Qore Mime Module Reference  1.4.4
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Mime Namespace Reference

public Mime namespace defines constants and functions relevant to MIME More...


hashdecl  FormDataMessageInfo
 parsed form-data message part info More...
hashdecl  MessageInfo
 message and part info hash More...
hashdecl  MessagePartInfo
 message part hash More...
class  MultiPartAlternativeMessage
 implements the MultiPartAlternativeMessage class, a specialization of MultiPartMessage More...
class  MultiPartFormDataMessage
 implements the MultiPartFormDataMessage class, a specialization of MultiPartMessage More...
class  MultiPartMessage
 MultiPartMessage class implementation. More...
class  MultiPartMixedMessage
 implements the MultiPartMixedMessage class, a specialization of MultiPartMessage More...
class  MultiPartRelatedMessage
 implements the MultiPartRelatedMessage class, a specialization of MultiPartMessage More...


string get_mime_type_from_ext (string path, string def_type=MimeTypeUnknown)
 returns the mime type for the given filename from the extension or the default type if the extension is not present or unknown
binary mime_decode_base64 (data str)
 returns a binary value from a string in "BASE64" encoding More...
string mime_decode_base64_to_string (data str, *string encoding)
 returns a string value from a string in "BASE64" encoding More...
string mime_decode_header (string hdr)
 decodes a header string More...
string mime_decode_quoted_printable (string str, *string encoding, *bool is_body)
 returns a string parsed from "quoted-printable" (or "QP") encoding More...
data mime_decode_transfer_data (data mime_data, string enc, *string ct, *bool is_body)
 decodes data according to the given encoding More...
string mime_decode_urlencoded_string (string str)
 decodes the given string from URL encoded format More...
string mime_encode_base64 (data str, int len=MimeBase64LineLen)
 returns a string in "BASE64" encoding according to RFC 2045 More...
string mime_encode_header_word_b (string str)
 returns a string in "B" ("BASE64") encoding for MIME header string words More...
string mime_encode_header_word_q (string str)
 returns a string in "Q" ("quoted-printable") encoding for MIME header string words More...
string mime_encode_quoted_printable (string str, bool hdr=False, *string encoding)
 returns a string in "quoted-printable" (or "QP") encoding More...
data mime_encode_transfer_data (data mime_data, string enc)
 encodes data according to the given encoding More...
string mime_get_form_urlencoded_string (hash h)
 returns a string in MIME multipart form URL encoded format (for use with "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" data) More...
string mime_get_urlencoded_string (auto val)
 returns a single string in MIME URL encoded format More...
hash< auto > mime_parse_form_urlencoded_string (string str)
 returns a hash corresponding to the string in MIME multipart form URL encoded format (for use with "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" data) More...


const ContentTransEnc7Bit = "7bit"
 default Content-Transfer-Encoding if none is present; implies lines < 1000 chars (= no encoding)
const ContentTransEnc8Bit = "8bit"
 implies lines < 1000 chars (= no encoding)
const ContentTransEncBase64 = "base64"
 base-64 Content-Transfer-Encoding
const ContentTransEncBinary = "binary"
 binary transfer encoding; implies no maximum line length (= no encoding)
const ContentTransEncQuotedPrintable = "quoted-printable"
 quoted-printable Content-Transfer-Encoding
const MimeBase64LineLen = 76
 maximum line length for base64 encoding More...
const MimeQuotedPrintableLineLen = 76
 maximum line length for quoted-printable encoding More...
const MimeTypeCss = "text/css"
 Mime type for css.
const MimeTypeCsv = "text/csv"
 MIME type for csv files (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180)
const MimeTypeFormUrlEncoded = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
 Mime type for multipart form URL encoding.
const MimeTypeHtml = "text/html"
 MIME type for HTML.
const MimeTypeJavascript = "application/javascript"
 Mime type for Javascript.
const MimeTypeJpeg = "image/jpeg"
 MIME type for jpeg images.
const MimeTypeJson = "application/json"
 Mime type for JSON.
const MimeTypeJsonRpc = MimeTypeJson
 Mime type for JSON-RPC.
const MimeTypeMultipartFormData = "multipart/form-data"
 Mime type for multipart form data.
const MimeTypeMultipartMixed = "multipart/mixed"
 Mime type for multipart mixed.
const MimeTypeMultipartRelated = "multipart/related"
 Mime type for multipart related.
const MimeTypeOctetStream = "application/octet-stream"
 MIME type for unknown file types.
const MimeTypePng = "image/png"
 MIME type for png images.
const MimeTypes = ...
 A map of default mime types per file extension; the hash keys are file extensions in lower-case without the dot (ex: "txt")
const MimeTypeSoapXml = "application/soap+xml"
 Mime type for SOAP XML messages (XML MIME type reference: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3023)
const MimeTypeText = "text/plain"
 MIME type for text.
const MimeTypeUnknown = MimeTypeOctetStream
 MIME type for unknown file types.
const MimeTypeXml = "text/xml"
 Mime type for plain (human-readable) xml files.
const MimeTypeXmlApp = "application/xml"
 Mime type for more complicated (not human-readable) xml files.
const MimeTypeXmlRpc = MimeTypeXml
 Mime type for XML-RPC.
const MimeTypeYaml = "text/x-yaml"
 Mime type for yaml data files.
const MimeTypeYamlRpc = "application/x-yaml"
 Mime type for YAML-RPC.
const MPT_ALTERNATIVE = "alternative"
 for sending multiple "alternatives" of the same content (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2046#section-5.1.4)
const MPT_BYTERANGES = "byteranges"
 for sending noncontiguous byte ranges of a single message (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616)
const MPT_DIGEST = "digest"
 for sending multiple text messages (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2046#section-5.1.5)
const MPT_ENCRYPTED = "encrypted"
 for sending encrypted messages (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1847#section-2.2)
const MPT_FORM_DATA = "form-data"
 for form data (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1867, http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2388)
const MPT_MESSAGE = "message"
 for email/MIME messages with headers (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2046)
const MPT_MIXED = "mixed"
 for sending files with different "Content-Type" headers (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2046#section-5.1.3)
const MPT_RELATED = "related"
 for sending multiple components of an aggregated whole (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2387)
const MPT_SIGNED = "signed"
 to attach a digital signature to a message (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1847#section-2.1)
const UrlEncodedChars = ...
 hash of non-alphanumeric characters that can be used unencoded in URL encoded format More...

Detailed Description

public Mime namespace defines constants and functions relevant to MIME

Function Documentation

◆ mime_decode_base64()

binary Mime::mime_decode_base64 ( data  str)

returns a binary value from a string in "BASE64" encoding

According to RFC 2045

strthe string to decode
this function is basically just a wrapper for the standard Qore function parse_base64_string()

◆ mime_decode_base64_to_string()

string Mime::mime_decode_base64_to_string ( data  str,
*string  encoding 

returns a string value from a string in "BASE64" encoding

According to RFC 2045

strthe string to decode
encodingthe character encoding to use for the string returned (if not present the default encoding is used)
this function is basically just a wrapper for the standard Qore function parse_base64_string_to_string()

◆ mime_decode_header()

string Mime::mime_decode_header ( string  hdr)

decodes a header string

If any part of the string is encoded with "B" ("BASE64") or "Q" ("quoted-printable") encodings according to RFC 2045 section 6.7, then those parts are decoded and the decoded string is returned

hdrthe header value string to decode
the decoded value of the header

◆ mime_decode_quoted_printable()

string Mime::mime_decode_quoted_printable ( string  str,
*string  encoding,
*bool  is_body 

returns a string parsed from "quoted-printable" (or "QP") encoding

According to RFC 2045 section 6.7

strthe string to decode
encodingthe character encoding to use for the string returned (if not present the default encoding is used)
QUOTED-PRINTABLE-DECODE-ERRORan error occurred decoding the quoted-printable string

◆ mime_decode_transfer_data()

data Mime::mime_decode_transfer_data ( data  mime_data,
string  enc,
*string  ct,
*bool  is_body 

decodes data according to the given encoding

mime_datathe data to decode
encthe decoding to use; see MIME Content Transfer Encoding Constants for possible values (case is ignored)
ctthe content-type of the data; if there is a "charset=xxx" component and the data is decoded to a string, then it will be returned in the given character encoding
MIME-TRANSFER-ENCODING-ERRORunknown transfer encoding

◆ mime_decode_urlencoded_string()

string Mime::mime_decode_urlencoded_string ( string  str)

decodes the given string from URL encoded format

strthe URL encoded string to decode
the decoded string
See also
RFC 2738 2.2

◆ mime_encode_base64()

string Mime::mime_encode_base64 ( data  str,
int  len = MimeBase64LineLen 

returns a string in "BASE64" encoding according to RFC 2045

strthe string to encode
lenthe maximum line length
this function is basically just a wrapper for the standard Qore function make_base64_string()

◆ mime_encode_header_word_b()

string Mime::mime_encode_header_word_b ( string  str)

returns a string in "B" ("BASE64") encoding for MIME header string words

According to RFC 2047

◆ mime_encode_header_word_q()

string Mime::mime_encode_header_word_q ( string  str)

returns a string in "Q" ("quoted-printable") encoding for MIME header string words

According to RFC 2047

◆ mime_encode_quoted_printable()

string Mime::mime_encode_quoted_printable ( string  str,
bool  hdr = False,
*string  encoding 

returns a string in "quoted-printable" (or "QP") encoding

According to RFC 2045 section 6.7

strthe string to encode
hdruse rules for a MIME header (RFC 2047)

◆ mime_encode_transfer_data()

data Mime::mime_encode_transfer_data ( data  mime_data,
string  enc 

encodes data according to the given encoding

mime_datathe data to encode
encthe encoding to use; see MIME Content Transfer Encoding Constants for possible values (case is ignored)
MIME-TRANSFER-ENCODING-ERRORunknown transfer encoding

◆ mime_get_form_urlencoded_string()

string Mime::mime_get_form_urlencoded_string ( hash  h)

returns a string in MIME multipart form URL encoded format (for use with "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" data)

Parameters will be separated by "&" characters. All key values must be strings or convertible to strings or a URLENCODED-TYPE-ERROR exception is thrown

hthe hash to use to generate the string
a string in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format
URLENCODED-TYPE-ERRORhash value cannot be converted to a string
INVALID-CHARACTERan invalid character has been found
See also
RFC 2738 2.2

◆ mime_get_urlencoded_string()

string Mime::mime_get_urlencoded_string ( auto  val)

returns a single string in MIME URL encoded format

reserved characters are replaced with percent encoding, characters outside the ASCII character set cause an exception to be thrown

valthe input value
the output string in MIME URL encoded format
INVALID-VALUEthe value given cannot be converted to a string
INVALID-CHARACTERan invalid character has been found
See also
RFC 2738 2.2
spaces are not replaced with '+' signs but rather encoded as %20 because '+' signs are often encoded and decoded improperly in URLs, and %20 is unambiguous

◆ mime_parse_form_urlencoded_string()

hash<auto> Mime::mime_parse_form_urlencoded_string ( string  str)

returns a hash corresponding to the string in MIME multipart form URL encoded format (for use with "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" data)

strthe string to parse
the hash corresponding to the string, where values are always of type *string unlessa key is repeated, in which case the key's value will be a list of all elements provided
URLENCODED-PARSE-ERRORcannot parse the given string
See also
RFC 2738 2.2

Variable Documentation

◆ MimeBase64LineLen

const Mime::MimeBase64LineLen = 76

maximum line length for base64 encoding

RFC 2045 section 6.8

◆ MimeQuotedPrintableLineLen

const Mime::MimeQuotedPrintableLineLen = 76

maximum line length for quoted-printable encoding

RFC 2045 section 6.7

◆ UrlEncodedChars

const Mime::UrlEncodedChars = ...

hash of non-alphanumeric characters that can be used unencoded in URL encoded format

the plus character can also appear unencoded in a URL string, but because many decoders interpret it as a space (which is it in the query part of a URL string), it's not in this list
See also
RFC 2738 2.2