Qore Programming Language Reference Manual 1.17.0
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Qore::Socket Class Reference

The Socket class allows Qore programs safe access to network sockets. More...

#include <QC_Socket.dox.h>

Inheritance diagram for Qore::Socket:

Public Member Methods

Socket accept ()
 Accepts connections on a listening socket. More...
*Socket accept (timeout timeout_ms)
 Accepts connections on a listening socket (see Socket::listen()) accepting a timeout value with a millisecond resolution. More...
 acceptAllCertificates (bool accept_all=True)
 with peer verification enabled, all certificates are accepted regardless of the validity of the Certificate Authority More...
Socket acceptSSL ()
 Accepts connections on a listening socket and attempts to negotiate a TLS/SSL connection. More...
*Socket acceptSSL (timeout timeout_ms)
 Accepts connections on a listening socket and attempts to negotiate a TLS/SSL connection accepting a timeout value with a millisecond resolution. More...
int bind (string str, softbool reuseaddr=False)
 Opens and binds the socket to a port, interface and port (if the bind_to string has a format "host:port"), or UNIX domain socket file. More...
int bind (int port, softbool reuseaddr=False)
 Opens and binds the socket to an INET port on all interfaces. More...
nothing bindINET (*string iface, *softstring service, softbool reuseaddr=False, softint family=AF_UNSPEC, softint socktype=SOCK_STREAM, softint protocol=0)
 Opens and binds the socket to the given IPv4 or IPv6 interface (or if no interface is given, then to all interfaces on the local system) and port (the port number will be derived from the service name if a numeric port number is not given) More...
nothing bindUNIX (string path, softint socktype=SOCK_STREAM, softint protocol=0)
 Opens and binds the socket to the given UNIX domain socket file as given by the filename argument. If any errors occur, an exception is thrown. More...
bool captureRemoteCertificates (bool set=True)
 Sets the flag for capturing remote X.509 certificates; by default no capture of remote certificates is performed. More...
 clearStats ()
 Clears performance statistics. More...
nothing clearWarningQueue ()
 Removes any warning Queue object from the Socket. More...
int close ()
 Closes an open socket. More...
nothing connect (string target, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Connects to a remote port (if the string has a format "host:port") or UNIX domain socket file. More...
nothing connectINET (string host, softstring service, timeout timeout_ms=-1, softint family=AF_UNSPEC, softint socktype=SOCK_STREAM, softint protocol=0)
 Connects to the given host and port with an optional timeout value with a millisecond resolution. More...
nothing connectINETSSL (string host, softstring service, timeout timeout_ms=-1, softint family=AF_UNSPEC, softint socktype=SOCK_STREAM, softint protocol=0)
 Connects to the given host and port and attempts to establish a TLS/SSL connection; accepts an optional timeout value with a millisecond resolution. More...
nothing connectSSL (string target, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Connects to a remote socket and attempts to establish a TLS/SSL connection; accepts an optional timeout value with a millisecond resolution. More...
nothing connectUNIX (string path, softint socktype=SOCK_STREAM, softint protocol=0)
 Connects to a UNIX domain socket file. More...
nothing connectUNIXSSL (string path, softint socktype=SOCK_STREAM, softint protocol=0)
 Connects to the given UNIX domain socket file and attempts to establish a TLS/SSL connection. More...
 constructor ()
 Creates the socket object. More...
 copy ()
 Creates a new Socket object, not based on the source being copied. More...
 destructor ()
 Deletes the object.
bool getAcceptAllCertificates ()
 returns the current value of the "accept all certificates" flag More...
string getCharset ()
 Returns the character encoding for the socket. More...
int getConnectionId ()
 Returns an integer connection ID that is incremented every time the socket is disconnected. More...
string getEncoding ()
 Returns the character encoding for the socket. More...
bool getNoDelay ()
 Returns the TCP_NODELAY setting for the socket. More...
hash< auto > getPeerInfo (bool host_lookup=True)
 Returns a hash of information about the remote end for connected sockets. More...
int getPort ()
 Returns the port number of the socket for INET sockets. More...
int getRecvTimeout ()
 Returns the receive timeout socket option value as an integer in milliseconds. More...
*SSLCertificate getRemoteCertificate ()
 Returns any remote certificate captured or NOTHING if there is none. More...
*string getSSLCipherName ()
 Returns the name of the cipher for an encrypted connection or NOTHING if a secure connection has not been established. More...
*string getSSLCipherVersion ()
 Returns the version string of the cipher for an encrypted connection or NOTHING if a secure connection has not been established. More...
int getSendTimeout ()
 Returns the send timeout socket option value as an integer in milliseconds. More...
int getSocket ()
 Returns the socket file descriptor number. More...
hash< auto > getSocketInfo (bool host_lookup=True)
 Returns information about the local socket as a hash. More...
int getSslVerifyMode ()
 returns the current SSL verification mode More...
hash< auto > getUsageInfo ()
 Returns performance statistics for the socket. More...
bool isDataAvailable (timeout timeout_ms=0)
 Returns True or False depending on whether there is data to be read on the socket. More...
bool isOpen ()
 Returns True if the socket is open. More...
bool isSecure ()
 Returns True if the connection is a secure TLS/SSL connection. More...
bool isWriteFinished (timeout timeout_ms=0)
 Returns True or False depending on whether all the data has been written to the socket. More...
int listen (int backlog=20)
 Listens for connections on a bound socket; sets the socket in a listening state. More...
bool pendingHttpChunkedBody ()
 returns True if the socket is still connected, and a HTTP header was read indicating chunked transfer encoding, but no chunked body has been read yet More...
hash< auto > readHTTPChunkedBody (timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Reads in an HTTP message body sent in chunked transfer encoding and returns it with any footers received as a string in the "body" key of a hash (including footers received) More...
hash< auto > readHTTPChunkedBodyBinary (timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Reads in an HTTP message body sent in chunked transfer encoding and returns it with any footers received as a binary object in the "body" key of a hash (including footers received) More...
 readHTTPChunkedBodyBinaryWithCallback (code rcb, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Reads in an HTTP message body sent in chunked transfer encoding and returns it with any footers received as a string in the "body" key of a hash (including footers received) More...
hash< auto > readHTTPChunkedBodyToOutputStream (Qore::OutputStream os, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Reads in an HTTP message body sent in chunked transfer encoding, writes it in an OutputStream and returns any footers received. More...
 readHTTPChunkedBodyWithCallback (code rcb, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Reads in an HTTP message body sent in chunked transfer encoding and returns it with any footers received as a string in the "body" key of a hash (including footers received) More...
hash< auto > readHTTPHeader (timeout timeout_ms=-1, *reference< hash< auto > > info)
 Retuns a hash representing the data in the HTTP header read, or, if the data cannot be parsed as an HTTP header, then an exception is thrown, and the data read is returned as a string in the arg key of the exception hash. More...
string readHTTPHeaderString (timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Retuns a string representing the data in the HTTP header read (reads until "\r\n\r\n") More...
string recv (softint size=0, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Receives data from the socket and returns a string tagged with the Socket's character encoding. More...
binary recvBinary (softint size=0, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Receives data from the socket and returns a binary object. More...
nothing recvToOutputStream (Qore::OutputStream os, softint size=-1, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Receives data from the socket and writes the bytes to an OutputStream. More...
int recvi1 (timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Receives a 1-byte signed integer from the socket. More...
int recvi2 (timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Receives a 2-byte (16-bit) signed integer in big-endian format (network byte order) from the socket. More...
int recvi2LSB (timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Receives a 2-byte (16-bit) signed integer in little-endian format from the socket. More...
int recvi4 (timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Receives a 4-byte (32-bit) signed integer in big-endian format (network byte order) from the socket. More...
int recvi4LSB (timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Receives a 4-byte (32-bit) signed integer in little-endian format from the socket. More...
int recvi8 (timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Receives an 8-byte (64-bit) signed integer in big-endian format (network byte order) from the socket. More...
int recvi8LSB (timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Receives an 8-byte (64-bit) signed integer in little-endian format from the socket. More...
int recvu1 (timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Receives a 1-byte unsigned integer from the socket. More...
int recvu2 (timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Receives a 2-byte (16-bit) unsigned integer in big-endian format (network byte order) from the socket. More...
int recvu2LSB (timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Receives a 2-byte (16-bit) unsigned integer in little-endian format from the socket. More...
int recvu4 (timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Receives a 4-byte (32-bit) unsigned integer in big-endian format (network byte order) from the socket. More...
int recvu4LSB (timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Receives a 4-byte (32-bit) unsigned integer in little-endian format from the socket. More...
int send (binary bin, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Sends binary data over the socket; if any errors occur, an exception is thrown. More...
int send (string str, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Sends string data over the socket; string data is converted to the socket's encoding if necessary; if any errors occur, an exception is thrown. More...
nothing send2 (binary bin, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Sends binary data over the socket; if any errors occur, an exception is thrown. More...
nothing send2 (string str, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Sends string data over the socket; string data is converted to the socket's encoding if necessary; if any errors occur, an exception is thrown. More...
int sendBinary (string str, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Sends string data over the socket without converting the string to the socket's encoding, but instead is sent exactly as-is; if any errors occur, an exception is thrown. More...
int sendBinary (binary bin, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Sends binary data over the socket; if any errors occur, an exception is thrown. More...
nothing sendBinary2 (string str, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Sends string data over the socket without converting the string to the socket's encoding, but instead is sent exactly as-is; if any errors occur, an exception is thrown. More...
nothing sendBinary2 (binary bin, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Sends binary data over the socket; if any errors occur, an exception is thrown. More...
nothing sendFromInputStream (Qore::InputStream input_stream, softint size=-1, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Reads data from an InputStream and sends the bytes over the socket. More...
nothing sendHTTPChunkedBodyFromInputStream (Qore::InputStream input_stream, int max_chunk_size=4096, timeout timeout_ms=-1, *code tcb)
 Sends an HTTP message body in chunked transfer encoding. More...
nothing sendHTTPChunkedBodyTrailer (*hash< auto > trailer, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Sends the trialer of an HTTP message body in chunked transfer encoding. More...
nothing sendHTTPMessage (string method, string path, string http_version, hash< auto > headers, string body, *reference< hash > info, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Sends an HTTP message with a method and user-defined headers given as a hash and an optional message body. More...
nothing sendHTTPMessage (string method, string path, string http_version, hash< auto > headers, *binary body, *reference< hash< auto > > info, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Sends an HTTP message with a method and user-defined headers given as a hash and an optional message body. More...
nothing sendHTTPMessageWithCallback (code scb, string method, string path, string http_version, hash< auto > headers, *reference< hash< auto > > info, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Sends an HTTP message with a method and user-defined headers given as a hash and an optional message body. More...
nothing sendHTTPResponse (softint status_code, string status_desc, string http_version, hash< auto > headers, string body, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Sends an HTTP response with user-defined headers given as a hash and an optional message body. More...
nothing sendHTTPResponse (softint status_code, string status_desc, string http_version, hash< auto > headers, string body, *reference< hash< auto > > info, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Sends an HTTP response with user-defined headers given as a hash and an optional message body. More...
nothing sendHTTPResponse (softint status_code, string status_desc, string http_version, hash< auto > headers, *binary body, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Sends an HTTP response with user-defined headers given as a hash and a message body as literal binary data. More...
nothing sendHTTPResponse (softint status_code, string status_desc, string http_version, hash< auto > headers, *binary body, *reference< hash< auto > > info, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Sends an HTTP response with user-defined headers given as a hash and a message body as literal binary data. More...
nothing sendHTTPResponse (softint status_code, string status_desc, string http_version, hash< auto > headers, Qore::InputStream input_stream, int max_chunk_size=4096, *reference< hash< auto > > info, timeout timeout_ms=-1, *code tcb)
 Sends an HTTP response with user-defined headers and a message body from an input stream in chunked transfer encoding. More...
nothing sendHTTPResponseWithCallback (code scb, softint status_code, string status_desc, string http_version, hash< auto > headers, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Sends an HTTP response with user-defined headers given as a hash and a message body to send with chunked transfer encoding provided by a callback. More...
nothing sendHTTPResponseWithCallback (code scb, softint status_code, string status_desc, string http_version, hash< auto > headers, *reference< hash< auto > > info, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Sends an HTTP response with user-defined headers given as a hash and a message body to send with chunked transfer encoding provided by a callback. More...
int sendi1 (softint i=0, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Sends a 1-byte integer over the socket. More...
int sendi2 (softint i=0, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Sends a 2-byte (16-bit) integer in big-endian format (network byte order) over the socket. More...
int sendi2LSB (softint i=0, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Sends a 2-byte (16-bit) integer in little-endian format over the socket. More...
int sendi4 (softint i=0, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Sends a 4-byte (32-bit) integer in big-endian format (network byte order) over the socket. More...
int sendi4LSB (softint i=0, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Sends a 4-byte (32-bit) integer in little-endian format over the socket. More...
int sendi8 (softint i=0, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Sends an 8-byte (64-bit) integer in big-endian format (network byte order) over the socket. More...
int sendi8LSB (softint i=0, timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Sends an 8-byte (64-bit) integer in little-endian format over the socket. More...
nothing setCertificate (SSLCertificate cert)
 Sets the X.509 certificate to use for negotiating encrypted connections. More...
nothing setCertificate (string cert_pem)
 Sets the X.509 certificate to use for negotiating encrypted connections from the PEM-encoded string representing the X.509 certificate. More...
nothing setCertificate (binary cert_der)
 Sets the X.509 certificate to use for negotiating encrypted connections from the DER-encoded binary object representing the X.509 certificate. More...
nothing setCertificateAndPrivateKey (SSLCertificate cert, SSLPrivateKey key)
 Sets the X.509 certificate and private key in one atomic operation to use for negotiating encrypted connections. More...
nothing setCharset (string encoding)
 Sets the character encoding for the socket. More...
nothing setEncoding (string encoding)
 Sets the character encoding for the socket. More...
nothing setEventQueue ()
 Removes any Queue object from the Socket object so that socket events are no longer added to the Queue. More...
nothing setEventQueue (Qore::Thread::Queue queue, auto arg, *bool with_data)
 Sets a Queue object to receive socket events. More...
int setNoDelay (bool nd=True)
 Sets the boolean TCP_NODELAY setting for the socket. More...
nothing setPrivateKey (SSLPrivateKey key)
 Sets the private key to use for negotiating encrypted connections along with the X.509 certificate. More...
nothing setPrivateKey (string key_pem, *string pass)
 Sets the private key to use for negotiating encrypted connections along with the X.509 certificate from a PEM-encoded string representing the private key and an optional password. More...
nothing setPrivateKey (binary key_der)
 Sets the private key to use for negotiating encrypted connections along with the X.509 certificate from a DER-encoded binary object representing the private key. More...
int setRecvTimeout (timeout timeout_ms)
 sets the receive timeout as a socket option More...
int setSendTimeout (timeout timeout_ms)
 sets the send timeout as a socket option More...
 setSslVerifyMode (int mode)
 sets the SSL verification mode More...
nothing setWarningQueue (int warning_ms, int warning_bs, Queue queue, auto arg, timeout min_ms=1s)
 Sets a Queue object to receive socket warnings. More...
int shutdown ()
 Ensures that a socket will be closed even if the file descriptor is shared with other processes (for example, after a call to fork()) More...
nothing shutdownSSL ()
 Shuts down the SSL connection on a secure connection. More...
AbstractPollOperation startPollConnect (string target)
 Returns an AbstractPollOperation object to poll the socket for a standard connection. More...
AbstractPollOperation startPollConnectSsl (string target)
 Returns an AbstractPollOperation object to poll the socket for an SSL connection. More...
AbstractPollOperation startPollRecvBinary (int size)
 Returns an AbstractPollOperation object to read data in non-blocking mode. More...
AbstractPollOperation startPollRecvString (int size)
 Returns an AbstractPollOperation object to read data in non-blocking mode. More...
AbstractPollOperation startPollRecvUntilBytesBinary (string pattern)
 Returns an AbstractPollOperation object to read data in non-blocking mode. More...
AbstractPollOperation startPollRecvUntilBytesString (string pattern)
 Returns an AbstractPollOperation object to read data in non-blocking mode. More...
AbstractPollOperation startPollSend (string data)
 Returns an AbstractPollOperation object to send data in non-blocking mode. More...
AbstractPollOperation startPollSend (binary data)
 Returns an AbstractPollOperation object to send data in non-blocking mode. More...
AbstractPollOperation startPollUpgradeClientToSSL ()
 Returns an AbstractPollOperation object to upgrade a connected client socket to SSL. More...
nothing upgradeClientToSSL (timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Upgrades a client socket connection to a TLS/SSL connection. More...
nothing upgradeServerToSSL (timeout timeout_ms=-1)
 Upgrades a server socket connection to a TLS/SSL connection. More...
*string verifyPeerCertificate ()
 Returns a string code giving the result of verifying the remote certificate or NOTHING if an encrypted connection is not currently established. More...
- Public Member Methods inherited from Qore::AbstractPollableIoObjectBase
 constructor ()
 Throws an exception; this class is not usable by Qore classes. More...
int getPollableDescriptor ()
 Returns a pollable file / socket / I/O descriptor. More...
abstract int getPollableDescriptor ()
 Returns a pollable file / socket / I/O descriptor. More...

Static Public Member Methods

static list< hash< SocketPollInfo > > poll (list< hash< SocketPollInfo > > items, timeout timeout_ms)
 polls multiple sockets and returns all sockets with events More...

Detailed Description

The Socket class allows Qore programs safe access to network sockets.

This class is not available with the PO_NO_NETWORK parse option.

Non-blocking socket I/O can be performed by appending a timeout value in milliseconds all Socket methods performing I/O operations, or by using the Socket::isDataAvailable() method with a timeout value in milliseconds (1000 ms = 1 second). Note that as with all Qore functions and methods accepting a timeout value, relative date/time values can be given instead of integers to make the source more readable, for example:

bool rc = socket.isDataAvailable(1250ms); # times out in 1.25 seconds

Socket objects can automatically convert character encodings if desired when sending string data with Socket::send(). Use the Socket::setEncoding() method to set the character encoding for the socket. If a character encoding is set, and string data is read with the Socket::recv() method, then it will be tagged with the encoding of the socket as well.

Client applications should call Socket::connect() to connect to a remote port or a UNIX domain socket (socket file on the local server). However, if the remote end is expecting a TLS/SSL connection, use Socket::connectSSL() instead.

Server applications should call Socket::bind(), Socket::listen(), and Socket::accept() in this order to accept incoming connections. Normally a new thread should be started after the Socket::accept() call to handle the new connection in a separate thread (Socket::accept() returns a new Socket object for the accepted connection).

To support TLS/SSL server connections, first set the certificate and private key with the Socket::setCertificate() and Socket::setPrivateKey() methods (see the SSLCertificate Class and the SSLPrivateKey Class for more information on the parameters required for these methods). Then Socket::acceptSSL() should be called after the socket is in a listening state to accept client connections and negotiate a TLS/SSL connection.

This class supports posting events to a Queue. See I/O Event Handling for more information.

The events raised by this object are listed in the following table:

Socket Events

Name Description
EVENT_PACKET_READ Raised when a network packet is received.
EVENT_PACKET_SENT Raised when a network packet is sent.
EVENT_CHANNEL_CLOSED Raised when a socket is closed.
EVENT_DELETED Raised when the object being monitored is deleted.
EVENT_HOSTNAME_LOOKUP Raised when a hostname lookup is attempted.
EVENT_HOSTNAME_RESOLVED Raised when a hostname lookup is resolved.
EVENT_HTTP_SEND_MESSAGE Raised when an HTTP message is sent.
EVENT_HTTP_MESSAGE_RECEIVED Raised when an HTTP message is received.
EVENT_CONNECTING Raised right before a socket connection attempt is made.
EVENT_CONNECTED Raised when the socket connection has been established.
EVENT_START_SSL Raised when socket SSL negotiation starts.
EVENT_SSL_ESTABLISHED Raised when SSL communication has been negotiated and established.

Socket Information Hash

Key Description
hostname The interface name if available (ex: "localhost"; note that this key is not present when retrieving information about UNIX sockets)
hostname_desc A descriptive string giving the hostname and the address family if the hostname is available (ex: "ipv6[localhost]"; note that this key is not present when retrieving information about UNIX sockets)
address A string giving the address (ex: "::ffff:")
address_desc A descriptive string giving the address and the address family (ex: "ipv6[::ffff:]")
port An integer port number if available (note that this key is not present when retrieving information about UNIX sockets)
family The network address family (see Network Address Family Constants)
familystr A string describing the network address family (ex: "ipv4")

Member Function Documentation

◆ accept() [1/2]

Socket Qore::Socket::accept ( )

Accepts connections on a listening socket.

Accepts connections on a listening socket; if any errors occur, an exception is thrown.

The new Socket object returned will have the same character encoding as the current object. Once a new connection has been accepted, call Socket::getPeerInfo() to get information about the remote socket.

Socket new_socket = sock.accept();
a new Socket object is returned for the new connection
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not bound
SOCKET-ACCEPT-ERRORError in accepting connection
See also
Socket::acceptSSL(), Socket::listen(), Socket::getPeerInfo()

◆ accept() [2/2]

*Socket Qore::Socket::accept ( timeout  timeout_ms)

Accepts connections on a listening socket (see Socket::listen()) accepting a timeout value with a millisecond resolution.

If any errors occur, an exception is thrown.

The new Socket object returned will have the same character encoding as the current object. Once a new connection has been accepted, call Socket::getPeerInfo() to get information about the remote socket.

*Socket new_socket = sock.accept(30s);
timeout_msIf a timeout value is passed and the connection takes longer to establish than the timeout, then NOTHING is returned.Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
If no connection is accepted within the timeout period, then NOTHING is returned, otherwise a Socket object for the new connection is returned.
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not bound
SOCKET-ACCEPT-ERRORError in accepting connection
See also
Socket::acceptSSL(), Socket::listen(), Socket::getPeerInfo()

◆ acceptAllCertificates()

Qore::Socket::acceptAllCertificates ( bool  accept_all = True)

with peer verification enabled, all certificates are accepted regardless of the validity of the Certificate Authority

# require a certificate from the peer, but accept all certificates, even self-signed ones
accept_allif True, then self-signed certificates are accepted, if False, then they are not
See also
Qore 0.8.13

◆ acceptSSL() [1/2]

Socket Qore::Socket::acceptSSL ( )

Accepts connections on a listening socket and attempts to negotiate a TLS/SSL connection.

Accepts connections on a listening socket and attempts to negotiate a TLS/SSL connection; if any errors occur, an exception is thrown.

The new Socket object returned will have the same character encoding as the current object. Once a new connection has been accepted, call Socket::getPeerInfo() to get information about the remote socket.

Socket new_socket = sock.acceptSSL();
When a new connection is accepted and a TLS/SSL session has been successfully negotiated, a new Socket object is returned for the new connectio
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not bound
SOCKET-ACCEPT-ERRORError in accepting connection
See also
Socket::accept(), Socket::listen(), Socket::getPeerInfo()

◆ acceptSSL() [2/2]

*Socket Qore::Socket::acceptSSL ( timeout  timeout_ms)

Accepts connections on a listening socket and attempts to negotiate a TLS/SSL connection accepting a timeout value with a millisecond resolution.

If any errors occur, an exception is thrown.

The new Socket object returned will have the same character encoding as the current object. Once a new connection has been accepted, call Socket::getPeerInfo() to get information about the remote socket.

*Socket new_socket = sock.acceptSSL(30s);
timeout_msIf a timeout value is passed and the connection takes longer to establish than the timeout, then NOTHING is returned. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
If no connection is accepted within the timeout period, then NOTHING is returned, otherwise a Socket object for the new connection is returned.
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not bound
SOCKET-ACCEPT-ERRORError in accepting connection
See also
Socket::acceptSSL(), Socket::listen(), Socket::getPeerInfo()

◆ bind() [1/2]

int Qore::Socket::bind ( int  port,
softbool  reuseaddr = False 

Opens and binds the socket to an INET port on all interfaces.

If the second parameter is True, then the socket will set the SO_REUSEADDR option, which will allow the socket to be bound to a port that is not yet closed (for example, in a TIME_WAIT state).

If any errors occur a non-zero error code is returned.

# bind to port 80 on all interfaces on the local system and reuse the address, check return code
if (sock.bind(80, True))
throw "BIND-ERROR", strerror();
portA port number to bind to on all interfaces
reuseaddrIf this optional argument evaluates to True, the SO_REUSEADDR option will be set on the socket, which will allow the socket to be bound to a port that is not yet closed (for example, in a TIME_WAIT state)
See also
Socket::bindINET() and Socket::bindUNIX()

◆ bind() [2/2]

int Qore::Socket::bind ( string  str,
softbool  reuseaddr = False 

Opens and binds the socket to a port, interface and port (if the bind_to string has a format "host:port"), or UNIX domain socket file.

If the second parameter is True, then the socket will set the SO_REUSEADDR option, which will allow the socket to be bound to a port that is not yet closed (for example, in a TIME_WAIT state).

If any errors occur a non-zero error code is returned.

This method tries to automatically pick the appropriate address family from the arguments; note that a hostname or address in square brackets (ex: "[localhost]") will be looked up and bound as an IPv6 address; additionally, the method recognizes ipv6 addresses by embedded colons (:) in the address string and binds them as such.

Internally, the getaddrinfo() function is used to look up bind addresses; internal bind() operations are tried in sequence for each address returned; as soon as a bind operation is successful, the method returns. If none of the addresses can be bound, then an error code is returned.

# bind to a UNIX socket on the local system and reuse the address, check return code
if (sock.bind("/tmp/my-socket", True))
throw "BIND-ERROR", strerror();
strIf a colon appears in the string, the string will be assumed to be a "bind_address:port" specification, and the port on the named IP address will be bound, otherwise, if the string contains no colon, the socket will be bound to a UNIX domain socket file on the local filesystem with the given name. Note that a hostname or address in square brackets (ex: "[localhost]") will be looked up and bound as an IPv6 address; additionally, the method recognizes ipv6 addresses by embedded colons (:) in the address string (if surrounded by square brackets) and binds them as such.
reuseaddrIf this optional argument evaluates to True, the SO_REUSEADDR option will be set on the socket, which will allow the socket to be bound to a port that is not yet closed (for example, in a TIME_WAIT state); note that this only applies to IPv4 (AF_INET) and IPv6 (AF_INET6) sockets; this option is ignored for UNIX (AF_UNIX) sockets.
See also
Socket::bindINET() and Socket::bindUNIX()
UNIX domain sockets are not available on native Windows ports

◆ bindINET()

nothing Qore::Socket::bindINET ( *string  iface,
*softstring  service,
softbool  reuseaddr = False,
softint  family = AF_UNSPEC,
softint  socktype = SOCK_STREAM,
softint  protocol = 0 

Opens and binds the socket to the given IPv4 or IPv6 interface (or if no interface is given, then to all interfaces on the local system) and port (the port number will be derived from the service name if a numeric port number is not given)

Opens and binds the socket to a port, interface and port (if the interface string has a format "host:port"), or UNIX domain socket file (if no port or service name appears in the bind string). If the second parameter is True, then the socket will set the SO_REUSEADDR option, which will allow the socket to be bound to a port that is not yet closed (for example, in a TIME_WAIT state).

Internally, the getaddrinfo() function is used to look up bind addresses; internal bind() operations are tried in sequence for each address returned; as soon as a bind operation is successful, the method returns. If none of the addresses can be bound, then an error code is returned.

If any errors occur, an exception is thrown.

# bind to port 80 on all interfaces on the local system and reuse the address
sock.bindINET(NOTHING, 80, True);
# bind to interface port 8080 and do not reuse the address
sock.bindINET("", 8080);
# bind to localhost port 8080 with ipv6 and do not reuse the address
sock.bindINET("localhost", 8080, False, AF_INET6);
# bind to ipv6 host address fe80::21c:42ff:fe00:8, port 1001, reuse the address
sock.bindINET("fe80::21c:42ff:fe00:8", 1001, True);
ifacethe host name or IP address to bind to
servicethe service name (ex: "http" or port number (given as or converted to a string) to bind to
reuseaddrif this optional argument evaluates to True, the SO_REUSEADDR option will be set on the socket, which will allow the socket to be bound to a port that is not yet closed (for example, in a TIME_WAIT state)
familythe address family to use to bind; see Network Address Family Constants; AF_UNSPEC means to try all possible addres families
socktypethe type of socket; see Socket Type Constants; typically SOCK_STREAM for TCP sockets
protocolthe protocol number for the socket; use 0 for the default protocol
SOCKET-BIND-ERRORBoth hostname and service name are empty or not set; error opening socket for bind; error binding on socket.
QOREADDRINFO-GETINFO-ERRORerror looking up either nodename or servicename (or not known)
See also
Socket::bind() and Socket::bindUNIX()

◆ bindUNIX()

nothing Qore::Socket::bindUNIX ( string  path,
softint  socktype = SOCK_STREAM,
softint  protocol = 0 

Opens and binds the socket to the given UNIX domain socket file as given by the filename argument. If any errors occur, an exception is thrown.

Opens and binds the socket to the given UNIX domain socket file as given by the filename argument. Note that the socket file is automatically deleted in the destructor when a UNIX socket is closed. If any errors occur, an exception is thrown.

# bind to UNIX domain socket file "/tmp/socket"
pathThe path of the UNIX domain socket to create and bind to
socktypethe type of socket; see Socket Type Constants; typically SOCK_STREAM for TCP sockets
protocolthe protocol number for the socket; use 0 for the default protocol
SOCKET-BIND-ERRORError opening socket for bind; error binding on socket
See also
Socket::bind() and Socket::bindINET()
UNIX domain sockets are not available on native Windows ports

◆ captureRemoteCertificates()

bool Qore::Socket::captureRemoteCertificates ( bool  set = True)

Sets the flag for capturing remote X.509 certificates; by default no capture of remote certificates is performed.

bool b = sock.captureRemoteCertificates();
setthe flag for capturing remote X.509 certificates; by default no capture of remote certificates is performed
the old value of the flag
See also
Qore 0.9.3

◆ clearStats()

Qore::Socket::clearStats ( )

Clears performance statistics.

Qore 0.8.9
See also

◆ clearWarningQueue()

nothing Qore::Socket::clearWarningQueue ( )

Removes any warning Queue object from the Socket.

See also
Qore 0.8.9

◆ close()

int Qore::Socket::close ( )

Closes an open socket.

Also deletes the UNIX domain socket file if it was created by a call to Socket::bind(). Returns 0 for success, -1 for error; in this case check errno() for the error number

if (sock.close())
stderr.printf("Error closing socket: %s\n", strerror(errno()));
0 for success, -1 for error; in this case check errno() for the error number

◆ connect()

nothing Qore::Socket::connect ( string  target,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Connects to a remote port (if the string has a format "host:port") or UNIX domain socket file.

Connects the socket to a remote (or local) port or UNIX domain socket file, for network (ipv4 and ipv6) connections, accepts an optional timeout value in milliseconds (relative date/time values can be given instead of an integer in milliseconds to make the source more readable; ex: 20s). If any errors occur, an exception is thrown.

# connect to ipv4 adress port 8080 with a 30 second timeout
sock.connect("", 30s);
# connect to ipv6 adress 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 port 80 with a 10 second timeout
sock.connect("[2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334]:80", 10s);
# connect to localhost using ipv6 (::1) port 80 with a 10 second timeout
sock.connect("[localhost]:80", 15s);
# connect to UNIX domain socket file "/tmp/socket"
targetThe target address interpreted with the following rules:
  • If a colon appears in the string, the string will be assumed to be a "hostname:port" specification to connect to; where "port" can also be a service name (ex: "example.com:https")
  • If the string contains no colon, the socket will try to connect to a UNIX domain socket file on the local filesystem with the given name.
  • Enclose ipv6 addresses in square brackets (ex: "[2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334]:80", will connect to port 80 on the given ipv6 address); also if a hostname is enclosed in square brackets, it will be resolved as an IPv6 address (ex: "[localhost]:80" will connect to port 80 on ::1, assuming "localhost" can be resolved to the IPv6 loopback address on the system).
timeout_msIf a timeout value is passed and the connection takes longer to establish than the timeout, a "SOCKET-CONNECT-ERROR" exception is thrown. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
SOCKET-CONNECT-ERRORAn error occured connecting to the remote socket (cannot resolve hostname, no listener, timeout exceeded, etc).
See also
Socket::connectUNIX(), Socket::connectUNIX(), Socket::connectSSL(), Socket::connectINETSSL(), and Socket::connectUNIXSSL()

◆ connectINET()

nothing Qore::Socket::connectINET ( string  host,
softstring  service,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1,
softint  family = AF_UNSPEC,
softint  socktype = SOCK_STREAM,
softint  protocol = 0 

Connects to the given host and port with an optional timeout value with a millisecond resolution.

Connects the socket to a remote (or local) port; accepts an optional timeout value in milliseconds (relative date/time values can be given instead of an integer in milliseconds to make the source more readable; ex: 20s). If any errors occur, an exception is thrown.

Do not use square brackets to designate ipv6 addresses with this method; just give the address in its normal form (ex: "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334").

# connect to ipv4 address port 8080 with a 30 second timeout
sock.connectINET("", 8080, 30s);
# connect to ipv6 address 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 port 80 with a 20 second timeout
sock.connectINET("2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334", 80, 20s);
hostThe host name or IP address to connect to
serviceThe service name (ex: "http" or port number (given as or converted to a string) to connect to
timeout_msIf a timeout value is passed and the connection takes longer to establish than the timeout, a "SOCKET-CONNECT-ERROR" exception is thrown. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
familyThe address family to use to connect to the remote socket; see Network Address Family Constants
socktypeThe type of socket; see Socket Type Constants; typically SOCK_STREAM for TCP sockets
protocolThe protocol number for the socket (if not sure leave this 0)
SOCKET-CONNECT-ERRORAn error occured connecting to the remote socket (cannot resolve hostname, no listener, timeout exceeded, etc)
See also
Socket::connect(), Socket::connectUNIX(), Socket::connectSSL(), Socket::connectINETSSL(), and Socket::connectUNIXSSL()

◆ connectINETSSL()

nothing Qore::Socket::connectINETSSL ( string  host,
softstring  service,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1,
softint  family = AF_UNSPEC,
softint  socktype = SOCK_STREAM,
softint  protocol = 0 

Connects to the given host and port and attempts to establish a TLS/SSL connection; accepts an optional timeout value with a millisecond resolution.

Connects the socket to a remote (or local) port and attempts to establish a TLS/SSL connection; accepts an optional timeout value in milliseconds (relative date/time values can be given instead of an integer in milliseconds to make the source more readable; ex: 20s). If any errors occur, an exception is thrown.

Do not use square brackets to designate ipv6 addresses with this method; just give the address in its normal form (ex: "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334").

# connect to port 8080 with a 30 second timeout
sock.connectINETSSL("", 8080, 30s);
# connect to ipv6 address 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 port 80 with a 20 second timeout
sock.connectINETSSL("2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334", 80, 20s);
hostThe host name or IP address to connect to
serviceThe service name (ex: "http" or port number (given as or converted to a string) to connect to
timeout_msIf a timeout value is passed and the connection takes longer to establish than the timeout, a "SOCKET-CONNECT-ERROR" exception is thrown. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
familyThe address family to use to connect to the remote socket; see Network Address Family Constants
socktypeThe type of socket; see Socket Type Constants; typically SOCK_STREAM for TCP sockets
protocolThe protocol number for the socket (if not sure leave this 0)
SOCKET-CONNECT-ERRORAn error occured connecting to the remote socket (cannot resolve hostname, no listener, timeout exceeded, etc)
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORAn error occurred establishing the TLS/SSL connection
See also
Socket::connect(), Socket::connectUNIX(), Socket::connectSSL(), Socket::connectINET(), and Socket::connectUNIXSSL()

◆ connectSSL()

nothing Qore::Socket::connectSSL ( string  target,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Connects to a remote socket and attempts to establish a TLS/SSL connection; accepts an optional timeout value with a millisecond resolution.

Connects to a remote socket and attempts to establish a TLS/SSL connection, for network (INET) connections, accepts an optional timeout value in milliseconds (relative date/time values can be given instead of an integer in milliseconds to make the source more readable; ex: 20s). If any errors occur, an exception is thrown.

Enclose ipv6 addresses in square brackets (ex: "[2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334]:80", will connect to port 80 on the given ipv6 address); also if a hostname is enclosed in square brackets, it will be resolved as an ipv6 adress (ex: "[localhost]:80" will connect to port 80 on ::1, assuming "localhost" can be resolved to the ipv6 loopback address on the system).

# connect to ipv4 adress port 8080 with a 30 second timeout
sock.connectSSL("", 30s);
# connect to ipv6 adress 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 port 80 with a 10 second timeout
sock.connectSSL("[2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334]:80", 10s);
# connect to localhost using ipv6 (::1) port 80 with a 10 second timeout
sock.connectSSL("[localhost]:80", 15s);
# connect to UNIX domain socket file "/tmp/socket"
targetThe target address interpreted with the following rules:
  • If a colon appears in the string, the string will be assumed to be a "hostname:port" specification to connect to; where "port" can also be a service name (ex: "example.com:https")
  • If the string contains no colon, the socket will try to connect to a UNIX domain socket file on the local filesystem with the given name.
  • Enclose ipv6 addresses in square brackets (ex: "[2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334]:80", will connect to port 80 on the given ipv6 address); also if a hostname is enclosed in square brackets, it will be resolved as an ipv6 address (ex: "[localhost]:80" will connect to port 80 on ::1, assuming "localhost" can be resolved to the ipv6 loopback address on the system).
timeout_msif a timeout value is passed and the connection takes longer to establish than the timeout, an exception is thrown. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
SOCKET-CONNECT-ERRORAn error occured connecting to the remote socket (cannot resolve hostname, no listener, timeout exceeded, etc)
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORAn error occurred establishing the TLS/SSL connection
See also
Socket::connect(), Socket::connectUNIX(), Socket::connectUNIXSSL(), Socket::connectINETSSL(), and Socket::connectINET()

◆ connectUNIX()

nothing Qore::Socket::connectUNIX ( string  path,
softint  socktype = SOCK_STREAM,
softint  protocol = 0 

Connects to a UNIX domain socket file.

Connects the socket to the given UNIX domain socket file; if any errors occur, an exception is thrown

# connect to UNIX domain socket file "/tmp/socket"
pathThe socket will try to connect to a UNIX domain socket file on the local filesystem with the given name
socktypeThe type of socket; see Socket Type Constants; typically SOCK_STREAM for TCP sockets
protocolThe protocol number for the socket (if not sure leave this 0)
SOCKET-CONNECT-ERRORAn error occured connecting to the socket
See also
Socket::connect(), Socket::connectINET(), Socket::connectSSL(), Socket::connectINETSSL(), and Socket::connectUNIXSSL()
UNIX domain sockets are not available on native Windows ports

◆ connectUNIXSSL()

nothing Qore::Socket::connectUNIXSSL ( string  path,
softint  socktype = SOCK_STREAM,
softint  protocol = 0 

Connects to the given UNIX domain socket file and attempts to establish a TLS/SSL connection.

Connects the socket to a UNIX domain socket file and attempts to establish a TLS/SSL connection. If any errors occur, an exception is thrown.

# connect to UNIX domain socket file "/tmp/socket"
pathThe socket will try to connect to a UNIX domain socket file on the local filesystem with the given name
socktypeThe type of socket; see Socket Type Constants; typically SOCK_STREAM for TCP sockets
protocolThe protocol number for the socket (if not sure leave this 0)
SOCKET-CONNECT-ERRORAn error occured connecting to the socket
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORAn error occurred establishing the TLS/SSL connection
See also
Socket::connect(), Socket::connectUNIX(), Socket::connectSSL(), Socket::connectINETSSL(), and Socket::connectINET()
UNIX domain sockets are not available on native Windows ports

◆ constructor()

Qore::Socket::constructor ( )

Creates the socket object.

Socket sock();

◆ copy()

Qore::Socket::copy ( )

Creates a new Socket object, not based on the source being copied.

Socket newsock = sock.copy();

◆ getAcceptAllCertificates()

bool Qore::Socket::getAcceptAllCertificates ( )

returns the current value of the "accept all certificates" flag

Code Flags:
bool b = sock.getAcceptAllCertificates();
the current value of the "accept all certificates" flag; if True, then self-signed certificates are accepted, if False, then they are not
See also
Qore 0.8.13

◆ getCharset()

string Qore::Socket::getCharset ( )

Returns the character encoding for the socket.

Code Flags:

A method synonym for Socket::getEncoding(), kept for backwards-compatibility

the character encoding for the socket

◆ getConnectionId()

int Qore::Socket::getConnectionId ( )

Returns an integer connection ID that is incremented every time the socket is disconnected.

Code Flags:
int conn_id = sock.getConnectionId();
an integer connection ID that is incremented every time the socket is disconnected

This number can be used to identify new connections


◆ getEncoding()

string Qore::Socket::getEncoding ( )

Returns the character encoding for the socket.

Code Flags:
the character encoding for the socket

◆ getNoDelay()

bool Qore::Socket::getNoDelay ( )

Returns the TCP_NODELAY setting for the socket.

Code Flags:
bool b = sock.getNoDelay();
the TCP_NODELAY setting for the socket
See also
Socket::setNoDelay() for a description of the TCP_NODELAY setting

◆ getPeerInfo()

hash< auto > Qore::Socket::getPeerInfo ( bool  host_lookup = True)

Returns a hash of information about the remote end for connected sockets.

If the socket is not connected, an exception is thrown

hash<auto> h = sock.getPeerInfo();
host_lookupdo a lookup of the hostname; if this is False then "hostname" and "hostname_desc" are not present in the response hash
a hash of information about the remote end for connected sockets
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not open
SOCKET-GETPEERINFO-ERRORerror in getpeername()
Qore 0.8.8 added the host_lookup parameter

◆ getPort()

int Qore::Socket::getPort ( )

Returns the port number of the socket for INET sockets.

Code Flags:
int port = sock.getPort();
the port number for an INET connection, -1 if no INET connection has been established

◆ getRecvTimeout()

int Qore::Socket::getRecvTimeout ( )

Returns the receive timeout socket option value as an integer in milliseconds.

Code Flags:
int to = sock.getRecvTimeout();
the receive timeout socket option value as an integer in milliseconds

◆ getRemoteCertificate()

*SSLCertificate Qore::Socket::getRemoteCertificate ( )

Returns any remote certificate captured or NOTHING if there is none.

*SSLCertificate cert = sock.getRemoteCertificate();
any remote certificate captured or NOTHING if there is none
See also
Qore 0.9.3

◆ getSendTimeout()

int Qore::Socket::getSendTimeout ( )

Returns the send timeout socket option value as an integer in milliseconds.

Code Flags:
int to = sock.getSendTimeout();
the send timeout socket option value as an integer in milliseconds

◆ getSocket()

int Qore::Socket::getSocket ( )

Returns the socket file descriptor number.

Code Flags:
int sock = sock.getSocket();
the socket file descriptor number or -1 if the socket is not open

◆ getSocketInfo()

hash< auto > Qore::Socket::getSocketInfo ( bool  host_lookup = True)

Returns information about the local socket as a hash.

If the socket is not open, an exception is thrown

hash<auto> h = sock.getSocketInfo();
host_lookupdo a lookup of the hostname; if this is False then "hostname" and "hostname_desc" are not present in the response hash
a hash of information about the remote end for connected sockets
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not open
SOCKET-GETSOCKETINFO-ERRORerror in getsockname()
Qore 0.8.8 added the host_lookup parameter

◆ getSSLCipherName()

*string Qore::Socket::getSSLCipherName ( )

Returns the name of the cipher for an encrypted connection or NOTHING if a secure connection has not been established.

Code Flags:
*string str = sock.getSSLCipherName();
the name of the cipher for an encrypted connection or NOTHING if a secure connection has not been established

◆ getSSLCipherVersion()

*string Qore::Socket::getSSLCipherVersion ( )

Returns the version string of the cipher for an encrypted connection or NOTHING if a secure connection has not been established.

Code Flags:
*string str = sock.getSSLCipherVersion();
the version string of the cipher for an encrypted connection or NOTHING if a secure connection has not been established

◆ getSslVerifyMode()

int Qore::Socket::getSslVerifyMode ( )

returns the current SSL verification mode

Code Flags:
int mode = sock.getSslVerifyMode();
the SSL verfication mode, see SSL Verification Mode Constants for more information
See also
Qore 0.8.13

◆ getUsageInfo()

hash< auto > Qore::Socket::getUsageInfo ( )

Returns performance statistics for the socket.

Code Flags:
hash<auto> h = sock.getUsageInfo();
a hash with the following keys:
  • "bytes_sent": an integer giving the total amount of bytes sent
  • "bytes_recv": an integer giving the total amount of bytes received
  • "us_sent": an integer giving the total number of microseconds spent sending data
  • "us_recv": an integer giving the total number of microseconds spent receiving data
  • "arg": (only if warning values have been set with Socket::setWarningQueue()) the optional argument for warning hashes
  • "timeout": (only if warning values have been set with Socket::setWarningQueue()) the warning timeout in microseconds
  • "min_throughput": (only if warning values have been set with Socket::setWarningQueue()) the minimum warning throughput in bytes/sec
Qore 0.8.9
See also

◆ isDataAvailable()

bool Qore::Socket::isDataAvailable ( timeout  timeout_ms = 0)

Returns True or False depending on whether there is data to be read on the socket.

With a timeout of zero this method returns immediately and can be used for non-blocking polling the socket for data (can also be used to poll for new connections before Socket::accept()).

bool b = sock.isDataAvailable();
timeout_msan optional timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second); if no timeout is given, the method returns immediately; Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
True if data is available on the Socket within the timeout period, False if not
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not connected
SOCKET-CLOSEDThe remote end closed the connection without sending any data

◆ isOpen()

bool Qore::Socket::isOpen ( )

Returns True if the socket is open.

Code Flags:
bool b = sock.isOpen();
True if the socket is open, False if not

◆ isSecure()

bool Qore::Socket::isSecure ( )

Returns True if the connection is a secure TLS/SSL connection.

Code Flags:
bool b = sock.isSecure();
True if the connection is encrypted, False if not

◆ isWriteFinished()

bool Qore::Socket::isWriteFinished ( timeout  timeout_ms = 0)

Returns True or False depending on whether all the data has been written to the socket.

With a timeout of zero this method returns immediately.

bool b = sock.isWriteFinished();
timeout_msan optional timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second); if no timeout is given, the method returns immediately; Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
True if the send action completes within the timeout period, False if not
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not connected
SOCKET-CLOSEDThe remote end closed the connection without sending any data

◆ listen()

int Qore::Socket::listen ( int  backlog = 20)

Listens for connections on a bound socket; sets the socket in a listening state.

Listens for new connections on a bound socket.

backlogthe size of the queue for pending connections
Returns 0 for success, -1 for error
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not bound
Qore 0.8.8 the backlog parameter was added

◆ pendingHttpChunkedBody()

bool Qore::Socket::pendingHttpChunkedBody ( )

returns True if the socket is still connected, and a HTTP header was read indicating chunked transfer encoding, but no chunked body has been read yet

bool b = sock.pendingHttpChunkedBody();
Qore 0.8.10

◆ poll()

static list< hash< SocketPollInfo > > Qore::Socket::poll ( list< hash< SocketPollInfo > >  items,
timeout  timeout_ms 

polls multiple sockets and returns all sockets with events

list<hash<SocketPollInfo>> l(
"events": SOCK_POLLOUT,
"socket": sock1,
"socket": sock2,
l = Socket::poll(l, 2s);
itemslist of SocketPollInfo hashes of sockets with events in the timeout period
timeout_msthe poll timeout period; -1 = never timeout
a list of sockets with events in the timeout period
SOCKET-POLL-ERRORsocket value in the items argument is not assigned or there was an error in the poll operation
SOCKET-NOT-OPENsocket value in the items argument is closed
If a socket being polled is closed or deleted in a background thread, the poll operation is not interrupted on Linux; other platforms behave differently (macOS / Darwin interrupts the polling process in this case); for proper operation on all platforms, do not assume that the polling operation will return immediately if a socket being polled is deleted in a background thread.
Qore 0.9.11

◆ readHTTPChunkedBody()

hash< auto > Qore::Socket::readHTTPChunkedBody ( timeout  timeout_ms = -1)

Reads in an HTTP message body sent in chunked transfer encoding and returns it with any footers received as a string in the "body" key of a hash (including footers received)

If any errors are encountered, an exception is raised

hash<auto> ans = sock.readHTTPChunkedBody(20s);
timeout_msThe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout or if a negative timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been read or the remote end closes the connection. If a timeout occurs, a "SOCKET-TIMEOUT" exception is raised. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
a hash of any HTTP footers received (with footer keys converted to lower case), with the body returned in the "body" key as a string in the Socket's encoding
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not connected
SOCKET-CLOSEDThe remote end has closed the connection
SOCKET-RECV-ERRORThere was an error receiving the data
SOCKET-TIMEOUTThe data requested was not received in the timeout period
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORThere was an SSL error while reading data from the socket
READ-HTTP-CHUNK-ERRORnegative value given for chunk size by server

◆ readHTTPChunkedBodyBinary()

hash< auto > Qore::Socket::readHTTPChunkedBodyBinary ( timeout  timeout_ms = -1)

Reads in an HTTP message body sent in chunked transfer encoding and returns it with any footers received as a binary object in the "body" key of a hash (including footers received)

If any errors are encountered, an exception is raised

hash<auto> ans = sock.readHTTPChunkedBodyBinary(20s);
timeout_msThe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout or if a negative timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been read or the remote end closes the connection. If a timeout occurs, a "SOCKET-TIMEOUT" exception is raised. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
a hash of any HTTP footers received (with footer keys converted to lower case), with the body returned in the "body" key as a binary object
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not connected
SOCKET-CLOSEDThe remote end has closed the connection
SOCKET-RECV-ERRORThere was an error receiving the data
SOCKET-TIMEOUTThe data requested was not received in the timeout period
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORThere was an SSL error while reading data from the socket
READ-HTTP-CHUNK-ERRORnegative value given for chunk size by server

◆ readHTTPChunkedBodyBinaryWithCallback()

Qore::Socket::readHTTPChunkedBodyBinaryWithCallback ( code  rcb,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Reads in an HTTP message body sent in chunked transfer encoding and returns it with any footers received as a string in the "body" key of a hash (including footers received)

If any errors are encountered, an exception is raised

sock.readHTTPChunkedBodyBinaryWithCallback(recv_callback, 20s);
rcbThe receive callback for the data received; first this method is called with a hash of the message headers, and then with any message body; if a chunked HTTP message is received, then the callback is called once for each chunk; when the message has been received, then the receive callback is called with a hash representing any trailer data received in a chunked transfer or NOTHING if the data was received in a normal message body or if there was no trailer data in a chunked transfer. The argument to this callback is always a hash; data calls have the following keys:
  • "data": the string or binary data
  • "chunked": True if the data was received with chunked transfer encoding, False if not
Header or trailer data is placed in a hash with the following keys:
  • "hdr": this can be assigned to NOTHING for the trailer hash if the data was not sent chunked or no trailers were included in a chunked message
  • "obj": this is the owning object (so socket parameters can be changed based on headers received, such as, for example, socket character encoding)
timeout_msThe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout or if a negative timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been read or the remote end closes the connection. If a timeout occurs, a "SOCKET-TIMEOUT" exception is raised. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not connected
SOCKET-CLOSEDThe remote end has closed the connection
SOCKET-RECV-ERRORThere was an error receiving the data
SOCKET-TIMEOUTThe data requested was not received in the timeout period
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORThere was an SSL error while reading data from the socket
READ-HTTP-CHUNK-ERRORnegative value given for chunk size by server
Qore 0.8.10

◆ readHTTPChunkedBodyToOutputStream()

hash< auto > Qore::Socket::readHTTPChunkedBodyToOutputStream ( Qore::OutputStream  os,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Reads in an HTTP message body sent in chunked transfer encoding, writes it in an OutputStream and returns any footers received.

If any errors are encountered, an exception is raised

hash<auto> ans = sock.readHTTPChunkedBodyToOutputStream(outputStream, 20s);
osThe output stream to write the response body to
timeout_msThe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout or if a negative timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been read or the remote end closes the connection. If a timeout occurs, a "SOCKET-TIMEOUT" exception is raised. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
a hash of any HTTP footers received (with footer keys converted to lower case)
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not connected
SOCKET-CLOSEDThe remote end has closed the connection
SOCKET-RECV-ERRORThere was an error receiving the data
SOCKET-TIMEOUTThe data requested was not received in the timeout period
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORThere was an SSL error while reading data from the socket
READ-HTTP-CHUNK-ERRORnegative value given for chunk size by server

◆ readHTTPChunkedBodyWithCallback()

Qore::Socket::readHTTPChunkedBodyWithCallback ( code  rcb,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Reads in an HTTP message body sent in chunked transfer encoding and returns it with any footers received as a string in the "body" key of a hash (including footers received)

If any errors are encountered, an exception is raised

sock.readHTTPChunkedBodyWithCallback(recv_callback, 20s);
rcbThe receive callback for the data received; first this method is called with a hash of the message headers, and then with any message body; if a chunked HTTP message is received, then the callback is called once for each chunk; when the message has been received, then the receive callback is called with a hash representing any trailer data received in a chunked transfer or NOTHING if the data was received in a normal message body or if there was no trailer data in a chunked transfer. The argument to this callback is always a hash; data calls have the following keys:
  • "data": the string or binary data
  • "chunked": True if the data was received with chunked transfer encoding, False if not
Header or trailer data is placed in a hash with the following keys:
  • "hdr": this can be assigned to NOTHING for the trailer hash if the data was not sent chunked or no trailers were included in a chunked message
  • "obj": this is the owning object (so socket parameters can be changed based on headers received, such as, for example, socket character encoding)
timeout_msThe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout or if a negative timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been read or the remote end closes the connection. If a timeout occurs, a "SOCKET-TIMEOUT" exception is raised. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not connected
SOCKET-CLOSEDThe remote end has closed the connection
SOCKET-RECV-ERRORThere was an error receiving the data
SOCKET-TIMEOUTThe data requested was not received in the timeout period
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORThere was an SSL error while reading data from the socket
READ-HTTP-CHUNK-ERRORnegative value given for chunk size by server
Qore 0.8.10

◆ readHTTPHeader()

hash< auto > Qore::Socket::readHTTPHeader ( timeout  timeout_ms = -1,
*reference< hash< auto > >  info 

Retuns a hash representing the data in the HTTP header read, or, if the data cannot be parsed as an HTTP header, then an exception is thrown, and the data read is returned as a string in the arg key of the exception hash.

If any errors occur reading from the socket or if invalid HTTP data is received, an exception is raised. Accepts an optional timeout value in milliseconds.

hash<auto> ans = sock.readHTTPHeader(10s);
timeout_msThe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout or if a negative timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been read or the remote end closes the connection. If a timeout occurs, a "SOCKET-TIMEOUT" exception is raised. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
infoAn optional reference to an lvalue that can accept a hash that will be used as an output variable with one of the following two keys:
  • headers-raw: the raw headers read without any case conversions or other processing
  • request-uri: (only set when parsing a request header) gives the request URI in an HTTP request
  • response-uri: (only set when parsing a response header) gives the response URI in an HTTP response
  • body-content-type: this is the "Content-Type" header without any charset declaration
  • charset: if there is a charset declaration in the "Content-Type" header, the value is returned in this key
  • close: (only set when parsing a request header) set to True if the connection should be closed after responding, False if not; see notes below about how this value is calculated
  • accept-charset: this key will be set to an appropriate value from any "Accept-Charset" header; if any of "*", "utf8", or "utf-8" are present, then this will be set to "utf8", otherwise it will be set to the first requested character encoding in the list
  • accept-encoding: this key will be set to a list of values from any "Accept-Encoding" header
a hash of headers (where each header key is converted to lower-case) also including the following keys giving additional information about the HTTP header received:
  • http_version: a string giving the HTTP version set in the header
  • status_code: (HTTP responses only) an integer giving the status code
  • status_message: (HTTP responses only) if present in an HTTP response, this key will be set to the message after the status code
  • method: (HTTP requests only) a string giving the HTTP method (i.e. "GET", "POST", etc)
  • path: (HTTP requests only) a string giving the path in a request without any decoding; use decode_url() to decode if necessary
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not connected
SOCKET-CLOSEDThe remote end closed the connection without sending any data
SOCKET-RECV-ERRORThere was an error receiving the data
SOCKET-TIMEOUTThe data requested was not received in the timeout period
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORThere was an SSL error while reading data from the socket
SOCKET-HTTP-ERRORInvalid HTTP data was received, in the case of invalid header info received, the arg key of the exception hash will have the invalid data received
  • if the header claims a certain character encoding via a charset declaration in the "Content-Type" header, the Socket's character encoding is automatically set accordingly
  • RFC 2616 3.7.1: if no encoding is specified, then set "iso-8859-1"
  • RFC 2068 19.7.1: Persistent connections in HTTP/1.0 must be explicitly negotiated as they are not the default behavior
  • RFC 1945 1.3: Except for experimental applications, current practice requires that the connection be established by the client prior to each request and closed by the server after sending the response.
  • the conclusion is that server applications MUST close the connection when a request is received by an HTTP 1.0 client without an explicit request to keep the connection open
  • Qore 0.8.4 this method always returns a hash and raises a SOCKET-HTTP-ERROR if invalid HTTP data is received
  • Qore 0.8.8 added the close, charset, body-content-type, and accept-charset info keys as well as the encoding handling based on the detected charset
  • Qore 0.9.3 added the "headers-raw" key in the output info hash

◆ readHTTPHeaderString()

string Qore::Socket::readHTTPHeaderString ( timeout  timeout_ms = -1)

Retuns a string representing the data in the HTTP header read (reads until "\r\n\r\n")

If any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised. Accepts an optional timeout value in milliseconds.

string str = sock.readHTTPHeaderString(10s);
timeout_msThe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout or if a negative timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been read or the remote end closes the connection. If a timeout occurs, a "SOCKET-TIMEOUT" exception is raised. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
a string representing the header data read
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not connected
SOCKET-CLOSEDThe remote end closed the connection without sending any data
SOCKET-RECV-ERRORThere was an error receiving the data
SOCKET-TIMEOUTThe data requested was not received in the timeout period
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORThere was an SSL error while reading data from the socket
SOCKET-HTTP-ERRORmaximum header size was exceeded
Qore 0.8.8

◆ recv()

string Qore::Socket::recv ( softint  size = 0,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Receives data from the socket and returns a string tagged with the Socket's character encoding.

If any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised

string data = sock.recv(-1); # read all data available
sizethe amount of data to read in bytes; to read until the remote closes the connection, use -1; a value of 0 means to read all data currently available or available up until the timeout period (if non-negative)
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been read or the remote end closes the connection. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
the data read, returned as a string tagged with the Socket's character encoding
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-CLOSEDthe remote end has closed the connection.
SOCKET-RECV-ERRORthere was an error receiving the data.
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while reading data from the socket
See also

◆ recvBinary()

binary Qore::Socket::recvBinary ( softint  size = 0,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Receives data from the socket and returns a binary object.

If any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised

binary data = sock.recvBinary(-1); # read all data available
sizethe amount of data to read in bytes; to read until the remote closes the connection, use -1; a value of 0 means to read all data currently available or available up until the timeout period (if non-negative)
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been read or the remote end closes the connection. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
the data read, returned as a binary object
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-CLOSEDthe remote end has closed the connection.
SOCKET-RECV-ERRORthere was an error receiving the data.
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while reading data from the socket
See also

◆ recvi1()

int Qore::Socket::recvi1 ( timeout  timeout_ms = -1)

Receives a 1-byte signed integer from the socket.

If any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised

int val = sock.recvi1();
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second); If no timeout is passed or is negative, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been read or the remote end closes the connection. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
The 1-byte signed integer read; if any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-CLOSEDthe remote end has closed the connection
SOCKET-RECV-ERRORthere was an error receiving the data
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while reading data from the socket
See also

◆ recvi2()

int Qore::Socket::recvi2 ( timeout  timeout_ms = -1)

Receives a 2-byte (16-bit) signed integer in big-endian format (network byte order) from the socket.

If any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised

int val = sock.recvi2();
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second); If no timeout is passed or is negative, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been read or the remote end closes the connection. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
The 2-byte signed integer in big-endian format (network byte order) read; if any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-CLOSEDthe remote end has closed the connection
SOCKET-RECV-ERRORthere was an error receiving the data
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while reading data from the socket
See also
Socket::recvu2(), Socket::recvi2LSB(), Socket::recvu2LSB()

◆ recvi2LSB()

int Qore::Socket::recvi2LSB ( timeout  timeout_ms = -1)

Receives a 2-byte (16-bit) signed integer in little-endian format from the socket.

If any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised

int val = sock.recvi2LSB();
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second); If no timeout is passed or is negative, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been read or the remote end closes the connection. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
The 2-byte signed integer in little-endian format read; if any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-CLOSEDthe remote end has closed the connection
SOCKET-RECV-ERRORthere was an error receiving the data
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while reading data from the socket
See also
Socket::recvi2(), Socket::recvu2(), Socket::recvu2LSB()

◆ recvi4()

int Qore::Socket::recvi4 ( timeout  timeout_ms = -1)

Receives a 4-byte (32-bit) signed integer in big-endian format (network byte order) from the socket.

If any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised

int val = sock.recvi4();
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second); If no timeout is passed or is negative, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been read or the remote end closes the connection. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
The 4-byte signed integer in big-endian format (network byte order) read; if any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-CLOSEDthe remote end has closed the connection
SOCKET-RECV-ERRORthere was an error receiving the data
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while reading data from the socket
See also
Socket::recvu4(), Socket::recvi4LSB(), Socket::recvu4LSB()

◆ recvi4LSB()

int Qore::Socket::recvi4LSB ( timeout  timeout_ms = -1)

Receives a 4-byte (32-bit) signed integer in little-endian format from the socket.

If any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised

int val = sock.recvi4LSB();
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second); If no timeout is passed or is negative, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been read or the remote end closes the connection. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
The 4-byte signed integer in little-endian format read; if any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-CLOSEDthe remote end has closed the connection
SOCKET-RECV-ERRORthere was an error receiving the data
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while reading data from the socket
See also
Socket::recvi4(), Socket::recvu4(), Socket::recvu4LSB()

◆ recvi8()

int Qore::Socket::recvi8 ( timeout  timeout_ms = -1)

Receives an 8-byte (64-bit) signed integer in big-endian format (network byte order) from the socket.

If any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised

int val = sock.recvi8();
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second); If no timeout is passed or is negative, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been read or the remote end closes the connection. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
The 8-byte signed integer in big-endian format (network byte order) read; if any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-CLOSEDthe remote end has closed the connection
SOCKET-RECV-ERRORthere was an error receiving the data
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while reading data from the socket
See also

◆ recvi8LSB()

int Qore::Socket::recvi8LSB ( timeout  timeout_ms = -1)

Receives an 8-byte (64-bit) signed integer in little-endian format from the socket.

If any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised

int val = sock.recvi8LSB();
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second); If no timeout is passed or is negative, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been read or the remote end closes the connection. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
The 8-byte signed integer in little-endian format read; if any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-CLOSEDthe remote end has closed the connection
SOCKET-RECV-ERRORthere was an error receiving the data
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while reading data from the socket
See also

◆ recvToOutputStream()

nothing Qore::Socket::recvToOutputStream ( Qore::OutputStream  os,
softint  size = -1,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Receives data from the socket and writes the bytes to an OutputStream.

If any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised

sock.recvToOutputStream(os, -1); # read all data available
osThe output stream to write the response body to
sizethe amount of data to read in bytes; to read until the remote closes the connection, use -1
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been read or the remote end closes the connection. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-CLOSEDthe remote end has closed the connection.
SOCKET-RECV-ERRORthere was an error receiving the data.
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while reading data from the socket
See also
Qore 0.8.13

◆ recvu1()

int Qore::Socket::recvu1 ( timeout  timeout_ms = -1)

Receives a 1-byte unsigned integer from the socket.

If any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised

int val = sock.recvu1();
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second); If no timeout is passed or is negative, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been read or the remote end closes the connection. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
The 1-byte unsigned integer read; if any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-CLOSEDthe remote end has closed the connection
SOCKET-RECV-ERRORthere was an error receiving the data
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while reading data from the socket
See also

◆ recvu2()

int Qore::Socket::recvu2 ( timeout  timeout_ms = -1)

Receives a 2-byte (16-bit) unsigned integer in big-endian format (network byte order) from the socket.

If any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised

int val = sock.recvu2();
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second); If no timeout is passed or is negative, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been read or the remote end closes the connection. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
The 2-byte unsigned integer in big-endian format (network byte order) read; if any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-CLOSEDthe remote end has closed the connection
SOCKET-RECV-ERRORthere was an error receiving the data
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while reading data from the socket
See also
Socket::recvi2(), Socket::recvi2LSB(), Socket::recvu2LSB()

◆ recvu2LSB()

int Qore::Socket::recvu2LSB ( timeout  timeout_ms = -1)

Receives a 2-byte (16-bit) unsigned integer in little-endian format from the socket.

If any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised

int val = sock.recvi2LSB();
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second); If no timeout is passed or is negative, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been read or the remote end closes the connection. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
The 2-byte unsigned integer in little-endian format read; if any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-CLOSEDthe remote end has closed the connection
SOCKET-RECV-ERRORthere was an error receiving the data
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while reading data from the socket
See also
Socket::recvi2(), Socket::recvu2(), Socket::recvi2LSB()

◆ recvu4()

int Qore::Socket::recvu4 ( timeout  timeout_ms = -1)

Receives a 4-byte (32-bit) unsigned integer in big-endian format (network byte order) from the socket.

If any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised

int val = sock.recvu4();
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second); If no timeout is passed or is negative, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been read or the remote end closes the connection. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
The 4-byte unsigned integer in big-endian format (network byte order) read; if any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-CLOSEDthe remote end has closed the connection
SOCKET-RECV-ERRORthere was an error receiving the data
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while reading data from the socket
See also
Socket::recvi4(), Socket::recvi4LSB(), Socket::recvu4LSB()

◆ recvu4LSB()

int Qore::Socket::recvu4LSB ( timeout  timeout_ms = -1)

Receives a 4-byte (32-bit) unsigned integer in little-endian format from the socket.

If any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised

int val = sock.recvu4LSB();
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second); If no timeout is passed or is negative, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been read or the remote end closes the connection. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
The 4-byte unsigned integer in little-endian format read; if any errors occur reading from the socket, an exception is raised
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-CLOSEDthe remote end has closed the connection
SOCKET-RECV-ERRORthere was an error receiving the data
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while reading data from the socket
See also
Socket::recvi4(), Socket::recvu4(), Socket::recvi4LSB()

◆ send() [1/2]

int Qore::Socket::send ( binary  bin,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Sends binary data over the socket; if any errors occur, an exception is thrown.

sock.send(data, 20s);
binSends the binary data over the socket
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been sent or the remote end closes the connection; the timeout value is the longest value that a single send() operation can take with non-blocking I/O. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
always returns 0 for backwards compatibility; if an error occurs, an exception is thrown
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTa single send() operation exceeded the given timeout period
SOCKET-SEND-ERRORan error occurred sending the socket data
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while writing data to the socket
See also
this method is as of Qore 0.8.6+ equivalent to Socket::send2() except for the return value
Qore 0.8.6 this method takes a timeout value and throws exceptions on error like Socket::send2(); this change was made because it was not possible to catch SSL errors with this method with the previous implementation

◆ send() [2/2]

int Qore::Socket::send ( string  str,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Sends string data over the socket; string data is converted to the socket's encoding if necessary; if any errors occur, an exception is thrown.

String data will be converted to the encoding set for the socket if necessary.

sock.send(str, 20s);
strsends the string data over the socket without the trailing null ('\0') character; the string's encoding is converted to the socket's encoding if necessary
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been sent or the remote end closes the connection; the timeout value is the longest value that a single send() operation can take with non-blocking I/O. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
always returns 0 for backwards compatibility; if an error occurs, an exception is thrown
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTa single send() operation exceeded the given timeout period
SOCKET-SEND-ERRORan error occurred sending the socket data
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while writing data to the socket
See also
this method is as of Qore 0.8.6+ equivalent to Socket::send2() except for the return value
Qore 0.8.6 this method takes a timeout value and throws exceptions on error like Socket::send2(); this change was made because it was not possible to catch SSL errors with this method with the previous implementation

◆ send2() [1/2]

nothing Qore::Socket::send2 ( binary  bin,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Sends binary data over the socket; if any errors occur, an exception is thrown.

binSends the binary data over the socket
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been sent or the remote end closes the connection; the timeout value is the longest value that a single send() operation can take with non-blocking I/O. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTa single send() operation exceeded the given timeout period
SOCKET-SEND-ERRORan error occurred sending the socket data
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while writing data to the socket
See also
this method is as of Qore 0.8.6+ equivalent to Socket::send() except for the lack of a return value (since errors cause exceptions to be thrown, no return value is necessary)
Qore 0.8.4

◆ send2() [2/2]

nothing Qore::Socket::send2 ( string  str,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Sends string data over the socket; string data is converted to the socket's encoding if necessary; if any errors occur, an exception is thrown.

String data will be converted to the encoding set for the socket if necessary.

strsends the string data over the socket without the trailing null ('\0') character; the string's encoding is converted to the socket's encoding if necessary
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been sent or the remote end closes the connection; the timeout value is the longest value that a single send() operation can take with non-blocking I/O. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTa single send() operation exceeded the given timeout period
SOCKET-SEND-ERRORan error occurred sending the socket data
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while writing data to the socket
See also
this method is as of Qore 0.8.6+ equivalent to Socket::send() except for the lack of a return value (since errors cause exceptions to be thrown, no return value is necessary)
Qore 0.8.4

◆ sendBinary() [1/2]

int Qore::Socket::sendBinary ( binary  bin,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Sends binary data over the socket; if any errors occur, an exception is thrown.

binSends the binary data over the socket
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been sent or the remote end closes the connection; the timeout value is the longest value that a single send() operation can take with non-blocking I/O. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
always returns 0 for backwards compatibility; if an error occurs, an exception is thrown
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTa single send() operation exceeded the given timeout period
SOCKET-SEND-ERRORan error occurred sending the socket data
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while writing data to the socket
See also
this method is as of Qore 0.8.6+ equivalent to Socket::sendBinary2() except for the return value
Qore 0.8.6 this method takes a timeout value and throws exceptions on error like Socket::send2(); this change was made because it was not possible to catch SSL errors with this method with the previous implementation

◆ sendBinary() [2/2]

int Qore::Socket::sendBinary ( string  str,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Sends string data over the socket without converting the string to the socket's encoding, but instead is sent exactly as-is; if any errors occur, an exception is thrown.

strstring data to be sent (without any conversion to the socket's encoding) over the socket without the trailing null ('\0') character
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been sent or the remote end closes the connection; the timeout value is the longest value that a single send() operation can take with non-blocking I/O. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
always returns 0 for backwards compatibility; if an error occurs, an exception is thrown
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTa single send() operation exceeded the given timeout period
SOCKET-SEND-ERRORan error occurred sending the socket data
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while writing data to the socket
See also
this method is as of Qore 0.8.6+ equivalent to Socket::sendBinary2() except for the return value
Qore 0.8.6 this method takes a timeout value and throws exceptions on error like Socket::send2(); this change was made because it was not possible to catch SSL errors with this method with the previous implementation

◆ sendBinary2() [1/2]

nothing Qore::Socket::sendBinary2 ( binary  bin,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Sends binary data over the socket; if any errors occur, an exception is thrown.

binSends the binary data over the socket
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been sent or the remote end closes the connection; the timeout value is the longest value that a single send() operation can take with non-blocking I/O. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTa single send() operation exceeded the given timeout period
SOCKET-SEND-ERRORan error occurred sending the socket data
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while writing data to the socket
See also
this method is as of Qore 0.8.6+ equivalent to Socket::sendBinary() except for the lack of a return value (since errors cause exceptions to be thrown, no return value is necessary)
Qore 0.8.4

◆ sendBinary2() [2/2]

nothing Qore::Socket::sendBinary2 ( string  str,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Sends string data over the socket without converting the string to the socket's encoding, but instead is sent exactly as-is; if any errors occur, an exception is thrown.

strstring data to be sent (without any conversion to the socket's encoding) over the socket without the trailing null ('\0') character
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been sent or the remote end closes the connection; the timeout value is the longest value that a single send() operation can take with non-blocking I/O. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTa single send() operation exceeded the given timeout period
SOCKET-SEND-ERRORan error occurred sending the socket data
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while writing data to the socket
See also
this method is as of Qore 0.8.6+ equivalent to Socket::sendBinary() except for the lack of a return value (since errors cause exceptions to be thrown, no return value is necessary)
Qore 0.8.4

◆ sendFromInputStream()

nothing Qore::Socket::sendFromInputStream ( Qore::InputStream  input_stream,
softint  size = -1,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Reads data from an InputStream and sends the bytes over the socket.

If any errors occur writing to the socket, an exception is raised

sock.sendFromInputStream(input_stream, -1); # write all data available
input_streamthe InputStream providing the data to send
sizethe amount of data to send in bytes; to send all data available in the InputStream, use -1
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been sent or the remote end closes the connection. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTa single send() operation exceeded the given timeout period
SOCKET-SEND-ERRORan error occurred sending the socket data
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while writing data to the socket
Qore 0.8.13

◆ sendHTTPChunkedBodyFromInputStream()

nothing Qore::Socket::sendHTTPChunkedBodyFromInputStream ( Qore::InputStream  input_stream,
int  max_chunk_size = 4096,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1,
*code  tcb 

Sends an HTTP message body in chunked transfer encoding.

If any errors are encountered, an exception is raised.

input_streamThe input stream to read data from
max_chunk_sizethe maximum chunk size as the read block size for the InputStream read block size; the actual size of the data read will determine the size of each HTTP chunk
timeout_msThe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout or if a negative timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been read or the remote end closes the connection. If a timeout occurs, a "SOCKET-TIMEOUT" exception is raised. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
tcbAn optional trailer callback for message trailers to write in the outgoing chunked message; the callback takes no arguments and must return either NOTHING or hash giving a hash of trailers for the final chunk
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period
HTTP-CHUNK-ERRORthe chunk size given is not greater than 0
HTTP-TRAILER-ERRORthe trailer callback must return either NOTHING or hash; this exception is thrown is another type is returned
Qore 0.8.13

◆ sendHTTPChunkedBodyTrailer()

nothing Qore::Socket::sendHTTPChunkedBodyTrailer ( *hash< auto >  trailer,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Sends the trialer of an HTTP message body in chunked transfer encoding.

If any errors are encountered, an exception is raised

traileroptional trailer data
timeout_msThe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout or if a negative timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been read or the remote end closes the connection. If a timeout occurs, a "SOCKET-TIMEOUT" exception is raised. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period
Qore 0.8.13

◆ sendHTTPMessage() [1/2]

nothing Qore::Socket::sendHTTPMessage ( string  method,
string  path,
string  http_version,
hash< auto >  headers,
*binary  body,
*reference< hash< auto > >  info,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Sends an HTTP message with a method and user-defined headers given as a hash and an optional message body.

Creates a properly-formatted HTTP message and sends it over the Socket

sock.sendHTTPMessage("POST", "/RPC2", "1.1", ("Content-Type" : "text/xml"), xml);
methodthe HTTP method name to send (i.e. POST, HEAD, etc)
paththe path component of the URL
http_versionthe HTTP protocol version ("1.0" or "1.1")
headersa hash of additional headers to send (key-value pairs)
bodyif it does not have a length of zero, the body to be sent with the message (if present, the "Content-Length" header will be automatically set)
infoAn optional reference to an lvalue that can accept a hash that will be used as an output variable with the following hash key:
  • request-uri: The request URI as sent in the output message
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second); If no timeout is passed or is negative, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been sent or the remote end closes the connection. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an error sending SSL data
See also
Socket::sendHTTPResponse(), Socket::readHTTPHeader()

◆ sendHTTPMessage() [2/2]

nothing Qore::Socket::sendHTTPMessage ( string  method,
string  path,
string  http_version,
hash< auto >  headers,
string  body,
*reference< hash info,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Sends an HTTP message with a method and user-defined headers given as a hash and an optional message body.

Creates a properly-formatted HTTP message and sends it over the Socket. To send a string without converting the encoding to the Socket's encoding, convert the string to a binary object using the binary() function and use the variant of this method that takes a binary object for the data argument.

sock.sendHTTPMessage("POST", "/RPC2", "1.1", ("Content-Type" : "text/xml"), xml);
methodthe HTTP method name to send (i.e. POST, HEAD, etc)
paththe path component of the URL
http_versionthe HTTP protocol version ("1.0" or "1.1")
headersa hash of additional headers to send (key-value pairs)
bodythe body to be sent with the message (if present, the "Content-Length" header will be automatically set); string data will be automatically converted to the Socket's encoding if necessary
infoAn optional reference to an lvalue that can accept a hash that will be used as an output variable with the following hash key:
  • request-uri: The request URI as sent in the output message
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second); If no timeout is passed or is negative, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been sent or the remote end closes the connection. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period
ENCODING-CONVERSION-ERRORthe given string could not be converted to the socket's character encoding
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an error sending SSL data
See also
Socket::sendHTTPResponse(), Socket::readHTTPHeader()

◆ sendHTTPMessageWithCallback()

nothing Qore::Socket::sendHTTPMessageWithCallback ( code  scb,
string  method,
string  path,
string  http_version,
hash< auto >  headers,
*reference< hash< auto > >  info,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Sends an HTTP message with a method and user-defined headers given as a hash and an optional message body.

Creates a properly-formatted HTTP message and sends it over the Socket

sock.sendHTTPMessageWithCallback(send_callback, "POST", "/RPC2", "1.1", ("Content-Type" : "text/xml"));
scbThe callback giving the chunked HTTP data to send; this callback must return either a string or a binary value each time it is called to give the chunked data to send; when all data has been sent, then a hash of message trailers can be sent or simply NOTHING which will close the chunked message
methodthe HTTP method name to send (i.e. POST, HEAD, etc)
paththe path component of the URL
http_versionthe HTTP protocol version ("1.0" or "1.1")
headersa hash of additional headers to send (key-value pairs)
infoAn optional reference to an lvalue that can accept a hash that will be used as an output variable with the following hash key:
  • request-uri: The request URI as sent in the output message
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second); If no timeout is passed or is negative, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been sent or the remote end closes the connection. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an error sending SSL data
See also
Socket::sendHTTPResponse(), Socket::readHTTPHeader()
Qore 0.8.10

◆ sendHTTPResponse() [1/5]

nothing Qore::Socket::sendHTTPResponse ( softint  status_code,
string  status_desc,
string  http_version,
hash< auto >  headers,
*binary  body,
*reference< hash< auto > >  info,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Sends an HTTP response with user-defined headers given as a hash and a message body as literal binary data.

Creates a properly-formatted HTTP response message and sends it over the Socket (must already be connected). If any errors occur, an exception is raised.

sock.sendHTTPResponse(200, "OK", "1.1", {"Connection":"Keep-Alive"}, bin);
status_codethe HTTP status code to send (i.e. 200, 404, etc)
status_descthe descriptive text for the status code.
http_versionthe HTTP protocol version (normally "1.0" or "1.1", however this method allows any string to be sent)
headersa hash of additional headers to send (key-value pairs)
bodyif the binary object given does not have a length of zero, the body to be sent with the message (if present, the "Content-Length" header will be automatically set)
infoAn optional reference to an lvalue that can accept a hash that will be used as an output variable with the following hash key:
  • response-uri: The response URI as sent in the output message
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second); If no timeout is passed or is negative, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been sent or the remote end closes the connection. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
SOCKET-SENDHTTPRESPONSE-STATUS-ERRORraised if the status_code (first argument) is < 100 or > 599
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period
Qore 0.9.4

◆ sendHTTPResponse() [2/5]

nothing Qore::Socket::sendHTTPResponse ( softint  status_code,
string  status_desc,
string  http_version,
hash< auto >  headers,
*binary  body,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Sends an HTTP response with user-defined headers given as a hash and a message body as literal binary data.

Creates a properly-formatted HTTP response message and sends it over the Socket (must already be connected). If any errors occur, an exception is raised.

sock.sendHTTPResponse(200, "OK", "1.1", {"Connection":"Keep-Alive"}, bin);
status_codethe HTTP status code to send (i.e. 200, 404, etc)
status_descthe descriptive text for the status code.
http_versionthe HTTP protocol version (normally "1.0" or "1.1", however this method allows any string to be sent)
headersa hash of additional headers to send (key-value pairs)
bodyif the binary object given does not have a length of zero, the body to be sent with the message (if present, the "Content-Length" header will be automatically set)
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second); If no timeout is passed or is negative, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been sent or the remote end closes the connection. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
SOCKET-SENDHTTPRESPONSE-STATUS-ERRORraised if the status_code (first argument) is < 100 or > 599
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period

◆ sendHTTPResponse() [3/5]

nothing Qore::Socket::sendHTTPResponse ( softint  status_code,
string  status_desc,
string  http_version,
hash< auto >  headers,
Qore::InputStream  input_stream,
int  max_chunk_size = 4096,
*reference< hash< auto > >  info,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1,
*code  tcb 

Sends an HTTP response with user-defined headers and a message body from an input stream in chunked transfer encoding.

If any errors are encountered, an exception is raised.

sock.sendHTTPResponse(200, "OK", "1.1", {"Connection": "Keep-Alive", "Transfer-Encoding": "chunked"}, inputStream);
status_codethe HTTP status code to send (i.e. 200, 404, etc)
status_descthe descriptive text for the status code.
http_versionthe HTTP protocol version (normally "1.0" or "1.1", however this method allows any string to be sent)
headersa hash of additional headers to send (key-value pairs); note that the "Transfer-Encoding" header must be set to "chunked" manually with this call
input_streamThe input stream to read data from
max_chunk_sizethe maximum chunk size as the read block size for the InputStream read block size; the actual size of the data read will determine the size of each HTTP chunk
infoAn optional reference to an lvalue that can accept a hash that will be used as an output variable with the following hash key:
  • response-uri: The response URI as sent in the output message
timeout_msThe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout or if a negative timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been read or the remote end closes the connection. If a timeout occurs, a "SOCKET-TIMEOUT" exception is raised. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
tcbAn optional trailer callback for message trailers to write in the outgoing chunked message; the callback takes no arguments and must return either NOTHING or hash giving a hash of trailers for the final chunk
the "Transfer-Encoding" header must be set to "chunked" manually in the headers argument as in the example
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period
HTTP-CHUNK-ERRORthe chunk size given is not greater than 0
HTTP-TRAILER-ERRORthe trailer callback must return either NOTHING or hash; this exception is thrown is another type is returned
Qore 0.9.4

◆ sendHTTPResponse() [4/5]

nothing Qore::Socket::sendHTTPResponse ( softint  status_code,
string  status_desc,
string  http_version,
hash< auto >  headers,
string  body,
*reference< hash< auto > >  info,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Sends an HTTP response with user-defined headers given as a hash and an optional message body.

Creates a properly-formatted HTTP response message and sends it over the Socket (must already be connected). If any errors occur, an exception is raised. To send a string without converting the encoding to the Socket's encoding, convert the string to a binary object using the binary() function and use the variant of this method that takes a binary object for the data argument.

sock.sendHTTPResponse(200, "OK", "1.1", ("Connection":"Keep-Alive"));
status_codethe HTTP status code to send (i.e. 200, 404, etc)
status_descthe descriptive text for the status code.
http_versionthe HTTP protocol version (normally "1.0" or "1.1", however this method allows any string to be sent)
headersa hash of additional headers to send (key-value pairs)
bodyif present (and does not have a length of zero), the body to be sent with the message (if present, the "Content-Length" header will be automatically set); string data will be automatically converted to the Socket's encoding if necessary
infoAn optional reference to an lvalue that can accept a hash that will be used as an output variable with the following hash key:
  • response-uri: The response URI as sent in the output message
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second); If no timeout is passed or is negative, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been sent or the remote end closes the connection. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
SOCKET-SENDHTTPRESPONSE-STATUS-ERRORraised if the status_code (first argument) is < 100 or > 599
ENCODING-CONVERSION-ERRORthe given string could not be converted to the socket's character encoding
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period
Qore 0.9.4

◆ sendHTTPResponse() [5/5]

nothing Qore::Socket::sendHTTPResponse ( softint  status_code,
string  status_desc,
string  http_version,
hash< auto >  headers,
string  body,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Sends an HTTP response with user-defined headers given as a hash and an optional message body.

Creates a properly-formatted HTTP response message and sends it over the Socket (must already be connected). If any errors occur, an exception is raised. To send a string without converting the encoding to the Socket's encoding, convert the string to a binary object using the binary() function and use the variant of this method that takes a binary object for the data argument.

sock.sendHTTPResponse(200, "OK", "1.1", ("Connection":"Keep-Alive"));
status_codethe HTTP status code to send (i.e. 200, 404, etc)
status_descthe descriptive text for the status code.
http_versionthe HTTP protocol version (normally "1.0" or "1.1", however this method allows any string to be sent)
headersa hash of additional headers to send (key-value pairs)
bodyif present (and does not have a length of zero), the body to be sent with the message (if present, the "Content-Length" header will be automatically set); string data will be automatically converted to the Socket's encoding if necessary
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second); If no timeout is passed or is negative, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been sent or the remote end closes the connection. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
SOCKET-SENDHTTPRESPONSE-STATUS-ERRORraised if the status_code (first argument) is < 100 or > 599
ENCODING-CONVERSION-ERRORthe given string could not be converted to the socket's character encoding
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period

◆ sendHTTPResponseWithCallback() [1/2]

nothing Qore::Socket::sendHTTPResponseWithCallback ( code  scb,
softint  status_code,
string  status_desc,
string  http_version,
hash< auto >  headers,
*reference< hash< auto > >  info,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Sends an HTTP response with user-defined headers given as a hash and a message body to send with chunked transfer encoding provided by a callback.

Creates a properly-formatted HTTP response message and sends it over the Socket (must already be connected). If any errors occur, an exception is raised.

sock.sendHTTPResponseWithCallback(send_callback, 200, "OK", "1.1", {"Connection": "Keep-Alive", "Transfer-Encoding": "chunked"});
scbThe callback giving the chunked HTTP data to send; this callback must return either a string or a binary value each time it is called to give the chunked data to send; when all data has been sent, then a hash of message trailers can be sent or simply NOTHING which will close the chunked message
status_codethe HTTP status code to send (i.e. 200, 404, etc)
status_descthe descriptive text for the status code.
http_versionthe HTTP protocol version (normally "1.0" or "1.1", however this method allows any string to be sent)
headersa hash of additional headers to send (key-value pairs); note that the "Transfer-Encoding" header must be set to "chunked" manually with this call
infoAn optional reference to an lvalue that can accept a hash that will be used as an output variable with the following hash key:
  • response-uri: The response URI as sent in the output message
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second); If no timeout is passed or is negative, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been sent or the remote end closes the connection. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
the "Transfer-Encoding" header must be set to "chunked" manually in the headers argument as in the example
SOCKET-SENDHTTPRESPONSE-STATUS-ERRORraised if the status_code (first argument) is < 100 or > 599
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period
Qore 0.9.4

◆ sendHTTPResponseWithCallback() [2/2]

nothing Qore::Socket::sendHTTPResponseWithCallback ( code  scb,
softint  status_code,
string  status_desc,
string  http_version,
hash< auto >  headers,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Sends an HTTP response with user-defined headers given as a hash and a message body to send with chunked transfer encoding provided by a callback.

Creates a properly-formatted HTTP response message and sends it over the Socket (must already be connected). If any errors occur, an exception is raised.

sock.sendHTTPResponseWithCallback(send_callback, 200, "OK", "1.1", {"Connection": "Keep-Alive", "Transfer-Encoding": "chunked"});
scbThe callback giving the chunked HTTP data to send; this callback must return either a string or a binary value each time it is called to give the chunked data to send; when all data has been sent, then a hash of message trailers can be sent or simply NOTHING which will close the chunked message
status_codethe HTTP status code to send (i.e. 200, 404, etc)
status_descthe descriptive text for the status code.
http_versionthe HTTP protocol version (normally "1.0" or "1.1", however this method allows any string to be sent)
headersa hash of additional headers to send (key-value pairs); note that the "Transfer-Encoding" header must be set to "chunked" manually with this call
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second); If no timeout is passed or is negative, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been sent or the remote end closes the connection. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
the "Transfer-Encoding" header must be set to "chunked" manually in the headers argument as in the example
SOCKET-SENDHTTPRESPONSE-STATUS-ERRORraised if the status_code (first argument) is < 100 or > 599
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTthe data requested was not received in the timeout period
Qore 0.8.10

◆ sendi1()

int Qore::Socket::sendi1 ( softint  i = 0,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Sends a 1-byte integer over the socket.

If any errors occur, an exception is thrown

sock.sendi1(val, 20s);
ithe integer to send; only the least-significant byte will be sent
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been sent or the remote end closes the connection; the timeout value is the longest value that a single send() operation can take with non-blocking I/O. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
always returns 0 for backwards compatibility; if an error occurs, an exception is thrown
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTa single send() operation exceeded the given timeout period
SOCKET-SEND-ERRORan error occurred sending the socket data
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while writing data to the socket
Qore 0.8.6 this method takes a timeout value and throws exceptions on error; this change was made because it was not possible to catch SSL errors with this method with the previous implementation

◆ sendi2()

int Qore::Socket::sendi2 ( softint  i = 0,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Sends a 2-byte (16-bit) integer in big-endian format (network byte order) over the socket.

If any errors occur, an exception is thrown

sock.sendi2(val, 20s);
ithe integer to send; only the least-significant 2 bytes will be sent
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been sent or the remote end closes the connection; the timeout value is the longest value that a single send() operation can take with non-blocking I/O. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
always returns 0 for backwards compatibility; if an error occurs, an exception is thrown
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTa single send() operation exceeded the given timeout period
SOCKET-SEND-ERRORan error occurred sending the socket data
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while writing data to the socket
Qore 0.8.6 this method takes a timeout value and throws exceptions on error; this change was made because it was not possible to catch SSL errors with this method with the previous implementation

◆ sendi2LSB()

int Qore::Socket::sendi2LSB ( softint  i = 0,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Sends a 2-byte (16-bit) integer in little-endian format over the socket.

If any errors occur, an exception is thrown

sock.sendi2LSB(val, 20s);
ithe integer to send; only the least-significant 2 bytes will be sent
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been sent or the remote end closes the connection; the timeout value is the longest value that a single send() operation can take with non-blocking I/O. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
always returns 0 for backwards compatibility; if an error occurs, an exception is thrown
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTa single send() operation exceeded the given timeout period
SOCKET-SEND-ERRORan error occurred sending the socket data
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while writing data to the socket
Qore 0.8.6 this method takes a timeout value and throws exceptions on error; this change was made because it was not possible to catch SSL errors with this method with the previous implementation

◆ sendi4()

int Qore::Socket::sendi4 ( softint  i = 0,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Sends a 4-byte (32-bit) integer in big-endian format (network byte order) over the socket.

If any errors occur, an exception is thrown

sock.sendi4(val, 20s);
ithe integer to send; only the least-significant 4 bytes will be sent
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been sent or the remote end closes the connection; the timeout value is the longest value that a single send() operation can take with non-blocking I/O. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
always returns 0 for backwards compatibility; if an error occurs, an exception is thrown
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTa single send() operation exceeded the given timeout period
SOCKET-SEND-ERRORan error occurred sending the socket data
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while writing data to the socket
Qore 0.8.6 this method takes a timeout value and throws exceptions on error; this change was made because it was not possible to catch SSL errors with this method with the previous implementation

◆ sendi4LSB()

int Qore::Socket::sendi4LSB ( softint  i = 0,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Sends a 4-byte (32-bit) integer in little-endian format over the socket.

If any errors occur, an exception is thrown

sock.sendi4LSB(val, 20s);
ithe integer to send; only the least-significant 4 bytes will be sent
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been sent or the remote end closes the connection; the timeout value is the longest value that a single send() operation can take with non-blocking I/O. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
always returns 0 for backwards compatibility; if an error occurs, an exception is thrown
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTa single send() operation exceeded the given timeout period
SOCKET-SEND-ERRORan error occurred sending the socket data
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while writing data to the socket
Qore 0.8.6 this method takes a timeout value and throws exceptions on error; this change was made because it was not possible to catch SSL errors with this method with the previous implementation

◆ sendi8()

int Qore::Socket::sendi8 ( softint  i = 0,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Sends an 8-byte (64-bit) integer in big-endian format (network byte order) over the socket.

If any errors occur, an exception is thrown

sock.sendi8(val, 20s);
ithe integer to send
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been sent or the remote end closes the connection; the timeout value is the longest value that a single send() operation can take with non-blocking I/O. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
always returns 0 for backwards compatibility; if an error occurs, an exception is thrown
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTa single send() operation exceeded the given timeout period
SOCKET-SEND-ERRORan error occurred sending the socket data
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while writing data to the socket
Qore 0.8.6 this method takes a timeout value and throws exceptions on error; this change was made because it was not possible to catch SSL errors with this method with the previous implementation

◆ sendi8LSB()

int Qore::Socket::sendi8LSB ( softint  i = 0,
timeout  timeout_ms = -1 

Sends an 8-byte (64-bit) integer in little-endian format over the socket.

If any errors occur, an exception is thrown

sock.sendi8LSB(val, 20s);
ithe integer to send
timeout_msthe timeout in milliseconds (1/1000 second). If no timeout is passed, then the call will not time out and will not return until all the data has been sent or the remote end closes the connection; the timeout value is the longest value that a single send() operation can take with non-blocking I/O. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
always returns 0 for backwards compatibility; if an error occurs, an exception is thrown
SOCKET-NOT-OPENThe socket is not connected
SOCKET-TIMEOUTa single send() operation exceeded the given timeout period
SOCKET-SEND-ERRORan error occurred sending the socket data
SOCKET-SSL-ERRORthere was an SSL error while writing data to the socket
Qore 0.8.6 this method takes a timeout value and throws exceptions on error; this change was made because it was not possible to catch SSL errors with this method with the previous implementation

◆ setCertificate() [1/3]

nothing Qore::Socket::setCertificate ( binary  cert_der)

Sets the X.509 certificate to use for negotiating encrypted connections from the DER-encoded binary object representing the X.509 certificate.

cert_derthe DER-encoded binary object representing the X.509 certificate

◆ setCertificate() [2/3]

nothing Qore::Socket::setCertificate ( SSLCertificate  cert)

Sets the X.509 certificate to use for negotiating encrypted connections.

certThis must be an SSLCertificate object

◆ setCertificate() [3/3]

nothing Qore::Socket::setCertificate ( string  cert_pem)

Sets the X.509 certificate to use for negotiating encrypted connections from the PEM-encoded string representing the X.509 certificate.

cert_pemthe PEM-encoded string representing the X.509 certificate

◆ setCertificateAndPrivateKey()

nothing Qore::Socket::setCertificateAndPrivateKey ( SSLCertificate  cert,
SSLPrivateKey  key 

Sets the X.509 certificate and private key in one atomic operation to use for negotiating encrypted connections.

sock.setCertificateAndPrivateKey(cert, key);
certThis must be an SSLCertificate object
keyThis must be an QoreSSLPrivateKey object
Qore 1.11.0

◆ setCharset()

nothing Qore::Socket::setCharset ( string  encoding)

Sets the character encoding for the socket.

A method synonym for Socket::setEncoding(), kept for backwards-compatibility

encodingThe character encoding for the socket

◆ setEncoding()

nothing Qore::Socket::setEncoding ( string  encoding)

Sets the character encoding for the socket.

encodingthe character encoding for the socket

◆ setEventQueue() [1/2]

nothing Qore::Socket::setEventQueue ( )

Removes any Queue object from the Socket object so that socket events are no longer added to the Queue.

See also
I/O Event Handling for more information

◆ setEventQueue() [2/2]

nothing Qore::Socket::setEventQueue ( Qore::Thread::Queue  queue,
auto  arg,
*bool  with_data 

Sets a Queue object to receive socket events.

queuethe Queue object to receive socket events; note that the Queue passed cannot have any maximum size set or a QUEUE-ERROR will be thrown
argan argument that will be included in each event hash in the arg key
with_dataif True, then the actual raw data transferred / received is also included in the events
QUEUE-ERRORthe Queue passed has a maximum size set
See also
I/O Event Handling for more information
Qore 0.9.4 added the arg and with_data options

◆ setNoDelay()

int Qore::Socket::setNoDelay ( bool  nd = True)

Sets the boolean TCP_NODELAY setting for the socket.

When this setting is True, then data will be immediately sent out over the socket, when it is False, then data transmission may be delayed to be packaged with other data for the same target.

Delayed data transmissions may cause problems when the sender immediately closes the socket after sending data; in this case the receiver may not get the data even though the send succeeded.

Note that if no value is given to the method, the argument will be assumed to be True, and output buffering will be turned off for the socket.

if (sock.setNoDelay(True))
printf("error setting TCP_NODELAY: %s\n", strerror(errno()));
ndthe boolean TCP_NODELAY setting for the socket
0 for success, non-zero for errors; to get error information, see errno() and strerror()
See also

◆ setPrivateKey() [1/3]

nothing Qore::Socket::setPrivateKey ( binary  key_der)

Sets the private key to use for negotiating encrypted connections along with the X.509 certificate from a DER-encoded binary object representing the private key.

key_derthe DER-encoded binary object representing the private key for the X.509 certificate to use when establishing TLS/SSL encrypted connections

◆ setPrivateKey() [2/3]

nothing Qore::Socket::setPrivateKey ( SSLPrivateKey  key)

Sets the private key to use for negotiating encrypted connections along with the X.509 certificate.

keythe private key for the X.509 certificate to use when establishing TLS/SSL encrypted connections

◆ setPrivateKey() [3/3]

nothing Qore::Socket::setPrivateKey ( string  key_pem,
*string  pass 

Sets the private key to use for negotiating encrypted connections along with the X.509 certificate from a PEM-encoded string representing the private key and an optional password.

sock.setPrivateKey(key_pem, password);
key_pemthe PEM-encoded string representing the private key for the X.509 certificate to use when establishing TLS/SSL encrypted connections
passthe password for the private key, if needed

◆ setRecvTimeout()

int Qore::Socket::setRecvTimeout ( timeout  timeout_ms)

sets the receive timeout as a socket option

Returns 0 for success, -1 for error (check errno() for the actual error in this case)

if (sock.setRecvTimeout(20s))
printf("error setting timeout on socket: %s\n", strerror(errno()));
timeout_msthe receive timeout to set with a resolution of milliseconds; Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
0 for success, -1 for error (check errno() for the actual error in this case)

◆ setSendTimeout()

int Qore::Socket::setSendTimeout ( timeout  timeout_ms)

sets the send timeout as a socket option

Returns 0 for success, -1 for error (check errno() for the actual error in this case)

if (sock.setSendTimeout(20s))
printf("error setting timeout on socket: %s\n", strerror(errno()));
timeout_msthe send timeout to set with a resolution of milliseconds
0 for success, -1 for error (check errno() for the actual error in this case)

◆ setSslVerifyMode()

Qore::Socket::setSslVerifyMode ( int  mode)

sets the SSL verification mode


If there is no SSL connection in place, then the mode is saved and will be used automatically for future SSL sessions automatically.

modethe SSL verfication mode, see SSL Verification Mode Constants for more information
See also
Qore 0.8.13

◆ setWarningQueue()

nothing Qore::Socket::setWarningQueue ( int  warning_ms,
int  warning_bs,
Queue  queue,
auto  arg,
timeout  min_ms = 1s 

Sets a Queue object to receive socket warnings.

sock.setWarningQueue(5000, 5000, queue, "socket-1");
warning_msthe threshold in milliseconds for individual socket actions (send, receive, connect), if exceeded, a socket warning is placed on the warning queue with the following keys:
  • "type": a string with the constant value "SOCKET-OPERATION-WARNING"
  • "operation": a string giving the operation that caused the warning (ex: "connect")
  • "us": an integer giving the number of microseconds for the operation
  • "timeout": an integer giving the warning threshold in microseconds
  • "arg": if any "arg" argument is passed to the Socket::setWarningQueue() method, it will be included in the warning hash here
warning_bsvalue in bytes per second; if any call has performance below this threshold, a socket warning is placed on the warning queue with the following keys:
  • "type": a string with the constant value "SOCKET-THROUGHPUT-WARNING"
  • "dir": either "send" or "recv" depending on the direction of the data flow
  • "bytes": the amount of bytes sent
  • "us": an integer giving the number of microseconds for the operation
  • "bytes_sec": a float giving the transfer speed in bytes per second
  • "threshold": an integer giving the warning threshold in bytes per second
  • "arg": if any "arg" argument is passed to the Socket::setWarningQueue() method, it will be included in the warning hash here
queuethe Queue object to receive warning events
argan optional argument to be placed in the "arg" key in each warning hash (could be used to identify the socket for example)
min_msthe minimum transfer time with a resolution of milliseconds for a transfer to be eligible for triggering a warning; transfers that take less than this period of time are not eligible for raising a warning
QUEUE-ERRORthe Queue passed has a maximum size set
SOCKET-SETWARNINGQUEUE-ERRORat least one of warning_ms and warning_bs must be > 0
See also
  • Qore 0.8.9
  • Qore 0.8.12 the minimum threshold for a warning is a transfer of at least 1024 bytes, smaller transfers will not result in a warning

◆ shutdown()

int Qore::Socket::shutdown ( )

Ensures that a socket will be closed even if the file descriptor is shared with other processes (for example, after a call to fork())

Does not throw any exceptions; returns an error code in case of an error

if (sock.shutdown())
stderr.printf("Error calling Socket::shutdown(): %s\n", strerror(errno()));
0 for success, -1 for error; in this case check errno() for the error number

◆ shutdownSSL()

nothing Qore::Socket::shutdownSSL ( )

Shuts down the SSL connection on a secure connection.

If any errors occur, an exception is raised

SOCKET-SSL-ERRORan error occurred shutting down the TLS/SSL connection

◆ startPollConnect()

AbstractPollOperation Qore::Socket::startPollConnect ( string  target)

Returns an AbstractPollOperation object to poll the socket for a standard connection.

targetthe URL target
an AbstractPollOperation object to poll the socket for a standard connection
Qore 1.12

◆ startPollConnectSsl()

AbstractPollOperation Qore::Socket::startPollConnectSsl ( string  target)

Returns an AbstractPollOperation object to poll the socket for an SSL connection.

targetthe URL target
an AbstractPollOperation object to poll the socket for an SSL connection

The poll operation returned will perform the connection and an immediate upgrade to an SSL/TLS connection

Qore 1.12

◆ startPollRecvBinary()

AbstractPollOperation Qore::Socket::startPollRecvBinary ( int  size)

Returns an AbstractPollOperation object to read data in non-blocking mode.

sizethe size of the string to receive
an AbstractPollOperation object to read data in non-blocking mode

The AbstractPollOperation::getOutput() call will return a binary object after a successful poll for inbound socket data

Qore 1.12

◆ startPollRecvString()

AbstractPollOperation Qore::Socket::startPollRecvString ( int  size)

Returns an AbstractPollOperation object to read data in non-blocking mode.

sizethe size of the string to receive
an AbstractPollOperation object to read data in non-blocking mode

The AbstractPollOperation::getOutput() call will return a string after a successful poll for inbound socket data

Qore 1.12

◆ startPollRecvUntilBytesBinary()

AbstractPollOperation Qore::Socket::startPollRecvUntilBytesBinary ( string  pattern)

Returns an AbstractPollOperation object to read data in non-blocking mode.

patternthe pattern to use to signify the end of the socket data to read
an AbstractPollOperation object to read data in non-blocking mode

The AbstractPollOperation::getOutput() call will return a binary object after a successful poll for inbound socket data

Qore 1.12

◆ startPollRecvUntilBytesString()

AbstractPollOperation Qore::Socket::startPollRecvUntilBytesString ( string  pattern)

Returns an AbstractPollOperation object to read data in non-blocking mode.

patternthe pattern to use to signify the end of the socket data to read
an AbstractPollOperation object to read data in non-blocking mode

The AbstractPollOperation::getOutput() call will return a string after a successful poll for inbound socket data

Qore 1.12

◆ startPollSend() [1/2]

AbstractPollOperation Qore::Socket::startPollSend ( binary  data)

Returns an AbstractPollOperation object to send data in non-blocking mode.

datathe data to send
an AbstractPollOperation object to send data in non-blocking mode
Qore 1.12

◆ startPollSend() [2/2]

AbstractPollOperation Qore::Socket::startPollSend ( string  data)

Returns an AbstractPollOperation object to send data in non-blocking mode.

datathe data to send
an AbstractPollOperation object to send data in non-blocking mode
Qore 1.12

◆ startPollUpgradeClientToSSL()

AbstractPollOperation Qore::Socket::startPollUpgradeClientToSSL ( )

Returns an AbstractPollOperation object to upgrade a connected client socket to SSL.

an AbstractPollOperation object to upgrade a connected client socket to SSL

The poll operation returned will upgrade a client connection to an SSL/TLS connection using any certificate and private key set for the socket.

Qore 1.12

◆ upgradeClientToSSL()

nothing Qore::Socket::upgradeClientToSSL ( timeout  timeout_ms = -1)

Upgrades a client socket connection to a TLS/SSL connection.

timeout_msIf a positive timeout value is passed and the SSL upgrade takes longer to establish than the timeout, an "SSL-TIMEOUT-ERROR" exception is thrown. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket must be open before making this call
SSL-TIMEOUT-ERRORtimeout error negotiating SSL connection
if an SSL connection has already been established, this method call returns immediately without taking any further action
Qore 0.8.12 the timeout_ms parameter was added

◆ upgradeServerToSSL()

nothing Qore::Socket::upgradeServerToSSL ( timeout  timeout_ms = -1)

Upgrades a server socket connection to a TLS/SSL connection.

timeout_msIf a positive timeout value is passed and the SSL upgrade takes longer to establish than the timeout, an "SSL-TIMEOUT-ERROR" exception is thrown. Note that like all Qore functions and methods taking timeout values, a relative date/time value can be used to make the units clear (i.e. 2m = two minutes, etc.)
SOCKET-NOT-OPENthe socket must be open before making this call
SSL-TIMEOUT-ERRORtimeout error negotiating SSL connection
if an SSL connection has already been established, this method call returns immediately without taking any further action
Qore 0.8.12 the timeout_ms parameter was added

◆ verifyPeerCertificate()

*string Qore::Socket::verifyPeerCertificate ( )

Returns a string code giving the result of verifying the remote certificate or NOTHING if an encrypted connection is not currently established.

Code Flags:
*string str = sock.verifyPeerCertificate();
A string code giving the result of verifying the peer's certificate. No value is returned if a secure connection has not been established. The set of possible return values is made up of the keys of the X509_VerificationReasons hash. This hash can also be used to generate a textual description of the verification result.