Qore Mime Module Reference  1.4.2
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Mime Namespace Reference

public Mime namespace defines constants and functions relevant to MIME More...


hashdecl  FormDataMessageInfo
 parsed form-data message part info More...
hashdecl  MessageInfo
 message and part info hash More...
hashdecl  MessagePartInfo
 message part hash More...
class  MultiPartFormDataMessage
 implements the MultiPartFormDataMessage class, a specialization of MultiPartMessage More...
class  MultiPartMessage
 MultiPartMessage class implementation. More...
class  MultiPartMixedMessage
 implements the MultiPartMixedMessage class, a specialization of MultiPartMessage More...
class  MultiPartRelatedMessage
 implements the MultiPartRelatedMessage class, a specialization of MultiPartMessage More...


string get_mime_type_from_ext (string path, string def_type=MimeTypeUnknown)
 returns the mime type for the given filename from the extension or the default type if the extension is not present or unknown
binary mime_decode_base64 (data str)
 returns a binary value from a string in "BASE64" encoding according to RFC 2045 More...
string mime_decode_base64_to_string (data str, *string encoding)
 returns a string value from a string in "BASE64" encoding according to RFC 2045 More...
string mime_decode_header (string hdr)
 decodes a header string; if any part of the string is encoded with "B" ("BASE64") or "Q" ("quoted-printable") encodings according to RFC 2045 section 6.7, then those parts are decoded and the decoded string is returned More...
string mime_decode_quoted_printable (string str, *string encoding)
 returns a string parsed from "quoted-printable" (or "QP") encoding according to RFC 2045 section 6.7 More...
data mime_decode_transfer_data (data mime_data, string enc, *string ct)
 decodes data according to the given encoding More...
string mime_decode_urlencoded_string (string str)
 decodes the given string from URL encoded format More...
string mime_encode_base64 (data str, int len=MimeBase64LineLen)
 returns a string in "BASE64" encoding according to RFC 2045 More...
string mime_encode_header_word_b (string str)
 returns a string in "B" ("BASE64") encoding for MIME header string words according to RFC 2047
string mime_encode_header_word_q (string str)
 returns a string in "Q" ("quoted-printable") encoding for MIME header string words according to RFC 2047
string mime_encode_quoted_printable (string str, bool hdr=False)
 returns a string in "quoted-printable" (or "QP") encoding according to RFC 2045 section 6.7 More...
data mime_encode_transfer_data (data mime_data, string enc)
 encodes data according to the given encoding More...
string mime_get_form_urlencoded_string (hash h)
 returns a string in MIME multipart form URL encoded format (for use with "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" data) More...
string mime_get_urlencoded_string (auto val)
 returns a single string in MIME URL encoded format More...
hash< auto > mime_parse_form_urlencoded_string (string str)
 returns a hash corresponding to the string in MIME multipart form URL encoded format (for use with "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" data) More...


const ContentTransEnc7Bit = "7bit"
 default Content-Transfer-Encoding if none is present; implies lines < 1000 chars (= no encoding)
const ContentTransEnc8Bit = "8bit"
 implies lines < 1000 chars (= no encoding)
const ContentTransEncBase64 = "base64"
 base-64 Content-Transfer-Encoding
const ContentTransEncBinary = "binary"
 binary transfer encoding; implies no maximum line length (= no encoding)
const ContentTransEncQuotedPrintable = "quoted-printable"
 quoted-printable Content-Transfer-Encoding
const MimeBase64LineLen = 76
 maximum line length for base64 encoding More...
const MimeQuotedPrintableLineLen = 76
 maximum line length for quoted-printable encoding More...
const MimeTypeCss = "text/css"
 Mime type for css.
const MimeTypeCsv = "text/csv"
 MIME type for csv files (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180)
const MimeTypeFormUrlEncoded = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
 Mime type for multipart form URL encoding.
const MimeTypeHtml = "text/html"
 MIME type for HTML.
const MimeTypeJavascript = "application/javascript"
 Mime type for Javascript.
const MimeTypeJpeg = "image/jpeg"
 MIME type for jpeg images.
const MimeTypeJson = "application/json"
 Mime type for JSON.
const MimeTypeJsonRpc = MimeTypeJson
 Mime type for JSON-RPC.
const MimeTypeMultipartFormData = "multipart/form-data"
 Mime type for multipart form data.
const MimeTypeMultipartMixed = "multipart/mixed"
 Mime type for multipart mixed.
const MimeTypeMultipartRelated = "multipart/related"
 Mime type for multipart related.
const MimeTypeOctetStream = "application/octet-stream"
 MIME type for unknown file types.
const MimeTypePng = "image/png"
 MIME type for png images.
const MimeTypes
 A map of default mime types per file extension; the hash keys are file extensions in lower-case without the dot (ex: "txt")
const MimeTypeSoapXml = "application/soap+xml"
 Mime type for SOAP XML messages (XML MIME type reference: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3023)
const MimeTypeText = "text/plain"
 MIME type for text.
const MimeTypeUnknown = MimeTypeOctetStream
 MIME type for unknown file types.
const MimeTypeXml = "text/xml"
 Mime type for plain (human-readable) xml files.
const MimeTypeXmlApp = "application/xml"
 Mime type for more complicated (not human-readable) xml files.
const MimeTypeXmlRpc = MimeTypeXml
 Mime type for XML-RPC.
const MimeTypeYaml = "text/x-yaml"
 Mime type for yaml data files.
const MimeTypeYamlRpc = "application/x-yaml"
 Mime type for YAML-RPC.
const MPT_ALTERNATIVE = "alternative"
 for sending multiple "alternatives" of the same content (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2046#section-5.1.4)
const MPT_BYTERANGES = "byteranges"
 for sending noncontiguous byte ranges of a single message (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616)
const MPT_DIGEST = "digest"
 for sending multiple text messages (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2046#section-5.1.5)
const MPT_ENCRYPTED = "encrypted"
 for sending encrypted messages (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1847#section-2.2)
const MPT_FORM_DATA = "form-data"
 for form data (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1867, http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2388)
const MPT_MESSAGE = "message"
 for email/MIME messages with headers (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2046)
const MPT_MIXED = "mixed"
 for sending files with different "Content-Type" headers (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2046#section-5.1.3)
const MPT_RELATED = "related"
 for sending multiple components of an aggregated whole (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2387)
const MPT_SIGNED = "signed"
 to attach a digital signature to a message (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1847#section-2.1)
const UrlEncodedChars
 hash of non-alphanumeric characters that can be used unencoded in URL encoded format More...

Detailed Description

public Mime namespace defines constants and functions relevant to MIME