Qore DataProvider Module Reference  2.4
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NDataProviderQore AbstractDataField class definition
 CAbstractDataFieldDescribes a data type based on a hashdecl
 CAbstractDataProcessorDefines an abstract class for accepting data and outputting optionally transformed or filtered data
 CAbstractDataProviderThe AbstractDataProvider class
 CAbstractDataProviderBulkOperationAbstract bulk data operation class
 CAbstractDataProviderBulkRecordInterfaceDefines the abstract class for data provider iterators; the destructor releases the iterator
 CAbstractDataProviderFactoryData provider factory class
 CAbstractDataProviderRecordIteratorDefines the abstract class for data provider iterators; the destructor releases the iterator
 CAbstractDataProviderTypeDescribes a data type
 CDataFieldInfoDescribes a data type
 CDataProviderData provider class
 CDataProviderBulkRecordIteratorDefines the standard record iterator for bulk record iterators
 CDataProviderExpressionData provider expression
 CDataProviderExpressionInfoData provider signature info
 CDataProviderFactoryInfoData provider factory info
 CDataProviderFieldReferenceData provider field reference
 CDataProviderInfoData provider info
 CDataProviderOptionInfoData provider option info
 CDataProviderPipelineDefines a class for passing data through record processors
 CDataProviderPipelineFactoryA factory class for creating DataProviderPipeline objects
 CDataProviderSignatureTypeInfoData provider signature argument info
 CDataProviderSummaryInfoData provider summary info
 CDataProviderTypeCacheData provider type cache class
 CDataProviderTypeEntryDataProviderTypeEntry class
 CDataProviderTypeEntryInfoData provider type entry info
 CDataProviderTypeOptionInfoDescribes type options
 CDataTypeInfoDescribes a data type
 CDefaultBulkInserterDefault builk inserter class
 CDefaultBulkRecordIterfaceDefault bulk record interface class for data providers that do not support bulk read APIs
 CDefaultBulkUpserterDefault builk inserter class
 CDefaultRecordIteratorDefault record iterator class for data providers that do not support custom read / search APIs
 CHashDataTypeDescribes a data type based on a hash
 CHashDeclDataTypeDescribes a data type based on a hashdecl
 CListDataTypeDescribes a data type based on a hash
 CNullDataProviderA dumrequest data provider that provides an empty hash as the request and response types
 CNullDataProviderFactoryThe null data provider factory
 CPipelineFactoryInfoPipeline factory info
 CPipelineInfoPipeline info
 CPipelineOptionInfoPipeline option info
 CPipelineQueuePipeline element
 CQoreBinaryDataTypeDescribes a data type based on binary
 CQoreBinaryDataTypeBaseDescribes a data type based on binary types with validation for parsing strings when used with soft types
 CQoreBinaryOrNothingDataTypeDescribes a data type based on *binary
 CQoreBoolDataTypeDescribes a data type based on int
 CQoreBoolDataTypeBaseDescribes a data type based on softint with validation for parsing strings
 CQoreBoolOrNothingDataTypeDescribes a data type based on *int
 CQoreDataFieldDescribes a data type based on a hashdecl
 CQoreDataTypeDescribes a data type based on a Qore data type
 CQoreDateDataTypeDescribes a data type based on date with output time zone support
 CQoreDateDataTypeBaseDescribes a data type based on a date type with validation for string parsing and time zone support
 CQoreDateOrNothingDataTypeDescribes a data type based on softdate with validation for string parsing and time zone support
 CQoreFloatDataTypeDescribes a data type based on float
 CQoreFloatDataTypeBaseDescribes a data type based on softnumber with validation for parsing strings
 CQoreFloatOrNothingDataTypeDescribes a data type based on *float
 CQoreHashDataTypeDescribes a data type
 CQoreIntDataTypeDescribes a data type based on int
 CQoreIntDataTypeBaseDescribes a data type based on int types with validation for parsing strings when used with soft types
 CQoreIntOrNothingDataTypeDescribes a data type based on *int
 CQoreListDataTypeDescribes a data type based on a hash
 CQoreNumberDataTypeDescribes a data type based on number
 CQoreNumberDataTypeBaseDescribes a data type based on number types with validation for parsing strings when used with soft types
 CQoreNumberOrNothingDataTypeDescribes a data type based on *number
 CQoreSoftBinaryDataTypeDescribes a data type based on softbinary with validation for parsing strings
 CQoreSoftBinaryNoNullDataTypeDescribes a data type based on softbinary with validation for parsing strings
 CQoreSoftBinaryOrNothingDataTypeDescribes a data type based on *softbinary with validation for parsing strings
 CQoreSoftBoolDataTypeDescribes a data type based on softint with validation for parsing strings
 CQoreSoftBoolNoNullDataTypeDescribes a data type based on softint with validation for parsing strings
 CQoreSoftBoolOrNothingDataTypeDescribes a data type based on *softint with validation for parsing strings
 CQoreSoftDateDataTypeDescribes a data type based on softdate with validation for string parsing and time zone support
 CQoreSoftDateNoNullDataTypeDescribes a data type based on softdate with validation for string parsing and time zone support
 CQoreSoftDateOrNothingDataTypeDescribes a data type based on softdate with validation for string parsing and time zone support
 CQoreSoftFloatDataTypeDescribes a data type based on softfloat with validation for parsing strings
 CQoreSoftFloatNoNullDataTypeDescribes a data type based on softfloat with validation for parsing strings
 CQoreSoftFloatOrNothingDataTypeDescribes a data type based on *softfloat with validation for parsing strings
 CQoreSoftIntDataTypeDescribes a data type based on softint with validation for parsing strings
 CQoreSoftIntNoNullDataTypeDescribes a data type based on softint with validation for parsing strings
 CQoreSoftIntOrNothingDataTypeDescribes a data type based on *softint with validation for parsing strings
 CQoreSoftNumberDataTypeDescribes a data type based on softnumber with validation for parsing strings
 CQoreSoftNumberNoNullDataTypeDescribes a data type based on softnumber with validation for parsing strings
 CQoreSoftNumberOrNothingDataTypeDescribes a data type based on *softnumber with validation for parsing strings
 CQoreSoftStringDataTypeDescribes a data type based on softstring with a target encoding
 CQoreSoftStringOrNothingDataTypeDescribes a data type based on *softstring with a target encoding
 CQoreStringDataTypeDescribes a data type based on string with a target encoding
 CQoreStringDataTypeBaseDescribes a data type based on a string tyoe with a target encoding option
 CQoreStringOrNothingDataTypeDescribes a data type based on *string with a target encoding
 CSearchOperatorInfoGeneric operator info hash as returned by all generic search operator functions
 CSoftListDataTypeDescribes a data type based on a hash