Qore SqlUtil Module Reference 1.9
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SQL Operators


const SqlUtil::DefaultExpressionMap
 Default expressions to be supported by all SqlUtil modules.
const SqlUtil::DefaultOpMap
 a hash of valid operators for use in Where Clauses
const SqlUtil::OP_BETWEEN = "between"
 the SQL "between" operator for use in Where Clauses More...
const SqlUtil::OP_CEQ = "C="
 the SQL equals operator (=) for use in Where Clauses More...
const SqlUtil::OP_CGE = "C>="
 the SQL greater than or equals operator (>=) for use in Where Clauses More...
const SqlUtil::OP_CGT = "C>"
 the SQL greater than operator (>) for use in Where Clauses More...
const SqlUtil::OP_CLE = "C<="
 the SQL less than or equals (<=) operator for use in Where Clauses More...
const SqlUtil::OP_CLT = "C<"
 the SQL less than (<) operator for use in Where Clauses when comparing two columns More...
const SqlUtil::OP_CNE = "C!="
 the SQL not equals operator (!= or <>) for use in Where Clauses More...
const SqlUtil::OP_EQ = "="
 the SQL equals operator (=) for use in Where Clauses More...
const SqlUtil::OP_GE = ">="
 the SQL greater than or equals operator (>=) for use in Where Clauses More...
const SqlUtil::OP_GT = ">"
 the SQL greater than operator (>) for use in Where Clauses More...
const SqlUtil::OP_IN = "in"
 the SQL "in" operator for use in Where Clauses More...
const SqlUtil::OP_IN_SELECT = "in_select"
 the SQL "in" operator with a select query for use in Where Clauses More...
const SqlUtil::OP_LE = "<="
 the SQL less than or equals (<=) operator for use in Where Clauses More...
const SqlUtil::OP_LIKE = "like"
const SqlUtil::OP_LT = "<"
 the SQL less than (<) operator for use in Where Clauses More...
const SqlUtil::OP_NE = "!="
 the SQL not equals operator (!= or <>) for use in Where Clauses More...
const SqlUtil::OP_NOT = "not"
 the SQL "not" operator for use in Where Clauses More...
const SqlUtil::OP_OR = "or"
 to combine SQL expressions with "or" for use in Where Clauses More...
const SqlUtil::OP_SUBSTR = "substr"
 the SQL "substr" operator for use in Where Clauses More...

Detailed Description

These are the operators that can be used in where clauses; see Where Clauses for more information

Variable Documentation


const SqlUtil::OP_BETWEEN = "between"

the SQL "between" operator for use in Where Clauses

See also


const SqlUtil::OP_CEQ = "C="

the SQL equals operator (=) for use in Where Clauses

See also


const SqlUtil::OP_CGE = "C>="

the SQL greater than or equals operator (>=) for use in Where Clauses

See also


const SqlUtil::OP_CGT = "C>"

the SQL greater than operator (>) for use in Where Clauses

See also


const SqlUtil::OP_CLE = "C<="

the SQL less than or equals (<=) operator for use in Where Clauses

See also


const SqlUtil::OP_CLT = "C<"

the SQL less than (<) operator for use in Where Clauses when comparing two columns

See also


const SqlUtil::OP_CNE = "C!="

the SQL not equals operator (!= or <>) for use in Where Clauses

See also


const SqlUtil::OP_EQ = "="

the SQL equals operator (=) for use in Where Clauses

See also


const SqlUtil::OP_GE = ">="

the SQL greater than or equals operator (>=) for use in Where Clauses

See also


const SqlUtil::OP_GT = ">"

the SQL greater than operator (>) for use in Where Clauses

See also


const SqlUtil::OP_IN = "in"

the SQL "in" operator for use in Where Clauses

See also


const SqlUtil::OP_IN_SELECT = "in_select"

the SQL "in" operator with a select query for use in Where Clauses

See also


const SqlUtil::OP_LE = "<="

the SQL less than or equals (<=) operator for use in Where Clauses

See also


const SqlUtil::OP_LIKE = "like"

the SQL "like" operator for use in Where Clauses

See also


const SqlUtil::OP_LT = "<"

the SQL less than (<) operator for use in Where Clauses

See also


const SqlUtil::OP_NE = "!="

the SQL not equals operator (!= or <>) for use in Where Clauses

See also


const SqlUtil::OP_NOT = "not"

the SQL "not" operator for use in Where Clauses

See also


const SqlUtil::OP_OR = "or"

to combine SQL expressions with "or" for use in Where Clauses

See also


const SqlUtil::OP_SUBSTR = "substr"

the SQL "substr" operator for use in Where Clauses

See also