| add (AbstractTable val) |
| adds the given value to the hash with the given key name
| add (string k, AbstractTable val) |
| adds the given value to the hash with the given key name
| add (string k, Table val) |
| adds the given value to the hash with the given key name
| add (Table val) |
| adds the given value to the hash with the given key name
| constructor () |
| creates an empty object
| constructor (AbstractDatasource ds) |
| creates and populates the object from tables in the database
| constructor (AbstractDatasource ds, hash tables, *hash< auto > opt) |
| creates and populates the object from a hash<auto> description
Qore::AbstractIterator | dropIterator () |
| returns an iterator for a list of cached table names in the order that can be used to drop the tables, taking into account foreign constraint dependencies More...
AbstractTable | get (AbstractDatasource ds, string name) |
| gets a table from the database or from the cache if already cached
*list< auto > | getDropAllForeignConstraintsOnTableSql (string name, *hash< auto > opt) |
| returns a list of SQL strings that can be used to drop all the foreign constraints on a particular table More...
*string | getDropConstraintIfExistsSql (string tname, string cname, *hash< auto > opts) |
| returns an SQL string that can be used to drop an existing constraint on a table, if the table is not already cached or the constraint does not exist, then NOTHING is returned More...
list< auto > | getDropList () |
| returns a list of cached table names in the order that can be used to drop the tables, taking into account foreign constraint dependencies More...
string | getElementName () |
| returns "table" since this object stores AbstractTable objects
*AbstractTable | getIfExists (AbstractDatasource ds, string name) |
| gets a table from the database or from the cache if already cached; if the table does not exist, then NOTHING is returned
*string | getRenameTableIfExistsSql (string old_name, string new_name, *hash< auto > opts) |
| returns an SQL string that can be used to rename the given table if it exists and the target does not exist, otherwise returns NOTHING More...
AbstractTable | memberGate (string k) |
| returns the AbstractTable object corresponding to the key given or throws a KEY-ERROR exception More...
| populate (AbstractDatasource ds) |
| populates the object from tables in the database
| populate (AbstractDatasource ds, hash< auto > tables, *hash< auto > opt) |
| populates the object from a hash<auto> description
bool | tableRenamed (string old_name, string new_name, string old_sql_name) |
| updates table names and internal references for renamed tables More...
AbstractTable | take (string k) |
| removes the given key from the contained hash and returns the value
| clear () |
| purges the contained data More...
| constructor (*hash nh) |
| creates the object with the hash argument passed
| constructor (AbstractHashContainer old) |
| creates a copy of the object
| copy (AbstractHashContainer old) |
| creates a "deep copy" of the object
bool | empty () |
| returns True if the container is empty, False if not
*string | firstKey () |
| Returns the first key name in the contained hash or NOTHING if the contained hash has no keys. More...
*hash< auto > | getHash () |
| returns the hash contained by this object
bool | hasKey (string k) |
| Returns True if the key exists in the contained hash (may or may not be assigned a value), False if not. More...
bool | hasKeyValue (string k) |
| Returns True if the key exists in the contained hash and is assigned a value, False if not. More...
Qore::AbstractIterator | iterator () |
| Returns a HashIterator object for the contained hash. More...
Qore::AbstractIterator | keyIterator () |
| Returns a HashKeyIterator object for the contained hash. More...
list< string > | keys () |
| Returns a list of key names of the contained hash. More...
*string | lastKey () |
| Returns the last key name in the contained hash or NOTHING if the contained hash has no keys. More...
bool | matchKeys (AbstractHashContainer c) |
| returns True if the container argument has the same keys (in any order), False if not More...
bool | matchKeys (hash h1) |
| returns True if the hash argument has the same keys (in any order), False if not More...
bool | matchKeys (list< auto > l) |
| returns True if the list<auto> argument has the same list of key strings as the keys in the object (in any order), False if not More...
auto | memberGate (string k) |
| returns the value of the given key in the contained hash if it exists, otherwise throws a KEY-ERROR exception More...
Qore::AbstractIterator | pairIterator () |
| Returns a HashPairIterator object for the contained hash. More...
bool | partialMatchKeys (AbstractHashContainer c) |
| returns True if the container argument has at least the same keys (in any order, can have more keys), False if not More...
bool | partialMatchKeys (hash h1) |
| returns True if the hash argument has at least the same keys (in any order, can have more keys), False if not More...
bool | partialMatchKeys (list< auto > l) |
| returns True if the list<auto> argument has at least the same keys (in any order, can have more keys), False if not More...
| renameKey (string old_name, string new_name) |
| renames the given key; maintains the key order
int | size () |
| Returns the number of keys in the contained hash. More...
bool | val () |
| Returns False if the contained hash has no keys, True if it does. More...
list< auto > | values () |
| Returns a list of values of the contained hash. More...