Qore reflection Module  1.9.0
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Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NQoreQore namespace
 NReflectionReflection namespace
 CAbstractVariantThe abstract base class for Qore class variants
 CFunctionVariantThe class for Qore function variants
 CAbstractMethodVariantThe abstract base class for Qore class variants
 CPseudoMethodVariantThe class for Qore class normal method variants
 CNormalMethodVariantThe class for Qore class normal method variants
 CStaticMethodVariantThe class for Qore class static method variants
 CConstructorMethodVariantThe class for Qore class constructor method variants
 CDestructorMethodVariantThe class for Qore class destructor method variants
 CCopyMethodVariantThe class for Qore class copy method variants
 CAbstractReflectionFunctionThe abstract base class for Qore functions and class methods
 CFunctionA class representing a Qore function
 CAbstractMethodThe abstract base class for Qore class methods
 CPseudoMethodThis class provides information about Qore pseudo class methods
 CNormalMethodThis class provides information about Qore normal (non-static, non-special) class methods
 CStaticMethodThis class provides information about Qore static class methods
 CConstructorMethodThis class provides information about Qore constructor methods
 CDestructorMethodThis class provides information about Qore destructor methods
 CCopyMethodThis class provides information about Qore copy methods
 CAbstractMemberThis class provides information about Qore class and typed hash (hashdecl) members
 CAbstractClassMemberThis class provides information about Qore class members
 CNormalMemberThis class provides information about Qore class normal (non-static) members
 CStaticMemberThis class provides information about Qore class normal (non-static) members
 CAbstractClassThe abstract base class for Qore classes
 CClassThis class provides information about Qore classes
 CPseudoClassThis class provides information about Qore pseudo classes
 CAbstractConstantThis class provides information about Qore class members
 CClassConstantThis class provides information about Qore class constants
 CTypeThe base class for Qore data types
 CNamespaceThis namespace provides information about Qore namespaces
 CConstantThis class provides information about Qore constants defined in Qore namespaces
 CGlobalVarThe abstract base class for Qore global variables
 CTypedHashThe base class for Qore typed hashes (hashdecls)
 CTypedHashMemberThis class provides information about Qore typed hash (hashdecl) members
 CClassAccessInfoClass and inheritance access information
 CMethodAccessInfoMethhod and inheritance access information