►NQore | Qore namespace |
NErr | Err namespace |
NOption | Option namespace |
►NSQL | SQL namespace |
CAbstractDatasource | This class defines an abstract interface for database access, inherited by both the Datasource and DatasourcePool classes |
CAbstractSQLStatement | This class defines an abstract interface for the SQLStatement class |
CDatasource | This class provides the Qore interface to databases |
CDatasourcePool | Provides transparent per-thread, per-transaction datasource connection pooling |
CSQLStatement | Most flexibilty for executing SQL on a database server |
►NThread | Thread namespace |
CAbstractSmartLock | The abstract base class for locks that support the internal API for use with the Condition class |
CAbstractThreadResource | This class defines an abstract interface for thread resources |
CAutoGate | A helper class for the Gate class for exception-safe Gate handling |
CAutoLock | A helper class for the Mutex class for exception-safe Mutex handling |
CAutoReadLock | A helper class for the RWLock class for exception-safe read lock handling |
CAutoWriteLock | A helper class for the RWLock class for exception-safe write lock handling |
CCondition | Can be used For blocking a thread until a condition becomes True |
CCounter | Implements a class that can be used for blocking a thread until a counter reaches zero |
CGate | Implements a reentrant thread lock |
CMutex | A class providing an implementation for a simple thread lock |
CQueue | Queue objects provide a blocking, thread-safe message-passing object to Qore programs |
CRWLock | Implements a read-write thread lock |
CSequence | Implements a thread-safe increment-only object |
CThreadPool | This class defines a thread pool that grows and shrinks dynamically within user-defined limits according to the task load placed on it |
NType | Type namespace |
CAbstractBidirectionalIterator | This class defines an abstract interface for bidirectional iterators |
CAbstractIterator | This class defines an abstract interface for iterators |
CAbstractLineIterator | This class defines an abstract interface for line iterators |
CAbstractPollableIoObject | This interfaces declares that the inheriting class supports a pollable file descriptor |
CAbstractPollableIoObjectBase | Interface for builtin classes that support I/O polling |
CAbstractPollOperation | Abstract poll operation objects provide the polling interface for pollable objects |
CAbstractQuantifiedBidirectionalIterator | This class defines an abstract interface for bidirectional iterators where the size of the object is known in advance |
CAbstractQuantifiedIterator | This class defines an abstract interface for iterators where the size of the object being iterated is known in advance |
CBinaryInputStream | This class implements the InputStream interface for reading bytes from a Binary variable |
CBinaryOutputStream | This class implements the OutputStream interface for writing bytes to a Binary buffer |
CBreakpoint | Breakpoint class supports breakpoint setting for particular Qore ProgramControl when debugging |
CBufferedStreamReader | This class defines a buffered stream reader for input streams |
CCallStackInfo | Call stack hash description |
CDataLineIterator | This class defines a line iterator for string data |
CDateTimeInfo | Date/time information hash as returned by date_info() and <date>::info() |
CDebugProgram | DebugProgram class supports Qore Program debugging via ProgramControl |
CDir | This class implements directory handling, file listing, creating/removing subdirectories, etc |
CDirStatInfo | File status information hash as returned by Dir::list(), Dir::listFiles(), and Dir::listDirs() if the appropriate arguments are used |
CEncodingConversionInputStream | An InputStream implementation that performs on-the-fly conversion between two character encodings |
CEncodingConversionOutputStream | An OutputStream implementation that performs on-the-fly conversion between two character encodings |
CExceptionInfo | Exception information hash |
CExpression | Expression objects represent a single executable expression |
CFile | The File class allows Qore programs to read, write, and create files |
CFileInputStream | This class implements the InputStream interface for reading bytes from a file |
CFileLineIterator | This class defines a line iterator for text files |
CFileOutputStream | This class implements the OutputStream interface for writing bytes to a file |
CFilesystemInfo | Filesystem info hash as returned by statvfs, Dir::statvfs, and ReadOnlyFile::statvfs()" |
CFtpClient | Allows Qore code to communicate with FTP servers with the FTP and FTPS protocols |
CFtpResponseInfo | A hash describing a free-form FTP control response |
CGetOpt | The GetOpt class provides an easy way to process POSIX-style command-line options in Qore scripts/programs |
CHashIterator | This class an iterator class for hashes |
CHashKeyIterator | This class an iterator class for hashes |
CHashKeyReverseIterator | This class an iterator class for hashes |
CHashListIterator | This class an iterator class for hashes of lists as returned by Qore::SQL::Datasource::select() and Qore::SQL::DatasourcePool::select(), both of which return hashes with keys giving column names where the key values are lists of column values |
CHashListReverseIterator | This class a reverse iterator class for hashes of lists as returned by Qore::SQL::Datasource::select() and Qore::SQL::DatasourcePool::select(), both of which return hashes with keys giving column names where the key values are lists of column values |
CHashPairIterator | This class an iterator class for hashes |
CHashPairReverseIterator | This class an iterator class for hashes |
CHashReverseIterator | This class an iterator class for hashes |
CHashSerializationInfo | Hash serialization information for typed hashes or untyped hashes |
CHTTPClient | Can be used to communicate with HTTP servers with and without TLS/SSL encryption |
CIndexedObjectSerializationInfo | Object serialization information for an indexed object |
CInputStream | This class defines an abstract interface for input streams |
CInputStreamLineIterator | This class defines a line iterator for input streams |
CIsoWeekInfo | ISO week information as returned by get_iso_week_hash() and <date>::isoWeekHash() |
CListHashIterator | This class an iterator class for lists of hashes as returned by Qore::SQL::Datasource::selectRows() and Qore::SQL::DatasourcePool::selectRows(), both of which return lists of columns where each list entry is a hash of the current column values |
CListHashReverseIterator | This class a reverse iterator class for lists of hashes as returned by Qore::SQL::Datasource::selectRows() and Qore::SQL::DatasourcePool::selectRows(), both of which return hashes with keys giving column names where the key values are lists of column values |
CListIterator | This class an iterator class for lists |
CListReverseIterator | This class an iterator class for lists |
CListSerializationInfo | List serialization information |
CNetIfInfo | Network interface info hash |
CObjectIterator | This class a basic iterator class for objects |
CObjectKeyIterator | This class an iterator class for objectes |
CObjectKeyReverseIterator | This class an iterator class for objects |
CObjectPairIterator | This class an iterator class for objects |
CObjectPairReverseIterator | This class an iterator class for objects |
CObjectReverseIterator | This class an iterator class for objects |
CObjectSerializationInfo | Object serialization information |
COutputStream | This class defines an abstract interface for output streams |
CPipeInfo | Pipe info hash description |
CPipeInputStream | This class is not intended to be instantiated directly, please see StreamPipe |
CPipeOutputStream | This class is not intended to be instantiated directly, please see StreamPipe |
CProgram | Program objects allow Qore programs to support subprograms with the option to restrict capabilities, for example, to support user-defined logic for application actions |
CProgramControl | Safe information about a Qore program |
CRangeIterator | This class defines a range-like iterator to be used to iterate numerical sequences |
CReadOnlyFile | The ReadOnlyFile class allows Qore programs to read existing files |
CSerializable | Can be used to mark a class as being serializable |
CSerializationInfo | Serialization information |
CSingleValueIterator | This class defines a simple iterator to be used to iterate single values (or complex objects where no iterator has been implemented yet) |
CSocket | Allows Qore programs safe access to network sockets |
CSocketPollInfo | Socket or other pollable object poll info hash |
CSocketPollOperation | Socket poll operation object returned by Socket polling methods |
CSocketPollOperationBase | Abstract poll operation object returned by Socket polling methods |
CSourceLocationInfo | Source location information |
CSSLCertificate | SSLCertificate objects allow Qore code to work with X.509 certificate data |
CSSLPrivateKey | This class implements a container for private key data |
CStatementInfo | Statement information hash as returned by ProgramControl::getStatementIdInfo() |
CStatInfo | File status information hash as returned from hstat(), hlstat(), Dir::hstat(), FileLineIterator::hstat(), ReadOnlyFile::hstat(), and ReadOnlyFile::hlstat() |
CStderrOutputStream | This class implements the OutputStream interface for writing bytes to the standard output stream stderr |
CStdoutOutputStream | This class implements the OutputStream interface for writing bytes to the standard output stream stdout |
CStreamBase | This class defines the API for single thread streams |
CStreamPipe | This class provides a pair of streams connected through a buffer |
CStreamReader | This class defines a stream reader for input streams |
CStreamWriter | This class defines a stream writer for output streams |
CStringInputStream | This class implements the InputStream interface for reading bytes from a String variable |
CStringOutputStream | This class implements the OutputStream interface for writing bytes to a String buffer |
CTermIOS | This class allows Qore scripts to get or set terminal settings on UNIX platforms |
CTimeZone | Access to time zone functionality |
CTransform | Marker interface for transformations usable in TransformOutputStream and TransformInputStream |
CTransformInputStream | This class implements the InputStream interface for reading bytes from another InputStream while applying a transformation |
CTransformOutputStream | This class implements the OutputStream interface for writing bytes to another OutputStream while applying a transformation |
CTreeMap | A container for efficient path prefix lookup |
CUrlInfo | Hash describing a parsed URL |
C<binary> | Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on binary values |
C<bool> | Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on booling-point values |
C<callref> | Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on call references |
C<closure> | Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on closures |
C<date> | Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on date/time value types |
C<float> | Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on floating-point values |
C<hash> | Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on hash values |
C<int> | Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on integer values |
C<list> | Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on lists |
C<nothing> | Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on NOTHING |
C<number> | Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on arbitrary precision number values |
C<object> | Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on objects |
C<string> | Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on strings |
C<value> | Methods in this pseudo-class are available to be executed on any value type (even NOTHING); this is the root class for all pseudo-classes |