDSUSP character | |
const | VEOF = VEOF |
subscript for the EOF character | |
const | VEOL = VEOL |
subscript for the EOL character | |
const | VEOL2 = VEOL2 |
subscript for the EOL2 character | |
const | VERASE = VERASE |
subscript for the VERASE character | |
const | VINTR = VINTR |
subscript for the VINTR character | |
const | VKILL = VKILL |
subscript for the VKILL character | |
const | VLNEXT = VLNEXT |
subscript for the VLNEXT character | |
const | VMIN = VMIN |
subscript for the VMIN value | |
const | VQUIT = VQUIT |
subscript for the VQUIT character | |
subscript for the VREPRINT character | |
const | VSTART = VSTART |
subscript for the VSTART character | |
subscript for the character | |
const | VSTOP = VSTOP |
subscript for the VSTOP character | |
const | VSUSP = VSUSP |
subscript for the VSUSP character | |
const | VTIME = VTIME |
subscript for the VTIME value | |
subscript for the VWERASE character | |
if the value of any key is this value, it means that the key is disabled | |
drain output, then change | |
drain output, flush input | |
make change immediate | |
flag - don't alter hardware state | |
const | DefaultStreamBufferSize = 4096 |
The default buffer size for the BufferedStreamReader class. | |
const | CE_ALL = CE_ALL |
code for encoding everything More... | |
const | CE_HTML = CE_HTML |
code for encoding HTML 5 symbols as named character references More... | |
code for encoding all non-ASCII symbols as numeric character references More... | |
const | CE_XHTML = CE_XHTML |
code for encoding XHTML entities More... | |
const | CE_XML = CE_XML |
code for encoding XML entities More... | |
const | CD_ALL = CD_ALL |
code for decoding everything More... | |
const | CD_HTML = CD_HTML |
code for decoding HTML 5 named character references to their native symbols More... | |
const | CD_NUM_REF = CD_NUM_REF |
code for decoding numeric character references to symbols More... | |
const | CD_XHTML = CD_XHTML |
code for decoding XHTML named character references to symbols More... | |
const | CD_XML = CD_XML |
code for decoding XML entities More... | |
const | NameToSignal |
maps signal names to signal values | |
const | SIGBUS = SIGBUS |
const | SIGCLD = SIGCLD |
const | SIGEMT = SIGEMT |
const | SIGFPE = SIGFPE |
const | SIGHUP = SIGHUP |
const | SIGILL = SIGILL |
const | SIGINT = SIGINT |
const | SIGIO = SIGIO |
SIGIO. | |
const | SIGIOT = SIGIOT |
const | SIGJVM1 = SIGJVM1 |
SIGJVM1. | |
const | SIGJVM2 = SIGJVM2 |
SIGJVM2. | |
const | SIGLWP = SIGLWP |
const | SIGPWR = SIGPWR |
const | SIGSYS = SIGSYS |
const | SIGURG = SIGURG |
const | SIGUSR1 = SIGUSR1 |
SIGUSR1. | |
const | SIGUSR2 = SIGUSR2 |
SIGUSR2. | |
const | SignalToName |
maps signal numbers (as a string key) to the symbolic name for the signal | |
gives the default compression level for the bzip2() function, providing a trade-off between compression speed and compression size (value: 3 ) | |
Identifies the default compression level appropriate for given algorithm. | |
gives the default compression level for the compress() and gzip() functions, providing a trade-off between compression speed and compression size | |
const | COMPRESSION_ALG_BZIP2 = str(CompressionTransforms::ALG_BZIP2) |
Identifies the bzip2 algorithm | |
const | COMPRESSION_ALG_GZIP = str(CompressionTransforms::ALG_GZIP) |
Identifies the GZIP Format (RFC 1952) | |
const | COMPRESSION_ALG_ZLIB = str(CompressionTransforms::ALG_ZLIB) |
Identifies the ZLIB Compressed Data Format (RFC 1950) | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_AES_128 = "aes128" |
Identifies the AES cryptographic algorithm in Galois Counter Mode (GCM) with a 128-bit (16 byte) key. More... | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_AES_192 = "aes192" |
Identifies the AES cryptographic algorithm in Galois Counter Mode (GCM) with a 192-bit (24 byte) key. More... | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_AES_256 = "aes256" |
Identifies the AES cryptographic algorithm in Galois Counter Mode (GCM) with a 256-bit (32 byte) key. More... | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_BLOWFISH = "blowfish" |
Identifies the blowfish cryptographic algorithm in Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode with a variable-length key. More... | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_BLOWFISH_CFB = "blowfish-cfb" |
Identifies the blowfish cryptographic algorithm in Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode with a variable-length key. More... | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_BLOWFISH_OFB = "blowfish-ofb" |
Identifies the blowfish cryptographic algorithm in Output Feedback (OFB) mode with a variable-length key. More... | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_CAST5 = "cast5" |
Identifies the CAST5 cryptographic algorithm in Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode with a variable-length key. More... | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_CAST5_CFB = "cast5-cfb" |
Identifies the CAST5 cryptographic algorithm in Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode with a variable-length key. More... | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_CAST5_OFB = "cast5-ofb" |
Identifies the CAST5 cryptographic algorithm in Output Feedback (OFB) mode with a variable-length key. More... | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_DES = "des" |
Identifies the DES cryptographic algorithm in Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode with a 64-bit (8 byte) key. More... | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_DESX = "desx" |
Identifies RSA's DESX cryptographic algorithm in Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode with a 192-bit (24 byte) key. More... | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_DES_CFB = "des-cfb" |
Identifies the DES cryptographic algorithm in Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode with a 64-bit (8 byte) key. More... | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_DES_EDE = "desede" |
Identifies the two-key triple DES algorithm in Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode with a 128-bit (16 byte) key. More... | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_DES_EDE3 = "desede3" |
Identifies the three-key triple DES algorithm in Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode with a 192-bit (24 byte) key. More... | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_DES_EDE3_CFB = "desede3-cfb" |
Identifies the three-key triple DES algorithm in Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode with a 192-bit (24 byte) key. More... | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_DES_EDE3_OFB = "desede3-ofb" |
Identifies the three-key triple DES algorithm in Output Feedback (OFB) mode with a 192-bit (24 byte) key. More... | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_DES_EDE_CFB = "desede-cfb" |
Identifies the two-key triple DES algorithm in Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode with a 128-bit (16 byte) key. More... | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_DES_EDE_OFB = "desede-ofb" |
Identifies the two-key triple DES algorithm in Output Feedback (OFB) mode with a 128-bit (16 byte) key. More... | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_DES_OFB = "des-ofb" |
Identifies the DES cryptographic algorithm in Output Feedback (OFB) mode with a 64-bit (8 byte) key. More... | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_RC2 = "rc2" |
Identifies RSA's RC2(tm) cryptographic algorithm in Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode with a variable-length key. More... | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_RC2_CFB = "rc2-cfb" |
Identifies RSA's RC2(tm) cryptographic algorithm in Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode with a variable-length key. More... | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_RC2_OFB = "rc2-ofb" |
Identifies RSA's RC2(tm) cryptographic algorithm in Output Feedback (OFB) mode with a variable-length key. More... | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_RC4 = "rc4" |
Identifies the Alleged RC4 cryptographic algorithm, which should be compatible with RSA's RC4(TM) algorithm in Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode with a variable-length key. More... | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_RC5 = "rc5" |
Identifies the RC5 cryptographic algorithm in Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode with a variable-length key. More... | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_RC5_CFB = "rc5-cfb" |
Identifies the RC5 cryptographic algorithm in Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode with a variable-length key. More... | |
const | CRYPTO_ALG_RC5_OFB = "rc5-ofb" |
Identifies the RC5 cryptographic algorithm in Output Feedback (OFB) mode with a variable-length key. More... | |
const | DefaultIV = <0000000000000000> |
The default initialization vector is simply a 8-byte string of nulls. | |
const | CRYPTO_DIGEST_DSS = "dss" |
specifies the DSS message digest (based on SHA-0 and DSA) | |
const | CRYPTO_DIGEST_DSS1 = "dss1" |
specifies the DSS1 message digest (based on SHA1 and DSA) | |
const | CRYPTO_DIGEST_MD2 = "md2" |
specifies the MD2 message digest | |
const | CRYPTO_DIGEST_MD4 = "md4" |
specifies the MD4 message digest | |
const | CRYPTO_DIGEST_MD5 = "md5" |
specifies the MD5 message digest | |
const | CRYPTO_DIGEST_MDC2 = "mdc2" |
specifies the MDC2 message digest | |
const | CRYPTO_DIGEST_RIPEMD160 = "ripemd160" |
specifies the RIPEMD message digest | |
const | CRYPTO_DIGEST_SHA = "sha" |
specifies the insecure and outdated SHA-0 message digest; only supplied for compatibility purposes | |
const | CRYPTO_DIGEST_SHA1 = "sha1" |
specifies the SHA1 message digest | |
const | CRYPTO_DIGEST_SHA224 = "sha224" |
specifies the SHA-224 message digest (a variant of SHA-2) | |
const | CRYPTO_DIGEST_SHA256 = "sha256" |
specifies the SHA-256 message digest (a variant of SHA-2) | |
const | CRYPTO_DIGEST_SHA384 = "sha384" |
specifies the SHA-384 message digest (a variant of SHA-2) | |
const | CRYPTO_DIGEST_SHA512 = "sha512" |
specifies the SHA-512 message digest (a variant of SHA-2) | |
const | DigestMap = qore(init_digest_map_hash()) |
A hash keyed by supported digest name where each value is True. More... | |
const | RE_Caseless = PCRE_CASELESS |
Ignores case when matching regular expressions, equivalent to /i | |
const | RE_DotAll = PCRE_DOTALL |
makes a dot (.) match a newline character, equivalent to /s | |
const | RE_Extended = PCRE_EXTENDED |
ignores whitespace characters and enables comments prefixed by #, equivalent to /x | |
const | RE_Global = QRE_GLOBAL |
replace all matches globally in the string or extract all occurrences of the pattern(s) in the string, equivalent to /g | |
const | RE_MultiLine = PCRE_MULTILINE |
makes start-of-line (^) or end-of-line ($) match after or before any newline in the subject string, equivalent to /m | |
const | MAXINT = LLONG_MAX |
largest integer More... | |
const | MININT = qore(QoreValue(-LLONG_MAX - 1)) |
smallest integer More... | |
const | M_PI = 3.14159265358979323846 |
PI (floating-point) | |
const | M_PIn = qore(pi_number()) |
PI (arbitrary-precision numeric) More... | |
type code for binary values | |
type code for boolean values | |
type code for call references | |
type code for closures | |
const | NT_DATE = NT_DATE |
type code for date/time values | |
const | NT_FLOAT = NT_FLOAT |
type code for float values | |
const | NT_HASH = NT_HASH |
type code for hash values | |
const | NT_INT = NT_INT |
type code for integer values | |
const | NT_LIST = NT_LIST |
type code for list values | |
type code for no value (NOTHING) | |
const | NT_NULL = NT_NULL |
type code for NULL | |
type code for number values | |
type code for objects | |
type code for string values | |
const | TypeCodeMap |
type code map, looks up type names from type code values | |
const | TypeNameMap |
type name map, looks up type codes from type names | |
const | False = bool(false) |
logical False | |
const | True = bool(true) |
logical True | |
const | NOTHING = qore(&Nothing) |
a constant representing the lack of a value | |
const | NULL = qore(&Null) |
logical False | |
const | ET_System = "System" |
Exception type code system exceptions (thrown in internal Qore code or in modules) | |
const | ET_User = "User" |
Exception type for user exceptions (thrown by the throw statement) | |
const | CT_Builtin = CT_BUILTIN |
Call type for builtin code. | |
const | CT_NewThread = CT_NEWTHREAD |
Call type for the start of a new thread by the background operator. | |
const | CT_Rethrow = CT_RETHROW |
Call type for an exception thrown by the rethrow statement. | |
const | CT_User = CT_USER |
Call type for user code. | |
const | Build = qore(qore_build_number) |
The integer Qore build number. | |
const | BuildHost = qore(new QoreStringNode(qore_build_host)) |
The host name of the host used to build the Qore library. | |
const | CFLAGS = qore(new QoreStringNode(qore_cflags)) |
A string giving the C++ compiler flags used to build Qore. | |
const | Compiler = qore(new QoreStringNode(qore_cplusplus_compiler)) |
A string giving the C++ compiler used to build Qore. | |
const | DirSep = qore(new QoreStringNode(QORE_DIR_SEP_STR)) |
platform-specific directory separator character string More... | |
const | LDFLAGS = qore(new QoreStringNode(qore_ldflags)) |
A string giving the linker flags used to build Qore. | |
const | MACHINE_MSB = bool(Q_MACHINE_MSB) |
True if the current machine uses big-endian or MSB byte order or False if the current machine uses little-endian or LSB byte order | |
const | PathSep = qore(new QoreStringNode(QORE_PATH_SEP_STR)) |
platform-specific path separator character string More... | |
const | Platform = ("OS": qore(new QoreStringNode(TARGET_OS)), "CPU": qore(new QoreStringNode(TARGET_ARCH)), "Unix": bool(Q_IS_UNIX), "Windows": bool(Q_IS_WINDOWS)) |
hash of platform information | |
const | PlatformCPU = qore(new QoreStringNode(TARGET_ARCH)) |
The string for the platform's CPU architecture. | |
const | PlatformOS = qore(new QoreStringNode(TARGET_OS)) |
A string giving the platform operating-system name. | |
const | VersionMajor = qore(qore_version_major) |
The integer Qore major version number. | |
const | VersionMinor = qore(qore_version_minor) |
The integer Qore minor version number. | |
const | VersionString = qore(new QoreStringNode(qore_version_string)) |
The full Qore version string. | |
const | VersionSub = qore(qore_version_sub) |
The integer Qore sub version number. | |
File class source code | |
FtpClient class source code | |
HTTPClient class source code | |
Socket class source code | |
const | EVENT_MAP |
Maps from Event Constants (the keys) to descriptive strings (the values) | |
Maps from Event Source Constants (the keys) to descriptive strings (the values) | |
Raised when a socket or file is closed. | |
Raised when the socket connection has been established. | |
Raised right before a socket connection attempt is made. | |
Raised when data has been read from a file. | |
Raised when data has been written to a file. | |
Raised when the object being monitored is deleted. | |
Raised when a file has been successfully opened. | |
Raised when an FTP reply is received on the control channel. | |
Raised immediately before an FTP control message is sent. | |
Raised when a hostname lookup is started. | |
Raised when a hostname lookup is resolved. | |
Raised when a block of HTTP chunked data is received. | |
Raised when all HTTP chunked data has been received. | |
Raised when HTTP chunked data is about to be received. | |
Raised when the next chunk size for HTTP chunked data is known. | |
Raised when the HTTP "Content-Length" header is received. | |
Raised when HTTP footers are received. | |
Raised when an HTTP message is received. | |
Raised when an HTTP redirect message is received. | |
Raised when an HTTP message is sent. | |
Raised right before a file is opened. | |
Raised when a network packet is received. | |
Raised when a network packet is sent. | |
Raised when SSL communication has been negotiated and established. | |
Raised when socket SSL negotiation starts. | |
const | stderr = qore(QC_FILE->execSystemConstructor(2)) |
system constant for stderr (file descriptor 2) | |
const | stderr_stream = qore(QC_FILEOUTPUTSTREAM->execSystemConstructor(2)) |
system constant for stderr OutputStream (file descriptor 2) | |
const | stdin = qore(QC_FILE->execSystemConstructor(0)) |
system constant for stdin (file descriptor 0) | |
const | stdin_stream = qore(QC_FILEINPUTSTREAM->execSystemConstructor(0)) |
system constant for stdin InputStream (file descriptor 0) | |
const | stdout = qore(QC_FILE->execSystemConstructor(1)) |
system constant for stdout (file descriptor 1) | |
const | stdout_stream = qore(QC_FILEOUTPUTSTREAM->execSystemConstructor(1)) |
system constant for stdout OutputStream (file descriptor 1) | |
const | NF_Default = QORE_NF_DEFAULT |
for the default format with a rounding heuristic to try to remove noise in insignificant digits from the binary to digital conversion of high-precision numbers | |
const | NF_Raw = QORE_NF_RAW |
for the raw format without the noise reduction heuristic in the NF_Default format More... | |
const | NF_Scientific = QORE_NF_SCIENTIFIC |
for the scientific format (exponential notation) | |
const | SNF_AllDigits = QORE_NUM_ALL_DIGITS |
This is a special constant to be used with string number formatting pseudo-methods that take an integer prec argument; this value indicates that all available digits should be included in the output string. More... | |
Qore::Thread namespace.
Qore::Err namespace.
Qore::Option namespace.
Qore::Type namespace.
main Qore-language namespace
Qore::SQL namespace.
Qore namespace.