150 const DefaultQueuePollingInterval = 250ms;
204 send(data msg,
int op,
bool fin);
289 const DefaultSocketSendTimeout = 30s;
292 const DefaultHeartbeatInterval = 20s;
295 const DefaultHeartbeatMsg =
306 hash<string, WebSocketConnection>
309 softint heartbeat = DefaultHeartbeatInterval;
312 string heartbeat_msg = DefaultHeartbeatMsg;
318 string tlk = get_random_string(50);
481 static string getDataString(*data d);
this class represents a connection to a websocket client
Definition: WebSocketHandler.qm.dox.h:140
Called when the connection has been registered in handler and accept sending messages.
setSocket(Socket sock)
Sets the socket used by the server for the connection.
Flush all output data.
Qore::Thread::Queue queue()
the Queue object stores messages to be sent to the server
int tid
The TID of the I/O thread.
Definition: WebSocketHandler.qm.dox.h:157
bool stop_flag
Stop connection flag.
Definition: WebSocketHandler.qm.dox.h:147
Socket sock
The socket used by the server for this connection.
Definition: WebSocketHandler.qm.dox.h:163
sendEncoded(binary msg)
Pushes an already-encoded message on the connection's message queue.
gotMessage(binary msg)
This method is called when messages from the client are received.
gotMessage(string msg)
This method is called when messages from the client are received.
constructor(WebSocketHandler handler)
the constructor is called when a new connection is made by a websocket client
int gotRawMessage(hash< WsMsgInfo > msg)
This method is called when a message is received.
*binary pollDataImmediate()
This method is called to poll for messages from the client to send from the server.
This method is called when the connection is closed.
send(data msg, int op, bool fin)
Pushes an unencoded message on the connection's message queue.
send(data msg)
Pushes an unencoded message on the connection's message queue.
*binary pollData()
This method is called to poll for messages from the client to send from the server.
force closing socket related to connection
WebSocketHandler handler
The parent handler object.
Definition: WebSocketHandler.qm.dox.h:144
bool flushIo(WebSocketConnection wsc, Socket sock)
Flushes I/O in the connection queue.
constructor(*HttpServer::AbstractAuthenticator auth, *hash< auto > opts)
create the object optionally with the given AbstractAuthenticator
deregisterConnectionImpl(WebSocketConnection wsc)
called when the connection terminates; the default implementation does nothing
*list< string > getConnectionIds()
get list of socket connection ids
string getHeartbeatMessage()
returns the heartbeat message as a string
setHeartbeat(softint seconds)
sets the heartbeat interval as a number of seconds
setHeartbeatMessage(string msg)
sets the heartbeat message
logDebug(string fmt)
default implementation is empty
RWLock rwl()
connection read-write lock
logError(string fmt)
default implementation is empty
int getHeartbeat()
returns the connection heartbeat interval as a number of seconds
sendOne(softstring id, data d)
sends a message to the given connection ID
WebSocketConnection getConnectionImpl(hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, string cid)
called when a connection is established; the default implementation creates a WebSocketConnection obj...
logInfo(string fmt)
default implementation is empty
hash< string, WebSocketConnection > ch
connection hash
Definition: WebSocketHandler.qm.dox.h:306
startImpl(softstring lid, hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, Qore::Socket sock)
called from the HTTP server after the handleRequest() method indicates that a dedicated connection sh...
WebSocketConnection doNewConnection(hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, string cid)
called when a connection is established; registers the new connection internally
sendAll(data d)
sends a message to all connected clients
hash< auto > handleRequest(hash< auto > cx, hash< auto > hdr, *data b)
called by the HTTP server to handle incoming HTTP requests
stopOne(softstring id)
stop given connection ID
const WSC_Break
If the server should stop listening (message already processed)
Definition: WebSocketHandler.qm.dox.h:123
const WSC_Continue
If the server should continue listening (message already processed)
Definition: WebSocketHandler.qm.dox.h:120
const WSC_Process
Definition: WebSocketHandler.qm.dox.h:117
the WebSocketHandler namespace contains all the objects in the WebSocketHandler module
Definition: WebSocketHandler.qm.dox.h:112