Qore Programming Language Reference Manual 1.14.0
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Data Type Declarations and Restrictions

Starting in Qore 0.8.0, it is possible to restrict variables, class members, and function and method parameters to certain data types. This allows programmers to write safer code, as many more errors can be caught at parse time that would otherwise be caught at run time. Furthermore, providing type information to the parser allows Qore to implement performance optimizations by performing lookups and resolutions once at parse time rather than every time a variable or class member is accessed at run time.

When types are declared in a parameter list, functions and methods can be overloaded as well.

The types in the following table can be used as well as any class name or '*classname' (i.e. an asterix followed by the class name), meaning either the given class or NOTHING (no value).

Data Type Declaration Names

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
int Integer Integer Restricts values Integer values
float Float or Integer Float Restricts values to Float values
number Number, Float, or Integer Number Restricts values to Number values
bool Boolean Boolean Restricts values to Boolean values
string String String Restricts values to String values
date Date Date Restricts values to Date values; values may be either absolute or relative
binary Binary Binary Restricts values to Binary values
hash Hash Hash Restricts values to Hash values without any key type information
hash<...> Hash Hash Restricts values to values of the referenced type-safe hash
hash<string, ...> Hash Hash Restricts key values to the declared type
list List List Restricts values to List values
list<...> List List Restricts list values to the declared type
object Object Object Restricts values to Object values
object<...> Object Object Restricts values to objects of the specific class
<classname> Object Object Restricts values to objects of the specific class given; either the class name can be given (ex: Mutex or a qualified path to the class: Qore::Thread::Mutex)
null NULL NULL Restricts values to Qore's NULL type; this type has few (if any) practical applications and has been included for completeness' sake
nothing NOTHING NOTHING Restricts values to Qore's NOTHING type; this type is mostly useful for declaring that a function or method returns no value
timeout Integer, Date Integer Accepts Integer, Date and converts dates to an integer value representing milliseconds and returns the integer; incoming integers are assumed to represent milliseconds
base64binary String, NULL Float Accepts String, NULL and converts a base-64 encoded string to a binary value and returns the new value
hexbinary String, NULL Float Accepts String, NULL and converts a string of hex digits to a binary value and returns the new value
softbinary String, NULL Float Accepts String, NULL and converts non-binary values to a binary value and returns the new value
softint Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, NULL Integer Accepts Integer, Float, Boolean, String, NULL and converts non-integer values to an integer and returns the integer
softfloat Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, NULL Float Accepts Integer, Float, Boolean, String, NULL and converts non-float values to a float and returns the new value
softnumber Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, NULL Float Accepts Integer, Float, Boolean, String, NULL and converts non-number values to a float and returns the new value
softbool Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, NULL Boolean Accepts Integer, Float, Boolean, String, NULL and converts non-boolean values to a boolean and returns the new value
softstring Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, NULL String Accepts Integer, Float, Boolean, String, NULL and converts non-string values to a string and returns the new value
softdate Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, Date, NULL Date Accepts Integer, Float, Boolean, String, Date, and NULL and converts non-date values to a date and returns the new value
softlist all types List Accepts all types; NOTHING is returned as an empty list; a list is returned unchanged, and any other type is returned as the first element of a new list
softlist<...> all types List Accepts all data types; NOTHING is returned as an empty list; a list is returned with its elements processed by the subtype declaration, and any other type is returned as the first element of a new list, also processed by the subtype declaration
data String or Binary same as received Restricts input to String and Binary and returns the same type
code Closures, Call References same as received Restricts values to closures and call references
reference References the type the reference points to Restricts values to references to lvalues
reference<...> References the type given as an argument Restricts values to references to lvalues compatible with the given type
*int Integer, NULL, or NOTHING Integer or NOTHING Restricts values to Qore's Integer or NOTHING types; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*float Float, NULL, or NOTHING Float or NOTHING Restricts values to Qore's Float or NOTHING types; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*number Number, NULL, or NOTHING Number or Number Restricts values to Qore's Number or NOTHING types; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*bool Boolean, NULL, or NOTHING Boolean or NOTHING Restricts values to Qore's Boolean or NOTHING types; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*string String, NULL, or NOTHING String or NOTHING Restricts values to Qore's String or NOTHING types; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*date Date, NULL, or NOTHING Date or NOTHING Restricts values to Qore's Date or NOTHING type; values may be either absolute or relative date/time values; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*binary Binary, NULL, or NOTHING Binary or NOTHING Restricts values to Qore's Binary or NOTHING types; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*hash Hash, NULL, or NOTHING Hash or NOTHING Restricts values to Qore's Hash or NOTHING types; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*hash<...> Hash, NULL, or NOTHING Hash or NOTHING Restricts values to values of the referenced type-safe hash or NOTHING types; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*hash<string, ...> Hash, NULL, or NOTHING Hash or NOTHING Restricts key values to the declared complex hash or NOTHING types; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*list List, NULL, or NOTHING List or NOTHING Accepts either a List or NOTHING; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*list<...> List, NULL, or NOTHING List or NOTHING Restricts list values to the declared complex list type or NOTHING; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*object Object, NULL, or NOTHING Object or NOTHING Accepts either an Object or NOTHING; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*<classname> Object of the given class, NULL, or NOTHING Object of the given class or NOTHING Restricts values to objects of the specific class given or NOTHING; either the class name can be given (ex: *Mutex or a qualified path to the class: *Qore::Thread::Mutex); if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*object<...> Object of the given class, NULL, or NOTHING Object of the given class or NOTHING Restricts values to objects of the specific class given or NOTHING; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*null NULL or NOTHING NULL or NOTHING Restricts input to NULL or NOTHING and returns the same type
*data String, Binary, NULL, or NOTHING String, Binary, or NOTHING Restricts input to String, Binary, or NOTHING and returns the same type; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*code Closures, Call References, NULL, or NOTHING Closures, Call References, or NOTHING Restricts values to closures, call references and NOTHING; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*timeout Integer, Date, NULL, or NOTHING Integer or NOTHING Accepts Integer, Date and converts dates to an integer value representing milliseconds and returns the integer; incoming integers are assumed to represent milliseconds. If no value or NULL is passed, then NOTHING is returned
*reference References, NULL, or NOTHING the type the reference points to and NOTHING Restricts values to references to lvalues and NOTHING; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*reference<...> References, NULL, or NOTHING the type given as an argument and NOTHING Restricts values to references to lvalues compatible with the given type and NOTHING; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*softint Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, NULL or NOTHING Integer or NOTHING Accepts Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, NULL and converts non-integer values to an integer and returns the integer. If no value or NULL is passed, then NOTHING is returned
*softfloat Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, NULL or NOTHING Float or NOTHING Accepts Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, NULL and converts non-float values to a float and returns the new value. If no value or NULL is passed, then NOTHING is returned
*softnumber Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, NULL or NOTHING Number or NOTHING Accepts Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, NULL and converts non-number values to a number and returns the new value. If no value or NULL is passed, then NOTHING is returned
*softbool Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, NULL or NOTHING Boolean or NOTHING Accepts Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, NULL and converts non-boolean values to a boolean and returns the new value. If no value or NULL is passed, then NOTHING is returned
*softstring Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, NULL or NOTHING String or NOTHING Accepts Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, NULL and converts non-string values to a string and returns the new value. If no value or NULL is passed, then NOTHING is returned
*softdate Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, Date, NULL or NOTHING Date or NOTHING Accepts Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, Date, and NULL and converts non-date values to a date and returns the new value. If no value or NULL is passed, then NOTHING is returned
*softlist all types List or NOTHING Accepts all types; NOTHING and list values are returned as the same value; NULL is returned as NOTHING, any other type is returned as the first element of a new list
*softlist<...> all types List or NOTHING Accepts all data types; NOTHING and NULL are returned as NOTHING; a list is returned with its elements processed by the declared subtype, and any other type is returned as the first element of a new list with its element processed by the declared subtype
any any same as received Provides no restrictions on the type of value it receives and returns the same value, however complex type information is stripped on assignment for backwards compatibility; note that the any type restriction is the same as using no type restriction; to assign any type without stripping complex types, use the auto type restriction instead
auto all data types all data types Provides no restrictions on the type of value it receives and returns the same value; does not strip complex types on assignment like any


int Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
int Integer Integer Restricts values to Qore's Integer type
int sub foo(int i) {
return i;


float Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
float Float or Integer Float Restricts values to Qore's Float type
float sub foo(float f = M_PI) {
return f;


number Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
number Number, Float, or Integer Number Restricts values to Qore's Number type
number sub foo(number n = 2.35e40) {
return n;
Qore 0.8.6 introduced the number type


bool Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
bool Boolean Boolean Restricts values to Qore's Boolean type
bool sub foo(bool b) {
return b;


string Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
string String String Restricts values to Qore's String type
string sub foo(string str = "bar") {
return str;


date Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
date Date Date Restricts values to Qore's Date type; date/time values can be either absolute or relative
date sub foo(date d = now_us()) {
return d;


binary Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
binary Binary Binary Restricts values to Qore's Binary type
binary sub foo(binary b) {
return b;


hash Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
hash Hash (all) Hash (untyped) Restricts values to Qore's Hash type; if a typed hash is received, type information is removed for the lvalue assignment
hash sub foo(hash h = ("foo": "bar", "x": 2)) {
return h;

Type-Safe Hash Type

hashdecl Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
hash hash<hashdecl> hash<hashdecl>> Restricts values to hashes created from the given hashdecl

The hash type takes a single type-safe hash name (or namespace- prefixed path) in angle brackets after "hash" which results in a type declaration restricted to the declared type-safe hash as in the following example.

# hashdecl typed hash declaration
hashdecl MyHash {
string foo = "empty";
int x = 1;
# declaration and initialization to default key values
hash<MyHash> h1();
# declaration and initialization with explicit values
hash<MyHash> h2(("foo": "string", "x": 10));
# declaration and initialization with the new operator
hash<MyHash> h3 = new hash<MyHash>(("foo": "string", "x": 10));
# example of a function with a typed hash return type and parameter type
hash<MyHash> sub foo(hash<MyHash> h = new hash<MyHash>("foo": "bar", "x": 2)) {
return h;
# example of a function with a typed hash return type and a cast to a typed hash return type
hash<MyHash> sub foo(int x) {
return cast<hash<MyHash>>(get_hash(x));

This type is supported at parse-time and at runtime; to convert such values to an untyped hash, assign it to a hash lvalue, use cast<hash>(...) on the value, call the hash() function on the value, or assign it to an untyped lvalue. Each of these options can be used to convert a type-safe hash to an untyped hash.

Complex type information is lost when assigning to an lvalue with a compatible but more generic type or by assigning to an untyped lvalue; this was necessary to allow complex types to be introduced in Qore without breaking backwards compatibility.

However, a special single argument, "auto", allows for the lvalue to maintain the complex hash type as in the following example:

hash h0 = ("a": 2, "b": 3);
# prints "hash"
printf("%y\n", h0.fullType());
hash<auto> h1 = new hash<MyHash>();
# prints "hash<MyHash>"
printf("%y\n", h1.fullType());
See also

Hash With Declared Value Type

Complex hash Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
hash hash<string, type> hash<string, type> Restricts values to hashes with the given declared key type; use cast<>(...) to convert values to this type at runtime.

The hash type also supports two arguments in angle brackets to specify the key and value types, however the key type currently must always be string. This results in a hash where the keys and values must always be of the declared type. See the following example for more information.

# 1: declaration and initialization (identical to 2 and 3)
hash<string, int> h1((
"code": 500,
"type": 300,
"value": 0,
# 2: declaration and initialization with the assignment operator (identical to 1 and 3)
hash<string, int> h2 = (
"code": 500,
"type": 300,
"value": 0,
# 3: declaration and initialization with the new operator (identical to 1 and 2)
hash<string, int> h3 = new hash<string, int>((
"code": 500,
"type": 300,
"value": 0,
# assignment from an untyped hash with the cast<> operator (can result in runtime type errors)
hash<string, int> h4 = cast<hash<string, int>>(get_hash());

This type is supported at parse-time and at runtime; to convert such values to an untyped hash, assign it to a hash lvalue, use cast<hash>(...) on the value, call the hash() function on the value, or assign it to an untyped lvalue. Each of these options can be used to convert a type-safe hash to an untyped hash.

Complex type information is lost when assigning to an lvalue with a compatible but more generic type or by assigning to an untyped lvalue; this was necessary to allow complex types to be introduced in Qore without breaking backwards compatibility.

However, a special single argument, "auto", allows for the lvalue to maintain the complex hash type as in the following example:

hash h0 = ("a": 2, "b": 3);
# prints "hash"
printf("%y\n", h0.fullType());
hash<auto> h1 = ("a": 2, "b": 3);
# prints "hash<string, int>"
printf("%y\n", h1.fullType());
See also


list Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
list List List Restricts values to Qore's List type
list sub foo(list l = ("foo", "bar")) {
return l;

List With Declared Value Type

Complex list Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
list list<type> list<type> Restricts values to lists with the given declared value type; use cast<>(...) to convert values to this type at runtime.

The list type supports one type argument in angle brackets to specify the value type. This results in a list where the values must always be of the declared type. See the following example for more information.

# 1: declaration and initialization (identical to 2 and 3)
list<int> l1(500, 300, 0);
# 2: declaration and initialization with the assignment operator (identical to 1 and 3)
list<int> l2 = (500, 300, 0);
# 3: declaration and initialization with the new operator (identical to 1 and 2)
list<int> l3 = new list<int>(500, 300, 0);
# assignment from an untyped list with the cast<> operator (can result in runtime type errors)
list<int> l4 = cast<list<int>>(get_list());

This type is supported at parse-time and at runtime; to convert such values to an untyped list, assign it to a list lvalue, use cast<list>(...) on the value, call the list() function on the value, or assign it to an untyped lvalue. Each of these options can be used to convert a type-safe list to an untyped list.

Complex type information is lost when assigning to an lvalue with a compatible but more generic type or by assigning to an untyped lvalue; this was necessary to allow complex types to be introduced in Qore without breaking backwards compatibility.

However, a special single argument, "auto", allows for the lvalue to maintain the complex list type as in the following example:

list l0 = (2, 3);
# prints "list"
printf("%y\n", l0.fullType());
list<auto> l1 = (2, 3);
# prints "list<int>"
printf("%y\n", l1.fullType());
See also


object Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
object Object Object Restricts values to Qore's Object type; note that any class name can also be used as a type restriction directly
object sub foo(object o = new Mutex()) {
return o;

Class-Specific Type Declaration

Complex object Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
object object<class> object<class> Restricts values to objects of the given class

The object type declaration takes a single class name (or namespace- prefixed path) in angle brackets after "object" which results in a type declaration restricted to the declared class as in the following example.

object<MyClass> sub foo(MyClass o = new MyClass()) {
return o;
this type declaration is equivalent to using the class name by itself


<classname> Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
any class name Object of the particular class given Object of the particular class given Restricts values to objects of the particular class given; subclasses are also accepted
Mutex sub foo(Qore::Thread::Mutex m = new Mutex()) {
return m;


null Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
null NULL NULL Restricts values to Qore's NULL type; this type has few (if any) practical applications and has been included for completeness' sake
# I don't know if this type has any useful/practical applications...
null n = NULL;


nothing Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
nothing NOTHING NOTHING Restricts values to Qore's NOTHING type; this type is mostly useful for declaring that a function or method returns no value
nothing sub bar() {


timeout Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
timeout Integer, Date Integer Accepts Integer, Date values and converts dates to an integer value representing milliseconds and returns the integer; incoming integers are assumed to represent milliseconds
timeout sub foo(timeout to = 1250ms) {
return to;
Assigned variables of this type return integers where a single unit equals one millisecond; when an integer is converted to a date/time value, it is converted with a single unit equalling one second, therefore unexpected values can result when performing arithmetic operations with these values. Qore handles simple addition and subtraction correctly with mixed date/time values and timeout variables when the variable is used directly in the operation, but other operations will most likely not produce the expected results. It's recommended to avoid doing direct arithmetic with timeout values for this reason.


base64binary Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
base64binary String, Binary Binary Accepts String values by converting base64-encoded strings to a binary value and returns the binary
base64binary sub foo(base64binary n = "qw==") {
return n;
invalid base64-encoded strings cause an exception to be thrown
See also
Qore 1.7 introduced the base64binary type


hexbinary Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
hexbinary String, Binary Binary Accepts String values by converting hex strings to a binary value and returns the binary
binary sub foo(hexbinary n = "abcd") {
return n;
hex binary strings must have an even number of characters, any invalid characters cause an exception to be thrown
See also
Qore 1.7 introduced the hexbinary type


softbinary Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
softbinary String, Binary Binary Accepts String values and converts non-binary values to a binary directly and returns the binary
softbinary sub foo(softbinary n = "1000") {
return n;
See also
Qore 0.9.5 introduced the softbinary type


softint Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
softint Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, NULL Integer Accepts Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, and NULL values and converts non-integer values to an integer and returns the integer
softint sub foo(softint i = "1000") {
# note that "200" will be converted to an integer on return
return i > 500 ? "200" : i;


softfloat Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
softfloat Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, NULL Float Accepts Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, and NULL values and converts non-float values to a float and returns the float
softfloat sub foo(softfloat f = "1000") {
# note that "200" will be converted to a float on return
return f > 500.0 ? "200" : f;


softnumber Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
softnumber Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, NULL number Accepts Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, and NULL values and converts non-number values to a number and returns the number
softnumber sub foo(softnumber n = "1000") {
# note that "200" will be converted to a number on return
return n > 500.0n ? "200" : n;
Qore 0.8.6 introduced the softnumber type


softbool Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
softbool Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, NULL Boolean Accepts Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, and NULL values and converts non-boolean values to a boolean and returns the boolean
softbool b = "0.5";


softstring Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
softstring Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, NULL String Accepts Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, and NULL values and converts non-string values to a string and returns the string
softstring str = 200;


softdate Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
softdate Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, Date, NULL Date Accepts Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, Date, and NULL values and converts non-date values to a date and returns the date
softdate d = "2001-10-10T20:00:05 +04:00";


softlist Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
softlist all data types List Accepts all data types; NOTHING is returned as an empty list; a list is returned unchanged, and any other type is returned as the first element of a new list
softlist sub foo(softlist l) {
foreach any element in (\l) {
return l;

Softlist With Declared Value Type

Complex list Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
softlist all data types List Accepts all data types; NOTHING is returned as an empty list; a list is returned with its elements processed by the subtype declaration, and any other type is returned as the first element of a new list, also processed by the subtype declaration

The softlist type supports one type argument in angle brackets to specify the value type. This results in a list where the values must always be of the declared type. See the following example for more information.

# 1: declaration and initialization (identical to 2 and 3)
softlist<int> l1(500, 300, 0);
# 2: declaration and initialization with the assignment operator (identical to 1 and 3)
softlist<int> l2 = (500, 300, 0);
# 3: declaration and initialization with the new operator (identical to 1 and 2)
softlist<int> l3 = new list<int>(500, 300, 0);
# assignment from an untyped list with the cast<> operator (can result in runtime type errors)
softlist<int> l4 = cast<list<int>>(get_list());

This type is supported at parse-time and at runtime; to convert such values to an untyped list, assign it to a list lvalue, use cast<list>(...) on the value, call the list() function on the value, or assign it to an untyped lvalue. Each of these options can be used to convert a type-safe list to an untyped list.

Complex type information is lost when assigning to an lvalue with a compatible but more generic type or by assigning to an untyped lvalue; this was necessary to allow complex types to be introduced in Qore without breaking backwards compatibility.

However, a special single argument, "auto", allows for the lvalue to maintain the complex list type as in the following example:

softlist l0 = 1;
# prints "list"
printf("%y\n", l0.fullType());
softlist<auto> l1 = (1, );
# prints "list<int>"
printf("%y\n", l1.fullType());
See also
Qore 0.8.3 introduced the softlist type


data Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
data String or Binary same as received Restricts values to String and Binary
data sub foo(data d) {
return d;


code Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
code Closures, Call References same as received Restricts values to Closures and Call References
sub foo(code c) {
that also "closure" and "callref" are accepted as synonyms for "code" (they are not more specific than "code" but rather provide identical type restrictions)


reference Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
reference References the type the reference points to Requires a reference to an lvalue to be assigned
sub foo(reference f) {
f = 10;
int i;

Reference With Declared LValue Type

Complex reference Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
reference reference<type> type as given as the arg Restricts values to references to lvalues with a type compatible to that given as the type argument

The reference type supports one type argument in angle brackets to specify a compatible lvalue type. See the following example for more information.

int i = 0;
reference<int> r = \i;


*int Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*int Integer, NULL, or NOTHING Integer or NOTHING Restricts values to Integer and NOTHING; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*int sub foo(*int i) {
return i;


*float Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*float Float, NULL, or NOTHING Float or NOTHING Restricts values to Float and NOTHING; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*float sub foo(*float f) {
return f;


*number Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*number Number, NULL, or NOTHING Number or NOTHING Restricts values to Number and NOTHING; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*number sub foo(*number n) {
return n;
Qore 0.8.6 introduced the *number type


*bool Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*bool Boolean, NULL, or NOTHING Boolean or NOTHING Restricts values to Boolean and NOTHING; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*bool sub foo(*bool b) {
return b;


*string Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*string String, NULL, or NOTHING String or NOTHING Restricts values to String and NOTHING; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*string sub foo(*string str) {
return str;


*date Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*date Date, NULL, or NOTHING Date or NOTHING Restricts values to Date and NOTHING; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*date sub foo(*date str) {
return str;


*binary Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*binary Binary, NULL, or NOTHING Binary or NOTHING Restricts values to Binary and NOTHING; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*binary sub foo(*binary b) {
return b;


*hash Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*hash Hash, NULL, or NOTHING Hash or NOTHING Restricts values to Hash and NOTHING; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*hash sub foo(*hash h) {
return h;


Complex Hashdecl or Nothing Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*hash<...> Hash, NULL, or NOTHING Hash or NOTHING Restricts values to values of the referenced type-safe hash or NOTHING types; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*hash<MyHash> sub foo(*hash<MyHash> h) {
return h;

*hash<string, ...>

Complex Hash or Nothing Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*hash<string, ...> Hash, NULL, or NOTHING Hash or NOTHING Restricts key values to the declared complex hash or NOTHING types; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*hash<string, int> sub foo(*hash<string, int> h) {
return h;


*list Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*list List or NOTHING List or NOTHING Restricts values to List and NOTHING; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*list sub foo(*list l) {
return l;


Complex List or Nothing Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*list<...> List, NULL, or NOTHING List or NOTHING Restricts list values to the declared complex list type or NOTHING; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*list<int> sub foo(*list<int> l) {
return l;


*list Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*list Object, NULL, or NOTHING Object or NOTHING Restricts values to Object and NOTHING; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
*object sub foo(*object obj) {
return obj;


*<classname> Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*any class name Object of the particular class given, NULL, or NOTHING Object of the particular class given or NOTHING Restricts values to objects of the particular class given or NOTHING; subclasses are also accepted; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
sub foo(*Mutex m) {


null Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
null NULL or NOTHING NULL or NOTHING Restricts values to Qore's NULL and NOTHING types; this type has few (if any) practical applications and has been included for completeness' sake
# I don't know if this type has any useful/practical applications...
*null n = NULL;


*data Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*data String, Binary, NULL, or NOTHING String, Binary, or NOTHING Restricts values to String, Binary, and NOTHING; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
sub foo(*data d) {


*code Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*code Closures, Call References, NULL, or NOTHING Closures, Call References, or NOTHING Restricts values to Closures, Call References, and NOTHING; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
sub foo(*code c) {


*timeout Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*timeout Integer, Date, NULL, or NOTHING Integer or NOTHING converts dates to an integer value representing milliseconds and returns the integer; incoming integers are assumed to represent milliseconds; also accepts NOTHING and returns NOTHING; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
sub foo(*timeout c) {
Assigned variables of this type return integers where a single unit equals one millisecond; when an integer is converted to a date/time value, it is converted with a single unit equalling one second, therefore unexpected values can result when performing arithmetic operations with these values. Qore handles simple addition and subtraction correctly with mixed date/time values and timeout variables when the variable is used directly in the operation, but other operations will most likely not produce the expected results. It's recommended to avoid doing direct arithmetic with timeout values for this reason.


*reference Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
reference References, NULL, or NOTHING the type the reference points to Requires a reference to an lvalue to be assigned or NOTHING; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
sub foo(*reference f) {
f = 10;
int i;


complex Reference or Nothing Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*reference<...> References, NULL, or NOTHING the type given as an argument and NOTHING Restricts values to references to lvalues compatible with the given type and NOTHING; if NULL is passed then NOTHING is returned
sub foo(*reference<int> f) {
f = 10;
int i;


*softint Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*softint Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, NULL, NOTHING Integer or NOTHING Accepts Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, and NULL values and converts non-integer values to an integer and returns the integer; also accepts NOTHING and NULL and returns NOTHING
sub foo(*softint i) {


*softfloat Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*softfloat Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, NULL, NOTHING Float or NOTHING Accepts Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, and NULL values and converts non-float values to a float and returns the float; also accepts NOTHING and NULL and returns NOTHING
sub foo(*softfloat f) {


*softnumber Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*softnumber Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, NULL, NOTHING Number or NOTHING Accepts Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, and NULL values and converts non-number values to a number and returns the number; also accepts NOTHING and NULL and returns NOTHING
sub foo(*softnumber n) {
Qore 0.8.6 introduced the *softnumber type


*softbool Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*softbool Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, NULL, NOTHING Boolean or NOTHING Accepts Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, and NULL values and converts non-boolean values to a boolean and returns the boolean; also accepts NOTHING and NULL and returns NOTHING
sub foo(*softbool b) {


*softstring Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*softstring Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, NULL, NOTHING String or NOTHING Accepts Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, and NULL values and converts non-string values to a string and returns the string; also accepts NOTHING and returns NOTHING
sub foo(*softstring str) {


*softdate Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*softdate Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, Date, NULL, NOTHING String or NOTHING Accepts Integer, Float, Number, Boolean, String, Date, and NULL values and converts non-date values to a date and returns the date; also accepts NOTHING and NULL and returns NOTHING
sub foo(*softdate d) {


*softlist Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*softlist all data types List or NOTHING Accepts all data types; NOTHING and NULL are returned as NOTHING; a list is returned unchanged, and any other type is returned as the first element of a new list
*softlist d = v;


Complex Softlist or Nothing Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
*softlist all data types List or NOTHING Accepts all data types; NOTHING and NULL are returned as NOTHING; a list is returned with its elements processed by the declared subtype, and any other type is returned as the first element of a new list with its element processed by the declared subtype
*softlist<softint> sub foo() {
# returns a list with 2 as the first element
return "2";
Qore 0.8.3 introduced the *softlist type


any Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
any all data types all data types Provides no restrictions on the type of value it receives and returns the same value, however complex type information is stripped on assignment for backwards compatibility
any v = bar;
any l = (1, 2);
# prints "list" as the complex type info is stripped on assignment for backwards compatibility
printf("%s\n", l.fullType());
  • The any type restriction is the same as using no type restriction
  • To assign any type without stripping complex types, use the auto type restriction instead
  • In general auto is recommended over any


auto Type Restriction

Name Accepts Qore Type(s) Returns Qore Type(s) Description
auto all data types all data types Provides no restrictions on the type of value it receives and returns the same value; does not strip complex types on assignment like any
auto v = bar;
auto l = (1, 2);
# prints "list<int>"
printf("%s\n", l.fullType());
  • In general auto is recommended over any