| clearIndex () |
| clears any index base for the constraint
| constructor (string n, string n_src) |
| creates the object and sets its name and the check clause source
bool | setIndexBase (string ix) |
| returns True if the object supports an index property and is set, False if not
| constructor (string n) |
| creates the object and sets its name
bool | equal (AbstractConstraint c) |
| returns True if the argument is equal to the current object, False if not
abstract string | getCreateSql (string table_name, *hash< auto > opt) |
| returns a string that can be used to create the constraint in the database
string | getDisableSql (string table_name) |
| returns a string that can be used to temporarily disable the constraint from the database; if disabling constraints is not supported, then the constraint will be dropped
string | getDropSql (string table_name) |
| returns a string that can be used to drop the constraint from the database
string | getEnableSql (string table_name, *hash< auto > opt) |
| returns a string that can be used to enable the constraint in the database; if disabling constraints is not supported, then the constraint will be dropped
string | getName () |
| returns the constraint name
abstract list< auto > | getRenameSql (string table_name, string new_name) |
| returns a list of SQL strings that can be used to rename the constraint in the database
bool | hasColumn (string cname) |
| returns True if the constraint references the named column
| rename (string n) |
| renames the constraint
abstract class for check constraints