Qore CdsRestDataProvider Module Reference 1.0.0
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CdsRestDataProvider::CdsRestDataProvider Class Reference

The CdsRest data provider class. More...

#include <CdsRestDataProvider.qc.dox.h>

Inheritance diagram for CdsRestDataProvider::CdsRestDataProvider:

Public Member Methods

 constructor (*hash< auto > options)
 Creates the object from constructor options.
 constructor (CdsRestClient::CdsRestClient rest)
 Creates the object from the arguments.
string getName ()
 Returns the data provider name.

Public Attributes

const ConstructorOptions
 Constructor options.
const EnvOptions
 Environment options.
const HttpMethods
 Hash of HTTP Methods.
const ProviderInfo
 Provider info.
CdsRestClient::CdsRestClient rest
 The REST client object for API calls.

Private Member Methods

*DataProvider::AbstractDataProvider getChildProviderImpl (string name)
 Returns the given child provider or NOTHING if the given child is unknown. More...
*list< string > getChildProviderNamesImpl ()
 Returns a list of child data provider names, if any. More...
*hash< auto > getMetadata ()
 Returns metadata.
hash< DataProvider::DataProviderInfogetStaticInfoImpl ()
 Returns data provider static info.
Qore::Thread::Mutex lck ()
 Metadata mutex.

Static Private Member Methods

static *hash< auto > getClientOptions (*hash< auto > copts)
 Returns options for the CdsRestClient.

Private Attributes

*hash< auto > meta
 Metadata keyed by entity type.

Detailed Description

The CdsRest data provider class.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getChildProviderImpl()

*DataProvider::AbstractDataProvider CdsRestDataProvider::CdsRestDataProvider::getChildProviderImpl ( string  name)

Returns the given child provider or NOTHING if the given child is unknown.

the given child provider or NOTHING if the given child is unknown
See also

◆ getChildProviderNamesImpl()

*list< string > CdsRestDataProvider::CdsRestDataProvider::getChildProviderNamesImpl ( )

Returns a list of child data provider names, if any.

a list of child data provider names, if any