▼NDataProvider | Qore AbstractDataField class definition |
CAbstractDataField | Describes a data type based on a hashdecl |
CAbstractDataProcessor | Defines an abstract class for accepting data and outputting optionally transformed or filtered data |
CAbstractDataProvider | The AbstractDataProvider class |
CAbstractDataProviderBulkOperation | Abstract bulk data operation class |
CAbstractDataProviderBulkRecordInterface | Defines the abstract class for data provider iterators; the destructor releases the iterator |
CAbstractDataProviderFactory | Data provider factory class |
CAbstractDataProviderRecordIterator | Defines the abstract class for data provider iterators; the destructor releases the iterator |
CAbstractDataProviderType | Describes a data type |
CDataFieldInfo | Describes a data type |
CDataProvider | Data provider class |
CDataProviderBulkRecordIterator | Defines the standard record iterator for bulk record iterators |
CDataProviderInfo | Data provider info |
CDataProviderOptionInfo | Data provider option info |
CDataProviderPipeline | Defines a class for passing data through record processors |
CDataProviderPipelineFactory | A factory class for creating DataProviderPipeline objects |
CDataProviderTypeCache | Data provider type cache class |
CDataProviderTypeEntry | DataProviderTypeEntry class |
CDataProviderTypeEntryInfo | Data provider type entry info |
CDataProviderTypeOptionInfo | Describes type options |
CDataTypeInfo | Describes a data type |
CDefaultBulkInserter | Default builk inserter class |
CDefaultBulkRecordIterface | Default bulk record interface class for data providers that do not support bulk read APIs |
CDefaultBulkUpserter | Default builk inserter class |
CDefaultRecordIterator | Default record iterator class for data providers that do not support custom read / search APIs |
CHashDataType | Describes a data type based on a hash |
CHashDeclDataType | Describes a data type based on a hashdecl |
CListDataType | Describes a data type based on a hash |
CNullDataProvider | A dumrequest data provider that provides an empty hash as the request and response types |
CNullDataProviderFactory | The null data provider factory |
CPipelineFactoryInfo | Pipeline factory info |
CPipelineInfo | Pipeline info |
CPipelineOptionInfo | Pipeline option info |
CPipelineQueue | Pipeline element |
CQoreBoolDataType | Describes a data type based on int |
CQoreBoolDataTypeBase | Describes a data type based on softint with validation for parsing strings |
CQoreBoolOrNothingDataType | Describes a data type based on *int |
CQoreDataField | Describes a data type based on a hashdecl |
CQoreDataType | Describes a data type based on a Qore data type |
CQoreDateDataType | Describes a data type based on date with output time zone support |
CQoreDateDataTypeBase | Describes a data type based on a date type with validation for string parsing and time zone support |
CQoreDateOrNothingDataType | Describes a data type based on softdate with validation for string parsing and time zone support |
CQoreFloatDataType | Describes a data type based on float |
CQoreFloatDataTypeBase | Describes a data type based on softnumber with validation for parsing strings |
CQoreFloatOrNothingDataType | Describes a data type based on *float |
CQoreHashDataType | Describes a data type |
CQoreIntDataType | Describes a data type based on int |
CQoreIntDataTypeBase | Describes a data type based on int types with validation for parsing strings when used with soft types |
CQoreIntOrNothingDataType | Describes a data type based on *int |
CQoreListDataType | Describes a data type based on a hash |
CQoreNumberDataType | Describes a data type based on number |
CQoreNumberDataTypeBase | Describes a data type based on number types with validation for parsing strings when used with soft types |
CQoreNumberOrNothingDataType | Describes a data type based on *number |
CQoreSoftBoolDataType | Describes a data type based on softint with validation for parsing strings |
CQoreSoftBoolNoNullDataType | Describes a data type based on softint with validation for parsing strings |
CQoreSoftBoolOrNothingDataType | Describes a data type based on *softint with validation for parsing strings |
CQoreSoftDateDataType | Describes a data type based on softdate with validation for string parsing and time zone support |
CQoreSoftDateNoNullDataType | Describes a data type based on softdate with validation for string parsing and time zone support |
CQoreSoftDateOrNothingDataType | Describes a data type based on softdate with validation for string parsing and time zone support |
CQoreSoftFloatDataType | Describes a data type based on softfloat with validation for parsing strings |
CQoreSoftFloatNoNullDataType | Describes a data type based on softfloat with validation for parsing strings |
CQoreSoftFloatOrNothingDataType | Describes a data type based on *softfloat with validation for parsing strings |
CQoreSoftIntDataType | Describes a data type based on softint with validation for parsing strings |
CQoreSoftIntNoNullDataType | Describes a data type based on softint with validation for parsing strings |
CQoreSoftIntOrNothingDataType | Describes a data type based on *softint with validation for parsing strings |
CQoreSoftNumberDataType | Describes a data type based on softnumber with validation for parsing strings |
CQoreSoftNumberNoNullDataType | Describes a data type based on softnumber with validation for parsing strings |
CQoreSoftNumberOrNothingDataType | Describes a data type based on *softnumber with validation for parsing strings |
CQoreSoftStringDataType | Describes a data type based on softstring with a target encoding |
CQoreSoftStringOrNothingDataType | Describes a data type based on *softstring with a target encoding |
CQoreStringDataType | Describes a data type based on string with a target encoding |
CQoreStringDataTypeBase | Describes a data type based on a string tyoe with a target encoding option |
CQoreStringOrNothingDataType | Describes a data type based on *string with a target encoding |