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Qore Programming Language Reference Manual 1.14.0
Functions | |
int | Qore::bindex (softstring str, softstring substr, softint pos=0) |
Retrieves the byte position of a substring within a string. More... | |
int | Qore::bindex () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | Qore::brindex (softstring str, softstring substr, softint pos=-1) |
Retrieves the byte position of a substring within a string, starting the search from the end of the string. More... | |
int | Qore::brindex () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | Qore::char_width (softstring str) |
Returns the width of characters in the string; some unicode characters take up multiple spaces on output. More... | |
string | Qore::chomp (string str) |
Removes the trailing end-of-line indicator ("\n" or "\r\n" ) from a string and returns the new string (also see the chomp operator) More... | |
*string | Qore::chomp (reference< string > str) |
Removes the trailing end-of-line indicator ("\n" or "\r\n" ) from a reference to a string and returns the new string (also see the chomp operator) More... | |
nothing | Qore::chomp () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | Qore::chr (softint val, *string encoding) |
Returns a string containing a single ASCII character represented by the numeric value passed. More... | |
string | Qore::chr (auto arg) |
This function variant returns a string with a single ASCII NULL ('\0'); it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
nothing | Qore::chr () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | Qore::convert_encoding (string str, string encoding) |
Performs explicit string character encoding conversions. More... | |
nothing | Qore::convert_encoding () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | Qore::f_printf (string fmt,...) |
Outputs the string passed to standard output, using the first argument as a format string; enforces field widths on arguments larger than the given field width. More... | |
string | Qore::f_printf () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | Qore::f_sprintf (string fmt,...) |
Returns a formatted string based on a format string and other arguments; enforces field widths on arguments larger than the given field width. More... | |
string | Qore::f_sprintf () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | Qore::f_vprintf (string fmt, auto varg) |
Outputs the string passed to standard output, using the first argument as a format string and a second argument giving a list or a single argument to the format string; enforces field widths on arguments larger than the given field width. More... | |
string | Qore::f_vsprintf (string fmt, auto varg) |
Returns a formatted string based on a format string and other arguments given as a list after the format string; enforces field widths on arguments larger than the given field width. More... | |
nothing | Qore::flush () |
Flushes output to the console output with print(), printf(), etc. More... | |
string | Qore::force_encoding (string str, string encoding) |
Returns the first string argument tagged with the character encoding given as the second argument; does not actually change the string data. More... | |
nothing | Qore::force_encoding () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | Qore::format_number (string fmt, softfloat num) |
Returns a string of a formatted number according to a number argument and a format string. More... | |
nothing | Qore::format_number () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | Qore::get_encoding (string str) |
Returns a string describing the character encoding of the string argument passed. More... | |
nothing | Qore::get_encoding () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | Qore::index (softstring str, softstring substr, softint pos=0) |
Retrieves the character position of a substring within a string. More... | |
int | Qore::index () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | Qore::join (string str,...) |
Creates a string from separator string and a list of arguments. More... | |
string | Qore::join (string str, list< auto > l) |
Creates a string from separator string and a list of arguments. More... | |
nothing | Qore::join () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | Qore::length (softstring str) |
Returns the length in characters for the string passed. More... | |
int | Qore::length (binary bin) |
Returns the number of bytes in the binary object passed as an argument. More... | |
nothing | Qore::length () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | Qore::length (auto arg) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | Qore::ltrim (string str, *string chars) |
Removes byte characters from the start of a string and returns the new string. More... | |
*string | Qore::ltrim (reference< string > str, *string chars) |
Removes byte characters from the start of a reference to an lvalue containing a string and returns string after processing. More... | |
int | Qore::ord (softstring str, softint offset=0) |
Gives the positive numeric value of the given byte in the string passed; if no string is passed or the offset is after the end of the string, -1 is returned. More... | |
int | Qore::ord () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
bool | Qore::parse_boolean (string str) |
tries to parse a string value as a boolean More... | |
bool | Qore::parse_boolean (any val) |
returns the first value passed as a boolean More... | |
float | Qore::parse_float (string str, string fmt) |
returns a floating-point value corresponding to a string representing the number and an argument giving the format More... | |
int | Qore::parse_int (string str, string fmt) |
returns an integer corresponding to a string representing the number and an argument giving the format More... | |
number | Qore::parse_number (string str, string fmt) |
returns a number corresponding to the string and the argument, giving the format More... | |
nothing | Qore::print (...) |
Outputs a string to standard output with no formatting. More... | |
string | Qore::printf (string fmt,...) |
Outputs the string passed to standard output, using the first argument as a format string; does not enforce field widths on arguments larger than the given field width. More... | |
string | Qore::printf () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
bool | Qore::regex (string str, string regex, int options=0) |
Returns True if the regular expression matches the string passed, otherwise returns False. More... | |
nothing | Qore::regex () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
*list< *string > | Qore::regex_extract (string str, string regex, int options=0) |
Returns a list of substrings in a string based on matching patterns defined by a regular expression. More... | |
nothing | Qore::regex_extract () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | Qore::regex_subst (string str, string regex, string subst, int options=0) |
Returns a string with patterns substituted according to the arguments passed. More... | |
nothing | Qore::regex_subst () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | Qore::replace (string str, string source, string target, int start=0, int end=-1) |
Replaces all occurrences of a substring in a string with another string. More... | |
nothing | Qore::replace () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | Qore::reverse (softstring str) |
Reverses a string and returns the new string. More... | |
int | Qore::rindex (softstring str, softstring substr, softint pos=-1) |
Retrieves the character position of a substring within a string, starting the search from the end of the string. More... | |
int | Qore::rindex () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | Qore::rtrim (string str, *string chars) |
Removes byte characters from the end of a string and returns the new string. More... | |
*string | Qore::rtrim (reference< string > str, *string chars) |
Removes byte characters from the end of a reference to an lvalue containing a string and returns string after processing. More... | |
list< string > | Qore::split (string sep, string str, bool with_separator=False) |
Splits a string into a list of components based on a separator string. More... | |
list< string > | Qore::split (string sep, string str, string quote, bool trim_unquoted=False) |
Splits a string into a list of components based on a separator string and a quote character. More... | |
list< binary > | Qore::split (data sep, binary data) |
Returns a list of binary objects representing each component of the binary object separated by the bytes identified by the separator argument, with the separator removed. More... | |
list< string > | Qore::split () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | Qore::sprintf (string fmt,...) |
Returns a formatted string based on a format string and other arguments; does not enforce field widths on arguments larger than the given field width. More... | |
string | Qore::sprintf () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | Qore::strlen (softstring str) |
Returns the length in bytes of the string argument. More... | |
nothing | Qore::strlen () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
int | Qore::strlen (auto arg) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | Qore::strmul (softstring str, softint smul, *softint offset) |
Returns a new string with a repeated string element and optionally removing trailing characters. More... | |
string | Qore::substr (softstring str, softint start) |
Returns a portion of a string starting from an integer offset. More... | |
string | Qore::substr (softstring str, softint start, softint len) |
Returns a portion of a string starting from an integer offset, with a length parameter. More... | |
binary | Qore::substr (binary b, softint start) |
Returns a portion of a binary object starting from an integer offset. More... | |
binary | Qore::substr (binary b, softint start, softint len) |
Returns a portion of a binary object starting from an integer offset, with a length parameter. More... | |
nothing | Qore::substr () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | Qore::tolower (string str) |
Returns a string in all lower-case characters based on the argument passed. More... | |
nothing | Qore::tolower () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | Qore::toupper (string str) |
Returns a string in all upper-case characters based on the argument passed. More... | |
nothing | Qore::toupper () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | Qore::trim (string str, *string chars) |
Removes byte characters from the start and end of a string and returns the new string (also see the trim operator) More... | |
*string | Qore::trim (reference< string > str, *string chars) |
Removes byte characters from the start and end of a reference to an lvalue containing a string and returns string after processing (also see the trim operator) More... | |
nothing | Qore::trim () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | Qore::trunc_str (softstring str, softint len, *string encoding) |
Returns a truncated string with no more than the given number of bytes and optionally converted to a specific character encoding. More... | |
string | Qore::vprintf (string fmt, auto varg) |
Outputs the string passed to standard output, using the first argument as a format string and a second argument giving a list or a single argument to the format string; does not enforce field widths on arguments larger than the given field width. More... | |
string | Qore::vprintf () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
string | Qore::vsprintf (string fmt, auto varg) |
Returns a formatted string based on a format string and other arguments given as a list after the format string; does not enforce field widths on arguments larger than the given field width. More... | |
string | Qore::vsprintf () |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More... | |
String formatting in Qore is based on c-style "printf" string formatting.
There are three types of objects in the format string:
always starts a format specification unless it is followed by another "%"
sign, in this case only one "%"
is output (ie "%%"
in the format string is output as a single "%"
)After the "%"
sign, there can be zero or more formatting flags as in the following table:
Printf Formatting Flags
Flag | Description |
- | left-justify the field |
+ | include the sign for the number (+ or -) |
0 | use zero left padding rather than space padding |
space | use space padding |
Then a field width specifier can optionally be given as a string of digits specifying the length of the field. With "field" functions (function names preceded by "f_"
), these width specifiers are hard limits; that is; arguments longer than the width specified are truncated to the specified width.
specifier instead of "%s"
(ex: "%10w"
); for "field" functions, if a multi-position character cannot fit in the space left in the field, the field is padded with "."
characters; ex: For floating-point arguments, a precision specifier may be given by including a period "." and another digit string, which indicates the number of digits to appear after the decimal point.
Then the format character is given as follows:
Printf Formatting Characters
Character | Description |
s | String where field width specify the number of characters regardless of their width |
d | Integer, output in base 10 format |
o | Integer, output in base 8 (octal) format |
f | Literal floating point value |
F | Literat floating point value |
a | Hexadecimal floating-point output with lower-case "0x" and "abcdef" |
A | Hexadecimal floating-point output with upper-case "0X" and "ABCDEF" |
g | Compact floating-point output using a lower-case "e" for exponential output when necessary |
G | Compact floating-point output using an upper-case "E" for exponential output when necessary |
n | Any Qore value, formatted as a string, without any line breaks |
N | Any Qore value, formatted as a string, with line breaks and whitespace formatting for complex objects |
w | String where field widths specify actual character widths instead of the number of characters (ex: the character width of "ス" is 2) |
x | Integer, output in base 16 (hexadecimal) format with lower-case a-f |
X | Integer, output in base 16 (hexadecimal) format with upper-case A-F |
y | Any Qore value, formatted as a pseudo-YAML string, without any line breaks; this format option is similar to "%n" , but uses a YAML-like format. Note that the output is not guaranteed to be parsed by the yaml module's parseYAML() function; it is for display purposes only; to get real YAML functionality, use the yaml module. |
Escape Characters | Description |
\b | a backspace character |
\f | a form-feed character |
\n | a newline character |
\r | a carriage-return character |
\t | a tab character |
\v | a vertical tab character |
\num | an 8-bit character whose value is the 1, 2, or 3 digit octal number num |
\" | a double-quote character (" ) |
\\ | a backslash character |
being thrown. Trying to parse a number starting with 8 or 9 will result in that number being reproduced literally. int Qore::bindex | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
int Qore::bindex | ( | softstring | str, |
softstring | substr, | ||
softint | pos = 0 |
) |
Retrieves the byte position of a substring within a string.
The pos argument and the return value are in byte positions; byte offsets may differ from the character offsets with multi-byte character encodings.
str | the string to search in |
substr | the substring to find in str |
pos | the starting character position for the search |
int Qore::brindex | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
int Qore::brindex | ( | softstring | str, |
softstring | substr, | ||
softint | pos = -1 |
) |
Retrieves the byte position of a substring within a string, starting the search from the end of the string.
The pos argument and the return value are in byte positions; byte offsets may differ from the character offsets with multi-byte character encodings.
str | the string to search in |
substr | the substring to find in str |
pos | the starting character position for the search, -1 means start from the end of the string |
int Qore::char_width | ( | softstring | str | ) |
Returns the width of characters in the string; some unicode characters take up multiple spaces on output.
nothing Qore::chomp | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
Removes the trailing end-of-line indicator ("\n"
or "\r\n"
) from a reference to a string and returns the new string (also see the chomp operator)
This variant accepts variable references, in which case it will modify the string in place and also return the modified string
str | a reference to an lvalue continaing the string value to process; if the lvalue does not have a string value NOTHING is returned |
Removes the trailing end-of-line indicator ("\n"
or "\r\n"
) from a string and returns the new string (also see the chomp operator)
If no EOL indicator is present in the string, this function simply returns the original string unmodified.
str | the string to process |
nothing Qore::chr | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
string Qore::chr | ( | auto | arg | ) |
This function variant returns a string with a single ASCII NULL ('\0'); it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
Returns a string containing a single ASCII character represented by the numeric value passed.
val | the byte value of the character; only the least-significant byte is used |
encoding | the character encoding tag for the string return value; if not present, the default character encoding is assumed |
nothing Qore::convert_encoding | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
Performs explicit string character encoding conversions.
str | the string to convert |
encoding | the encoding for the return value |
ENCODING-CONVERSION-ERROR | this exception could be thrown if the string arguments have different character encodings and an error occurs during encoding conversion |
string Qore::f_printf | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
Outputs the string passed to standard output, using the first argument as a format string; enforces field widths on arguments larger than the given field width.
This function will truncate output longer than any field width given in the format string
fmt | the format string |
... | the argument(s) corresponding to format specifiers in the format string |
string Qore::f_sprintf | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
Returns a formatted string based on a format string and other arguments; enforces field widths on arguments larger than the given field width.
This function will truncate output longer than any field width given in the format string
fmt | the format string |
... | the argument(s) corresponding to format specifiers in the format string |
Outputs the string passed to standard output, using the first argument as a format string and a second argument giving a list or a single argument to the format string; enforces field widths on arguments larger than the given field width.
This function will truncate output longer than any field width given in the format string
fmt | the format string |
varg | the argument(s) corresponding to format specifiers in the format string |
Returns a formatted string based on a format string and other arguments given as a list after the format string; enforces field widths on arguments larger than the given field width.
This function will truncate output longer than any field width given in the format string
fmt | the format string |
varg | the argument(s) corresponding to format specifiers in the format string |
nothing Qore::flush | ( | ) |
Flushes output to the console output with print(), printf(), etc.
nothing Qore::force_encoding | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
Returns the first string argument tagged with the character encoding given as the second argument; does not actually change the string data.
Use only in the case that a string is tagged with the wrong encoding, for example, if a string from a File object has a different encoding than the File object.
str | the string to be returned |
encoding | the encoding to tag the return value with |
nothing Qore::format_number | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
Returns a string of a formatted number according to a number argument and a format string.
fmt | the format string has the following format: <thousands_separator> [ <decimal_separator>[<decimals>]] where:
num | the number to format |
nothing Qore::get_encoding | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
Returns a string describing the character encoding of the string argument passed.
str | the string to get the encoding for |
int Qore::index | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
int Qore::index | ( | softstring | str, |
softstring | substr, | ||
softint | pos = 0 |
) |
Retrieves the character position of a substring within a string.
The pos argument and the return value are in character positions; byte offsets may differ from the character offsets with multi-byte character encodings.
str | the string to search in |
substr | the substring to find in str; if the character encoding of this string does not match str, then it will be converted to str's character encoding before processing |
pos | the starting character position for the search |
ENCODING-CONVERSION-ERROR | this exception could be thrown if the string arguments have different character encodings and an error occurs during encoding conversion |
INVALID-ENCODING | this exception could be thrown if a character offset calculation fails due to invalid encoding of multi-byte character data |
nothing Qore::join | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
Creates a string from separator string and a list of arguments.
str | the separator string |
l | the list of arguments to join; each argument will be converted to a string if necessary to be concatenated to the return value string; additionally if any string argument has a different character encoding than str, then it will be converted to str's character encoding before concatentation to the return value string |
ENCODING-CONVERSION-ERROR | this exception could be thrown if the string arguments have different character encodings and an error occurs during encoding conversion |
Creates a string from separator string and a list of arguments.
str | the separator string |
... | the list of arguments to join; each argument will be converted to a string if necessary to be concatenated to the return value string; additionally if any string argument has a different character encoding than str, then it will be converted to str's character encoding before concatentation to the return value string |
ENCODING-CONVERSION-ERROR | this exception could be thrown if the string arguments have different character encodings and an error occurs during encoding conversion |
nothing Qore::length | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
int Qore::length | ( | auto | arg | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
Returns the number of bytes in the binary object passed as an argument.
This variant of the function accepting a binary object as an argument works identically to the elements operator
bin | the binary object to return the size of |
int Qore::length | ( | softstring | str | ) |
Returns the length in characters for the string passed.
Note that the byte length may differ from the character length with multi-byte character encodings. To get the byte length of a string, see strlen().
str | the string to return the character length of |
Removes byte characters from the start of a reference to an lvalue containing a string and returns string after processing.
By default (if the second argument is omitted or passed as an empty string) the following whitespace byte characters are removed: " "
, "\n"
, "\r"
, "\t"
, "\v"
(vertical tab, ASCII 11), and "\0"
(null character). To trim other characters, pass a string as the second argument specifying the byte characters to be removed.
This variant accepts variable references, in which case it will modify the string in place and also return the modified string.
str | a reference to an lvalue containing the string value to process; if the lvalue does not have a string value NOTHING is returned |
chars | the characters to trim from the start of the string (default: " " , "\n" , "\r" , "\t" , "\v" (vertical tab, ASCII 11), and "\0" (null character)) |
Removes byte characters from the start of a string and returns the new string.
By default (if the second argument is omitted or passed as an empty string) the following whitespace byte characters are removed: " "
, "\n"
, "\r"
, "\t"
, "\v"
(vertical tab, ASCII 11), and "\0"
(null character). To trim other characters, pass a string as the second argument specifying the byte characters to be removed.
str | the string to trim |
chars | the characters to trim from the start of the string (default: " " , "\n" , "\r" , "\t" , "\v" (vertical tab, ASCII 11), and "\0" (null character)) |
int Qore::ord | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
int Qore::ord | ( | softstring | str, |
softint | offset = 0 |
) |
Gives the positive numeric value of the given byte in the string passed; if no string is passed or the offset is after the end of the string, -1 is returned.
str | the string containing the byte to be retrieved |
offset | the byte offset of the byte to be retrieved |
bool Qore::parse_boolean | ( | any | val | ) |
returns the first value passed as a boolean
val | the value to convert to a boolean |
bool Qore::parse_boolean | ( | string | str | ) |
tries to parse a string value as a boolean
str | case-insensitive "on" , "true" , "enable*" , "yes" , "y" are True, the rest is interpreted as a number where 0 is False, everything else is True |
returns a floating-point value corresponding to a string representing the number and an argument giving the format
str | the string to parse |
fmt | the format of the number in the string, consisting of two characters, the first for the thousands separator, the second for the decimal point (ex: ".," for many European locales) |
returns an integer corresponding to a string representing the number and an argument giving the format
str | the string to parse |
fmt | the format of the number in the string, consisting of two characters, the first for the thousands separator, the second for the decimal point (ex: ".," for many European locales) |
returns a number corresponding to the string and the argument, giving the format
str | the string to parse |
fmt | the format of the number in the string, consisting of two characters, the first for the thousands separator, the second for the decimal point (ex: ".," for many European locales) |
nothing Qore::print | ( | ... | ) |
Outputs a string to standard output with no formatting.
... | each of the arguments passed to this function will be output literally with no output formatting |
string Qore::printf | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
Outputs the string passed to standard output, using the first argument as a format string; does not enforce field widths on arguments larger than the given field width.
This function will not truncate output longer than any field width given in the format string
fmt | the format string |
... | the argument(s) corresponding to format specifiers in the format string |
nothing Qore::regex | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
Returns True if the regular expression matches the string passed, otherwise returns False.
Strings are converted to UTF-8 for pattern-matching; if any invalid encodings are encountered, an ENCODING-CONVERSION-ERROR is raised
str | the string to test |
regex | the regular expression pattern |
options | regular expression options; see Regular Expression Constants for possible values |
REGEX-COMPILATION-ERROR | There was an error compiling the regular expression |
REGEX-OPTION-ERROR | the option argument contains invalid option bits |
ENCODING-CONVERSION-ERROR | this exception could be thrown if an encoding error is encountered when converting the given strings to UTF-8 |
nothing Qore::regex_extract | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
Returns a list of substrings in a string based on matching patterns defined by a regular expression.
Strings are converted to UTF-8 for pattern-matching; if any invalid encodings are encountered, an ENCODING-CONVERSION-ERROR is raised
str | the string to process |
regex | the regular expression to use for matching, elements should be given in parentheses |
options | regular expression options; see Regular Expression Constants for possible values |
REGEX-COMPILATION-ERROR | There was an error compiling the regular expression |
REGEX-OPTION-ERROR | the option argument contains invalid option bits |
ENCODING-CONVERSION-ERROR | this exception could be thrown if an encoding error is encountered when converting the given strings to UTF-8 |
nothing Qore::regex_subst | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
Returns a string with patterns substituted according to the arguments passed.
Strings are converted to UTF-8 for pattern-matching; if any invalid encodings are encountered, an ENCODING-CONVERSION-ERROR is raised
str | the source string for substitution |
regex | the regular expression pattern string |
subst | the pattern for substitution; use $1 , $2 , etc for patterns in parentheses in the regex argument |
options | regular expression options; see Regular Expression Constants for possible values |
REGEX-COMPILATION-ERROR | There was an error compiling the regular expression |
REGEX-OPTION-ERROR | the option argument contains invalid option bits |
ENCODING-CONVERSION-ERROR | this exception could be thrown if an encoding error is encountered when converting the given strings to UTF-8 |
nothing Qore::replace | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
Replaces all occurrences of a substring in a string with another string.
str | the string to process |
source | the substring to replace; if this string has a different character encoding than str, then it will be converted to str's character encoding |
target | the replacement value for source; if this string has a different character encoding than str, then it will be converted to str's character encoding |
start | the starting character position in the source for the replacement where the first character is at position 0 (may not be the same as the byte position for multibyte character encodings); negative numbers give character offsets from the end of the string |
end | the ending character position in the source for the replacement where the first character is at position 0 (may not be the same as the byte position for multibyte character encodings; negative numbers give offsets from the end of the string) |
ENCODING-CONVERSION-ERROR | this exception could be thrown if the string arguments have different character encodings and an error occurs during encoding conversion |
string Qore::reverse | ( | softstring | str | ) |
Reverses a string and returns the new string.
Works properly on strings with multi-byte character encodings as well (such as UTF-8)
str | the string to reverse |
int Qore::rindex | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
int Qore::rindex | ( | softstring | str, |
softstring | substr, | ||
softint | pos = -1 |
) |
Retrieves the character position of a substring within a string, starting the search from the end of the string.
The pos argument and the return value are in character positions; byte offsets may differ from the character offsets with multi-byte character encodings.
str | the string to search in |
substr | the substring to find in str; if the character encoding of this string does not match str, then it will be converted to str's character encoding before processing |
pos | the starting character position for the search, -1 means start from the end of the string |
ENCODING-CONVERSION-ERROR | this exception could be thrown if the string arguments have different character encodings and an error occurs during encoding conversion |
INVALID-ENCODING | this exception could be thrown if a character offset calculation fails due to invalid encoding of multi-byte character data |
Removes byte characters from the end of a reference to an lvalue containing a string and returns string after processing.
By default (if the second argument is omitted or passed as an empty string) the following whitespace byte characters are removed: " "
, "\n"
, "\r"
, "\t"
, "\v"
(vertical tab, ASCII 11), and "\0"
(null character). To trim other characters, pass a string as the second argument specifying the byte characters to be removed.
This variant accepts variable references, in which case it will modify the string in place and also return the modified string.
str | a reference to an lvalue containing the string value to process; if the lvalue does not have a string value NOTHING is returned |
chars | the characters to trim from the end of the string (default: " " , "\n" , "\r" , "\t" , "\v" (vertical tab, ASCII 11), and "\0" (null character)) |
Removes byte characters from the end of a string and returns the new string.
By default (if the second argument is omitted or passed as an empty string) the following whitespace byte characters are removed: " "
, "\n"
, "\r"
, "\t"
, "\v"
(vertical tab, ASCII 11), and "\0"
(null character). To trim other characters, pass a string as the second argument specifying the byte characters to be removed.
str | the string to trim |
chars | the characters to trim from the end of the string (default: " " , "\n" , "\r" , "\t" , "\v" (vertical tab, ASCII 11), and "\0" (null character)) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
Returns a list of binary objects representing each component of the binary object separated by the bytes identified by the separator argument, with the separator removed.
data | the binary object to separate |
sep | the bytes that separate the fields |
Splits a string into a list of components based on a separator string.
sep | the separator string; if the separator string is not found in the string to split, then a list with only one element containing the entire string argument is returned'; if this string has a different character encoding than str, then it will be converted to str's character encoding |
str | the string to split |
with_separator | include the separator string in every element |
ENCODING-CONVERSION-ERROR | this exception could be thrown if the string arguments have different character encodings and an error occurs during encoding conversion |
Splits a string into a list of components based on a separator string and a quote character.
The quote character can appear as the first part of a field, in which case it is assumed to designate the entire field. If instances of the quote character are found in the field doubled or preceded by a backquote character (\
), then these quote characters are included as part of the field's text and not treated as quote characters (in quoted fields only).
sep | the separator string; if the separator string is not found in the string to split, then a list with only one element containing the entire string argument is returned'; if this string has a different character encoding than str, then it will be converted to str's character encoding |
str | the string to split |
quote | the quote character; quotes may be escaped (in quoted fields only) by doubling the quote character or by preceding it with a backslash (\ ) |
trim_unquoted | remove leading and trailing whitespace from unquoted fields |
ENCODING-CONVERSION-ERROR | this exception could be thrown if the string arguments have different character encodings and an error occurs during encoding conversion |
SPLIT-ERROR | field missing closing quote character; extra text following quoted field |
parameter was addedstring Qore::sprintf | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
Returns a formatted string based on a format string and other arguments; does not enforce field widths on arguments larger than the given field width.
This function will not truncate output longer than any field width given in the format string
fmt | the format string |
... | the argument(s) corresponding to format specifiers in the format string |
nothing Qore::strlen | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
int Qore::strlen | ( | auto | arg | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
int Qore::strlen | ( | softstring | str | ) |
Returns the length in bytes of the string argument.
Note that the byte length may differ from the character length with multi-byte character encodings. For the character length of a string, see length().
str | the string to return the byte length of |
string Qore::strmul | ( | softstring | str, |
softint | smul, | ||
*softint | offset | ||
) |
Returns a new string with a repeated string element and optionally removing trailing characters.
str | the string element to repeat in the return value string |
smul | the number of times the element should repeat |
offset | the number of characters that should be removed from the end of the string after processing |
STRMUL-ERROR | offset is < 0 or smul < 0 |
nothing Qore::substr | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
Returns a portion of a binary object starting from an integer offset.
Arguments can be negative, giving offsets from the end of the data.
b | The binary object to process |
start | The starting byte for the portion of the binary object where the first byte is at offset 0; if the offset is negative, it designates the number of bytes from the end of the data |
Returns a portion of a binary object starting from an integer offset, with a length parameter.
Arguments can be negative, giving offsets from the end of the data.
b | The binary object to process |
start | The starting byte for the portion of the binary object where the first byte is at offset 0; if the offset is negative, it designates the number of bytes from the end of the data |
len | The maximum number of bytes to copy; if this value is negative, the rest of the data from start will be copied to the return value, except without - len bytes from the end of the data |
string Qore::substr | ( | softstring | str, |
softint | start | ||
) |
Returns a portion of a string starting from an integer offset.
Arguments can be negative, giving offsets from the end of the string. All offsets are character positions, not byte positions.
str | The string to process |
start | The starting character for the substring where the first character is at offset 0; if the offset is negative, it designates the number of characters from the end of the string. If the offset is 0, then the entire string is returned. |
INVALID-ENCODING | this exception could be thrown if a character offset calculation fails due to invalid encoding of multi-byte character data |
string Qore::substr | ( | softstring | str, |
softint | start, | ||
softint | len | ||
) |
Returns a portion of a string starting from an integer offset, with a length parameter.
Arguments can be negative, giving offsets from the end of the string. All offsets are character positions, not byte positions.
str | The string to process |
start | The starting character for the substring where the first character is at offset 0; if the offset is negative, it designates the number of characters from the end of the string |
len | The maximum number of characters to copy; if this value is negative, the rest of the string from start will be copied to the substring, except without - len characters from the end of the string |
INVALID-ENCODING | this exception could be thrown if a character offset calculation fails due to invalid encoding of multi-byte character data |
nothing Qore::tolower | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
Returns a string in all lower-case characters based on the argument passed.
This function operates on a very wide range of non-ASCII characters using a Unicode lookup table for mapping Latin, Cyrillic, Greek, Armenian, Georgian, etc characters.
str | a string to process |
nothing Qore::toupper | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
Returns a string in all upper-case characters based on the argument passed.
This function operates on a very wide range of non-ASCII characters using a Unicode lookup table for mapping Latin, Cyrillic, Greek, Armenian, Georgian, etc characters.
str | a string to process |
nothing Qore::trim | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
Removes byte characters from the start and end of a reference to an lvalue containing a string and returns string after processing (also see the trim operator)
By default (if the second argument is omitted or passed as an empty string) the following whitespace byte characters are removed: " "
, "\n"
, "\r"
, "\t"
, "\v"
(vertical tab, ASCII 11), and "\0"
(null character). To trim other characters, pass a string as the second argument specifying the byte characters to be removed.
This variant accepts variable references, in which case it will modify the string in place and also return the modified string.
str | a reference to an lvalue continaing the string value to process; if the lvalue does not have a string value NOTHING is returned |
chars | the characters to trim from the start and end of the string (default: " " , "\n" , "\r" , "\t" , "\v" (vertical tab, ASCII 11), and "\0" (null character)) |
Removes byte characters from the start and end of a string and returns the new string (also see the trim operator)
By default (if the second argument is omitted or passed as an empty string) the following whitespace byte characters are removed: " "
, "\n"
, "\r"
, "\t"
, "\v"
(vertical tab, ASCII 11), and "\0"
(null character). To trim other characters, pass a string as the second argument specifying the byte characters to be removed.
str | the string to trim |
chars | the characters to trim from the start and end of the string (default: " " , "\n" , "\r" , "\t" , "\v" (vertical tab, ASCII 11), and "\0" (null character)) |
Returns a truncated string with no more than the given number of bytes and optionally converted to a specific character encoding.
str | the string to truncate |
len | the maximum byte length of the string |
encoding | if given, the string returned will be returned in the given encoding, otherwise the encoding of \ str is used for the return value |
ENCODING-CONVERSION-ERROR | this exception could be thrown if an explicit character encoding was given and an error occurs during encoding conversion |
string Qore::vprintf | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
Outputs the string passed to standard output, using the first argument as a format string and a second argument giving a list or a single argument to the format string; does not enforce field widths on arguments larger than the given field width.
This function will not truncate output longer than any field width given in the format string
fmt | the format string |
varg | the argument(s) corresponding to format specifiers in the format string |
string Qore::vsprintf | ( | ) |
This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.
Returns a formatted string based on a format string and other arguments given as a list after the format string; does not enforce field widths on arguments larger than the given field width.
This function will not truncate output longer than any field width given in the format string
fmt | the format string |
varg | the argument(s) corresponding to format specifiers in the format string |