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Qore SqlUtil Module Reference
▼NSqlUtil | Qore AbstractDatabase class definition |
CAbstractCheckConstraint | Abstract class for check constraints |
CAbstractColumn | Base class for column information |
CAbstractColumnSupportingConstraint | API for a constraint with columns |
CAbstractConstraint | Abstract base class for constraints |
CAbstractDatabase | Base abstract class for the database implementation |
CAbstractDdlObject | Base class for named objects |
CAbstractForeignConstraint | Base class for foreign key constraint information |
CAbstractFunction | Base class for functions |
CAbstractFunctionBase | Base class for function or objects with code |
CAbstractHashContainer | Abstract container class that throws an exception if an unknown key is accessed |
CAbstractIndex | Abstract base class for index information |
CAbstractListContainer | Abstract container class that throws an exception if an unknown key is accessed |
CAbstractNumericDataType | Data type for Oracle NUMBER columns |
CAbstractPrimaryKey | Primary key |
CAbstractSavepointHelper | Abstract base class for savepoint helpers for epheremal transaction support |
CAbstractSequence | Base class for sequences |
CAbstractSqlUtilBase | Base class for abstract SqlUtil classes |
CAbstractTable | Base abstract class for the table implementation |
CAbstractTrigger | Base class for triggers |
CAbstractUniqueConstraint | Unique column constraint |
CAbstractView | Base class for views |
CColumnOperatorInfo | Column operator info hash as returned by all column operator functions |
CColumns | Column container class that throws an exception if an unknown column is accessed |
CConstraints | Constraint container class that throws an exception if an unknown constraint is accessed |
CDatabase | Database; this class embeds an AbstractDatabase object that is created automatically in the constructor based on the database driver for the AbstractDatasource object providing the database connection |
CForeignConstraints | Foreign constraint container class that throws an exception if an unknown constraint is accessed |
CForeignConstraintTarget | Class describing a foreign constraint target |
CFunctions | Function container class that throws an exception if an unknown function is accessed |
CGenericColumnInfo | Generic column description hash in schema descriptions |
CIndexes | Index container class that throws an exception if an unknown index is accessed |
CInsertOperatorInfo | Insert operator info hash as returned by all insert operator functions |
CJoinOperatorInfo | Join operator info hash as returned by all join operator functions |
CNumericColumnInfo | Base class to use to extend AbstractColumn to implement numeric columns |
COperatorInfo | SQL operator info hash as returned by all operator functions |
CSqlCommandInfo | A hash describing SQL and arguments for an SQL DML command |
CSqlUtilColumnDataType | Generic type for SQL datatypes where no translations are provided for NULL for "or nothing" types |
CSqlUtilColumnField | SqlUtil column field class |
CSqlUtilDataTypeOptionInfo | Column data type options |
CSqlUtilDateType | Type for date / timestamp columns |
CSqlUtilDbSpecificDataType | Data type for DB-specific types that are not convertible to other types |
CSqlUtilFloatType | Type for date / timestamp columns |
CSqlUtilIntType | Type for date / timestamp columns |
CSqlUtilStringType | Type for string / varchar / char columns |
CTable | Database table; this class embeds an AbstractTable object that is created automatically in the constructor based on the database driver for the AbstractDatasource object providing the database connection |
CTables | Table container class stores a collection of tables in a schema |
CTriggers | Trigger container class that throws an exception if an unknown trigger is accessed |
CUpdateOperatorInfo | Update operator info hash as returned by all update operator functions |