Qore Logger Module Reference  0.2
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NLoggerThe Logger namespace contains all the definitions in the Logger module
 CAbstractLoggerAppenderFileRotateAbstract class for file appenders with rotation support
 CLoggerImplements main logger class whose instance will be used by user code when logging
 CLoggerAppenderImplements passing LoggerEvent to target destination
 CLoggerAppenderFileImplements appender writing to a file
 CLoggerAppenderFileArchiveImplements appender writing to a file with archive support
 CLoggerAppenderFileRingImplemants appender writing to a file with file circular rotation support
 CLoggerAppenderFileRotateImplements appender writing to a file with file rotation support
 CLoggerAppenderNullImplements appender which does nothing
 CLoggerAppenderQueueImplements queue serializing async appender events
 CLoggerAppenderQueueThreadPoolHandles the processing for asynchronous appender events in multiple threads
 CLoggerAppenderStdErrImplements appender writing to a stderr file
 CLoggerAppenderStdOutImplements appender writing to a stdout file
 CLoggerAppenderStreamImplements appender writing to an output stream via StreamWriter
 CLoggerAppenderWithLayoutImplements an appender with a layout
 CLoggerEventImplements an event to be logged
 CLoggerEventParameterImplements callable parameter which is evaluated in run-time when event is rendered
 CLoggerFilterImplements a general event filtering class
 CLoggerFilterLevelImplements the filter according event LoggerLevel
 CLoggerFilterRegexImplements filtering according to a regular expression on the event message
 CLoggerLayoutAbstract class that defines the interface for logger layouts
 CLoggerLayoutPatternImplements the formatting of LoggerEvent objects with a pattern
 CLoggerLevelDefines the minimum set of levels recognized by the system
 CLoggerPatternImplements pattern parsing and substitution
 CLoggerRootImplements the root class for loggers; does not allow a parent logger to be set